HomeMy WebLinkAbout323159 03/21/18 oi� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367513 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK CHECKAMOUNT: $***"27,880.00' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL CHECK NUMBER: 323159 45 N PENNSYLVANIA ST INHP61 CHECK DATE: 03/21/18 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 900 4359039 27,880.00 INDOT LPA PROJECT VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 367513 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service 45 N PENNSYLVANIA ST INHP61 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46204 Payee $27,880.00 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms Engineering Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-590.39 $27,880.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 3/14/18 0 Rembursement of COIT Acct for INDOT LPA $27,880.00 2200 900 2200 900 Project-Meijer Parcel ROW bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for OC y— —00 I� I A N N which charge is made were ordered and w A L_j H-A ILLIh L�AS E received except Wednesday, March 14,2018 Jeremy Kashman Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Clerk-Treasurer srALPA INVOICE VOUCHER INDOT USE ONLY IRdState Form 52663(132/6-16) PS Receipt No. Z INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Appoved by State Board of Accounts,2016 PS Voucher ID No. yid. Approved by Auditor of State,2016 INDOT Invoice No. LPA'S NAME AND REMIT TO ADDRESS PO Number xQ017812680,:_ CIof;Carmel., . .. . Net Amount of Claim $ 27,880.00 1 Civic`Sware Carmel,IN'46032 Vendor Code 0000059287 CFDA Number 20.205 TO: INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION -� _ _ t. CARE OF: Greefleld�Dlstrlctro gram Coot'dmatbr EXEMPT PER I.C.5-17-5-2 ADDRESS: 32 South Broadway Street Greenfield, Indiana 46140 PO Number Invoice Number Amount 0017812680 $34;850.00 0017812680 n�Y 0017812680 1 Claim No. _ 1��' Des. No. - `1500444`' 2 This claim voucher is for: IRlgtt of Way Acquistion 3 Project Description: [ST 1081 Roundabout construction;Intersection of 126thStreet(Carmel Drive)and: Old Meridian Street Y� 4 Period covered by this claim. From 16/17/2017, , To: , $ 10/17/2017 5 Gross amount of previous claims. $ 4 � a p00 6 Net amount of previous claims. $P,_ ;<000 1 1 7 This is is not)-a4inal.claim, _ �;IS FINAL! 8 Gross amount of this claim. $ 34,850.00 9 Federal Share Reimbursable (Line 8 x Fed. %) $ 80 . 27,880.00 10 Net amount of claim. $ 27,880OQ 11 I am'�f the projectend date (this may or may not be the same as the PO end date) Yes;,LPA Is aware of the Pro)ect\End Date y 12 My last relrnbursement request i✓8 within the last iW(6) months ° Yes M .a, T h Note If fu_dsno reimbursement wlll_be given RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL INDOT OFFICIAL INITIATING THE CHARGE DATE (Month,Day,Year) I certify that this claim is correct and valid and is a proper charge against the State Agency indicated. Authorized Signature of State Agency Date (Month,Day,Year) Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-1-10-1,1 hereby certify that the amount claimed is legally due after aowing alijust credits,an that no part of the said has been paid. ature Vendor Official Title Date(Month,Day,Year) '77777' 7 C�d-y ACH Notification 3-15-2018 Notification of ACH Payment TO: From the office of: CITY OF CARMEL TERA KLUTZ ONE CIVIC SQUARE Auditor of the State CARMEL, IN 46032 200 W. washington St. ROOM 240 STATEHOUSE Indianapolis, IN 46204 vendor ID Bank ID # Bank Account # Payment Date Handling Cd 0000059287 XXXXX1663 XXXXX2104 03/15/2018 AS Payment Reference Payment Amount Unit Description 008306501 27880.00 00800 Transportation Invoice ID PO ID Invoice Dt Gross Discount Late Charge Net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- INDOT FEB18 LPA 01 1500444 RW 02/08/2018 27880.00 0.00 0.00 27880.00 Payment Message: CLAIM #1 / DES #1500444 / CFDA #20.205 / FHWA 80% Page 1 Image Viewer Page 1 of 1 Welcome: 77 1-7 Tsw'�rau ."—=-��o�x—t�i3icfao�wtefT" "_._e�aeRuuua,�ouiacwattaocuwu�r.o�ttseai3t�y TrU Huntington Nattanal aark - �Unlitoe a 7'•7/90 -,• -Cli[LK'NN6ERs t;R7S7f CDLl7Maus, OHIO ✓ f a PiTMENT PER DISBN'aitM{NT �AD12027R72. � E NDVEN$IR C 20f7'- -y DIRECTION NO, 98; CITT OF CARMEt REDEVELOPMENT AUTNORITT,,LEASE RENT4 A AC INV NO. PI .. S34,BSO.00 }� PAYE.UC1LY: THIRTY FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS NO 1 CENTS PAY 10 THE ORDER: MEIJER STORES LIMITED PIRTNERSNIP /l f 7919 WALKER AVE AfJ UAW RAPIDS ME 99S4A•9807 9'000�ti425?�tA ItOti�.0000241: OS8925�7328�' Yi1 s tat+nV wraol 9 y 7i Yi"A�' MAO1 a 2' XX *" mora � NaA M z to vitro 5 1. 1 chct a w : 1 ao QQ ' ow w TVKnA 6 or Z L 7 I 1 I 1 https://businessonline.huntington.com/ImageRetrieval/ImageViewer.aspx?SessionKey=Se... 1/23/2018 y F cgy�'F` i City of Carmel �NoIANt Office of Chrisline S.Paulcy Clerk-Treasurer CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA 2016 COIT BOND .4 FUND DRAW REQUISITION Disbursement Direction No, 48 Date: 11/01/17 The Huntington National Bank Alin: Mark A.Hudson,VA ; 45 North Pennsylvania Slreel—tNHP61 Phone.317.237.2541 Indianapolis,IN 46204 Vltierrath=mar'r:hudson�hnnlinnldn.com' f RE: City of Carmel Redevelopment Authority Lease.Rental Bonds,Scrics 2016A(Public Infrastructure Projects) j Depository Account Account#4082023622-$139,872,000 , Dear Mr.Hudson, You are hereby authorized and directed as the Depository under the above referenced Agreement.to pay the amounls'set forth onthc attached Register of Claims from the above-referenced Trust account and to ovemighl the checks to the Individual.as sct.forth on the attached register. The undersigned certifies that: i (a) The undersigned is an officer of the City of Carmel.Indiana: _(b) The amounts'set.forth on Schetfule A are requested to be paid from the City of Carmel(Indiana)COLT Bonds l of 2016--Depository Account#4083033622 (c) Each obligation as reflecteby the amounts set forth on Schedule-A has been properly Incurred.j. a proper charge against the.City of Jarmel(Indiana)COff Bonds of 2016—Depository Account and has not been the basis of any previous withdrawal from the Depository Account:and W) suppordrig nformaiion with respect to each payee designated on Schedule A as to[Ile amount owing is attached hereto. CITY OF CARMEL;IIT NDIANA CITY O CA , L.INDIANA ? BY: BY 1Lremy'Kash"m ,P'Ef Ch'stine Paulcy,Clerk-Trea`surer City Engine Authorized Officer ONE CIVIC:QUARE CANNIllf 1NI77.*.%Wt! it',!971.414 cN�elGcinicl m.�n• lS�l I REGISTER OF CLAIMS SCHEDULE A CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA City or Carmel Redevetopmetn,Authorhy Lease Rental Bonds,Series 2016A(Public Ittrrastructure Pr(dects) I� Depository Account Account#4082023622-$139,872,000 I FUND PAYMENT REQUISITION 1 DISBURSEMENT DIRECTION NO. 48 November 1,2017 UNIESSSOTHERWISE NOTED,ALL'CHECKS LISTEII HEREON TO BE MAILED TOt ;Amcrl�un Structurepuinl,[nc. ' � f z_ '°Atln 5ylviu iSktp TlnnU�caU! �� - � r AMOUNTS PAYEE'S NAME&MAILING ADDRESS REQUISITIONED COST ITEMIZATION I Meijer Storrs Limited Partnership Category or service Land Cost 2929 Walker Avenue Carmel Drive&Old Meridian RAB 1 Grand Rapids MI 49544 Project Numbw.. 15-18 Purchase Order,: NA j $ 34,850.00 Invoice Number. P.I (Note to Sintcturepoint.,Oventight check to Senn White at Clapp FerntcciJ c,case picz�itls cont.tnd" a k of c[�u�eh�"rte � S&J Real Estate:-LLC Category of service Land Cost 320 S.Rangeline Road Rangeline Road.and 41h Strcct Roundabout Carmel IN 46033 Project Number. 16 ENG31 1 Purchase Order. NA , 165,000.00 Invoice Number P6 l (Note to$(rttcturepoint.Orenright check to Sean White Clapp FerntcciJ ;l�=prOP T. (nt rid of IcaCcdsehtek - ' 199.850-00 A=:1 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE This Settlement Agreement and Release(the "Agreement") is made by and between the City of Carmel (the "City") and Meijer Stores Limited Partnership, a Michigan Limited Partnership, ("Meijer") (Carmel and Meijer will be referred to collectively as the "Parties"or individually as a"Party"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Meijer owns fee simple title to certain real estate in 1.lamilton County, Indiana,as described in that certain Corporate Decd dated January 30,2000, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Iaamilton County, Indiana, on October 31, 2000, as Instrument No.200000054239,and re-recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, on March 2, 2001, as Instrument No. 200100010582, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A(the';Meijer Real Estate"); WHEREAS, the City deterniined that it would benefit the public to construct a roundalfi ut at the intersection of Camicl Drive and Old Meridian(the"Project"); WHEREAS,in connection with the Project,the City detemuned it necessary to acquire a permanent right orwxy over 0.173 acres of land from the Meijer Real Estate consisting of wo (2) areas of acquisition. The first area of acquisition contains 0.148 acres and is located in the southeast comer of thL north tract of land. The second area of acquisition contains 0.025 acres and is located in the north ast comer of the south tract of land. These two (2) areas of acquisition are more particularly described in the.attached Exhibit S and depicted in the attached Exhibit C(the"Right-of-Way Propeny"); WHEREAS, the City made an offer to Meijcr to purchase the Right-of-Way Property required by Ind. Code § 32-24-1-5 pursuant to the Uniform Property or Easement Acquisition Offer("City's Offer'); WHEREAS,Meijer rejected the City's Offer, WHEREAS,on August 11,2017, the City filed(the"Lawsuit")against Meijcr and U.S. Bank captioned City of Carmel n. Aleyer Stores Limited Partnership, a Michigmt Limited Partnership, and U.S. Bank Natiornal ffssociation and R. Jason Fry, Trustees,Hamilton County Superior Court,Cause No. 29D0W 708-PL-007530,to condemn the Right-of-Way Property and alleged that it was necessary to acquire the Right-of-Way Property to complete the Project;and MWEREAS, to avoid the expense, risk and uncertainty of litigation, the Parties have agreed to make full and complete settlement of all actual or potential claims betwccu tlicm: NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the promises and covenants set forth herein and the acts done or to be done pursuant to this Agreement,the Parties hereto now agree as follows: 1. Paymcnt. Within 30 days of mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Warranty Deed referenced in section 3 of this Agreement and the fourth partial release of mortgage referenced in section 5 of this Agreement, Carmel,shall pay Meijer Thirty-Four flnousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars(53c1,850 00) n full and final settlement of this matter. 