HomeMy WebLinkAbout324049 04/11/18 r tqq CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 362732, 1• ONE CIVIC SQUARE PAMELA LISTER CHECK AMOUNT: $**...**495.31' s, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11598 MANSFIELD PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 324049 9M %� CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 04/1 1/18 t ETON� DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1207 4239040 495.31 FOOD & BEVERAGES VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) Vendor# 362732 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER PAMELA LISTER IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 11598 MANSFIELD PLACE An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee $495.31 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Brookshire Golf Course Terms Date Due PO* ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT Tabler Cloth 42-390.40 $495.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 4/6/18 Tabler Cloth Sundries for Banquet Chair Covers $495.31 Factory Factory 1207 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 1207 101 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,April 09,2018 G / I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20_ Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer w _ CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) ,S���Np1AN' t6mdOHMO Il b�'4. ' EMPLOYEE NAME:�_�� STS DEPARTURE DATE: �- TIME: AM/PM DEPARTMENT: /�J,O 'I RETURN DATE: TIME: AM/PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: DESTINATION CITY: EXPENSES ARE FOR(check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSE NT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date . Lodging Misc. Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem tl •.f' '). ..,i:,:y •ft,: il•i e�.. t: TOt-1 DIRECTOR'S STAtEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: /7/-9— City -7 —City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 10/17/2006 0 _ tableclothsfactory.com - Thank you Pam! Page 1 of 5 TableclothsFACTORYa High Quality TaWe Ui s at Wholesale Prices Show order summary $495.31 Order 934873TCF Thank you Pam! < --! Bing - Passing Sales Value--> ` E Carmel, In ` fat Si ' 1 6th St w E 26th St - r ,CAriter F3f t S D7 sr — i vj r 4 Ir �libfhst € C 1lbtht jE-19bThsf: , _ Map data©2018 Google Your order is confirmed We've accepted your order, and we're getting it ready. Come back to this page for updates on your order status. Order updates You will receive a confirmation email with your order number shortly. All updates will be sent to plister@carmel.in.gov a Get shipping updates by SMS Customer information Shipping address Billing address Pam Lister Pam Lister 1212o Brookshire Pky 11598 Mansfield Place Carmel IN 46033 Carmel IN 46032 United States United States (317) 846-7422 (317) 201-7964 https://tableclothsfactory.com/18326341/checkouts/69ecb892df3 ea667b6489904b5e4c l4c... 4/6/2018 Order summary Shopping cart Product image Description Quantity 'Price .17FT Wholesale Black Pleated Polyester Table Skirt For 3 $58.17. Wedding Party Event In Stock:In Stock 3 1 17FT Wholesale White Pleated Polyester Table.Skirt For l 1 $19.39 Wedding Party Event 1 1 21FT Wholesale White_Pleated Polyester Table Skirt For 1 $21.19 Wedding Party Event 1 54"x9.6" Black Wholesale Polyester Rectangular Oblong Banquet Linen TableclothPack of 1 Tablecloth 6 $35.94 6 14FT Wholesale White Pleated Polyester Table Skirt For 1 $16.59. Wedding Party Event 1 Wholesale White Polyester Banquet Chair Covers Party 10 $9.80 l Wedding EventPack of 1 Chair Cover , £. 10 Shopping cart Product image Description Quantity Price. Wholesale B1ack'Polyester Banquet Chair Covers Party 10 $9.80 Wedding EventPack of 1 Chair Cover 10 Wholesale Black Polyester Banquet Chair Covers Party 1 $93.10 Wedding EventCase of 100 Chair Covers 1 i 1 21FT Wholesale Black;Pleated Polyester Table Skirt For 2 $42.38 Wedding Party Event In Stock: In Stock 2 : 50"x120" White Wholesale Polyester Rectangular Oblong , Banquet Linen TableclothPack of 1 Tablecloth $48.23 7 50"x120" Black Wholesale Polyester Rectangular Oblong 5 $34.45 . Banquet Linen TableclothPack of 1 Tablecloth. . 5 120" BLACK Wholesale Polyester Round Tablecloth For 2 $11.38 Wedding Banquet RestaurantPack of 1 Tablecloth 2 Shopping cart Product image Description Quantity Price, i 90" WHITE Wholesale Polyester Round Tablecloth For 5 $24.85 Wedding Banquet RestaurantPack of I Tablecloth 5 tableclothsfactory.com - Thank you Pam! Page 2 of 5 Shipping method Payment method 5 Day Delivery----- (Delivery By: Mon, ending with 0737—$495.31 Apr 16) (5am to 11 pm I Monday Live ® Need Continue Contact https://tableclothsfactory.com/18326341/checkouts/69ecb892df3 ea667b6489904b5e4c l4c... 4/6/2018