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325308 05/18/18
Cqq ,•- CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353332 d ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICAH BECK CHECK AMOUNT: $**'*'**300.00' CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/0 CARMEL UTLITES CHECK NUMBER: 325308 9�TON�` C/ II 0 CARMEL UTLITES CHECK DATE: 05/18/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 050817 300.00 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. 185521 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) Vendor # 00353332 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BECK, MICAH CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL WASTEWATER An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 300.00 00353332 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR BECK, MICAH Terms Carmel Wasterwater Utility CARMEL WASTEWATER Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), ' or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 050817 01-7040-02 $300.00 and received except 5/14/2018 050817 $300.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20_ Clerk-Treasurer So OF FRypf( CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) ,No�ANP EXHIBIT A EMPLOYEE NAME: Micah Beck DEPARTURE DATE: ©S . Gig )wg TIME: DEPARTMENT: Utilities RETURN DATE: ( g TIME: c7 AM/ REASON FOR TRAVEL: Education DESTINATION CITY: Salt Lake City EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply):TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM_X_ Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals, Meals. Date Lodging: . Misc. :..:.Total .:. Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem 05/08/18 $60.00 $60,00 5/9/18 $60.00 $60.00 5/10/18 $60.00 .$60:00 5/11/18 $60.00 :$60;00 5/12/18 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 . .$0.-00 '$0.00 :::$0.00 $0.00. $0.00 $0.00 _ 0.00 :$0:00 ::$0.00 ::$0:00 $0..00 $0.00 0.00 Total :::$0.00 ::::,$0-00 ;:- .$0.00. : $0.00: $0:00 . $.0'.00. $0:00 ::$0.00 :: $0.00 $300.00 :-: : $0.00 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 5/14/2018 Page 1 For advance payments, claim form must be submitted ten (10) business days in advance of travel. Claim will not be processed without the following documentation: 1) Conference or course registration form, if applicable 2) Travel itinerary or car rental agreement, if applicable 3) Original itemized receipts for all expenses (or affidavits if appropriate), except for meal per diems (which require hotel receipt) Prorated meal allowance: For travel that commences before 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and$60 for out-of-state travel For travel that commences after 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and$30 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends before 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and$30 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends after 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and$60 for out-of-state travel EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEAL ADVANCE AND OBLIGATION TO DOCUMENT EXPENDITURES: I hereby acknowledge receipt of$ , such funds being advanced to me by the City of Carmel solely for the purpose of purchasing meals while traveling to participate in official business for the City. I accept responsibility for these funds and agree to repay them if lost or stolen. I understand that within ten (10) business days of my return (as stated on opposite side), I am responsible to: 1) Submit original itemized receipts to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer documenting all meal expenditures; and 2) Return all unused funds to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer I further understand that failure to provide the required documentation shall result in the total amount of the advance being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Failure to return unused funds will result in the amount of the unused funds (total advance minus documentedexpenditure, 7 bein dedu ted fro the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the da of my return. Employee Signature: � Date: G'l l � City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 5/14/2018 Page 2 5/7/2018 Gmai I-Reservation Confirmation#71186975 for Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek electronic reservations.We honor our official record only and will disregard any alterations to this confirmation that may have been made after we sent it to you. If you have received this email in error,mors let Lis V!w),V. ©1996-2018 MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL,INC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.MARRIOTT PROPRIETARY INFORMATION TERi10S0F'USE-iNTEFNETFRiVACYSTATENIET