2. Dismissal of the Lawsuit. The.Lawsuit shall be dismissed with prejudice in its entirety. The Parties, through their respective counsel, shall execute a stipulation of dismissal with prejudice for filing with the Court within ten (10) days of Defendants' receipt of the Payment referenced in section I of this Agreement. 3. Warranty Deed. Simultaneously with the Parties' execution of this Agreement, Meijer shall execute a Warranty Deed conveying and granting to Carmel the Right-of-Way Property in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto. 4. Partial Release of Mortgage, Prior to the Parties' execution of this Agreement. Meijer shall provide Carmel with a fourth Partial Release of Mortgage releasing the Right-of- Way Property in the form of Exhibit E attached hereto and executed by U.S. Bank National Association. 5. Compromise. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is a compromise of disputed claims and that the terms of this Agreement are not to be construed as an admission of liability on the part of any Party hereto. G. Acknowledgement. Each Party warrants and represents that in executing this Agreement, it has relied upon legal advice from the attorney of its choice(or had the opportunity to consult with counsel relating to the temps of this Agreement);that the terms of this Agreement have been read and its consequences (including risks, complications, contingencies and costs) have been completely explained to it; and that each Party fully understands the terms of this Agreement. Each Party further acknowledges and represents that in executing this Agreemetn, it has not relied upon any indhhccments,promises,or representations made by any other Party other than those set forth herein. 7. Assignment. Each of the covenants contained in this Aereentent shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective agents, officers; directors, employees,shareholders,members,partners,servants, attorneys, affiliates,parents,subsidiaries, assigns,successors,predecessors,representatives,and insurers. S. 1i3. eryer. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties, and there are no additional written or oral agreements between the Partics. The above recitals are incorporated herein and form an integral part of this Agreement. 9. Construction. The Parties hereto agree that they and their attorneys have each reviewed this Agreement and that the normal rules of construction to the CMct that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting Party or Parties shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement. 10. Waiver Ineffective. No waiver, modification or amendment of any term, condition or provision of this Agreement shall be valid or have any force or effect unless made in writing and signed by all Parties. 11. Choicc of Lair and Venue. This Agreement is entered into and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana. The Parties irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts of the State of Indiana, Hamilton County, or the United States District for the Southern District of Indiana, and irrevocably waive any and all objections to such consents. 13. Severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agrcenicnt shall not affect nor render invalid or unetiforeeablc any other provision. It is understood and agreed that no mistake of law or mistake of fact shall constitute a basis for rescission or reformation or render any portion of this Agreement void or voidable. 14. Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective upon the execution of the Agreement by all Parties. 15. Counterparts. This Agrccmcnt may be executed in duplicate counterparts,each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which collectively shall constitute one and the same instrument. Facsimile or .pdf signatures on any documents dclivered by a Party shall be treated for all purposes as original signatures. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned have caused this Settlement Agreement and Release to be executed. CITY OF CARMEL, u�4���i ry%�'1 �e�•Ii c�� SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to J Before me this n day of ,2017. i Printed: i& 140-- tfJ ,(' -n 1'h• t� Notary Public, SvNq r n m. k V:P Title: #1141 0,� � C ,*r�i`�►o.� /�K��re�,�L"uly�toL��t� i 'u`C,'�'1�k�71iC TUe� �hrti��1 W. � .I�YIC�1Ct�� MEIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP,A MICHIGAN LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ByLNeiijerEGc. ' General Partner SU13SCRlBED and SWORN to $y: Before me this '•day of ,2017. Printed:_ WH i� �v1 �E �i` L , '1 1 Notary Public Title: ►SGS l J t' �,(; ' nH t�A M.MAZUR= ._.. Hatcy Pua•7:,Ottawa Ca,ttt ACing to Kent Co..MJ My Corarss"ExpUes:9/?t2o22 END OF DOCUMENT , LL pavtta,rp . �'fir: t•i ,J�: y' tallr• � � NOW /1� - t �Mlf fret twell Acta -Rwrimbboot �Weer. o+«aw„�ul.atf�osia _• _�� . lamfaa 7HIS WDEMURE VWTKSSRK that MEIJER DiBTRfeU XK WC, a UhN9se MPN&tbn tVltffifof 2929 Wslkat Averon.N.W.,f3rend RDplda.Kant va oo�roldn Patz a d i l Wn #fObn of Om DOW(81=1 fad OWI,oDod frld hereby CONVEY AND WARt7ANT t W or vBTORES PAe ART HiP�a Mmoon kr ted padnership. of 2920 Wdker Averva, N.W.. ow4 Rapk% K",canny. WMOsn 19544(`araMee•).the Wowtrl0 daK ftd teal fatale b;*d in the My of CarrtrW,HaMtbn County.4tdtane: (SEE ATTACHED Emimr A FOR LEGAL DESCRPTKMI topelher vitt a1 tananf M. herodkarunts,appurtonsni easoment&bW kW and hPavmmnts Umtata.BUBIECTTO:(al asi cavenerb.MDFVS*,aptanenb,egtdr. and resrrk""et mord,and apadOsOy"611 In en Udw*Am d Nlortoapa and GWi � b � �tary.-kana Reactor.Md(blan apt� d py 7"tutde11120ed piston valy ft Wt dead represents and w9fto an bdoN Of the On nlar,fmat fine Underalpnod It a dq slWad-oiler of the Ownlor end hes beezi aidOd"nm dtbieCpn;p*rmAla ftorbyUMWMaltheamrdor,bONCWO aorpvwm in ow tfen"In the am*of Its erigh td,vier;regalrod.In ft Meta vrhem the suboa reel 02416(a Awft drat ft Grudor has L41 corporate aapsrlly b awm the real fatale despudt end Blet d 114ca"aly oDrprrata ocean fat the MONA9 of"s omwayufG has been duly Ulten, !A1. 44/ l•►cher se•r•e•t/�( tr s�rnei i►•;nute l hn•�i lA iad 3.8 jre*lat.lr•►arm talks,/event.ae•r/w1 N esl�►e it+`a ..., M Cattw•i / l9CDeeDSt27t• rutiLpw Gert r. lr/I•u atev�/•. -t. r..,"'-/l ID(IrStNltaptrp{f EXHIBITA , Prior IncUurunt rotalan0a: Qowimm Na 05-ot5t1 el Neaslan County, lndutna Racotds. GRANTOR REPREBENT11 THAT THME 13 NO INOUNA GROSS INCOME T'AX OURANO WMNG Ari A RFJULT OF THIO CONVEYANCE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Graft has cawed WA Carparata Oiled v be IXOMod as of the 301h day of January,2000. MEIJER OISTRIBU110N,INC. Jo snsan na Vioo Pdint Raaf Idol, STATEOFM ICtIlGAN ) I as; CO LeM OF KENT t Before ma, a Nolary Pubtk in and for said Counly and Stole. Rmonaly appauad JaM S.Ataphsruon,the Vko PmMont•Rsal Estals of Mslst Okkibulioe. Ine.,a Md9gsn eoq*mtbn,who acknmWmVad ssawuon of thst Woch+g deed rw and on bahatf oe said carpwa0o0,and wbo,having been dtdy sworn,allW suit the let7ressrttalr'ons thardn eontatned are true Wilnass my hand and seal thin • D dry of dPUS+" .2000. Pomela Pstton lfolpnun Notary f'ubtic,Kortl Ce_MI" n v` '� fTasWent of Kant GL.Mt �` Q My comnleston aapi m D� Agoull 3.am DRAFTED BY ANO WHEN RECORDED ACBE 116th Focco ist iA lfOrf Sllgjlltl to lilltt a abitfl RETURN ro: �da�N Robert O.Cook,Ahomay r 29.v 292gWAer,NW, A.it1;6&Xk iter Gtsnd Rapids.M1 495" Peat� � larbn tlla(s15Yr1M�hmQ 3 EIQRIMT A (Te Cmpotate Dead fico Mater DbMdon.Inc..as Grantor,to timer Storrs I.1re0ad Parmstship.se Grantaat PARCEL® PaR Of the 6ou*kwl Quartet of the SoWfsad Qrarwr oi Racoon 28.Towrabip 18 Nonh.Renee 3 East In Hsmteon County, irWtana,rota padiodady do ,ib d as loliowe: Commencing at the Southwosf eatner of said Quarhl Quartet Section.thence Waarg the South kna Oramot North 88 dogmas 40 nitmrtsa 4t secoads Esd(aeswred beeft135.0t foot to a poW on the Easterly tight of way tea of Pormsylvanta Street the dedIcsom of pab0c right of way at wtrkh woo recorded Orcelmber Q.ME In Sack 4 an pages 687 Ituough 101 In the Office d the Roosrder of ltsntlbn County,tndians: wbkh saki point Is the Point of BegInnIag(tho next tout OOursa are abng said dedication aT putilic dghl of wayy 111 @tense North 00 degrees 10 M Ms 01 seconds West 200.47 tact to a-pabrl on the Southerty 112114 of way tree lor t28er Stroal;121 Moto Noah 89 degran 64 murutas 47 sward East 115lsa teal to a sures halving e ndtus of 766.5t teat.the radius Pohl of which boors South 00 degrees 05 rtrhulos 17 seconds East:131 thence Easterly obpg said curve 475.88 tat to a point which burs North 35 degrees 23 n*wies 31 s000mds Esq from Bald radio point:(41 therms South 54 degleas$6 minutes 29 sewMs East 76.34 fast to a point an the South tie of said Owdat Quaver Sectian which beare North 88 degteas 40 minutes 41 sownds East 824.92 foot from dx point of begun ing;thence along mid South line South 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds West 524.92 tail to W Paint of eeptmhg, C*nWahg+W sg* mow oesao.more or ices. PARCEL& Pad of the Southwest Quarter of the Somhaast Quarlat at Section 29.Township 18 North, Range 3 East In Hsmlron County, Indise4 mora pardoulady desatead as fob": Convnencing at the HoMwesteamst of said OuMt Quarter Section wbtrh said aomv been NOM 00 degeos 10 mhrdea 07 Wanda West 1320.50 fad from the Southwest tartlet of said Gradar Ouou er Sadlon;thence along the Nosh Ike Orateor Nodh as dogmas 45 minules 1T seconds Ent(assumed baa ftl 36.01 feet to a point on the Esstedy right ofway tine at Pannsytiania Street,the dedieatIon of pubic right at way of wNch,was retarded December P.IM to Book 4 on pages 697 through 70t in the OMiae e1 the Recorder of Hsmhon County.Ino nun.which sold point Is the Point of Beglnntep;Ihm=continua along said North Fns North 86 degrees 4e ninuku t7 seconds East MON foot to the MoMasat comet of said Quarter Quadat 8.