HomeMy WebLinkAbout322704 03/12/18 4+/r CSAMF( CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352077 C; ONE CIVIC SQUARE FLUID WASTE SERVICES INC CHECK AMOUNT: $****45,640.80* PO BOX 264 CHECK NUMBER: 322704 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 NOBLESVILLE IN 46061 CHECK DATE: 03/12/18 9�[TpNG�` DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 W022082 16,969.80 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 WO-22139 26,072.25 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 W022254 2,598.75 OTHER EXPENSES 1 VOUCHER NO. 177500 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) Vendor # 352077 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER FLUID WASTE SERVICES,INC. CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 264 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, Noblesville, IN 46061 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit, etc. Payee $2,598.75 352077 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR FLUID WASTE SERVICES,INC. Terms Carmel Wasterwater Utility PO BOX 264 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice Noblesville,IN 46061 (s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT for which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT WO-22254 01-7363-06 $2,598,75 and received except 2/28/2018 WO-22254 $2,598.75 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. , 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Fluid Waste Services, Inc. Invoice P.O. Box 264 Noblesville, IN 46061 Date Invoice# 317-773-7996 2/13/2018 WO-22254 Bill To City of Carmel Utilities Customer P.O./Job# F.T.# 9609 Hazel Dell Parkway Indianapolis,IN 46280 9982 Project Terms 106th St.2017 Cleaning Net 30 Description Qty Rate Amount Date:Tuesday 2-13-18 1 0.00 0.00 Contact:Jeff Cooper 317-571-2634 Address: Lift Station- 106th Street&Hazel Dell Parkway Crew:CB/GE Equipment:C-23 Water:Provided onsite Disposal:Provided onsite, 1500 gallons-IDS#51993 Notes: Jet/Vac truck services to clean lift station as directed. Jet/Vac Combination Cleaning Truck 8.25 235.00 1,938.75 Disposal Fees-Heavy Grit.&Debris 1,500 0.44 660.00 Thank you for your business-we appreciate it very much!Please reference Invoice#on remittance. Total $2,598.75 IDEM PERMIT NO.058 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $2,598.75 VOUCHER NO. 174265 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor # 352077 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER FLUID WASTE SERVICES CITY OF CARMEL P. O. BOX 264 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, FISHERS, IN 46038 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee $16,969.80 352077 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR FLUID WASTE SERVICES Terms. Carmel Water Utility P. 0. BOX 264 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), FISHERS, IN 46038 or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT WO-22082 01-6360-03 $16,969.80 and received except 2/28/2018 WO-22082 $16,969.80 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 2Q-- Clerk-Treasurer Fluid Waste Services,Inc. Invoice P.O.Box 264 Noblesville,IN 46061 Date Invoice# 317-773-7996 1/23/2018 WO-22082 Bill To City of Carmel Water Utilities Customer P.O./Job# F.T.# 3450 W. 131 st St. Westfield,IN 46074 KRO10318-E 10334 US Project Terms Backwash Waste Tanks Net 30 Description Qty Rate Amount Date:Monday 1-22&Tuesday 1-23-18 1 0.00 0.00 Contact: i.317-716-6624 ^, Ad ss:Plant#5A- ackwash Waste Tank 1-22 Crew:CR/DB/WK/CW-V 19,1`25h P16&SV w/50'of 6" hard hose ? 