HomeMy WebLinkAbout323756 04/06/18 - s CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352785 y; l ONE CIVIC SQUARE BINGHAM.GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP CHECK AMOUNT: $****12,539.00* 'Q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3913 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHECK NUMBER: 323756 9M,ir6Na�:? CHICAGOJL-,.60677-3009 CHECK DATE: 04/06/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 202 4350900 . 4408214 7,521.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES 202 4350900 4410732 5,018.00 OTHER CONT SERVICES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 00352785 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 3913 SOLUTIONS CENTER An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CHICAGO, IL 60677-3009 Payee $12,539.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Engineering Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 4408214 43-509.00 $7,521.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 2/8/18 4408214 Legal Fees-General Advice-Utilities $7,521.00 2200 202 2200 202 4410732 43-509.00 $5,018.00 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 3/8/18 4410732 Legal Fees-General Advice-Utilities $5,018.00 2200 202 materials or services itemized thereon for 2200 1 202 which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, March 30,2018 Jeremy Kashman Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer MEMORANDUM TO: Jeremy Kashman, City Engineer FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Couns�l� RE: Bingham Greenebaum Doll Invoice Nr o. 23 Advice DATE: March 27, 2018 Jeremy, Attached is Bingham Greenebaum Doll's Invoice No. 4410732 in the amount of $5,018.00 regarding General Advice. Please prepare a claim in favor of Bingham Greenebaum Doll in the amount of $5,018.00 in payment of on half of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. Thanks. /ab Attachment [eb.m%mrdvlahemdlebanummwne&=idmouaaenbin&m Baum daUDP a advice 441W32.dox327/181 BINGHAM BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP GREENEBAUM ' 3913 Solutions Center Chicago,IL 60677-3009 DOLL. 1-800-436-3644 I.D.#61-1584266 03-15-18PO4:30 RCVD City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Account No.: 704810.053306 Attn: Douglas C. Haney,Esq. Invoice No.: 4410732 Corporation Counsel Invoice Date: March 8,2018 One Civic Sq., 3rd. Floor Carmel, IN 46032 GENERAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH FEBRUARY 28,2018: ATTORNEY/ DATE PARALEGAL DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT 02/01/18 RLS Review of issues from Jeremy;review.email chain from 1.80 1,053.00 Barrett& Stokely regarding Duke/AT&T 02/01/18 DBW Review and respond to e-mails from Ragdy Seger; 0.30 126.00 prepare e-mail to Jeremy Kashman(City of Carmel)re: Midtown project and proposed conference call 02/05/18 RLS Work on eminent domain issue with AT&T by Duke 0.70 409.50 Energy;call.with Jeremy; conference with B.Weese 02/05/18 DBW Prepare for and participate in conference with Randy 1.30 546.00 Seger re: Midtown site/utility issue;review City of Carmel ordinances relating to utility installation matters 02/05/18 MTG C_all,to discuss.AT&T utility relocation issue;research 1.00 350.00 or-AT&T issue;draft email re 02/08/18 RLS Email re ardin Duke/ATT;voicemail message and 0.60 351.00 analysis th City Atty.Ashley Ulbricht 02/09/18 RLS Work on AT&T easement and Duke Energy power.to 1.20 702.00 *- Midtown„issues;review J.Kashman email o AT&T facilities;conference with eese;setup c with Ashley Ulbricht 02/12/18 RLS Duke/AT&T-.analysis of laws 0.60 351.00 set up conference call fro Feb. 15 at 9:00 a.m.with As ey Ulbricht Indianapolis Jasper Evansville, Indiana