%Olor4_ thence along Uro East Una of sold Ouadat Qusder Section South 00 dogmas 04 Mnotes 27 see ands East 50s,77 feet to a petit on the amtor lira of U.S.31 tW1 1pa.rim n>D(I115ncMphmp R: 4�++*d�aY+PsiWMit�7 ^3� 94'd1�3piRQpMYflOtf mMtTj '1t 91J091QMY'f9.Cf•14yaQ9�81f10',� Ouluul6f9 P WIQd ma 01 loo)8Q'QIOL 1ttM mpuml LO minyW OL "weep 0o om souma 1t)oug"do lc plod fol waif 19400'010L If f3 CPJM f t0 SOPUP OL !11661)00 4e09 (1204 MW qef tM"I9N1S tlVf IA=wd Plff 10 048 69M A I46P ARM83 W41 Yo WN m 01IM WILL LtmM 4pJMI lY f@VMW 1911901601)62 'Arco oouM ld:R Wd Onlpu Ppm 1i7OMl imfM fp00ef0 Cl f M01 g0 t9W6fP OD 4V0N ff99a 40NOP+Wd f al Immf(HPLC4 WAIF»on 61019 i410"gm"14911 lx)utero fpuwjf It 0pnu4W CZ NfuOUP 5C 4IMpS 111804 VOW P IUPC If"041'1499{ !2'81910 VVW It E94AN GUM i a ICA MIlL ItIM IMM 6Z"PJIW OC G*QAOP 1S'ION v= 41(1)jfut A->o It&Ra"u1*mn03jag Ixou 911)AfM j0 p&wKnd to vlImnIpP Rom to sun Ree 10IYOp SaWON to u9 P400 t 0)MM WIN suM fp49co01 ZIP SmUNP 94 foa+ll"99 41"S 04 iolufo qn 61011 wu214:11 MIS uo6MpfW) ;'e j Project: 1500444 Shoot I of 3 I Parcel: 1 Fee Simple S Form; WD-I i� Tax ID No.; 29-09-26-OOG415,000-018 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26,Township 18 ! North,Range 3 East,Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the amched Right-of-Wap Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit"B",described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said quarter section, said comer being designated as point "504" on said pareel plat; thence North 89 degrees Ol minute 35 seconds East 676.95 feet along the south line of said section to the prolonged northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street;thence North 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East 89.68 feet along the prolonged boundary of said Old Meridian Street to where the i north%wem boundary of Old Meridian Street meets the northeastern boundary of Carmel Drive, I' which is the point of beginning of this description; tbence North 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds West 89.47 feet (90.04 feet deduced from Instrument #2001000IO582) along the l boundary of said Carmel Drive; thmce along said boundary Northwesterly 64,94 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 86851 feet and sublended by a long chord having a bearing of North 56 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds West and a length of 64.92 feet to point"800" as designated on said parcel plat;thence North 85 degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East 33.46 feet to i point"801"as designated on said parcel plat; thence South 64 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East 59.09 feet to point "802"as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 79 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds East 101.05 feet to the northwestam boundary of Old Meridian Street at point"803"as designated on said parcel plat;thence South 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West 105.00 feet along the boundary of said Old Meridian Street to the point of beginning and containing 0.148 acres,more or less. 1 t t EXHIBIT B Project: 1500444 Sheet 2 of 3 Parcel: I Fee Simple Form: WD-1 Tax IDNo,: 29-09-2b-000-015,000-018 This description was prepared from informad0o obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana,Land Acquisition, T 1*..1 t`Ill,ltrt y G. under my hand an cal wl c ( L8a1•Y5`I�ii {Y r 11 t Aaron T.Fattley STATE Or 77 Indiana Registered Land Surveyor �',���-q !�t' I;'�5?F`•_�G�'�.�1 License Number 20700097 g4J,Q S ul�v' i 1 i t j a e 1 - m 1 Project: 1500444 Sheet 3 of 3 Parcel. IA Fee Simple Forst: WD-1 Tax ID No.: 29.09-26.000-015,000-018 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26.Township 18 North,Range 3 East,Hamilton County, Indiana,and being that part of the grantor's land lyiog within the rigbt•of--way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section North 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds East 659.71 feet from the southwest comer of said quarter section, said comer being designated as point "504"on said parcel plat, and which point of beginning is the east comer of the grantor's land;thence South 89 deg=01 minute 35 seconds West 50A7 feet along ibe south line of said section; thence North 10 degrees 21 minutes 26 i seconds West 43.59 fat to the southwestem boundary of Carmel Drive at point "806" designated on said parcel plat;thence South 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds East 71.86 feet along the boundary of said Carmel Drive to the point of beginning and containing 0.025 acres, more or lass. This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by afield surrey and has beenpreparcd for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana,Land Acquisition, tl,trurrrq, � ••r i, r GiriLer yhand and seal Aaron 7.Fateley `•,f/ .�,, q Indiana Registered Land Surveyor License Number 20700097 ri411tt oo{ i RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PLAT SHEET OF2 INorthwest Comes PREPAREO FOR THE CITY OF CARAW-HAMILTON COUNTY,INCM Ir SWI/4, SEI/4 BYC -111INC.tJOBHO.16807) 1 See. 26-TItiN.-R3E. t.252,41' `�. 128.6i - I,f23 79' �* 77.50' t 1,295.04' r. 1 tY 200' 100 105.78 ` 73:1y�3' • K I � _ fss• `� 1i � C EQNonevatusive Sanitary sewer tsm't *?• `� 1 ac 5CALE 1'■400 M favor of Terre Carmel East. LLL -- Instrument No. 2088411258 d rr 1 ®15' Drainage & Utility Eem•1 F I Noneidusive Access Esm't t�O1 Qty Tn n a10 1 in lavor'of City of Cormel Instrument No. 2048011257 & c c x� + j Book 2, pope 357 Nonexclusive UWity Esni l » $3 sdr 1 ` y 20' Nonexclusive Utility Es-n t Instrument No. 2008411258 & • 2ulvr r j W In favor of Terre Carmel East. LLC Storm Drainage Easement a Instrument No. 2008011258 Instrument No. 2008011259 K t D�Sonttory Sewer Easement oil in favor of Terre Carmel East. LLC in favor of City of Cormel U 15' Telephone Easement r l Book 2, poge 357 in favor of Indiana Bd1 Telephone Co. ri I r Book 4. page 457 ! B 1 GNonexclusive Access Esm't 1. In favor of Terre Carmel East• LLC CP p Instrument No. 2008011257 i v+ ' a 256.59' a)Noneaciuslve Access Esm'1 p DI 41 11' In favor of EEC Corms? Meijer Stares s, LLC a r _r a Instrument No. 2013066717 i If o tt g 0 crosswalk Easement �3 1 I 1d In favor of Meijer Stores. LP Instrument No, 2015035059 4,r" ii ► 83 QK NonerCIU3ive Electric tfldily Esm't y� �r 2t2.27 '+� - 52.39' in favor ai P51 Energy ? r 1 I) instrument Na. 9403146 .P i 1 N Ol`:85• Q Sewer Easement in r r c 0\6 v favor of City of Carmel 4 r I S Lot 1 a Book 2, Page 362 ca *�r B C C4' �• + 36.00.+: r D H _CARMEL DRIVE SHOPPES Avi L r f CABINET 4, PLIDE 492 .3 61.40 S is i� 3 tg• 23.16' 00 r FaJ .� A- r, 11b.99' 111 G �O 2 r Q1 `r .---1t� 116.85' a 53�8p• r� 1.•. �.�,r. p'S86' � R ly R 1N i 1"+ r t J S L Bas { ?- 624.92' A@`` `ham 5ourheosl Corner t?o5 % cR` , Sy11/4• SEI/4 Sac. 2E-I18M-R.3_. QA NOnexetuswe Storm fond Emil a✓�ry? y i `�` p 1 - # on loror a1 Penn Cade. LLC i h r In.lrument Ila 2011055622 PARCEL 1 OWNER. M6UER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT.' 1500444 DRAWN BY: C.J.N. 11/11/16 t ROAD:. CARYU DRNE CHECKED BY: ATF.. COUNTY. UV41L7ON SECTION: 16 HATCHEO AREA IS THE INSTRUMENT N0. 100100010581 10/10/1000 TOWNSHIP. 18 N. APPROXIMATE TAMRG 067RUMEAfI•N0. 1007069689 10/11/1D07 3 RANGE: 3 F ® INSTRUMENT W. 1008011154 1/1411008 INSTRUMENT N0. 1011066715 10/09/1011 ' ourrrpOrLt tarowr�racer rre MtriB unto Rteafm ooclarlrrrs i EXHIBIT C SHEET 2 OF2 ' PARCEL COORDINATE CHART(shown in feet) Point Center lne Stallon Offset NOMIng Easting *504 X700 'A' *701 A' *703 A' 1 *704 'A' k 7 t *705 A' *710 r 800 A 13+25,00 ExR1Y(50.W 11.)1 1720563.6715 191761,7661 801 A 13+5000 70.00'Ll. 1710566.1954 1917M.1341 j 801 A 144-05.00 80.00' l L 1720541.0525 191848.6101 803 8 11+55.00 &RW(50.00'Lt.) 17105605741 191949,7975 805 8 84-84.00 67.W LL 1710350.6615 1917775561 806 A 23+90.00 EXM50.W Rl.) 1710444.3591 191760.4320 NOTE: STATIONS&OFFSETS CONTROL OVER BOTH NORTH &EAST COORDINATES AND BEARINGS&DISTANCES. 'SEE LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEY. I j SURVEYORS 5TAIM7 To the best a/my knowledge and belie/, /his p/ol, together wilh the 'locolion Control Route Survey'recorded as Instrument Na. 1016003641 in the Office o/ the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, (mcorporoled herein and mode o port hereof by reference)comprise a Route Survey executed in accordance wrlh Indiana AdmNlslrolive Cade 865 14C 1-12, (Ruk 11). r t 1J�OV'�Y `,tl%ltlnlrrrrrr/ Aaron T. falcley Dale Professional Surveyor /lo. 10700097 _ e No. 10100091 Stole at fndrono - S1ATE OF ' 3939 AULLERSMLE ROAD {' IHDWAPDLIS,IN01ANA162D5 4, PHONF-317SI6-1599 SU�v FAX:317.546.2522 ,�rrrrrrrrrrtlrl�`�, CERTIF1ED@CERT1F IEDERGIIIEERIpG.ILE I PARCEL: 1 OWNER: IdEVER STORES UIIITED PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.- 15A9444 PROJECT: 1500444 DRAWN BY: CJ.H. 11/21/(6 ROAD: WMEL DRIVE CHECKED BY. AI.F. COUNTY: PAM ION SECTION: 25 TOWNSHIP: 18 N RANGE: 31. ENCUMBERS KEY NO 29-09-16-000-015,000-018 s DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION 2017053320 WD $25.00 Subject to final acceptance of transfer 10/27/2017 10:32:24AM 8 PGS NKC 27th day of October 2017-ALC Jennifer Hayden y Hamilton AudtorofHardonCount Recorded asuPresentednty der IN Parcel#RIW 1111111111111II 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WARRANTY DEED Project: Carmel Dr.