HomeMy WebLinkAbout322586 03/12/18 VOID S/B GLOBAL EQUIPMENT CO CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367045 Pb ONE CIVIC SQUARE GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,145.55* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 905713 CHECK NUMBER: 322586 9 �imiEO:= CHARLOTTE NC 28290-5713 CHECK DATE: 03/12/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1092 4239039 112257021 926.65 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1093 4237000 112262365 218.90 REPAIR PARTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 367045 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Global Equipment Company Inc. Payee 29833 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1298 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 367045 Global Equipment Company Inc. Terms $ 1,145.55 29833 Network Place Date Due Chicago, IL 60673-1298 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#or Invoice Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1093 112262365 4237000 $ 218.90 Board Members 2/26/18 112262365 Maintenance Supplies 50969 $ 218.90 1092 112257021 4239039 $ 926.65 2/23/18 112257021 Guest Services Supplies 50969 $ 926.65 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 1,145.55 Total $ 1,145.55 March 7,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title wLUMAL globalindustrial.com 29833 NETWORK PLACE 11`225236.5,���02/2'6/7=8 CH°ICAGOI L""60`673 1298 PLEASE REFER TO ABOVE INVOICE NO.WHEN (770) 82 -56:00 ,=FEDA�(=ID.:11-3584699 REMITTING AND WHEN YOU ARE MAKING ANY NQUIRIES REGARDING THIS ORDER o DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969 I tsi DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969/MATT WHI L CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC 1 CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC D 1411 EAST 116TH ST p 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E CARMEL IN 46032 ',p CARMEL IN 46032 T O L O L YOUR ORDER NO. ORDERED BY: PAGE . - 50969 - DAWN KOEPPER 1 OF' 1 _ . SHIPPED VIA F.O.B.SHIPPING POINT: FREIGHT CHARGES -TERRITORY DATE SHIPPED. TERMS UPS OWOS'SO MI PREPAID 02/23/18 BIET: 30 QUANTITY STOCK NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 B186621 Century 669, 5" Split 210.95 210.9 Capacitor Motor - 10 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 7 ,9 TAX 0.0 TOTAL - - - ---218.9 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Please allow 5 - 10 days for delivery Please visit www.globalindustrial.com for the latest selection of industrial products on the web at the best prices. This purchase is subject to Global Industrial's Terms and Conditions of Sale, available at http: //www.globalindustrial.com/termsConditionE . Global Industrial objects to any other additional or different terms in your purchasa order or acceptance. If you are located in Colorado, Oklahoma or Kentucky, pleas go to GlobalIndustrial' s Sales and Use Tax Disclosure at http://www.globalindustrial.com/termsconditions to see important salas and use tax information regarding the tax you may owe directlF to the state of your residence. �B�L. G'LOBAUEQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. INVGIICENQ: � iNVolcEf1ATE 29833 NETWORK PLACE tiia257ro2. � 02/2s/nifs� globalindustrial.com �°**'^rr" 4'•" _. 77 a.,.. 7 , SHI CA60-I L 60673-1298 PLEASE REFER TO ABOVE INVOICE Na WHEN . _ (770) 822=5600 FED=TAX=ID":11=3.5846 9 REMITTING AND WHEN YOU ARE MAKING ANY INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS ORDER o F DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969 H F DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969/MATT WHI CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC I CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC D 1411 EAST 116TH ST P 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E CARMEL IN 46032 o CARMEL IN 46032 T o I— o I_ -YOUR ORDER NO. ORDERED.BY , r" PAGE - 50969 DAWN KOEPPER= 1 0 2 SHIPPED VIA RO.B.,SHIPPING POINT"" FREIGHT,CHARGES .TERRITORY " DATE SHIPPED ; TERMS ; NEW ENGLAND MOTOR; ROBBINSVILLE,NJ_ PREPAID 02/23/18 , NET 10 QUANTITY STOCK NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 2 277440BK All Steel Bookcase 36" W x 154.95 309.90 12" D x 42" H Black 1 251295 Nexel® Enclosed Wire 354.95 354.95 Exchange Truck 5 Wir 2 188550 Chrome Wire Shelf 36x18 0.00 0.00 _ -- --4: 188CE11_ — r _631-1-High- Chrome_P_os.t_ -- _ —�-;0,._0.0. _ ___ O_Q0 1 500591 Nexel® Stem Casters 0.00 0.00 Set of (4) 5" Polyur 3 580CP20 Quick Adjust Shelf 36x18 0.00 0.00 With 4 Hooks 25 ABM3 Black Label Holder 311W 0.00 0.00 1 SP3618C Back And Sides Kit 36x18 0.00 0.00 4 188591 Multi-Box Slide for 1811D 32.95 131.80 Shelves - Pair SHIPPING AND HANDLING 130.00 TAX 0.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. / A���® INVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER No .(774?) 822-5600 w 9 globalindustrial.com 112257621­ n/2 69Q017 ORDER NO. F ORDER DATE,; CUSTOMER PHONE N0-- 13457607;_. 02/23/18 ;(317)5,71-4.13'4'- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE,` 926.65 RETURN THIS PAYMENT STUB WITH YOUR_REMLTTANCETO-INSURE-PROPER CREDITT9YOUR ACti^OUNT — ---- -- --- ------ ----- ----- ---- -- - - LOB/.IL GLOBAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. INVOICENO:' ` INVOICEDATE globalindustrial.com 29833 NETWORK PLACE 112257021 02/23/18 CHICAGO IL 60673-1298 PLEASE REFER TO ABOVE INVOICE NO.WHEN (770) 822-5600 FED-TAX-ID:11-3584699 REMITTING AND WHEN YOU ARE MAKING ANY INQUIRIES REGARDING THIS ORDER o F DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969 H F DAWN KOEPPER Attn: PO 50969/MATT WHI CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC P CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC 1411 EAST 116TH ST 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E ° CARMEL IN 46032 E CARMEL IN 46032 D T O _J O L J YOUR ORDER NO. ;° =ORDERED BY "PAGE 50,969 DAWN-KOEPPER 2 OF 2 SHIPPED VIA F O.Bs:SHIPPING POINT �FREIGHT'CHARGES ..TERRITORY DATE SHIPPED "TERMS NEW,ENGLAND MOTOR ROBBINSVILLE,NJ PREPAID 02/23/1$' NET 30 QUANTITY STOCK NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Please allow 5 - 10 days for delivery Please visit www.globalindustrial.com for the latest selection of indu trial products on the web at the best prices. This purchase is subject to Global Industrial's Terms and Conditions of Sale, __avalab a_at htt __, p_: wi ww._global-sndus�ra-l-.-eom-/-termsCondition Global rndustrial objects to any other additional or different terms in your purchasq order or acceptance. If you are located in Colorado, Oklahoma or Kentucky, pleas go to Globalindustrial' s Sales and Use Tax Disclosure at http://www.globalindustrial.com/termsConditions to see i portant sal s and use tax information regarding the tax you may owe directlir to the state of your residence. 7.1.2452 1 MB 0.421 05947S11.ps 857631 2-2