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324487 04/25/18
(9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 093000 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FEDEX CHECKAMOUNT: $********55.29*CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 94515 CHECK NUMBER: 324487 PALATINE IL 60009-4514 CHECK DATE: 04/25/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1205 4342100 614723253 55.29 POSTAGE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 093000 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER FEDEX IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 94515 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. PALATINE, IL 60009-4514 Payee $55.29 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR General Administration Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 6-147-23253 43-421.00 $55.29 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 4/11/18 6-147-23253 Overnight delivery Duff&Phelps $55.29 1205 101 1205 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday,April 23,2018 CA,c ec.� Crider,James Administration I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. I Clerk-Treasurer FecEx. , : .. Invoice Number Invoice Date = Account Number Page 6-147-23253 Apr 11 2018 1011 Billing Address: Shipping Address: CITY O.F CARMEUMAYOR'S OFC CITY OF:CARMEL Invoice Questions? . Contact FedEx Revenue Services SHARON KIBBE 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 4,6032-2584 Phone: (800)622-1147 CARMEL IN 46032-2584- M-F 7 AMto 8 PM CST .. Sa 7 AM to 6 PM CST Fax: (800)549-3020. Invoice Summary Apr 11,2018 Internet: wwW.fedex.com FedEx Express Services Transportation Charges 48.13 Special Handling Charges 7.16 Total Charges = USD, $55.29 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $55.29 Other discounts may apply. To APR 19 2018 Clerk yr ensurer � FecEx® Invoice Number Invoice Date FAccount Number Page 6-147-23253 Apr 11,2018 3of4 FedEx Express Shipment Summary By Reference FedEx Express Shipments(Original) . Weigh€ 7ransptatt Ndting # rg(Caac AeTerece Shipets lbst€ rges tgtargs Credits/ l fier E)Iscattrtts Total Charges; NO REFERENCE INFORMATION 1' 5.0 48.13 7.16. 55:29 . Tgta1SEx�ess.:..... :: .:... i,7r3 !1 _-. = i 23 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $55.29 1100-01-o0-0050569-0001-0110206 Fe&-c-mOffice. 530 E CARMEL DR Carmel, IN 46032 Location: MZZK Device ID: MZZK-PO32 Employee: 2631861 Tran 910260047517 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 802557465528 .10 lb (S) 43.35 _._ . Shipment subtotal : 43.35 Total Due: 43.35 FedEx Account: 43.35 ***** DUPLICATE M = Weight entered manually S = Weight read from scale T = Taxable item Subject to additional charges. See FedEx Service Guide at fedex.com for details. All merchandise sales final. Visit us at: fedex.com Or call 1 .800.GoFedEx 1 .800.463.3339 April 3, 2018 1 :25:24 PM FecEx ® NEWPackage FedEx 8 0 2 5 5 7 4 6 6 5 2 8 0 2 0 0 US /'1 irbIIl Tracking Form .4 I{V•;' _ _ , Express f I Numher ID No. 1 From,Pl antandpressnard. 4 Express Package Service •Tamactlocations. Packages up to 150115s. /y Senders FedEx �, /�'`� NOTE:Service orderlies changed.Please selectcerolully. �rpatidExpnsFnIpM USA MII. Date / Account Number _. r: t. Senders �� ❑ FedEx First Overnight ❑ FedEx2DayA.M. �. Name Phone Eadies neMbusinossmominpdelive ytoselect Second business rooming.' locadons.Friday shipments will be delrveredma Saturday Delivery NaTaveilable. ,\ Monday unless SATURDAY Delivery,is selected. I a /� � edEx Priority Overnight FedEx2Day 1 Company (j� elf I s v� Next husinass morning.