&Old Meridian St Project Number: 15-18 DES Number: 1500444 Parcel: I THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that Meijer Stores Limited Partnership, the Grantor, of Kent County, State of Michigan conveys and warrants to the CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, the Grantee, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, certain real estate situated in the County of Hamilton,State of Indiana,and being more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit A and depicted upon Exhibit B attached hereto,both of which exhibits are incorporated herein by reference(the"Real Estate"). This conveyance is subject to any and all easements,conditions and restrictions of record. The Grantor hereby specifically acknowledges and agrees that the Real Estate conveyed herein is conveyed in fee simple and that no reversionary rights whatsoever shall remain with the Grantor, or any successors in title to the abutting lands of the Grantor, notwithstanding any subsequent abandonment,vacation,disuse, nonuse, change of use, conveyance, lease and/or transfer by the Grantee or its successors in title, of a portion or all of the said Real Estate or any right of way, roadway or roadway appurtenances established thereupon. This acknowledgement and agreement is a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the Grantor and all successors and assigns. The undersigned represents and warrants that she is the Senior Vice President of Meijer Group, Inc., the General Partner of the Grantor; that Grantor is a limited partnership validly existing in the State of its origin and, where required, in the State where the subject real estate is situated; that Grantor has full capacity to convey the real estate interest described; that pursuant to the Grantor's governing documents he/she has full authority to execute and deliver this Warranty Deed on its behalf and that said authority has not been revoked; that he/she is therefore, fully authorized and empowered to convey the real estate to Grantee, and that on the date of execution of this Warranty Deed he/she had full authority to so act;and that all necessary action for the making of this conveyance has been duly taken. The undersigned represents and warrants that no consent of any third party, including but not limited to mortgagees, lenders, landlords, tenants, partners, members, managers, shareholders or joint venturers,isrequired for the valid and binding execution and delivery of this Warranty Deed. EXEMPT FROM SALES DISCLOSURES PE The Grantor assumes and agrees to pay(i) all unpaid real estate taxes and assessments, including those for the 2016 payable 2017 real estate taxes and assessments on the Real Estate, and (ii) that portion of the real estate taxes and assessments assessed against the Real Estate and due for 2017 payable 2018 that are applicable to the Real Estate for the period January 1,2017 through the date of this Warranty Deed. This obligation to pay such real estate taxes and assessments shall survive the execution of this Warranty Deed and the closing of the Real Estate and shall be enforceable by Grantee in the event of any non- payment of such real estate taxes and assessments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thesaid Grantorhasexecuted this instrument this�day of do:4� r ,2017. MEIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By:Meijer Group,Inc.,its General Partner By: rl Printe . Julie Croll Title:Senior Vice President Legal Bus. 2 NOTARY'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF MICHIGAN ) SS: COUNTY OF KENT ) Before me,a Notary Public in and for said State and County,personally appeared Julie Croll,the Senior Vice President of Meijer Group, Inc., a Michigan corporation, on behalf of said corporation,for and as the act of the General Partner of the Grantor in the above conveyance, and acknowledged the execution of the same on the date aforesaid on behalf of Grantor. 04— Witness my hand and notarial seal this 0 day of ,c-,� 2017. s' Notary Public ANUUA NaW Put&,txtavra Gm.N t r AMg In Kent Ca,MI Printed Name My Commission Expires: My County of Residence: 0 A+��z A cl,t e. ,ti 'ken- Co.,Vk I This instrument was prepared by Tammy K.Slaney,Keller Macaluso,760 31 Avenue S W,Suite 210 Carmel,IN 46032 I affirm,under the penalties for perjury,that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document,unless it is required by law.Tammy K.Haney Grantee Mailing Address: One Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 3 k t EXHIBIT A i Project: 1500444 Sheet 1 of 3 Parcel. 1 Fee Simple i Form: WD-1 } Tax ID No.: 29-09-26-000-015.000-019 A art of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 p Q Q P i North, Range 3 East,Hamilton County,Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit"B",described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said quarter section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat; thence North 89 degrees 01 k minute 35 seconds East 676.95 feet along the south line of said section to the prolonged northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street;thence North 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East 89.68 feet along the prolonged boundary of said Old Meridian Street to where the E northwestern boundary ofOld Meridian Street meets the northeastern boundary of Carmel Drive, which is the point of beginning of this description: thence North 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds West 89.47 feet (90.04 feet deduced from Instrument #200100010582) along the boundary of said Carmel Drive;thence along said boundary Northwesterly 64.94 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 868.51 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 56 degrees 2I minutes 40 seconds West and a length of 64.92 feet to point "800" as designated on said parcel plat;thence North 85 degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East 33.46 feet to i point"801"as designated on said parcel plat;thence South 64 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East 59.09 feet to point "802" as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 79 degrees 04 j minutes 49 seconds East 103.05 feet to the northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street-at point "803"as designated on said parcel plat; thence South 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West 105.00 feet along the boundary of said Old Meridian Street to the point of beginning and containing 0.148 acres,more or less. s ...... ........... I Project: 1500444 sheet 2 of 3 Parcel: 1 Fee Simple Form: WD-1 Tax M No.: 24409-26-000-015.000-018 ! This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the t City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana,Land Acquisition ; i =:}_-1. T; Gi en under my nd andsealNG ISS 1.f; _r. 1 = { Aaron T. Fateley 1 1i STATE OF � =' Indiana Registered Land Surveyor I'AIDLicense Number 20700057 j � v ti� t 1 i i i i i s F i Project: 1500444 Sheet 3 of 3 Parcel: 1A Fee Simple i Form: WD-1 ! Tax ID No.: 29-09-26-000-015.000.018 1 3 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North,Range 3 East, Hamilton County,Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section North 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds East 659.71 feat from the southwest corner of said quarter ' section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat, and which point of beginning is the east conger of the grantor's land;thence South 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds West 50.47 feet along the south line of said section; thence North 10 degrees 21 minutes 26 l seconds West 43.59 feet to the southwestern boundary of Carmel Drive at point "806" designated on said parcel plat; thence South 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds East 71.86 feet along the boundary of said Carmel Drive to the point of beginning and containing 0.025 acres, more or less. This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana,Land Acquisition. ti1111SitiffF1///,, Gi n under my hand and seal � c �.rC} Cs• --- S1 p;i :OFF° Aaron 7.Fateley Indiana Registered Land Surveyor `:y}"f. - a�"�`�•` License Number 20700097 ` EXHIBIT B RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PLAT SHEErIOF2 Northwest Corner PREPARED FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL.HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SWI 4, SEI/4 BYCERIMFO ENGINEERING.INC.(JOB NO,16807) I Sec/26• -TIBN.-R3E. 1.252.41' 35.01' 1,123.79 ` ` 128.61' 77.50' ' 1,295.04' I - 73.43' tt)ri.78' I a 200' 400' n Z Nonexclusive Sanitary Sewer Esm't �Qi'• c Q j SCALE., 1"=200' in favor of Terre Carmel Eos[, LLC I a Instrument No. 2008011258 Oto L j 2 I&i5' Drainage & Utlily Esm't Nonexclusive Access Esm't SDt� in n a° to I > in favor of City of Cormel Instrument No. 2008011257 & c o `� j Book 2, page 357 Nonexclusive Utility Esm'( a a N 03 0 1 Z QC 20' Nonexclusive Utility Esm't Instrument No. 2008011258 & w in favor of Terre Carmel East, LLC Storm Drainage Easement I a. instrument No, 2008011258 Instrument No. 2008011259 K ! ( 0 Sonitory Sewer Easement all in favor of Terre Carmel East. LLC i i 70' in favor of C;(y of Carmel C}15' Telephone Eosement i I Book 2. page 3511 in favor of Indiana Bell Telephone Co. i I Book 4, page 457 i 8 1 J Q Nonexclusive Access £sm'( in favor of Terre Cormel East, LLC I Q, Instrument No. 20080117.57 b I o' 256.59' UI Nonexclusive Access Esm'I ,' aOF of in favor of EEC Carmel Meijer Slores If. LLC 00 ir I o 47.54' p Instfumont No. 2013066717 I a t( QJ Crosswalk Easement I t 1d in favor of Meijer Stores, LP f Instrument No. 20150350594x" r gSKDNonexciusive Electric Utility Esm't 52.39' in favor of PSI Energy z0' •� I 212.27' 1Ia 85 Instrument No. 9403146 LD Ott 'v Sewer Easement in favor of City of Carmel , I i r= 50 Lot 1 a Book 2, page 362 B C O O { 35.00 J I F ti _CARMEL DRIVE SHOPPES ! j 323 43 61.40' CABINET 4, SLIDE 492 Asx -43.t b' p0 .� r� 00 � 116.99' LW A' -Q � �p"� `•�F' i cD n 116.85' M ` 41$8&' qo R I M O n r` d I O N L 8066 i t ! I 624.92' > �� /1 Southeast Corner SWI/4. 5E1/4 Sec. 26-11814.-R3E. j I QNonexciusive Storm fond Es 't Q� pI w I in favor of Penn Circle. LLC e t ; rn in No. 2011055622 PARCEL: 1 OWNER: MEIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT: 15004444 DRAWN BY: C.J.H. 11122116 i ROAD: CARMEL DRIVE CHECKED BY: AT.f. COUNTY.' H Ml11TON SECTION; 26 HATCHED AREA IS THE INSTRUMENT NO. 200100010582 1012012000 TOWNSHIP: 18 N. AP?ROXIMATETAttlNG INSTRUMENT NO. 2007069689 1011112007 RANGE: 3 L INSTRUMENT NO, 2008011254 112412008 INSTRUMENT NO. 2013066715 1010912013 ' DRtENSIONS SNCMNARE FROM THE ABD•JE LISTED RECDRD DOcWheNrs ...................,................ _...,................ .. .. ' SHEET*2 OF PARCEL COORDINATE CHART(shown in feet) Point Centerfine Station Offset Northing Easting X504 *700 "A" ------ *701 'A" *703 'A" *704 'A' & "br *705 "A" I *710 800 A 23+25.00 ExRW(50.00- Lt.) 1720563.6715 191761.7661 801 A 23+50.00 7000' It 1720566.1954 191795.130 602 A 24+05.00 80.00' I L 1720541.0525 191848.6102 j 803 8 11+55.00 ExRW(50.00' Lt.) 1720560.5742 191949.7975 I 805 8 8+84.00 67.00' LL 1720350.6625 191777.5561 806 A 23+90.00 &RIY(5000' RI) 1720444.3591 191760.4320 t i NOTE: STATIONS&OFFSETS CONTROL OVER BOTH NORTH &EAST COORDINATES AND BEARINGS&DISTANCES. *SEE LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEY. SURVEYORS STATEMENT To the best of my knowledge.and bebef, this plot, together with the "Location Control Route Survey" recorded as Instrument No. 2016003642 in the Office of the Recorder of NamNon County, Indiana, (incorporoled herein and made a part hereof by reference) comprise o Route Survey executed in accordance with Indiana Adminisfrative Code 865 14C 1-12, (Rule 12). `���11Sfl11rrr�r�r Aoron T. Foteley Date Professional Surveyor 1116. 20700097 N0. 2010007 _- State of Indian =. STATE OF ' 3939 MILLERSInLLE ROAD = '• 1NPIANAPOLIS,INDWNA46205A�'�NL1 PHONE:317.54&15&9 Q ......... � FAX:317-646-2599 '""In CERTIFIED ICERTIFlEDENGINEERING.NET PARCEL: l OWNER: 41EIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT: 1500444 DRAWN BY: C.J.M. 11/22/16 ROAD: CARMEL ORII/E CHECKED BY: AT.F. COUNTY: HQ117ON SECTION: 25 TOWNSHIP: 18 N. RANGE: 3 E ENCUMBERS KEY NO. 29-09-26-000-015.000-018 . ......................... .. ........ ......... ................................................................._..._..._.... 2017053319 PREL $25.00 10/27/2017 10:32:24AM 19 PGS Jennifer Hayden Hamilton County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FOURTH PARTIAL RELEASE OF INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE THIS FOURTH PARTIAL RELEASE OF INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE is entered into as of the And day of ( filer , 2017, by U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Successor Corporate Trustee, and R. JASON FRY, Successor Individual Trustee (collectively, the "Trustees") both having an address at 40 Pearl Street NW, Suite 838, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503, and MEIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, successor in interest to Meijer, Inc. (the "Company"), a Michigan corporation, of 2929 Walker Avenue, N.W., Grand Rapids,Michigan 49544. WITNESSETH: A. Michigan National Bank and Gordon Wesholski, as trustees, and Meijer, Inc. entered into a certain Indenture of Mortgage and Security Agreement dated as of January 1, 1995, and recorded on January 25, 1995 at Instrument No. 95-02877 of Hamilton County, Indiana Records, as amended by an Assumption Agreement by Meijer Stores Limited Partnership for the benefit of Michigan National Bank and Gordon Wesholski, as trustees, dated as of January 30, 2000 and recorded on March 2, 2001 at Instrument No. 200100010583, of Hamilton County, Indiana Records, as amended by a First Partial Discharge of Indenture of Mortgage dated as of October 10, 2007 and recorded on October 31, 2007 at Instrument No. 2007061649,of Hamilton County, Indiana Records, as further amended by Second Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage dated January 23, 2008 and recorded on March 3, 2008 at Instrument No. 2008011255 of Hamilton County, Indiana Records, and as also further amended by Third Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage, dated October 9, 2013, recorded October 11, 2013 at Instrument No. 2013063489, Hamilton County, Indiana Records (the "Mortgage"), encumbering that certain real property and improvements located in the Hamilton County, Indiana, and more particularly described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Mortgaged Property"). U.S. Bank National Association, is the successor to Michigan National Bank as Corporate Trustee. R. Jason Fry is the successor to Gordon Wesholski,as Individual Trustee. B. The Company has agreed to convey a 0.148-acre parcel and a 0.025-acre parcel (the "Release Parcels") to the City of Carmel, Indiana (the "City") in anticipation that the Company's interest in the property would otherwise be taken under the power of eminent domain. The Release Parcels comprise portions of Carmel Drive and Old Meridian Street and -1- #130 are situated in the southeast corner of the mortgaged property. The property is being acquired in conjunction with the City's"Carmel Dr.&Old Meridian Street"roundabout project. C. In connection with the conveyance to the City, and pursuant to Section 3.19 of the Mortgage, the Company has requested the Trustees, and the Trustees have agreed to release from the Mortgage the 0.148-acre and 0.025-acre portions of the Mortgaged Property described on the attached Exhibit B. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the covenants and agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the parties agree as follows: 1. The Trustees hereby release the Release Parcels from the Mortgage. The description of the Mortgaged Property as defined above (described in Exhibit A attached hereto), is hereby amended to exclude the Release Parcels. The amended mortgage description is set forth on the attached Exhibit C (the "Amended Mortgaged Property"). The Company represents and warrants to the Trustees that the Amended Mortgaged Property constitutes the Mortgaged Property less the Release Parcels. The configuration of the Release Parcels and the Amended Mortgaged Property is shown on the attached Exhibit D. 2. Pursuant to Paragraph 3.19 of the Mortgage,the Company represents and warrants to the Trustees that after conveyance of the Release Parcels, the Mortgaged Property will: (i) constitute an integrated economic unit including sufficient parking and containing easements for all necessary and required utilities, (ii) be a contiguous parcel of land without gap or hiatus, (iii) have adequate access to and from public highways, and (iv) not be in violation of any law, ordinance,rule or regulation or any restrictive covenant or other agreement applicable thereto. 3. Except as specifically set forth above, the Mortgage is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect as to the Amended Mortgaged Property. Nothing contained herein shall affect or be.construed to affect the lien, charge or encumbrance of the Mortgage as to the Amended Mortgaged Property, or the priority of the Mortgage over other liens, charges or encumbrances, or to release or affect the liability of any party or parties who may now or hereafter be liable under or on account of the Mortgage. [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank] -2- #130 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Fourth Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage as of the date first set forth above. U.S.Bank National Association, Successor Corporate Trustee By: R. Jason Fry Its: Vice President STATE OF MICHIGAN ) SS COUNTY OF KENT ) The foregoing Fourth Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage was acknowledged before me this 2nd day of October , 2017,by R. Jason Fry, the Vice President of U.S. Bank National Association, Successor Corporate Trustee, a national banking association, for and on behalf of the bank,as Corporate Trustee. l� $ ary"Ptitschko Notary Public State of Michigan,,County of Kent ` My commission expires: 9/12/2022 Acting in the county of Kent t 11� CM4 ofK i ZO92 At"In-ths County otof R.Jaso ry,Succor Individual Trustee STATE OF MICHIGAN ) SS COUNTY OF KENT ) The foregoing Fourth Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage was acknowledged before me this 2nd day of October ,2017,by R.Jason Fry,as Successor Individual Trustee. Maryl tsc o Notary Public - State of Michigan, County of Kent MARYUH PUTSCHKO My commission expires: 9/12/2022 Notary Puma-Stott of mcmpn Acting in the county of Kent County of Kent my Commission Expires Sep 12,2022 Acting in the County of 4�►� #130 MEIJER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP By: Meijer Group, Inc., neral Partner By: rl�� J to Croll Its: Se or Vice President STATE OF MICHIGAN } SS COUNTY OF KENT ) The foregoing Fourth Partial Release of Indenture of Mortgage was acknowledged before me this ��day of , 2017, by Julie Croll, the Senior Vice President of Meijer Group, Inc., a Michigan corporation, on behalf of said corporation, for and as the act of the General Partner of Meijer Stores Limited Partnership,a Michigan limited partnership. _ - �. ;: P-3otary Public State of Michigan:, County of • My commission expires: .. Acting in the county of r' =ErA M.MAZUREK Nobuy Pu01im Ottawa Co.,LN Acting In Kent Ca.,MI My Commission Sxptres;8/ZMM PREPARED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: W.H.Allen Shelden, Esq. Meijer-Legal Department 2929 Walker Ave.,N.W. Grand Rapids,MI 49544 (616)249-6496 I affirm,under the penalties for perjury,that I have taken reasonable care to redact each and every Social Security number from this document,unless it is required by law. Sean T. White Intpl;'onestop.meijer.com7egaLrtm/rerRE Sites/130 Camtel 1N(CARaTinancing/dth Pattia Release—RO to City;nth Partial Release.doc -4- #130 EXHIBIT A Current Mortgaged Property PARCEL A: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26,Township 18 North,Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the South line thereof North 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds East(assumed bearing)35.01 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Pennsylvania Street, the dedication of public right of way of which was recorded December 9, 1986 in Book 4 on pages 697 thru 70I in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, which said point is the Point of Beginning (the next four courses are along said dedication of public right of way); (1)thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 200.47 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line for 126th Street; (2) thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 47 seconds East 116.85 feet to a curve having a radius of 768.51 feet, the radius point of which bears South 00 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds East; (3) thence Easterly along said curve 475.88 feet to a point which bears North 35 degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds East from said radius point; (4) thence South 54 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds East 76.34 feet to a point on the South line of said Quarter Quarter Section which bears North 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds East 624.92 feet from the point of beginning; thence