HomeMy WebLinkAbout322899 03/12/18 VOUCHER NO. 174279 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor# 367211 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED INC CITY OF CARMEL 8824 UNION MILLS DR An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, PO BOX 157 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day,number of hours, rate per hour, CAMBY, IN 46113 numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee $4,787.00 367211 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED INC Terms Carmel Water Utility 8824 UNION MILLS DR Due Date BOARD MEMBERS PO BOX 157 - -- - ------- -- I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), CAMBY, IN 46113 or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 43739 01-6180-03 $4,787.00 and received except 2/28/2018 43739 $4,787.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. , 20_ Clerk-Treasurer WATER - SOLUTIONS - UNLIMITED I NVO 1C.E.:. . Invoice Number: . 43739 ::P. O:Box 157 8824 Union Mills Dr.:CA .: :..: Invoice Date:: .:: Feb 23 2018 M BY;:I:N:46113 Page:. 1. Voice: (317):736-6868 Fax: (317)736-4022 =113111T0 Ship°toy CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL 6TILITIES 3450W.-:131ST STREET :: 491.5 E. 106TH .CARMEL, IN 46074 PLANTA. a. .:.USA CARMEL, N 46033 . .. ..... USA ,_, � CustomerlD � '��� WSUDelivery-Receipt No � ' PaymentTe�ms � f. - :---------CARMEL­----- --50161-03835^ ``-- — Net 30.Days _.,;: SlippmgMethod ,-v�� „� ',.,��v ShipDate DH DAVID:HARVEY WSU-CAM.:; 2/22%18 3/25/18 _. . ..: Quantity � Item �`�r� #M, , Deser�ptwn ;- v�ntJmt Price �`�'� Amount` _ 4,400:00 FLUORIDE. LBS;.SODIUM FLUORIDE 50#BAG 1.08 4,7152.00 1.00: DELIVERY CHG 35.00 35.00 wso qw ..... Subtotal 4,787.0. ..:. Sales Tax Subtotal Invoice Amount 4,787:00 Freight Amount : .: :..:. Check/Credit Memo:Not :: : ..... w. I Lw .., x,787 00 Please remit payment to: Please include your invoice number on your check. Water Solutions-Unlimited, Inc].:-- P.O. Box 157:..:. :Camby, IN 46113 . .. WATER SOLUTIONS STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING-ORIGINAL-NOT NEGOTIABLE UNLIMITED FROM: WATER SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED SOLD TO: CARMEL 8824 UNION MILLS DR. CARMEL UTILITIES CAMBY,IN USA 317-738-3666 v .gehvsu.tom SHIP TO: CARMEL UTILITIES US DOT HAZMAT REG NO.:0610816 551 020Y ATTN: JERRY CLOUD 4915 E.108TH ST. CARMEL,IN 46033 317-716-3909 CUSTID DELR/ERYRECEIPTNO SALESID SHIPWA PO NUMBE SHIPDATE DELWERY DATE CARMEL 16103835 DH SU-CAMBY AS 5934 2/2212018 2122/2018 CITY SHIPPED PACKAGING HM DESCRIPTION NETWT(LB) GROSS WT(LB) CLASS 88 50 LB BAG X UN1690,SODIUM FLUORIDE SOLID,6.1,III 4400 4400 Reveired . 6 i Date : PO # : ACCT use.: ►►=r�,� ,a moi+ 5 DELI Y�INS,�TRUCTION DE IVER KI ' T 1 AND:, SKID To IAN-1 F For Chemical Emergency Spill,Leak,Fire,Exposure,or Accident,Call CHEMTREC Day or Night-Within USA and Canada:1-800-424-9300 Saldamt eigmeubjedbmrredlan): 4400 4400 This Is to mdifyM the abava named mutable are prapWy daa fled padeged,marled,end lebded,and are In proper oeaean for barepormrbn a=rdbV to fire Wkable regelati.ama DDE. NOTE:Where the rola m daperrdam on value,ohtppers are required to state specifically In writing the agreed m dedared value of the property.The agreed or dedered value o} lie property Is hereby epedfi®lly stated by the ahlpper to he not exceeding $ per COD REMIT TO ADDRESS: COD Amt$ TOTAL CHARGES:$ FREIGHT CHARGES: COD FEE: Collect q Collect q Prepaid q Prepaid RECENED..6j.amlr*ft Oydkrmmod WeoromNeeLeva herobesn egnad upon m."bebeai ee mdoreM ahlpper,nwfi:re o.mwWeb nx rel ,d.WfteD—eM Mn dmih—DovnaNEOanM bJ,tlradvvtl sie euauatlab Bia Ml�.en mQeel,ro�maAereA®NcdameMfaecel revweuare:a.PmwMeemmee mere meppQmaeaea oder,mmotdmba(eomenm end Wnmmn aeoamne ap.rx.e.e mammm7,imdea,mndpna ane eeeaM ommoaaa edoe.hlar aero eompeny(mewadmnpenybaaq mdenama e.rAgnarea.oamadas meuaq arvweenermpareeen m w..�bn eros PepaHmtlree oenaedt egme.m ammaaeayaaeb ae.uremn,sen lte�eae,aoevetee mmoverm caaaeren e.mvm m m aeeurienon.n lememayeaivee as m mm eaaeram or¢ryama Prwenya,erm>emwrem anew evmm aamaem and®m earhpmya can cane we,vmebmeresyamaproaely amreyeneexmmee pedaneerarewderelmebo rugeamarne oenmaun mlprdaem eym..WeverParM erwemnliemm�mtee.edad,oe n«.q.seemeyme i aaa®pea rormmeseMwenagns CUSTDMERSAGENT SHIPPERSAGENT PRINTED NAME PRINTED NAME: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE: LZ ,I V ��