Louisville Lexington,Kentucky Cincinnati,Ohio BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Invoice No.: 4410732 704810.053306 Invoice Date: March 8,2018 Page 2 ATTORNEY/ DATE PARALEGAL DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT 02/15/18 RLS Conference call with Ashley Ulbricht regarding 1.50 877.50 Duke/ATT Midtown dispute;pro osed method to resolve 02/15/18 DBW Prepare for and participate conference call with Ashley 0.60 252.00 Ulbricht(City of Carmel)and Randy Seger re:utility issues FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED $ 5,018.00 INVOICE TOTAL $ 5,018.00 PRIOR UNPAID BALANCE $ 7,521.00 BALANCE DUE 12,539.00 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATTORNEY/PARALEGAL HOURS RATE AMOUNT Randolph L. Seger 6.40 585.00 3,744.00 D.Bryan Weese 2.20 420.00 924.00 Michael T Griffiths 1.00 350.00 350.00 9.60 5,018.00 Al A BINGHAM BINGHAMGREENEBAUM DOLL LLP GREENEBAUM ' 3913 Solutions Center ° Chicago,IL 60677-3009 DOLL 1-800-436-3644 I.D.461-1584266 City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Account No.: 704810.053306 Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. Invoice.No.: 4410732 Corporation Counsel Invoice Date: March 8, 2018 One Civic Sq., 3rd.Floor Carmel, IN 46032 GENERAL ADVICE REMITTANCE PAGE INVOICE TOTAL $ 5,018.00 PRIOR UNPAID BALANCE $ 7,521.00 BALANCE DUE $ 12.539.00 AGING OF OUTSTANDING INVOICES DATE INVOICE INVOICE AMOUNT PAYMENT RECEIVED BALANCE 01/27/09 376371 6,869.59 6,869.59 0.00 02/23/09 378671 1,691.00 1,691.00 0.00 02/08/18 4408214 7,521.00 0.00 7,521..00 Total 7,521.00 LAST PAYMENT RECEIVED:2/3/2010 $8,560.59 PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS INVOICE. PLEASE RETURN THIS COPY WITH YOUR PAYMENT. MEMORANDUM TO: Jeremy Kashman, City Engineer FROM: Douglas C. Haney, Corporation Count RE: Bingham Greenebaum Doll Invoice No. 214 General Advice DATE: March 8, 2018 202 - L- 2"5Og00 Jeremy, Attached is Bingham Greenebaum Doll's Invoice No. 4408214 in the amount of $7,521.00 regarding General Advice. Please prepare a claim in favor of Bingham Greenebaum Doll in the amount of $7,521.00 in payment of on half of this invoice. Please let me know PROMPTLY if you believe that your Department is not responsible for the payment of the attached invoice or if you have any questions regarding this memorandum. Thanks. /ab Attachment [eb.ms rdvlshmdlebennealmoneybutsidecou Abingham gaxaebaumdofteaeral advice 4408214.doc:3n/18] j BINGHAM ® BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP GREENEBAUM ` ' 3913 Solutions Center r Chicago,IL 60677-3009 DOLL., 1-800436-3644 I.D.#61-1584266 02-23-18P03 :43 RCVD I City of Carmel (Dept Utilities) Account No.: 704810.053306 Attn: Douglas C. Haney,Esq. Invoice No.: 4408214 Corporation Counsel Invoice Date: February 8, 2018 One Civic Sq., 3rd.Floor Carmel, IN 4.6032 GENERAL ADVICE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH JANUARY 31,2018: ATTORNEY/ DATE PARALEGAL DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT 01/19/18 RLS Conference with D.Haney,A.Ulbricht,M.Griffiths 0.90 526.50 regarding analysis of AT&T and Duke Power 01/19/18 MTG Review and draft emails to A.Ulbricht re Duke Energy 1.00 350.00 issue;call with A.Ulbricht re Duke Energy utility reimbursement issue and IURC options; draft email re . Duke Energy issue;research status of Duke/Avon IURC proceeding 01/20/18 MTG Call to discuss Duke relocation issue; draft email to A. 0.50 175.00 Ulbricht re conference call to discuss Duke issue 01/22/18 RLS Conference call with D.Haney regarding Ordinances; 0.90 526.50 IURC;Avon;follow-up with conflict check;review Eminent Domain Law with B.Weese 01/22/18 RLS Review J.Kashman material;analysis regarding action 0.70 409.50 