along said South line South 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds West 624.92 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 2.08 gross acres,more or less. PARCEL B: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North,Range 3 East in Hamilton County,Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section which said corner bears North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 1320.50 feet from the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the North line thereof North 88 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East (assumed bearing) 35.01 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Pennsylvania Street, the dedication of public right of way of which was recorded December 9, 1986 in Book 4 on pages 697 thru 701 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, which said point is the Point of Beginning; thence continue along said North line North 88 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East 1295.04 feet to the Northeast corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the East line of said Quarter Quarter Section South 00 degrees 04 minutes 27 seconds East 505.77 feet to a point on the center line of U.S. 31 (old) (Meridian Street); thence along said center line South 35 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West 961.49 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of said dedication of public right of way (the next four courses are along said right of way line); (1)thence North 54 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds West 140.04 feet to a curve having a radius of 868.51 feet,the radius point of which bears South -5- #130 35,degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds West; (2) thence Westerly along said curve 537.80 feet to a point which bears North 00 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds West from said radius point; (3) thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 47 seconds West 116.99 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of said Pennsylvania Street which said point bears South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 1019.99 feet from the point of beginning; (4) thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 1019.99 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 29.91 acres,more or less. Excepting therefrom the following described four(4)parcels: Exception Parcel 1 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land Iying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning on the north line of said quarter-quarter section North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 1123.79 feet from the northwest comer of said quarter- quarter section, said beginning point designated "205" on said Plat; thence continuing North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 128.61 feet along said north line to point designated "211" on said Plat; thence Southeasterly 105.78 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 47 degrees 15 minutes 11 seconds East and a length of 105.69 feet to the east line of said quarter-quarter section at point designated "210" on said Plat; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 124.05 feet along said east line to point designated "207" on said Plat; thence North 55 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds West 19.44 feet to point designated"206" on said Plat; thence Northwesterly 264.42 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 850.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 46 degrees 19 minutes 06 seconds West and a length of 263.36 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.449 acres,more or less. This description was prepared for the City of Carmel, Indiana by Tracy L. McGill, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor, License Number LS20500009,on the 12th day of June, 2007. This description was written from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey. Exception Parcel 2 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning on the north line of said quarter-quarter section North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 1252.41 feet from the northwest corner of said quarter-quarter section: thence continuing North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 77.50 feet along said north line to the east line of said quarter-quarter section; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 73:43 feet along said east line; thence Northwesterly 105.78 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 47 degrees 15 minutes 11 -6- #130 seconds West and a length of 105.69 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.068 acres, more or less. This description was prepared for the City of Carmel, Indiana by Tracy L. McGill, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor, License Number LS20500009, on the 12`h day of June, 2007. Exception Parcel 3 Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence on the west line of the Southwest Quarter of said Southeast Quarter North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West assumed bearing 398.13 feet; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds East 35.00 feet to the east right of way line of Pennsylvania Street per Instrument No. 8627981 and the point of beginning of this description; thence on said east right of way line North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 170.53 feet; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds East 212.27 feet; thence South 76 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds East 118.85 feet; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 45 seconds East 52.39 feet; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 145.44 feet to a tangent curve with a radius of 200.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds; thence on the arc of said curve 61.40 feet having a chord bearing South 08 degrees 37 minutes 35 seconds West 61.16 feet; thence South 17 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 23.16 feet; thence North 76 degrees 59 minutes 17 seconds West 373.49 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.79 acres, more or less. Exception Parcel 4 Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County,Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at A Harrison monument marking the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West (assumed bearing) a distance of 396.18 feet on the West line of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds East 35.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of Carmel Drive Shoppes, recorded as Instrument No. 2008046083 in Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 492 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, said corner being marked by a 5/8" diameter rebar with red "Miller" cap; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 170.53 feet on the West line of said Lot 1 to the Northwest corner thereof, as marked by a 5/8" diameter rebar with red "Miller" cap, said corner being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 190.00 feet parallel with the West line of said Southeast Quarter to a 5/8" diameter rebar with cap marked "WEIHE ENGR 0012"; thence North 57 degrees 37 minutes 04 seconds East 41.14 feet to a 5/8" diameter rebar with cap marked -7- #130 "WEIHE ENGR 0012; thence North 88 degrees 37 minutes 47 seconds East 256.59 feet to a MAG nail; thence South 01 degree 07 minutes 37 seconds East 238.00 feet to a Northerly line of said Lot 1; the following two (2) courses are on the Northerly lines of said Lot 1; 1.) thence North 76 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds West 85.58 feet; 2.)thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds West 212.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.453 acres, more or less. -8- #130 EXHIBIT B Release Parcels 29DOI-9 708-PL-007530 Filed:811//2017 2:33 PM Tammy Saitz Hamilton Superior Court 1 Clerk Hamilton County,Indiana Project: 1500444 Sheet 1 of 3 Parcel: I Fee Simple Form: WD-1 Tax 1D No.: 29-09-26-000-015.000-018 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B",described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of said quarter section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat; thence North 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds East 676.95 feet along the south line of said section to the prolonged northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street; thence North 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East 89.68 feet along the prolonged boundary of said Old Meridian Street to where the northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street meets the northeastern boundary of Carmel Drive, which is the point of beginning of this description: thence North 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds West 89.47 feet (90.04 feet deduced from Instrument #200100010582) along the boundary of said Carmel Drive; thence along said boundary Northwesterly 64.94 feet along an are to the left having a radius of$68.51 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 56 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds West and a length of 64.92 feet to point "800" as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 85 degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East 33.46 feet to point "801" as designated on said parcel plat; thence South 64 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East 59.09 feet to point "802" as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 74 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds hast 103.05 feet to the northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street at point "803"as designated on said parcel plat; thence South 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West 105.00 feet along the boundary of said Old Meridian Street to the point of beginning and containing 0.148 acres,more or less. -9- #130 Project: 1500444 Sheet 2 of 3 Parcel: I Fee Simple Forni: WD-I Tax ID No.: 29-09-26-000-015.000-018 This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the. City of Carmel,Hamilton County,Indiana, Land Acquisition. ito .. . .. .... h G' nunder my and eal 11 Aaron T. Fateley T NIF 1717i= Indiana Registered Land Surveyor U 1A License Number 20700097 s -10- #130 Project: 1500444 Sheet 3 of 3 Parcel: 1A Fee Simple Foran: WD-1 Tax ID No.: 29-09-26-000-015.000-018 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North., Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section North 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds East 659.71 feet from the southwest corner of said quarter section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat, and which point of beginning is the cast corner of the grantor's land;thence South 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds West 50.47 feet along the south line of said section; thence North 10 degrees 21 minutes 26 seconds West 43.59 feet to the southwestern boundary of Carmel Drive at point 11806" designated on said parcel plat; thence South 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds East 71.86 feet along the boundary of said Carmel Drive to the point of beginning and containing 0.025 acres, more or less. This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a Feld survey and has been prepared for the City of Cannel,Hamilton County,Indiana, Land Acquisition. 