HomeMy WebLinkAbout324459 04/25/18 ,C4A CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371648 G ONE CIVIC SQUARE ARC ACQUISITION US INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******789.37* x' ,? CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 731576 CHECK NUMBER: 324459 9 . DALLAS TX,75373-1576 CHECK DATE: 04/25/18 M/,pN Lp DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER• AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4463100 101335 INV0037396 ` . 789.37 CAMERAS NETWORK 32XPT Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. . ALLOWED: 20 .. '. .Vendor'# .371648. . AC - COUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER ARC ACQUISITION US:INc IN.SUM of.$ - :CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 731576 ; An invoice or bill to be properly itemized mus fshow'kind of service,where performed,dates service ate b t b rendered;by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate: hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. DALLAS, TX.75373-157.6. y ..Pa ee 789.37 • Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms S: Date Due ue PO# ACCT# .• :• DATE. INVOICE# DESCRIPTION- DEPT#' INVOICE#:: :. Fund#. AMOUNT " B tuber DEPT# FUND (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT oard.Me s 101335 INV-0037396 44-639:00 $789.37 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 4/18/18 INV-0037396 $789.37 1115 101 1115 101 bill(s)•is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for - which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday,April 19,2018 Amone,Janet Admin Assistant I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and l have audited same in accordance with 10 5-11-10-.1: 6 20 Clerk-Treasurer _.f U A.Pl.Vb7,C0HPAfAY 1101 Viol 14 Phone(210)348-9876 FAX(210)348-9124 Invoice Numberr INV-003739 Uate 4/18/201 *'*NOTE OUR NEW REMITTANCE INFORMATION BELOW*** F I page Please remit Payment to: ACH Instructions: Order Number:; ORD-003453 ..ARC ACQUISITION(US)INC JP Morgan Chase Bank,NA P.O.Box 731576 Account Name:ARC Dallas,TX 75373-1576 Account#937892768 ABA#: 111000614 Bill To: CITY:OF.CARMEL Ship To: CITY OF CARMEL ATTN: COMMUNICATIONS ATTN: COMMUNICATIONS 31IST AVE NW 31.1STAVE NW CARMEL, IN 46032 . Ref:101335 CARMEL,-IN 46032 Customer•.# Customer ID Ship Via Sales Rep Terms GROUND1-6- 101335 INCARM00001 TODD MOSS NET 30 DA _ ... Item # Description Ordered Shipped :. Unit Price Extended Price 01061-001 P3375-VE NTWK CAM 1080P POE D/N VID AUD 1.00 1.00 0 $789.37 $789.37 Notes 'Subtotal $789.37 - ,r '!."Mis,cj $0.00 _ j 7ax� $0.00 �) Freight . $0.00 Payments Paid Amount° : . $0.00 - „ s Total Due. : Billing Questionsao.ar@arc-is.com.. 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CITY OF CARMEL Tech Data - South Bend 01/31/18 04/16/18 DS-0034535 COMMUNICATIONS Ref: 101335 7701 Vorden Pkwy : :: : St >:::<»:>:>:>::»::»»: ..: : RJ.f <:» .... .....::. :::::.....::::,>,:,:::.::: :::::;z::::fr:.::t:.l:: 31 1ST AVE NW South Bend, IN 46628-8425 6019733864 38042450 1 COMMUNICATIONS/Ref: 101335 ................ : > .:...R0:.:~:.2.:..T.. .€..: . .. .........0 .....:::>::>::>::>::: ::»:CARMEL, IN 46032 :::::::::: ....T.:...€............................ -AX:#...E...f.. ..:..:... 7026759156 ASMITH 0 >'1r T;Ifl1El2:: 1111A>T: JohannaDail I ... . .. ..... ..................................................................................... .. .... .:. .................................. .................................. M : :. i > ................. »............:>..:>.: ...l . 1 PC 203 12933382 01061-001 EAN# 7331021059290 CONTAINER ID: 391505944565756 P3375-VE NTWK CAM 1080P POE D/N VID AUD S/N: ACCC8EA4713131 TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS: 1 CONTAINER ID WEIGHT NUMBER OF PIECES SHIP VIA: FEDEX Ground 391505944565756 6.55 1 Thank you for choosing Tech Data as your go-to distributor! We value your business and want to ensure you have the best Tech Data experience possible. Please share your experience with us by calling us Monday through Friday,from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at 800-237-8931, ext. 82202. Should you find any discrepancies in your order, please contact us within seven days. You may refer to Tech Data's return policy at www.techdata.com/returns for additional details.