•Frld.shlparentswillbe ❑ Second business afternoon.-Thursday shipments delivemd on Monday unless SATuRDAY Delivery will be ealiveredon Monday unless SATURDAY s selected. Delivery is selected. t 2 ❑ FedEx Standard Overnight ❑ FedEx Express Saver Address ' t Nen business oftemmn.• Third business day.- —�\ f DepQRoodSuhe/Roore SeturdoyDoli—yNOTavalabls. Saturday Deli-yNOTeveilded. City / 1`Sall^ Int State—YV ZIP 5 Packaging •oealared�amag�mtx%m E] FedEx Envelope* L edExPak* ❑FedEx ❑Tube E] Other 2 Your Internal Billing Reference �" Box First 24 characters Will eppaeron in re. r 3 To 6 Special Handling and Delivery Signature Options Recipients ❑ i Name (� Phone L !> SATURDAY Delivery NO7 available for FedEx Standard overnight Fod&20ay 0.M,or FodEz Express Saver. No Si nature Required orectSi nature IndirectSignaturecipients Company ✓ ❑ Packego maypbe lohwdeu dm!iStreclpienYs address ❑address,someone eta neighboring ohtelninge slgnaturefordelivory. may sign for delivery.Fir-Rall. addressm jpiiignfordelivery.For t HOLD Weekday resldental dalWedps only..Fiooediss, / WExlocetioneddresa Does this shipment contain dangerous goods? E ❑RQUIRED.NOT available lar Address l One box must be checked. ' We cannot deliver RG.boxes or. pUFioar/suhalRoom O, IP codes. De FedEx Firrtavemight Yes Yes ; HOLD Saturday No ❑Ship porsttached ❑ Ship pdfsoederafien ❑ Drylce \l. FedExkcationeddress pests Coclemdon. not re uired. ory ice,9,UN1B45-x-kg i Address y ❑RdEPd..AvDvarmmend Dangerous goods(including dry lee)cannot beshipped inFmEvpackaging ❑ Cargo Aircraft Only j l FedFUIRED.ryavablo ONnd or placed ma FedEx Express Drop eoz I ^ 7 Usethis li or the HOLD location address or for continuation of your shipping address. Fula 2Doytesolectlocauons, 7 Payment eillra: City �/ y��C 6�W Statehlr ZIP. �'�� V -- Enter FedEx Acct Na."Credit Card No.below. GGGG ��S 'be o" .�I`X�AB�"°"s�°0 ❑ Recipient ❑Third Party ❑ Credit Card ❑ Cash/Check 1"be biged. Fe.'str4o. CmdrtCard No. D i Total Packages Total Weight Total DeclaredfV�alluet Peel-and' Easy now 1 Nopouch needed. —+ — IIs. 3 .go fourliabilhyis limitedto USS100unlossyou declare a highervalue.Sea backfordetals.9yusing rias Airhglyau 67474a 11 s 1 1 e s• ,s• directions e 1• agree rothosorvma conditions on the backofthis Airbill and in curremFedEx Sarvica Duide,inducting terms that hmhourliahilay. Invoice Number Invoice.DAccount 4 of 4 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Reference(Original) ShtpaterAprtt, [�98 Gust Re79 ( FREN1�IFtIl1(aTl© .. PaYr�r S311pper l�e l"#3 • FuelSurcharge-Fed Exhas applied a fuel surcharge of 5.75%to this shipment • Weather delay-Snow. •- Distance Based Pricing,Zone 3 • FedEx has audited this shipment for correct packages,weight,and service.Any changes made are reflected in the invoice amount, • The package weight exceeds the maximum for the packaging.type,therefore,FedEx Pak was rated as Customer Packaging. Automation AWB Sender Recipient Tracking ID 802557466528 CANDY MARTIN DOUG MITTELS Service Type., FedEx Priority Overnight CITY OF CARMEL DUFE PHELS Package Type Customer Packaging 1 CIVIC SO 411 E WISCONSIN AVE Zone 03 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 US MILWAUKEE WI 53202 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 5.0 lbs,2.3 kgs Declared Value USO 20.00 Transportation Charge' - - -48.13 Delivered Apr 04,201811:19 Fuel Surcharge 3.01 Svc Area Al Declared Value Charge 0.00 Signed by L.MILNAR Residential Delivery 4.15 FedEx Use 009380430/1508/_ Total Charge USD $55.29 NO REFERENCE INFORMATION Reference Subtotal USD $55.29 Total FedEx Express USD $55.29 . 1100-01-00-0050569-0001-0110206