'j' Gicn under my hand and seal 1 Aaron T. Fateley _ l Indiana Registered Land Surveyor .fir''••., 1 ., ',��•. License Number 20700097 +fff�if�1J.'tEFiSllll����``l #130 29D01-1708-PL-007530 Filed:811112017 2.33 PM Tammy Baltz Hann q'<NJ&loTC61 'i Clerk { RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PIAT sH1 �"6p`�'�r Indiana Northwest Cornet PREPARED FOR THE CITYOF CARMEL.HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA i SWT/4, S:11/4 BY CERTIFIED ENGINEERING,INC.(JOB No.78807) I Sec. 26-T15N,-R3,:, 1,:352.41' I ...._.._ .. - _— 73 43* 0' 20U 400' 105.78' 1ui ` P ! NOrexGFusive Sanitary Sewer Esm't r" �o�a 1 a 1 SCALE: 1"=200• in favor of Terre Carmel Ecrst, ECC U l Q y Insfrurnent No. 1'0'08011255 ate F, � � j z LF1 1„' 0roinoge do Utility Esm•E nJonexuu•i're Access Esm'1 5 n c r ti i j in favor of City of Ce:rno Instrument No. 2008011257 &c 3 Book 2, page 357 Norer.clusive Utility Esm't v n ay a f z 1t-�20' Nonexciusive Utllii;v F.sm't Instrument No. 200801'258 8: I z'� n LJ ir. favor of Terre Co,r^el Eost, LLC Sterm Drolnoge Lcsement �;� � I 0. Instrument No. 2008011253 Instrument No. 2008CM259 CK 0 Sonitory Server Eosernent all in favor of Terre Carmel Ecst. LLC I 7D' in rover or Cily c! Ccrnei �(j lY' Tniepnone f,asement r` t- Book Z. page 3557 in !ever o` Ineiono Bell 1 lephane Co. I Sock 4, pogo 457 ; NonexClusive. Access Esm't 1 in lovor of Terre Cormc! Eosl, LLC at7 Instrument No. 20.080112.57 i 1 0: b! _; 256.59' Q Nonexclusive Access Esrri t o i I S 41.14 in lovor of EEC Carmel Meijer Stores h. Lr C % "J N I I o ir:strumcnt No 2013065717 / "I i o c( O �jCrosswalk Cosernent 00• i I I T Q�fj r7 in fuvru Di Meijer Stores, LP to I - ^ 1r,suu:nel:t Eto. 2^virr035039 j gg53 &Nonexclus:ve t:Iectric Utility l.:m't 52.39' in favor of P51 Energy 2.27 i Ifa� _� Instrument No. 940.:1,16 .%!, ; �1� S Q Seiner Easement in �er� %' f�Q + 1 t(1 d favor c` City e: Cermet ; u Lot 1 It I Book 2, Page 362 SS.UUIT I f L J� .—CARMEL CRIVC SHWKS YCA31NE1 4, SLIDE 492 j 373. 00 03 4 1 1:6.85"le NJ r/ jari c fC> jai r t 1rn n n `n/ C, I ` l ►- 624.9 ) � � /1 Soutneosl Coiner-, Qi Sw;J14. ! �i 1 /A,t4an_xclusive 5terrri dent+ t I in rover a! Penn Ctrcte, LLC s r Instrument No. '011055622 PARCEL: I OWNER: MEIJER STORES LIM17FD PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT: 1500444 DRAWN 8Y: C.,/R. 11122/16 ROAD: CARIAEL DRIVE CHECKED BY. AT.F. COUNTY: -HA ikTON SECTION: 26 HATCHED AREA IS THE INSTRUMENT AD. 200100010582 1012012000 TOWNSHIP_ 16 N APPROXIMATE TAKING INSTRUMENT N0. 2007069689 10/11/,?007 RANGE: 5 E. ® INS1RUMENT N0. 2008011254 1/24/200£ INSl'RUM£NT NU 201,3066715 10109/,7013 77 DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FROM THE ASM USTED RECORD aoCL.E g_ -AZ' #130 PARCEL. COORDINATE CHART(shown in feet) Point Genterline Station Offset Northing Easting *504 *700 "A" 701 "A" X703 A" *704 A" & 08" $705 °A" *770 "e" 800 A 23+25.00 ExRW(50 00' L t.) 172056J.6715 191761.7661 801 A 23+50.00 7000' 1t. 1 1720566.1954 191795.1348 802 A 24405.00 80.00' L f. 1720541,0525 191848,6102' 803 B 11+55.00 EXFW(50,00' Lt.) 1720560.5742 191949.7975 805 8 8184.00 67.00' 11. 1720350,6625 191777.5551 806 A 23490.00 apm(50.00' Rt.) 1720444.3591 191760.4320 NOTE. STATIONS&OFFSETS CONTROL OVER BOTH NORTH &EAST COORDINATES AND BEARINGS&DISTANCES, "SEE LOCATION CONTROL ROUTE SURVEY. SURIfYORS STAtEUENT To the best of my knovrledge and belief, this plot, together with the "Locotrbn Contra! Rodte Survey" recorded as Instrument No. 2016003642 in the Oftice of the Recorder of Hamillon County, Indiana, (incorporated herein and mode a part hereof by reference) comprise a Raule Survey executed in accordance with Lrtdiono Administrative Code 665 MC 1-•12, (Rule 12). `\��Nt n oslNry� F r Aaron 1: Fotei y — _ Date Prafessionof Surveyor No. 20700097` (.1Q 2iD7001997 . _ State of Indiana - 3939 MILLERSVILLE ROAD �TATE OF INDIANAPOLIS,INDIANA 46205 r PhiE1NE:3i7-546 1599 URS \:�' FAX:317-546.2599 rrr+r+r S ��` CERTIFIED@CERTIFIEDENG114ECrU NG.NET PARCEL: 1 OWNER. 1,10JER STORES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT: 1500444 DRAWN BY: CJ.fL 11/22/16 ROAD: UIRWL DR114E CHECKED BY: J?1'.F COUNTY: HWILTON. SECTION: 26 TOWNSHIP. 18 N. RANGE: 3 t; ENCOMBERS IfEY N19. 79 09-2o Gk YJ Lit5,i41U-018 -13- #130 EXHIBIT C Amended Mortizalzed Property PARCEL A: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26,Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County,Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the South line thereof North 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds East(assumed bearing) 35.01 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Pennsylvania Street, the dedication of public right of way of which was recorded December 9, 1986 in Book 4 on pages 697 thru 701 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, which said point is the Point of Beginning (the next four courses are along said dedication of public right of way); (1)thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 200.47 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line for 126th Street; (2) thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 47 seconds East 116.85 feet to a curve having a radius of 768.51 feet, the radius point of which bears South 00 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds East; (3) thence Easterly along said curve 475.88 feet to a point which bears North 35 degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds East from said radius point; (4) thence South 54 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds East 76.34 feet to a point on the South line of said Quarter Quarter Section which bears North 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds East 624.92 feet from the point of beginning; thence along said South line South 88 degrees 40 minutes 41 seconds West 624.92 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 2.08 gross acres,more or less. PARCEL B: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section which said corner bears North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 1320.50 feet from the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the North line thereof North 88 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East (assumed bearing) 35.01 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Pennsylvania Street, the dedication of public right of way of which was recorded December 9, 1986 in Book 4 on pages 697 thru 701 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, which said point is the Point of Beginning; thence continue along said North line North 88 degrees 45 minutes 17 seconds East 1295.04 feet to the Northeast corner of said Quarter Quarter Section; thence along the East line of said Quarter Quarter Section South 00 degrees 04 minutes 27 seconds East 505.77 feet to a point on the center line of U.S. 31 (old) (Meridian Street); thence along said center line South 35 degrees 23 minutes 42 seconds West 961.49 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of said dedication of public right of way (the next four courses are along said right of way line); (1)thence North 54 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds West 140.04 feet to a curve having a radius of 868.51 feet, the radius point of which bears South -14- 4130 35 degrees 23 minutes 31 seconds West; (2) thence Westerly along said curve 537.80 feet to a point which bears North 00 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds West from said radius point; (3) thence South 89 degrees 54 minutes 47 seconds West 116.99 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of said Pennsylvania Street which said point bears South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 1019.99 feet from the point of beginning; (4) thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 1019.99 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 29.91 acres,more or less. Excepting therefrom the following described six(6)parcels: Exception Parcel 1 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning on the north line of said quarter-quarter section North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 1123.79 feet from the northwest comer of said quarter-quarter section, said beginning point designated "205" on said Plat; thence continuing North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 128.61 feet along said north line to point designated "211" on said Plat; thence Southeasterly 105.78 feet along an are to the left having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of South 47 degrees 15 minutes 11 seconds East and a length of 105.69 feet to the east line of said quarter-quarter section at point designated "210" on said Plat; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 124.05 feet along said east line to point designated "207" on said Plat; thence North 55 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds West 19.44 feet to point designated "206" on said Plat; thence Northwesterly 264.42 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 850.