1-23.Crew:CR/DB/CMB/CW-C20&P25 Water:Provided onsite Lam l l oc Z- Q�lr� Disposal:23,400 gallons-IDS#51601,51587,51597,51586, 51596,51602,51623 51622 Notes: Jet/Vac truck services to remove solids from backwash waste tank as directed. JeWac-3 Man Crew 15.25 285.00 4,346.25- Liquid ,346.25Liquid Vacuum Unit#1&operator 11.25 165.00 1,856.25 Liquid Vacuum Unit#2&operator 6.5 165.00 1,072.50 Mobilization&Demobilization-shop truck&staff for material 2 150.00 300.00 delivery set-up&tear down 6"Solid Vacuum Pipe 4.47 178.80 Special Waste-Cost per Gallon 25,600 pv�• 0.36 9,216.00 Est Prep by RCS _ O, 00 o 546 ,1 Thank you for your business-we appreciate it very much!Please refere voice#on remittance. IR eceived Total $16,969.80 IDEM PERMIT NO.058 Date: Payments/Credits $0.00 I'O #: Ro 10- Balance Due $16,969.80 ACCT #: _LQ Use: V-AC—dea,f 6 4�sL 'rrJ A r,: Fluid Waste Services, Inc. Field Ticket P.O. Box 264 Noblesville, IN 46061 Date Created F.T.# 317-773-7996 1/19/2018 10334 Invoice# Office Notes Customer Name/Address City of Carmel Water Utilities 3450 W. 131 st St. Westfield,IN 46074 US lam'. Customer P.O./Job# Project KR010318-E Backwash Waste Tanks Item Description Field Ticket Info JN Date: *Take 30'of 6"hard pipe, 100'of 6"flex hose,(3)8"fittings Arrival Time: Required Completion Date: nn () Contact:John Mascari 317-716- Utility Contact(if applicable): Date : Address:Plant#SA-Backwash aste Tank Li PO #: 7 Crew: ACCT #: (0 366, Equipment: V Water: (Do J r . Disposal:IDS- Y� oo CD Notes: JeWac truck,services to remove solids as directed.. Proposal to provide JetfVac truck services to remove solids from'the Backwash Waste tanks at Plant 5. l Tank A-60'z 30 with assumed depth of 1 ft of material Tank B= 60'x 30'with assumed depth ofa ft of iriatenal.,. Material to be hauled,oflstte fordisposal 12 truckloads ProJecf assumes material is approved,for disposal at IDS Jet/Vac3 Man.. Jet/Vac-3 Man Crew MOB&DEMOB Mobilization&Demobilization Shop truck.&staff for material delivery setup&teardown Hard Vacuum Pipe 6"Solid Vacuum Pipe 6"Flex Vacuum Hose 6"Flex Hose Vac Tubing MTRL Material Provided as Required-8"fittings Special Waste special Waste=Cost per Gallon - EST PREP BY RCS . prep kb FWS t Crew#1Cf;/, Eqpt. C. ��� '��� Customer Signature Mob 'aob In Out_�Demob 1 — . Print Name, FWS Crew#2 Eqpt.1.0 O Date � Mob 'rs= Job In Out �� Demob fly a �) 7 1^ f 0>CG �(_`)qv Uf VOUCHER NO. 174219 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor# 352077 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER FLUID WASTE SERVICES CITY OF CARMEL P. O. BOX 264 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, FISHERS, IN 46038 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee $26,072.25 352077 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR FLUID WASTE SERVICES Terms Carmel Water Utility P. O. BOX 264 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), FISHERS, IN 46038 or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT WO-22139 01-6360-03 $26,072.25 and received except 2/21/2018 WO-22139 $26,072.25 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Fluid Waste Services, Inc. P.O. Box 264 Invoice Noblesville, IN 46061 317-773-7996 Date Invoice# 1/31/2018 WO-22139 Bill To City of Carmel Water Utilities Customer P.O./Job# F.T.# 3450 W. 131st St. Westfield,IN 46074 NEED PO# 10429 US Project Terms Aerator tank Net 30 Description Qty Rate Amount Date:Tuesday 1-30&Wednesday 1-31-18 1 0.00 0.00 Contact:John M ari_317-716-6624 Address: razorTank-Plant ' Rec ived: 1-30 Crew:CR/DS/CMB/WK/CW/CM/GM/GE-V27,P25,P16, Dat : C23,C32&SV w/40'6"hard.hose PO • Q l 0-3"5—� 1-31 Crew:CR/CM/DS/CMB/BJ-C32,V27,V31 &SV Water:Provided onsite ACGT Disposal:35,100 gallons-IDS#53270,53273,53310,53091 Use Notes: v+t u !