HomeMy WebLinkAbout324620 04/25/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 092000 J� z '.� ® •�• ONE CIVIC SQUARE FASTENAL COMPANY CHECK AMOUNT: $"***1,096.70` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 1266 CHECK NUMBER: 324620 9M, WINONA MN 55987-1286 CHECK DATE: 04/25/18 /)ON La DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 ININ830769 111.97 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 ININ830918 15.18 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 ININ830977 51.95 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 ININ830988' '' 48.70 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 ININ83099,6 14.67 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 ININ8310,71 854.23 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. 185328 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) Vendor # 092000 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER FASTENAL COMPANY CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 1286 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, WINONA, MN 55987-1286 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit, etc. Payee $1,096.70 092000 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR FASTENAL COMPANY Terms Carmel WasterWater Utility PO BOX 1286 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice WINONA, MN 55987-1286 (s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT for which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT ININ830769 01-7202-06 $111.97 and received except 4/18/2018 ININ830769 $111.97 ININ830918 01-7202-06 $15.18 4/18/2018 ININ830918 $15.18 ti ININ830977 01-7202-06 , $51.95 4/18/2018 ININ830977 $51.95 ININ830988 01-7200-04 $17.26 4/18/2018 ININ830988 $17.26 ININ830988 01=7202-06 $31.44 4/18/2018 ININ830988 $31.44 s ININS30996 01-7202-06 $14.67 4/18/2018 ININ830996 $14.67 ININ831071 01-7502-06 $854.23 4/19/2018 ININ831071 $854.23 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20_ Clerk-Treasurer ® Remit to INVOICE FASTBIML Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. Cust. No. ININ80387 For billing questions 04/13/2018 I N I N831071 Cust. P.O. S18264 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Invoice Total Job No. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 854.23 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Sold To Fax 317-804-8037 05/13/2018 Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 This Order and Document is subject to the "Terms of Purchase" posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 1 1 1 0 FSD14035 OLP HsRlwHs WEIN2350 04023436 85,422.9600 854.23 Y Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 854.23 0031201550-020 G Shipping&Handling 0.00 Comments IN State Tax 0.00 County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis City Tax 0.00 Total 854.23 0 Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. a assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. m ti If you re-package or re-sell this product, you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ831071 oust: ININ80387 ® Remit to INVOICE FASTBVAL Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. 04/09/2018 I N I N830977 Cust. No. ININ80387 For billing questions Invoice Total Cust. P.O. S18311 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Job No. S18311 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 51.95 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Fax 317-804-8037 05/09/2018 Sold To 0001790 01 AB 0.405 "AUTO T8 2 1025 46280-2-01791 �II�II��I���I�1�11��111'II��II'III��I�I���I�I�II��I11��1�1�1�111� Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 This Order and Document is subject to the "Terms of Purchase" posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 1 1 1 0 4-1/2 Dbl Hasp Z FAITHH 0129740 1,726.3400 17.26 Y 1 1 1 0 60923P1000VAGCRT 2Ct 3MMMMM 1001875 3,143.9100 31.44 Y 9 25 25 0 HCS1/2-13x1 Z 5 180120869 110120378 13.0000 3.25 Y Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 51.95 0031201550-020 G Shipping &Handling 0.00 Comments IN State Tax 0.00 County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis CONTRACT:QPA 13090 City Tax 0.00 Total 51.95 0 Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. a assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. If you re-package or re-sell this product, you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ830977 Cust: ININ80387 ® Remit to INVOICE Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. 04/09/2018 ININ830996 Cust. No. ININ80387 For billing questions Cust. P.O. S18311 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Invoice Total Job No. S18311 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 14.67 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Fax 317-804-8037 05/09/2018 Sold To Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 This Order and Document is subject to the"Terms of Purchase" posted on wwwJastonal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 2 1 1 0 #20970rgVprRIf0zM 3MMMMM 1001885 1.466.8500 14.67 Y �1.-7aoa . 0� Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 14.67 0031201550-020 G Shipping&Handling 0.00 Comments IN State Tax 0.00 County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis CONTRACT:QPA 13090 City Tax 0.00 Total 14.67 0 Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. 