HomeMy WebLinkAbout323101 03/21/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 361537 CHECK AMOUNT: $*****4,468.92* ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARDIAC SCIENCE CORP CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 776401 CHECK NUMBER: 323101 CHICAGO IL.60677-6401 CHECK DATE: 03/21/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 7302521 4,468.92 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. 181006 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor# 361537 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CARDIAC SCIENCE CORP = CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 776401 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, CHICAGO, IL 60677-6401 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee $4,468.92 361537 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR CARDIAC SCIENCE CORP Terms Carmel Water Utilitv PO Box 776401 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), CHICAGO, IL 60677-6401 PO# or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 7302521 01-6200-03 $4,468.92 and received except 3/13/2018 7302521 $4,468.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20_ Clerk-Treasurer REMIT TO: INVOICE _ CARDIAC Cardiac Science Corporation _ P.O. Box 776401 Invoice No. 7302521 _ Science, Page 1 of 1 Chicago, IL 60677-6401 9 Date: .11/0112017 Bill'to: CARMEL WATER UTILITIES Ship to: KEN R 3450 W 131 ST STREET CARMEL.WATER TREATMENT PLANT#1 ATTN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 4915 EAST 106TH STREET CARMEL,IN 46074 INDIANAPOLIS;IN:46280 stomer IVt . .° ".. . :.Sales,OrdetkNo" . r Cult P3'l Reference rv° . Saps Person 104939 B001273763 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PFLUGNER,TROY r s'tJ((e(1cy FOB Origin NET30 USD 115 Dollars item` Desarrptton r 11/IA `ftyOrd ttty Shp Unit hrlce Amount, E 3 yam Ship Dater �� Tfacl4ng3o G5A-80C Powerheart G5 Kit,Auto,US EN/LA ESP,C EA 3 3 1;295.00 3;885.00 11/01/2017 125819260352106022 D00000072316 D00000072161 D00000072291 XE.LAED001B Electrodes;Adult,G5AED EA 3 3 0.00 0.00 11/01/2017 1Z581.9260352106022 UKIT061A Universal Ready Kit EA 3 3 0.00 0.00 11/01/2017 1Z5819260352106022 XCAAED004A Powerheart G5 Semi-Rigid Carry Case EA 3 3 0.00 0.00 11/01/2017 125819260352106022 50-00392-20 SURFACE-MOUNT WALL BOX-WIALARM/SECURITY EA 3 3 149.00 441.00 11/01/2017 1Z5819260352362835 11101i2017 lZ5819260353297048 11/01120/7 lZ5819260354704659. I 168G002=001 Kit,AED Labels and Wali Sign EA 3 3 22.00 66:00 1110112017 1Z6819260352106022 g ! Taft Contact into: Prepaid A7rtt Net Safe c C j '",Mtshg Customer care phone:1-800-426-0337 4,398.00 0.00 70.92 0.00 0.00 .Customer care e-mail:care@cardiacscience.com Credit services:phone:(262)953-7676 Credit services e-mail: /AfTiOUflitlE3 creditse'rvices@cardiacscience.com 4,468 92 Fed Tax ID:81-1071999 '1.302521-1*1: PaCking. List CARDIAC t .artitac:SCiefte Corp. Order# B061273763 DOW D369539 `� �i 1 600 Bordffdk Barkway I DeeMel1,WI 535 f Order Date 10/31/2017 VNITot'800-426-0337 Stip Date 11/21/2017 olp TO Please check the material received against this listing,informing us CARMEL WATER TREATMENT PLANT#1 promptly of discrepancies and referring to the order nuiiiber above. Items 4915 EAST 106TH.STREET not included have been back ordered as noted and will be shipped as INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46280 soon as possible. Be sure to check carefully before reporting shortage.. UNiTEG7 STATES Any shortage of horns as shown on Bill of Lading or daMage should be: called to the attention of the delivering agent who shquid acknovfiadge on the freight bill. Please contact us it the Bain ansaver any questions or if you would like to provide foodback of any type, Customer PO# ACCOUNTS Customer# 104939-001 Pieces 4 Weight 86.00 PAYABLE tine. Release tt m Number ttem'Description ` Ordered Shipped in Container 1 (l G5A-80C Po%rarheort G5 Kif,�Auto,US EN/LA ESP.C 3 3 D3fi9539-001: Serial Vs: D00000,072i 61D00000072291ID00000072316 2 0 MLAE[300113 Etedwdes,Adult,G5 AED 3 3 0369539-001 3 0 UKIT001A Universal Ready fait 3 3. 0369539-001 4 0 XCAAEE0004A Powerheart G5 sent-Rigid Carry Case 3 3 D369539-001 5 0 50-00392.20 SURFACE-MOUNT WALL BOX 3 1 D369639-002 WIALARWSECURITY 5 0 50-00392-20 SURFACE-MOUNT'01ALL BOX 3 1 D36953"03 W/ALARM/SECURITY 5 0 50-00392-20 SURFACE-MOUNT WALL BOX 3 1 D369539-004 WIALARM/SECURITY 6 0 166-6002-001 Kit,AEI)Labels and Wall Sign 3 3 D369,539-001 Notes-, lb rmar UNITED PARCEE,SERVICE Pro Bilt.Number ate: CJ S PO :ACGT 1Ytat.i,4�40G•S