HomeMy WebLinkAbout322999 03/21/18 0-II!, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 093000ONE CIVIC SQUARE FEDEX: CHECK AMOUNT: S******* 22.04* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 94515 . CHECK NUMBER: 322999 PALATINE IL 60009-4514 CHECK DATE: 03/21/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1096 4237000 611802366 22.04 REPAIR PARTS 1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 093000 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. FedEx Payee P.O. Box 94515 Palatine, IL 60094-4515 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 093000 FedEx Terms $ 22.04 P.O.Box 94515 Date Due Palatine,IL 60094-4515 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#or Invoice Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1096-21 611802366 4237000 $ 22.04 Board Members 3/14/18 611802366 Return Testing Products xx6554 $ 22.04 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 22.04 Total $ 22.04 March 14,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature –,20— Accounts 20_Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title rei = " t vn oice Number - 1rnMo.i:E Date Account Number Page" 6-118-U2366 Mar 14,2U18 1 of Billing Address: Shipping Address: CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION CARMEL CLAY-PARKS&RECREATION Invoice Questions? Contact FedEx Revenue Services 1411 E 116TH ST 1411 E 116TH_ST CARMEL IN 46032-761.1: CARMEL IN 46032-761:1 Phone:. (800).622=1147. M-F 7.AM to 8 PM CST Sa 7 AM to 6 PIVI CST Fax: (800)548-3020_ . Invoice Summary.Mar 14,2018 Internet: vuwvv.fed,ez.com FedEx Ground Services . :Transportation Charges: 19.01. Other Handling Charges .. 4.55 C.r.: V Performance Pricing.Discount 1:52. _ -- MR. -1. 4 2018 Total Charges: : :: . USD. $22.04 . TOTAL THIS IN1/010E USD $22.04 .. BY: You save.01.52 in discounts thi0eriod! Other discounts:maY'applY s Invoice Number" Invoice Date Account Number "" Page 67118-02366. Va r 14""20.18 z of a Adjustment Request Fax to(800)548-3020 Use this form to fax requests for adjustments due to the reasons iridicate.d be'loW. Reque' sts-for adjustments due to.other:reasons,.including service failures;should."be submitted"by going to vuvovv:fedex.com or_calling: 800.622:1147. Please use multiple forms for additional requests.. 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For all Service.failures or other.. o DVC-Declared Value: INS- incorrect Service ::: RSU.= Residential Delivery. surcharges Please use our web e LA.N= Invalid Acct,#. OCF-Grd Pick-up Feb _ 'PND'-Pwrshp-Not Delivered site:www:fedex.com or call OCS-Exp Pick-up Fee SDR"- Saturday Delivery- (800)622-1147 - Rerate information only. (round to nearest inch) C Tracking Number," Code $"Amount LBS .: L W- : H L j :I: ..j :I I I I I I I. :I, I . I I .. I : I I ..1: j. 1 1 "I I .:I .L1WJ WJ x IWLJ x L_LWJ 1 I 1 : I I :L I I: :1 1 "1 I LLJ WLW W:IW XI x LWW t 1 1 ,1: 1 I . 1 "I 1 : 1 1 " T.1 " "1 I : 1 L 1 11 I 1 "" 1 ' 1 1. -1. I: :I I I LWJW LJWJ x WWW x L�WW s L "1 1 1 '1 1.'1: 1 1. 1 "1 I. : 1 -.1 I :I. 1 1 1 1 ' 1 A I .1: :1 I 1. 1'. 1" 1 WWW x L I x " II I Ix.WLWx1 Check all that apply Effective DateI L " I/" L. 1 I:"/ I I " I A 0 Shipping Address:(Physical Address) Billing Address Only 0 Billing Same As Shipping Address d Company :I . I I . I I. I I. I I.' I I. I -I. I :I. I .I I Company e Address I .I. j 1. I .I I . L 1 "-1 1 .1 j 1 'I I I - 1". . Address 1 1 1 .1. 1 1: I .I A A 1 1. "I -1 1 . I I "I s s Address I I I 1. 1' 1- 11 "I .I 1 1 „1 -1 1 .I _Lj Address I I I I I I: "I I I 1 1 .I: 11 .1 1 _L.1 C Dept: . 1 1 1 1 -1 " 1 1 " 1 . 1 1 1 1 -1 11 I -1 "1 Dept. bFloor : .I 11 I .I I Apt/suite# I" I . I" I I . Floor 1 1 1 1 1 1 Apt/Suite'# a L . I l." I I . 1 1- I L I I- I :I" I .I I I. l : . city_ I . I I:- I L I I I I ''L "I l -I. I "I. I L I n City _ e •State LWJ zip code 1. I .I I I. 1 -:1 I .I "I . I state . W. zip code s Phone . LWWI -W-LJ -WWWJ Phone L WWJ WWW -WWJ Fax#- - L_1WJ_-L_L-LJ -WSJ Fax# Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number - Page - : 3of4 .6=.118-02366. ..Mar 14 20T8 fedE.x.Ground Shipment Summary 13y.Payor Type FedEx Ground Shi'merits(Original) ' Rated Weight Transportation Other Handling Ret l:hg(iax Date Shi merits lbs Char es Char es Credits/Other Discounts T1otal Char es '. . Grourid-Bill Third Party .. 03/02. . :'1 . 18' 19.01 4.55 1.52. . -22.04: Ground.Bill Third Paity•Subtotal - . $22.04 Total FedEx Ground 1 18 $19.01 $4.55 -$1.52 $22.04 . TOTAL THIS INVOICE - USD . $22:04- .: . Invoice=Number, - Invoice Date Account Number Paye 67118-02366. Mar 14' 20-18 . 4of4 FedEx Ground Bill Third Paity:DetailWriginal) hip 5—ame I Mar 02,2018 Cust.Ref.:NO REER,MGM INFORMATION a or:Third Pa De t.#: We calculated your charges based on a dimensional weight'of 18.0 Ibi,21"x 13"'x 9',using a di mensional.factor of 139. Tracking ID 7716876.98131 Sender Recipient Transportation Charge- 19.01 Service Type -Bill 3rd Party,Dom Mary Evans HECTOR' Performance Pricing 1.52.: Zone '06 Mary Evans FITIX USA Fuel Surcharge. 1.01 Packages 1 141.1 E 116TH ST 6600 NW 82ND AVE- Declared Value 3.00:. Actual Weight - .9.2 lbs CARMEL IN 46032, MIAMI.FL 33166-2744 Third Party Billing-- 0.54. Rated Weight 18 lbs- Total Charge USD $22.04 Declared Value USD.200.00 . Delivered. .'Mar 06;.2018 _ - Bill Third.PartySubtofal . - USD.- $22.04: . Total Fed&Ground. USD $22:04