HomeMy WebLinkAbout325213 05/15/18 ���•.��q,;° CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359483 l ONE CIVIC SQUARE MOE'S SOUTHWEST GRILL CHECK AMOUNT: $*******277.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 12483 N MERIDIAN ST CHECK NUMBER: 325213 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 05/15/18 4 fON DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1061 4239039 9325 145.00 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 9332 132.00 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER . CITY OF CARMEL . . VOUCHER NO:. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly:itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service'rendered;by Vendor# 359483 Allowed. 20 whorn,xites per day,number of hours,rate per hour,.number of units,pride per unit,etc. Moe's Southwest.Grill. Payee 12483 NMeridian Street CARMEL, IN 46032 In Suin of$ Purchase Order# **make sure check is mailed to this address 359483: -Moe's Southwest Grill, Terms. $, . 277.00 12483N Meridian Street Date Due CARMEL, IN -46032 . . . ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR = 108-ESE Fund PO#or Invoice Description INVOICE No.. . ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Dept# . Invoice.Date .Nurnber - (or note affached.invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1:081.4 9325: :4239039 : $: .145.00 Board Members 5/8/18 9325 . Staff Training 5/8/18: xxM6 $ 145.00 1081-10 9332 :4239039: .$ :132.00. 5/2/18. 9332. Food for Staff Training 5/2/.18 xx679.1• $ 132.00 . I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true,ond correct.and:that the . ' materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is.made were ordered and' 'received except. $ 277.00. . . . . . . . ' Total $ 277.00 May.10,2018 . . : . . : . . -Thereby certify that the attached inyoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and'correct and l have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature,: 20 .0 Accounts Payable Coordinator. — Clerk-Treasurer. . Title Mg 's uthw:6 'k—rIl1i1 Page:1 of 1 f �nuoice'No: 932.5 4 Snvoice,Da�te rTue;May08 20�1�8 _ Store ode., 350 Store: Hamilton Crossing Catering. INVOICE . Billing/Client.Information Delivery Informatioin, Carmel-Clay.'Schools" Delivery.: 05/08/2018 (5:30 7-5:45 PM) 1411 E 116th st. Carmel;IN 46032Carmel CIay:Schools 10721 Lakeshore Dirve West. Billing Phone: (317) 573-4026 Carmel, IN 46033 Terms: Account(Net 30.days) . Dawn Koepper Client:..Dawn Koepper. Phone:.(317) 573-4026'- Client Phone:'(317) 573-4026 Number of Guests: 13 • (Ord Note::PO#XX 6786 Order en ere oy:unnne"" Printed:04/26/2018 01:23 PM EDT ..Price. - Amount . Catering:Bars - FREE-CHIPS&SALSA WITH EVERY ORDER - 13 Nacho Bar**.. . . .. 10.00 .130.00 Choice of.1 to 2 proteins,* Steak Choose either.Black'.or Pinto: Pinto Beans* beans:*. *Total for all-items ordered. .. . . . Subtotal: 130;00 : Tax:- 0.00 ewe ee: 15 00 . . 0 .Q0, *Tax Exempt(0119683083): . Powered by MonkeyMedia:Software hqt ://350.catenng:moes.coiin/invoice. front.cfin?order id=9325 . 4/26/2018 SnuavestAl, rlll Page.1 of:1 Iin�oice No: 933- " a ceL.3z el ed'a 02, 201 Store Code: 350 Store: .e: Harm ton Crosson . . . Catering. INVOICE . ". . - Billing/Client-Information. . " - Pick Up Information 'Carmel Clay Schools 1411 E 1.16th st s - . Pick Up Date: 05/02/2018 (5:15 - 5.:30 PM) Carmel; IN 46032 :Jennifer Hammons Carmel.Clay Schools Billing Phone: (317) 573-4026 Phone: (317) 573-4026 Terms: Account(Net 30 days).. Number of Guests: 12. Client: Dawn Koepper. :. Client Phone:.(317) 573-4026 :. Order�lote PO#XX.6.7191� Order eritered.by:-Online. _ Ftinted:•04/26/2018 01:17 PM EDT .. Price . Amount . Catering Bars -..FREE CHIPS &SALSA WITH.EVERY ORDER 12 Fajita Bar**. . .. 11.00 132.0.0 -- - Choice-of 1*to 2 proteins:* Chicken *.. . .Steak Choose.either Black or Pinto beans:*. Black-Beans* Choiee:of Southwest or Cilantro Lime. Rice with.Southwest Seasoning:. Rice* .. . *:Total,for all.'items ordered• :. S ubtotal:.". T32:00 Tax: . . 0.00 Total}k 132.00 *Tax _ Exempt(0119.683083) Powered by MonkeyMedia Software haps://350.catering:moes.com/invoice_front.cf n?order.id=933,2 4/26/201.8