HomeMy WebLinkAboutWoodland Animal Hospital 18040215W f D St�'T73Q•`ii M VjKlm fit .1/4- SECTICK 36-116N-RTc BRAZPON r 0 in fa I SIT Legend of Symbols & Abbreviations Utility Notes Land Surveyor's Report —� —K -->r —. —x —x —� — fJr2SW *X-Tff FF}Il� QI CLEAN OUT An and nd utilities do acted on the attached at of semfe have been located per visual observio ohs ex Y P� � Y P In direct accordance with the taws governing the State of Indiana, of the United States of America, and following Title 865 Stole Board of Registration for Load Surveyors. Article 1, General Provisions, Rule i Z Land Suveyxtg; Competent --a —o —o —o — ©fig MOD-TYE IDa PERMITTED USE GAS UNE 1lAfiKER utlity markings on the gramd. No warranty, either exprtssed or inplied, is mode as to the accuracy and/or of the Indono Administratnn Cade (IAC), the felt beliefs, inions, observations. conclusions. Practice. ( ), awing op' ' and I wTR WR = IIIIIiEitCRM TATER LKS sUnd STY = IMS STAN SEW BEEHIVE }iIVE ltf7 completeness of informoth presented on underground utlities, or as to its fitness for any perVala purpose or use. h no event wpl SEA Croup, its emptoytes, agents. end/or assigns, be held liable for any damages orisktg out information are hereby submitted for record. The degree of precision and accuracy necessary for a survey shag be ucT UCT = u�? tUfT'F 90X Imp. Cvrq. GROUND LIGHT of the fumnhing crud/cr use of such infamtot'r4rt. The path of the utility Penes shown on said plat of survey should based upon the intended use at the riot estate. If the cSent does not provide intarnnat'ucxtt regadng the intended use, the classification of the survey shall be based an the current use of the reel estate. The surveyed premises shown 42-n`t — — SECTON LK (AS NOTED) RICHT-Df'-MY 0 57DR1,L SM MANHOLE be considered approximate until they ere eilher relocated, by calling the In6ana Underground Putt Protection Agency at 1-800-382-5544 or unt2 they ere excavated to verify the location end path of the ullity ffteL hereon are classified as an Urban Survey, having on "table relative positionaloaxurocy of 0.07 fie! plus 50 ports 15 feet — COttERt1*E AS NOTED ® AIR t ltDI110N1 R 29 feett per million.— — — -------------- — — — — — 65L = MW SET80 N IASElit)fT AS NOTED) — — It1Jtl ESTA llE5AS N0TED ) I CE Cj ELECTRIC UIIUTY TEIEP�IONE UTILITY .� z OBSERVED SUB,EL'T ESTA SUi�r'EY LINE (AS NOTED) PERMITTED USE I The purpose of this project was to perform and prepare o Retracement Survey on the red estate that has been described hereon, under direction and instructions from the client. =' E1D5W CONC. MAS NOTED ( ) PossNe encroochment. No actual encracdtments haft been rgcrted to surcyor. Relative positional accuracy (RPA) means the value expressed in feet or meters that represents the uncertainty due to x ( ' A1' Asphalt creat lot 4.8' southeast of southeast lite random errors in measurements in the location of any point at a survey relative to any other point on the some PLATO iEAA'>� AND OtiENWI (Cj = D UlJtTED BMW AND D6�}= � .` Ph= perking 19 ( = DEEDED MM AND DiDi510N = IMS BUM AND MWON W survey of the n+nety-fare percent (95Zj confidence level. there may be unwritten rights associated with these uncertainties. The amount of uncertainty created by any discrepancies in the lines of occupation is equal to that discrepancy itself and in situations where [hot uncertainty is less than that of the appropriate RPA, it may hove been r"s14 Right of way far drainage, flow and maintenance of ,�W. Hawkins Drain together with on additional considered negligible and gone unnoted. Unless otherwise noted or shown on the within survey plat, there is no 5 foot right of way as provided by 1C 36-9-27-33 Shown. evidence of occupation along the perimeter talcs of the subject real estate. SPE el ft, lit: l/4 IThis lot of serve accurate! shows the location of all risible improvements. unless noted otherwise, on the remises SECna4 36-neN-REE ^� P Y Y P p IM PIPE IN CONCRETE 19 REGULAR SPACES lI5lEosemenk Far drainage and utility purposes as reserved in deeds recorded in Deed Record 282, pages as of the dote of lost field work for this project. Also shown ore all lines of occupation and their relationship to the BOX ran � ti HANDICAPPED SPACE 93-93A and in Deed Record 288, page 170-172. - .Shown. established lines of the subject real estate. A more ccaUrote explonoGon of these relationships and how they were "Ass Pal PER TIES) 20 TOTAL. PARKING SPACES determined is described wifhkn this report. Unless otherwise itlustroted hereon, there is no evidence of occupation NG AREA CALCUU110NS AS PROVIDEO BY CLIENT - Told frost floor - 6682.4SF First Roor Yet clinic - 3690SF First floor kennel - 2992.4 Second Otter - Total 2867SF Occupied - 123W Vocont/unfinished - 1629SF (Unused space is storage/attic - no plans to do anything) Common area -_ (stairs etc) 298.6SF (As to the common area of stairs and halls, it is throughout both the vet area and the kennel orca.) Vet/Common area = 3640 + 1238 = 4928 0 1 panning space per 300 sq fL = 16 parking spaces Commercial kennel = 2992 = 0 a fixed 4 parking spaces = 4 parking spaces. If the common area is not already included that might require one more spot, but it (a) may already be included - that is riot clear or (b) may not be at the some level (Le. I per 300 sq (1). Total spaces needed = 20 or 21, depending on common area requirements. Vicinity Map L ;i6 Drainage Easement Agreement by and between 269 West Carmel Dr., L.LC. and The City of Carmel, along the exterior perimeter of the subject red estate. Indiona, recorded ,truly 20, 2004 as Instrument No. 200400050560. Shaun. ,� This plat of survey accurately shows the position of easements, hi hwoys, rights of way, restrictions, covenants or 67) Terms and conditions as set out in Declaratory Judgment for the County of Hamilton, recorded other encumbrances of which the Surveyor was infamned of. Land Surveyors within the State of kndiarna ore not December 24, 2003 as Instrument NovJ00300126946 and filed October 13, 2003 in Superior Court under qualified to perform the extensive searches needed to acquire all of those documents or agreements, rand they rely Cause /29DO3-9308-CP-404 and Quite Deed.4tecorded February 21, 2005 as instrument No. upon a Tulle Company, the client, the clients attorney, or the land owner to provide such information. Observable 200500010925. Blanket. evidence of these burdens ore shoran thereon as utility lines or assacioted improvements, droins, swales, roadways, driveways, paths, etcetera. Land Survey Markers, or monuments, were either set or found at ON camas of the subject real estate, as shown and noted hereon. In situations where the comer is inaccessible or it would not be reasonable to set a monument of a r comer, due to terrain or other hindrances, offset monuments may hove been set instead, and those have been annotated hereon as well. There maybe differences of deed (D) dimensions versus measured (M) dimensions along the established limes of the subject real estate and likewise, there rimy be found survey rnorkers near, but not precisely at, some established .Q corners. In cores where the extent of these differernaes are less than the stated RPA, and less than the uncertainty recognized with regard to any reference monuments used for Ibis project, those differences may be considered insaynificant and have been shown only far the purposes of mathematical edosre. Conversely, any differences that may exceed the stated RPA and other uncertainties are considered significant and have been discussed further below. POINT OF SE fNNING--" f 4 , The Theory of Location applied far this project is as follows. The basis of bearings for this project is South 00 decrees 00 minutes 00 see:ands East along the east fine of the ASPHALTl - Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East. It is this Land Surveyors professional opinion that the cause and the omount of uncertainty in these lines and PWRICIA ,,CNN LTJ nr rt 3.� ©D� corners is due to the following: D.R. 335, PG gag CRASS `~' ►,� / ASPHALT (A) Availability and condition of reference monuments 1 Press pin was found at the northeast cornu of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36. - net s�o - Iran Pipe in concrete found at the southeast comer of said Quarter. { � j), / S� Q8� Additional monuments were found at or near the established comers for the subject real estate and its ./ O• adoiners and any variances hove been annotated hereon. The amount of uncertainty created by the controlling monuments and any other monuments shown hereon is �� equal to 1.2't. ort. _1��. 4, ' ` 2 • / .� (B) Occupokioh or possession lines - Foca of curb lies along the 152.30' course. Concrete walk connects from subject buW9 to adjoining lot r / across this line. Homos & VW INC, � _ , � _ f INi5TRL11ttETtfi 12016-11362 1 / / Fence Zits 1.0 to 22 south of tit 4$.60 Course. / - Fences lie between I.3' to 2.2' east of the 65.65' course. - Fence lies as near as 0.5 west of the 142.97' course. I w/CAP STAUPEo k® F t f _ Parking lot Iles up to 4.8" southeast of the southeast line. «NE]lr foUe�°o L11 89"3514"W 48.5 ' %�{� J,/ � /� � ,�,�, ��o t' �©Qj � / The amount of uncertainty created by these d'u�repatc�s ,s equal to 4.8't. FDiC£ I91" ' ` ' /269 if CARVE OWE / / � �� �'`�' •• C Ctarit or ani' it of the record dela tion used and of ad' inees descriptions and the relationship of the 221: �� i.drs , , � `:: r 2 STGRY fR1tME Bdsz.tr':�C � � � �• / , ,Q..