`S /1�Grj�`fS fore Jet(Vac truck services to remove solids from above ground aerator tank as directed. Heavy Duty P/D Vacuum Services 3-Man Crew 19.75 285.00 5,628.75 Liquid Vacuum Unit#1 &Operator 6 165.00 990.00 Liquid Vacuum Unit#2 &Operator 3 165.00 495.00 Jet/Vac Combination Cleaning Truck 6 235.00 1,410.00 Jet/Vac Combination Cleaning Truck&Operator 11.75 205.00 2,408.75 Jet/Vac Combination Cleaning Truck&Operator 10.75 205.00 2,203.75 Mobilization&Demobilization-CSE Equipment 2 150.00 300.00 Special Waste-Cost per Gallon 35,100 0.36 12,636.00 Est Prep by RCS = ('p qZ 3 i 7�4 Thank you for your business-we appreciate it very much!Please reference Invoice#on remittance. Total $26,072.25 IDEM PERMIT NO.058 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $26,072.25 Fluid Waste Services, Inc. Field Ticket , • P.O. Box 264 Noblesville, IN 46061 Date Created F.T.-# 317-773-7996 1/23/2018 10429 Invoice# Office Notes Customer Name/Address City of Carmel Water Utilities 3450 W. 131st St. Westfield,IN 46074 C US r� Customer P.O./Job# Project NEED PO# Aerator tank Item „ QeScr�ptlor Field Ticket Info JN Date:Tuesday 1-30-17 " sake CS'E egwpment,50'0 5' flee A 7t^ Arrival Time: 5 L fr?. /C,fN/,bIti IC U-a ] Required Completion Date: 1 /_ 17 pte5 Contact:John Mascari 317-716-6624/ 5 Q I ft p rZA40A y Utility Contact(if applicable): � Li Address:Aerator Tank-Plant 5 r /IXG Crew: Equipment: it / �ra7 %(i✓Lrr<• �r Water:NlA l �� !!&Grp 6 ��G 0. C�l�- Y z Disposal: IDSC -� ��•. ,� . a 3 r L`'110 iY�l (+. :+� Z CvWO L _6 5 /.S Notes: i l Jet/Vac truck servrces to remove solids from the,aliove ground aerator tank as directed ' r eotttents unknown depth of material 't e:be hauled offsite for disposal to IDS CJ /r Estimated quantity to be remover PER DAY 13,U00 ga?loris(3-4 true, oads) ` �F x utas"tpeDay HD Vac 3 Man _ Heavy Du P/D Vacuum Servic ` LIQtJTD VAC UNITS Liquid Vacuum Unit&Qperator' ,� MOB&DEMOB Mobilization&Demn obilizatio �)a 1ment` Shop tr , uck&`staff for matenal d e ase I;&.teardown �. 6"Flex Vacuum Hose 6"Flex Hose Vac Tubing u Special Waste Special Waste Gosf per Gallon �t y (p, M , m Est Pr P b21 y RCS' _, ... ..___._ _..... • prep kb $ "i.� , FWS Crew#1 Eqpt. Customer Signature Mob Job In Out Demob Print Name I ► I f/ FWS Crew#2 Eqpt. Mob Job In Out Demob Date f` - • 'r y Fluid Waste Services, Inc. Field Ticket P.O. Box 264 Noblesville, IN 46061 Date Created F.T.# 317-773-7996 1/23/2018 10429 Invoice# Office Notes Customer Name/Address City of Carmel Water Utilities 3450 W. 131st St. Westfield,IN 46074 US V . Customer P.O. /Job# Project i 3 / NEED PO# Aerator tank Item.' Description Field Ticket Info JN Date:Tuesday 1-30-17 *Take CSE equipment,50'of 6"flex liose � Arrival Time: F� - _Required Completion Date: 4.Contact:John Mascari 317-716-662 � ° —a..,l' '- Utility Contact(if applicable): �'�� PO o 10-2? /8- Address:Aerator Tank-Plant 5 MOCT Crew: USa; Pica 1111 Is C- Equipment: J �(. �Jr• f//I Water: �( 10/(J '.G f 1,-L Disposal: IDS- \ S ( v�1�/ S f �0 C) Notes: JetNacaruck services io mm reove:solids,fmthe"above ground aerator,tank as directed Tank contents unknown depth of material matenal to be hauled offsite for d►sposal_fo IDS Estimated quanCity to belremoverPER DAY 13,000 gallons(3 4 truckloads) „ „ _a HD Vac 3.Man Heavy Duty P/D Vacuum Services 3-Man Crew UIII VAC UNITS_` Liquid VacuumUmt&Operator Q,.. MOB. &DEMOB Mobilization&Demobilization-CSE Equipment .. Shop truck&sfaff for matenal ztchvery setup&te'ardown 6 Flex Vacuum Hose 6"Flex Hose Vac Tubing SpecialyWaste � ' Special;Waste,;_Cost per Gallon Est Prep by RCS prep kb f)L77 '7 FWS Crew#1 �r/ ('arE qpt. 1/ �� t c.K1G J Customer Signature ✓/ Mob Job In G 'putli Demob SSL Print Name i FWS Crew#2 Eqpt — L 1 ©A!J j Mob Job In- 0 Out— Demo � Date