plan-IURC; litigation on eminent domain 01/22/18 MTG Research re IURC intervention rules;prepare for call 0.80 280.00 with client; call with D.Haney and A.Ulbricht re Duke/AT&T issue 01/24/18 RLS Review Kashman's facts;review diagrams and narrative 0.50 292.50 01/24/18 MTG Draft email to A.Ulbricht re Duke/Avon relocation 0.40 140.00 dispute;call with A.Ulbricht re Duke/Avon dispute; review email from J.Kashman re Midtown/AT&T issue 01/25/18 RLS Conference and research Duke/AT&T dispute with 0.90 526.50 Carmel;use of eminent domain;Ordinance regarding Indianapolis Jasper Evansville, Indiana Louisville Lexington,Kentucky Cincinnati,Ohio BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Invoice No.: 4408214 704810.053306 Invoice Date: February 8, 2018 Page 2 ATTORNEY/ DATE PARALEGAL DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT . Aerial Fiber issue 01/25/18 DBW Conferences with Randy Seger re:utility easement 0.50 210.00 issue;review Kashman e-mail and attachments 01/26/18 RLS Review emails regarding Duke/AT&T Dis ute;. 2.10 1,228.50 research law on condemnation/utility 01/26/18 DBW Review'e-mails and illustrations of AT&T.site; 0.80 336.00 conference call with Randy Seger; continue reviewing documents 01/27/18 RLS Revieegarding 1.10 643.50 AT&T easement and denial of easement to Duke/Carmel 01/29/18 RLS Review of dispute over easement for transformers; 0.80 468.00 analysis of aerial and Carmel policy on fiber 01/29/18 DBW Pre are:for and attend meeting with Randy Seger re: 1.80 756.00 Project and utility issues; leave VM for Ashley Ulbric t;prepare notes for conference call; conference call with Ashley Ulbricht; conduct site inspection 01/31/18 RLS Work on AT&T/Duke issues o easements; 0.90 526.50 conference;emails;review information sent by Engineer,Jeremy 01/31/18 DBW Review conference call notes and.prepare e-mail to 0.30 126.00 Randy Seger with summary of conference call and site photos FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED $ 7,521.00 INVOICE TOTAL 7.521.00 c BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Invoice No.: 4408214 704810.053306 Invoice Date: February 8,2018 Page 3 SUMMARY OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ATTORNEY/PARALEGAL HOURS RATE AMOUNT Randolph L. Seger 8.80 585.00 5,148.00 D.Bryan Weese 3.40 420.00 1,428.00 Michael T Griffiths 2.70 350.00 945.00 14.90 7,521.00 ` BINGHAM , BINGHAM GREENEBAUM DOLL LLP GREENEBAUM ' ' 3913 Solutions Center Chicago,IL 60677-3009 DOLL., 1-800436-3644 I.D.#61-1584266 City of Carmel(Dept Utilities) Account No.: 704810.053306 Attn: Douglas C. Haney, Esq. Invoice No.: 4408214 Corporation Counsel Invoice Date: February 8,2018 One Civic Sq., 3rd. Floor Carmel, IN 46032 GENERAL ADVICE REMITTANCE PAGE INVOICE TOTAL 7.521.00 PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS INVOICE. PLEASE RETURN THIS COPY WITH YOUR PAYMENT. 6�N V HA11A . Randy L Seger Senior Partner G;REEMEBAUM ' Direct:(317)686-5203 1 Fax:(317)236-9907 DOLL. rseger@bsdleeal.com February 15,2018 Douglas C.Haney,Esq. Corporate Counsel .City of Carmel Qne.Civic Square, Yd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Billing Statement.for the Month Ending January 31,2018 City of Carmel(Dept.Utilities) Matter: General Advice—704810.053306 Dear Doug: Enclosed please find our statement for professional services rendered through January 31, 2018,for the Utility Construction and Relocation matter. Please include the remittance page, along with your check made payable to Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP,in the enclosed envelope. S" 1p1;L.Seger RLS/rea Enc. 1.9128431 2700 Market:Tower,to West Market Street Indianapolis,1-46204 317.635:89oo.main 317.236.9907 fax www.bgdlegal.com