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 46 degrees 19 minutes 06 seconds West and a length of 263.36 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.449 acres,more or less. This description was prepared for the City of Carmel, Indiana by Tracy L. McGill, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor,License Number LS20500009, on the 12th day of June,2007. This description was written from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessarily checked by a field survey. Exception Parcel 2 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning on the north line of said quarter-quarter section North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 1252.41 feet from the northwest corner of said quarter-quarter section: thence continuing North 88 degrees 44 minutes 51 seconds East 77.50 feet along said north line to the east line of said quarter-quarter section;thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East 73.43 feet along said east line; thence Northwesterly 105.78 feet along an arc to the right having a radius of 750.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 47 degrees 15 minutes 11 -15- 9130 seconds West and a length of 105.69 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0,068 acres, more or less. This description was prepared for the City of Carmel, Indiana by Tracy L. McGill, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor, License Number LS20500009, on the 12th day of June,2007. Exception Parcel 3 Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County,Indiana,more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East; thence on the west line of the Southwest Quarter of said Southeast Quarter North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West assumed bearing 398.13 feet; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds East 35.00 feet to the east right of way line of Pennsylvania Street per Instrument No. 8627981 and the point of beginning of this description; thence on said east right of way line North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 170.53 feet; thence North 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds East 212.27 feet; thence South 76 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds East 118.85 feet; thence North 88 degrees 47 minutes 45 seconds East 52.39 feet; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds East 145.44 feet to a tangent curve with a radius of 200.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 35 minutes 24 seconds; thence on the are of said curve 61.40 feet having a chord bearing South 08 degrees 37 minutes 35 seconds West 61.16 feet; thence South 17 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds West 23.16 feet; thence North 76 degrees 59 minutes 17 seconds West 373.49 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.79 acres, more or less. Exception Parcel 4 Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township,Hamilton County, Indiana,described as follows:- Commencing at A Harrison monument marking the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West (assumed bearing) a distance of 396.18 feet on the West line of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 54 minutes 48 seconds East 35.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 of Carmel Drive . Shoppes, recorded as Instrument No. 2008046083 in Plat Cabinet 4, Slide 492 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, said corner being marked by a 5/8" diameter rebar with red "Miller" cap; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 170.53 feet on the West line of said Lot 1 to the Northwest corner thereof, as marked by a 5/8" diameter rebar with red "Miller" cap, said corner being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 00 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West 190.00 feet parallel with the West line of said Southeast Quarter to a 5/8" diameter rebar with cap marked "WEIHE ENGR 0012"; thence North 57 degrees 37 minutes 04 seconds East 41.14 feet to a 5/8" diameter rebar with cap marked -16- #130 "WEIHE ENGR 0012; thence North 88 degrees 37 minutes 47 seconds East 256.59 feet to a MAG nail; thence South 01 degree 07 minutes 37 seconds East 238.00 feet to a Northerly line of said Lot 1; the following two (2) courses are on the Northerly lines of said Lot 1; 1.) thence North 76 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds West 85.58 feet;2.)thence South 89 degrees 49 minutes 53 seconds West 212.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 1.453 acres, more or less. Exception Parcel 5 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B", described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said quarter section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat; thence North 89 degrees 01 minutes 35 seconds East 676.95 feet along the south line of said section to the prolonged northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street;thence North 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East 89.68 feet along the prolonged boundary of said Old Meridian Street to where the northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street meets the northeastern boundary of Carmel Drive, which point is the point of beginning of this description; thence North 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds West 89.47 feet (90.04 feet deduced from Instrument 4200100010582) along the boundary of said Carmel Drive; thence along said boundary Northwesterly 64.94 feet along an arc to the left having a radius of 868.51 feet and subtended by a long chord having a bearing of North 56 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds West and a length of 64.92 feet to point "800" as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 85 degrees 40 minutes 28 seconds East 33.46 feet to point "801" as designated on said parcel plat; thence South 64 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East 59.09 feet to point "802" as designated on said parcel plat; thence North 79 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds East 103.05 feet to the northwestern boundary of Old Meridian Street at point "803" as designated on said parcel plat;thence South 35 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds West 105.00 feet along the boundary of said Old Meridian Street to the point of beginning and containing 0.148 acres,more or less. This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessary checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, Land Acquisition, by Aaron T. Fateley, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor, License Number 20700097. Exception Parcel 6 A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana,and being that part of the grantor's land lying within the right-of-way lines depicted on the attached Right-of-Way Parcel Plat marked as Exhibit "B", described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line of said section North 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds East 659.71 feet from the southwest corner of said quarter section, said corner being designated as point "504" on said parcel plat, and which point of beginning is the east corner of said grantor's land; thence South 89 degrees 01 minute 35 seconds West 50.47 feet -17- #130 along the south line of said section; thence North 10 degrees 21 minutes 26 seconds West 43.59 feet to the southwestern boundary of Carmel Drive at point "806" designated on said parcel plat; thence South 54 degrees 13 minutes 09 seconds East 71.86 feet along the boundary of said Carmel Drive to the point of beginning and containing 0.025 acres,more or less. This description was prepared from information obtained from the Recorder's Office and other sources which were not necessary checked by a field survey and has been prepared for the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana, Land Acquisition, by Aaron T. Fateley, Indiana Registered Land Surveyor,License Number 20700097. -18- #130 EXHIBIT D 29D01-1708-PL-007530 P'ded:&11120172: —FAMWC664 Tammy RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL PLAT $Nfff1r6ff1y,Ir NorthweE; Cvne,PREPARED FOR TIDE CITY OF CARMEL,HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA Sw'1/4, SE`/4 BY CERTMED;NGINEERING,MG.(JOB NO.16807) 25-IIVN.-R3E. 1,252.41' IN, v S:E.61' 1,1,^.3.79'1.295,04' ` 77 4J' F 73 43 I -._ 105 1 ( T400' �� c i s (Dr-Norexctuswe Scrolory Sa er E ohm 80AIR;I' DO' in favor of lerre Cornet E I. L1.C. 1E yyC I c I Instrument NO. 2008011 -8 �� �• •n•' F 7 15' Uroinoge &U day Esml Nonexclusive Access Es 't �O' r+ 'oQn I `y ;n ravar of City o% Cerr.:el Instrument No 200801 257 A.- 4 G? r p "✓� t r / NOneKClvslve Utilit m't n r 41 5,i Book 2, page 35' Y a yuan I '� �(-j 2D' Nonarc;usive Utility nit Instrument N u8t11.x58 k `ate. �n loVp• Of terra Carmel Eeo, Star .nage Lasernert 1 0. � fDVb.2, I O .1L7' tl� Cor2V ROP- E R V 70 in favor or City at Cr net 15 Tere0ncn9 Eose ant -'�'- Book.. 2. page 35. in favor O' inciono Bell TV12;hane Ca. i )wk 4, page. 457 tie F FT o fir} cnexclssive Access Esm'l ,r favor of Terra WrnCi East. LLC t R ` rn triment 45,. 2008011257 / f P 1 No erciusi•re Access Ecm'l 2-E.59— r i 5,i` 5,,.14. � z^ t ver a'FEC Corrxtl McEi: tit Ores R. LtC , C4 "•r• p lnslru cnt No. 2013066717 r1 t i o 1t o (Jj C.resswr. gement ' ir, fuvlr :)J Me. Stores, LP 7 +? So` Irstrvmcot No 2 50350:9 5r / ° @ NOne.cl,,,,,,a E'ie_tn Utktty isn't y� F -- �'52.J in terve of P51 Ener 1 t 112.27 t1tB8 - inslUmenf No. 94011 15 t 7.1 t 3 L Sewer Eoc.. en, to 1 j'n rS a favor of Ctty of Ca:rn fl)C yQtt1 Lei t ':J! (Bock 2, ao9e 362 o so/• T, - CAauEL DRn^_ SHOPPES a tii '"-.--CA2fA:E1 4. St 0E 492 s rl' 3 1.4x3 73 , 'x I�► �� 4q. - 3.16' qi .1 °a Li jj. / n Release Parcel �n O ter `il v CA) ^T f r� 624.9:' �T � `. ��Sautl:ensl COr•1er r i CA)Nanoxc!us,.e Slum.P='d ESr:t C- C 1 1 in I L,! of Penr. CrOJe.LLC / ¢t o+ Instrument Na. 20tfU5Sd22 / ` F PARCEL: 1 OWNER NEVER S70RCS LIWV PARTNERSHIP OES.NO.: 1500444 PROJECT: 1500444 DRAWN SY: C.J.P. 11/22/16 ROAD: CARMEL DRIVE CHECKED BY: AT.F. COUNTY: I0MTON SECTION: 26 HATCHED AREA IS TME 1NSTRUGENT M. 20010001+0562 10/20/2000 TOWNSHIP: 18 N. APPROKMTE TAKING INSTRUMENT NO. 2007069689 10/11/2007 RANGE: 3 INSTRUMENT N0. 2008011254 112412008 INSTRU1Ae T N0. 2013064715 10109/200 OWENgONB SNMhN ARE FROM 1ME ABOVE IISiEORSO011000CUYEN75 -19- #130