0 assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. gIf you re-package or re-sell this product,you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ830996 Cust: ININ80387 ® Remit to INVOICE Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. 03/22/2018 ININ830769 Cust No. ININ80387 For billing questions Invoice Total Cust P.O. S18244 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Job No. S18244 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 111.97 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Fax 317-804-8037 04/21/2018 Sold To 0001760 01 AB 0.405 "AU11-0 TS 2 1020 46280-2-01761 ����11�1�1111��'�1�111111'II�11"��Il�llll�lll��lllll�'I'�I'�1�11 Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 This Order and Document is subject to the "Terms of Purchase"posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 18 20 20 0 5/8"-11 FHNz 5 120308035 1136314 15.8700 3.17 Y 1 100 100 0 M8 HEX NUT A-2 220006514 MN258000OA200 9.4500 9.45 Y 00 2 100 100 0 M6 FLAT WASHER A-2 120236276 MW636000DA200 2.2800 2.28 Y 00 3 100 100 0 M8 FLAT WASHER A-2 120283541 MW638000OA200 3.8300 3.83 Y 00 4 50 50 0 M10 FLAT WASHER A-2 120165754 MW640000OA200 7.7400 3.87 Y 00 5 50 50 0 M12 FLAT WASHER A-2 120144431 MW642000OA200 16.3700 8.19 Y 00 6 100 100 0 M8 LOCK WASHER A-2 120113709 ML638000OA200 5.2300 5.23 Y 00 7 50 50 0 M10 LOCK WASHER A-2 120180273 ML640000OA200 8.0600 4.03 Y 00 8 50 50 0 M6 X 12 HCS A-2 220005262 M82550012A200 9.0300 4.52 Y 00 9 50 50 0 M8 X 20 HCS A-2 220006292 M8258002OA200 35.0200 17.51 Y 00 10 50 50 0 M8 X 30 HCS A-2 120147607 M8258003OA200 37.0900 18.55 Y 00 11 100 100 0 1/4"-20 FHN z 5 480003673 1136302 2.3600 2.36 Y 12 100 100 0 5/16"-18 FHNz5 480004348 1136304 2.7300 2.73 Y 13 25 25 0 7/16"-14 FHNz5 120246106 1136308 9.2300 2.31 Y 14 100- 100 0 1/4 USS F/W GALV 220015629 1133180 4.3300 4.33 Y 15 25 25 0 7/16 USS FAN Z 120266251 1133010 6.2200 1.56 Y 16 20 20 0 5/8 USS F/W GALV 480003529 1133185 30.4200 6.08 Y 20 20 0 HCS5/8-11x2Gr5Z Bulk 120246221 113311 59.8500 11.97 Y Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 111.97 0031201550-020 G Shipping &Handling 0.00 Comments IN State Tax 0.00 County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis CONTRACT:QPA 13090 City Tax 0.00 Total 111.97 Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. a assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. If you re-package or re-sell this product, you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ830769 Cust: ININ80387 ® Remit to INVOICE Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. 04/06/2018 I NI N830988 Cust. No. ININ80387 For billing questions Invoice Total Cust. P.O. S18311 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Job No. S18311 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 48.70 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Fax 317-804-8037 05/06/2018 Sold To Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 This Order and Document is subject to the"Terms of Purchase" posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description . No. No. Hundred Amount 1 1 1 0 4-1/2 Dbl Hasp Z FAITHH 0129740 1,726.3400 17.26 Y 2 1 1 0 60923P1000VAGCRT 2Ct 3MMMMM 1001875 3,143.9100 31.44 Y Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 48.70 0031201550-020` G Shipping&Handling 0.00 Comments IN State Tax 0.00 County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis City Tax 0.00 Total 48.70 m N a Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. 0 E; If you re-package or re-sell this product,you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ830988 Cust: ININ80387 ® Remit to INVOICE Fastenal Company Page 1 of 1 P.O. Box 1286 Winona, MN 55987-1286 Invoice Date Invoice No. 04/02/2018 ININ830918 Cust.No. ININ80387 For billing questions Cust. P.O. S18281 1010 Kendall Court, Suite 3 Invoice Total Job No. S18281 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 15.18 USD Contract No. QPA 13090 Phone 317-804-8035 Due Date Fax 317-804-8037 05/02/2018 Sold To 0001406 01 AB 0.405 "AUTO T6 2 1024 46260-2-01407 Ship To CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT CARMEL WASTEWATER TREATMENT 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280-2935 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 This Order and Document is subject to the °Terms of Purchase" posted on www.fastenal.com. Line Quantity Quantity Quantity Control Part Price/ No Ordered Shipped Backordered Description No. No. Hundred Amount 1 1 1 0 401mpCaps3131ack 120298962 466512 1,517.6000 15.18 Y Received By Tax Exemption Subtotal 15.18 0031201550-020 G Shipping&Handling 0.00 IN State Tax 0.00 Comments County Tax 0.00 Contact:Duane Jarvis CONTRACT:QPA 13090 City Tax 0.00 Total 15.18 h N O � Reasonable collection and attorneys fees will be No materials accepted for return without our permission. assessed to all accounts placed for collection. All discrepancies must be reported within 10 days. 0 If you re-package or re-sell this product,you are required to maintain Please pay from this invoice. integrity of Country of Origin to the consumer of this product. Invoice: ININ830918 Cust: ININ80387