HomeMy WebLinkAbout323090 03/21/18 ,.. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367193 .j; �, 1• ONE CIVIC SQUARE B M C SOFTWARE INC CHECK AMOUNT: $"**`3,934.29` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 30.1165 CHECK NUMBER: 323090 DALLAS TX 75303-1165 CHECK DATE: 03/21/18 t tON� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4351502 101482 1315586 3,934.29 CONTINUOUS SUPPORT TR VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. . Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor#. 367193 INSUM OF$ B M C SOFTWARE INC. CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 301165 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,,etc. DALLAS, TX 75303-1165 Payee ..$3,934.29.. ON ACCOUNT OF.APPROPRIATION: Order# RIATION:FOR ICS. Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION, DEPT# INVOICE# : Fund#. ::AMOUNT Board.Members DEPT# FUND#. (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 101482 1315586 43-515A2 $3,934.29 '1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 3/14/18 1315586 $3,934.29 1115 101 1115 101 bill(s)'is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday; March 19,2018 Renick,Timothy Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1:6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification,if claim paid motor vehicle,highway fund.. Clerk-TreBSUrer Invoice 1315586 Please Remit To: Invoice Date 14-MAR-2018 BMC Software,Inc Page: 1 of 3 PO Box 301165 Dallas,TX 75303-1165 Terms. = 30 NET PA># 101482 Invoice To: Install Site: ATTN:MR.TERRY CROCKETT City of Carmel In City of Carmel In 1 Civic Sq 1 Civic Sq Carmel,IN 46032-2584 Carmel,IN 46032-2584 CONTACT:MR.TERRY CROCKETT Delivery .,; `Description v Amount in, McEhod° =a US Dollar Support Maintenance-Agreement#89596-1 ESD Track-It!Audit 621.00 Quantity 450 Unit of measure:per asset Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 2422581 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Concurrent Technician 661.50 Quantity 3 Unit of measure:per concurrent user Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 2422582 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Named Technician 902.07 Quantity 9 Unit of measure:per named user Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 2422583 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Self Service Users 546.00 Quantity 700 Unit of measure:per named user Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 2422584 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Starter Pack(1 Named Tech+50 Audits+50 Ent SS) 195.67 Quantity 1 Unit of measure:per instance For Billing Inquiries contact Order-Services@bme.com or go online to the Support Tab located at www.bmc.com 1 of 3 Invoice 1315586 Please Remit To: Invaice-bate 14-MAR-2018 BMC Software,Inc Page2 of 3 PO Box 301165 Dallas,TX 75303-1165 ,Terms, 30 NET P.O:# 101482 Invoice To: ATTN:MR.TERRY CROCKETT City of Carmel In 1 Civic Sq Carmel,IN 46032-2584 Delivery Description Amount in Method >'US Dollar Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 2422585 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 Support Maintenance-Agreement#89596-2 ESD Track-It!Named Technician with 50 Self Service Users 360.50 Quantity 5 Unit of measure:per named user Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 3284808 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Named Technician with 50 Self Service Users 87.55 Quantity 1 Unit of measure:per named user Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 3316880 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 ESD Track-It!Remote Control 560.00 Quantity 500 Unit of measure:per asset Serial Number:TIE1140203 BMC LP Number: 3284809 Bmc Continuous Support from 03-JUN-2018 to 02-JUN-2019 Contract#541799 In the case a purchase order has been sent to BMC Software,BMC Software acknowledges receipt of your purchase order and accepts it to the extent that it is consistent with the terms of the agreement or order between you and BMC and rejects any and all proposed additions and modifications to,and For Billing Inquiries contact Order-Services@bme.com or go online to the Support Tab located at www.bmc.com 2 of 3 Invoice" 1315586 Please Remit To: IriV'bb Date 14-MAR-2018 BMC Software,Inc Pad 3 of 3 PO Box 301165 Dallas,TX 75303-1165 Terms 30 NET P.O:#. 101482 Invoice To: ATTN:MR.TERRY CROCKETT City of Carmel In 1 Civic Sq Carmel,IN 46032-2584 Delivery Description =Amount in Method' US Dollar inconsistencies with,such agreement or order including any reference to your standard terms and conditions for purchase. **Reminder**--Transaction taxes(Sales,GST,PST etc.)are calculated based on the install site of product licenses and support. Wire Transfer: For Credit of:BMC Software,Inc Account No. :00100367904 Routing No.:ForACH(111000614)and For Wires(021000021) INVOICE TOTAL 3,934.29 Bank Name :Chase Bank of Texas,N.A. Federal Tax ID 74-2126120 DUNS :011689761 Cage Code :02UX6 For Billing Inquiries contact Order—Services@bmc.com or go online to the Support Tab located at www.bmc.com 3 of 3