� () Y � r � � P ' P co � 1,165 SQUAK FEETt (FOt)1PRnP1ij tib` lines of the subject !tact with odjdrner s lines tri ti f .til /, �' /, . .,Q gyp• / - There is o typographical error in the record description. The distance of '196.26 feet' should read '198.28 CD 0 �P l f=29 /,�`�f ,r•. / �'` feet No gaps or overlaps in tine or deed lines were discovered during this survey. I !T as (D) The relative positional accuracy of the measurements '" • ' �" / �, _• i� � /`+ This survey meets or exceeds the requirements set forth by the State of Indiana. C:� I • tk4 ti� / .. �,� � �.• fit• / Cn ,, ° %� i Land SurvtNsrs Nath Any underground utilities depicted on the attached plot of survey have been located per visual observations or utility markings an the ground. No warranty, either expressed or anplied, is mode as to the accuracy and/or completeness U . / -of information presented on underground ut2it' or as to its fitness for an particular u or use. In no event r pr Qr "es. Y t p / 15 `�w?I SEA Group, its employees, agents, and/err assigns, be held liable for any damages arising out of the furnishing 6 CONCRETE / ee�,� 5 S �s and/err use of such infatuation. The path of the utility fetes shown on said plat of survey stoup be considered I 6 '1,21 GAT «,%`A / approximate until they ore either relocated, by calling the Indiana Underground Plant Protection Agency at 6� Ac / {j'A.o�`�s� 1-800-382-5544 or until they are excavated to verify the location and path of the utility tines. A- ) Ia �, No warranty, either expressed or implied, is mode as to the accuracy and/or completeness of informal'an provided by S % / C'?� governmental authorities and/or third parties, or as to its fitness for any particular purpose or use, including but not f6T o / � ,,. limited to information resented on zonae setback requirements, flood hazard zones and wetonds ores In no =ACrd( 1525424 .� .,/ .�4 •, P 9•of )•097 .1 SOUME TEETt} ,/�,r ��'�'�rs °v 4 ,'` ` �; '�� event wZI SEA Group, its employees. agents, and/or assigns, be liable for any damages arising out of the furnishing I, o /�! tt �`O y., �i and/err use of such information. jx o ,p d ,G.� fid• / j Any depiction of possible intrusion, tre:pass, invosior, aid/or possible encroachment into the possessions or rights of another is not a matter of survey. An attorney and/" lite company should be consulted in all matters with respect OA 'T3 x f to any rights of possession(s) and matters of title. Ee` t�itCf� , '��cb`�,,"� Along any fine where a deed gap or overlap or inconsistency in fine of occupoUon ocaws, unwritten rights may be 1 ovailable to the subject and/or the odjoining red estates Lack [roan Tie of Ditch Note s 101, / ASt'WLT t 14� 401 WEST MEL LfitM !LC ; l / 1 f �, <� •�� iNSTRUMENf 120140179gr i' Ihili �" GRAPHIC SCALE IP i inclh = :ser Feet � � � 4,1 y » Zoning Information STATUS ZONED •I-1• INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT STATUS ITEM REQUIRED OBSERVED Contact Info: Clobd P Zoning Job 1an78 National LLC Doted June 2. 2016 Cossle Phelps (405) 792-2075 PERMITTED USE I -In F41 MIN. LOT AREA none MIN. FRONTAGE none MAX. DENSITY 90X Imp. Cvrq. 4StX Imp Cvrs MIN. SETBACKS FROM T 15 feat 42-n`t MIN. SETBACKS SIDE none 2.7't Notes: p'�"' b'm ""y s. a 119Wtwi for t y'nawfe�. N..eXerKwrreer,� ot iW%hj i.•a .n..ppt"►s. eo4,.. PartA9 a too rarmorlorrstry MIN. SETBACKS REAR 15 feet 18 feed MAX BUILDING HEIGHT 60 feet 29 feett PARKING REGULAR I spa" Poe JOaf! "'SFE NOTES of CALCVLArt(W 19 PARKING HANDICAP I PARKING TOTAL.. 20 A scordh of County Swvc)ar records sand nformatron shows that the Subleet Real Estate is burdened by either a Legal Drain - the Ydi Fertig Droirn, JW Hawkins Arm, on open Fain. Current ownership far the Subject and Adjoining red estates are shown per County Assessor records, and any documents listed hereon con be obtained from the County Recorders Office. 16. No observable evidence of any earth moving work, building construction or building additions within recant months. 17. No proposed changes in street right of way lines either completed or proposed, and o"lable from the controlling Prisdiction. No observable evidence of any recent street or sidewalk construction of repairs. 18. No observable evidence of a wetlands delineated an the site as conducted by a qualified specialist tired by the client. No observed evidence of cemeteries, grove sites or burial grounds. No observed evidence of use as a solid waste dura, sump or sanitory land fit. State Of Indigo Required Statements For Recordation n I offirnn, under the penalties for perjury, that I have taken reasonable ewe to redact each Social Security Number in this document, unless required by law, Brion C. Koller. This document was prepared by Brion C. Rismiller. n I . P 31 P • P P