Pat Rigdon <prigdon1@gmail.com> Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:24 AM To: Pat E Rigdon <PRigdon@carmel.in.gov> ----- Forwarded message From: Marriott Hotels&Resorts Reservations<reservations@marriott-res.com> Date: Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 9:08 AM Subject: Reservation Confirmation#71186975 for Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek To: PRIGDON1@gmail.com Please review your reservation details and keep for your records. MARRIOTT Snit Lake Marriottmili nto-v n at 0b./ r rael. 75 South West Temple Salt Lake City Utah 84101 USA 1[fl:MCICNFlen_usl]l +1-801-531-0800 Hotel Website Map & Directions Plan Your Stay �y R i Reservation Confirmation: 71186975 For MR PAT RIGDON SILVER ELITE CHECK-IN DATE Tuesday,May 8,2018 CHECK-OUT DATE Saturday,May 12,2018 CHECK-IN TIME 03:00 PM CHECK-OUTTIME 12:00 PM +s:k'. C:l; �:��,1 lF: 'I':r:7tlty„ 4s^.tet£?z r�i 'i i i I J� f'y z:,711,33} Dear MR PAT RIGDON, We are pleased to confirm your reservation with the Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek.We look https://mail.google.com/mail/u/Ot?ui=2&ik=e46b376d3f&jsver=awrWbfDFcFs.en.&cbl=gmall fe 180429.15. 33&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1616b8lO5d86643e... 519 5/7/2018 Gmail-Reservation Confirmation#71186975 for Salt Lake Marriott Downtown at City Creek ROOM TYPE Guest room, 1 King or 2 Queen NUMBER OF ROOMS 1 GUESTS PER ROOM 2 Adults GUARANTEED METHOD Credit Card Guarantee,Visa SPECIAL REQUESTS Room 1 Guaranteed •2 Queen Beds Request noted •Extra Foam Pillows •Extra Towels RATES,TAXES&FEES ARE PER ROOM,PER NIGHT(USD) Tuesday, May 8,2018-Saturday, May 12,2018 4 nights 186.00 USD AZTECA 18 CITY WORKS ESTIMATED GOVERNMENT TAXES&FEES 24.03 USD Total for stay(for all rooms) 840.12 USD Other Charges •Off-site parking,fee: 2 USD hourly,20 USD daily •Valet parking,fee:23 USD daily •On-site parking,fee:4 USD hourly, 17 USD daily N!c)di'fY or @T!CaI yi)ur re:.,41YV F,t]0T ; Another 17,-s T-vsition C+a ._ I-�ir,''u�7is eiviwnCe of P-0IirN/ •Cancellation policy does apply.For more information,view the'Rate Details'link in your reservation on the Marriott website,contact the hotel or call Marriott Reservations. RATE GUARANTEE LIMITATION(S) •Changes in taxes or fees implemented after booking will affect the total room price. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION •The Responsible Tourist and Traveler A practical guide to help you make your trip an enriching experience •Upon check-in an authorization request will be placed on your credit/debit card in an amount equal to the cost of the room,tax and incidental charges for the length of your stay(up to seven nights).If your stay exceeds seven nights,an https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=e46b376d3f&jsver=awrWbfDFcFs.en.&cbl=gmail fe 180429.15j)3&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1616b8105d86643e... 7/9 REGISTRATION. _DETAILS Cityworks, Friday, JanuaryllS, 2018 CC18-012018 Azteca Systems LLC --- - 6:49 AM .0089 11075 South State Street#24. - Sandy,.UT 84070 ...Phone: 80-1=523-2751 FEDERAL ID# 8.4-3929341 REGISTRANT TERMS: Due Upon:Receipt Confirmation Number:. KXN5DV4BKYF :(Use to ModifyNiew your Registration) Micah Beck . City of.Carmel. 30,W Main St Carmel IN 46032 USA . Cityworks Conference 2018 and.Preconference Training (if applicable) ,. Order: J9NT2T6FCQ9 Invoice:_CC18-01"2018.=0089 - day, anuary 26, 20118 Order Date. Fri J 6:49 AM.,.- T .. Full Conference $0.00 1 ,;.. $0.00 Order Total 10.00 . Amount Paid $0.00 Balance Due $0.00.. Thank you for your prompt payrnent. . REMINDER::Preconference training registration and payment for must be received no later.than April 1, 2018 to : - hold your reservation.. Cancellations for training fees:received prior to April 1, 2018 will receive.a full refund Cancellations after April 1,.. 2018;will receive training credit:to be used by your organization within one year of cancellation. Substitutions may.be made up through Friday, May 4, 2018; based on availability. PLEASE NOTE.—course_ changes-will:NOT be allowed.onsite. TERMS AND CONDITIONS:Conference cancellations for conference fees received prior to May 1,2018 will receive a full refund.No refunds will tie:issued after May 1,2018.Substitutions may made:at any time.Contact us directly if you wish to arrange a cancellation/substitution; Cityworks Conference.- Confirmation Online Registration.by Cvent_ Page 1 of 2 ora , : ..Geheral. Informa tion pq .... . . . - Micah Beck Title: Mr Company: . City of Cannel Address: : :30 W Main St Carmel, Indiana 46032 USA .. Number of People Registered: . 1 Confirmation-Number: KXN5D.V4BKYF (needed-to modify your registration) Event Title: - - Cityworks Conference Location: 17 --Salt Palace Convention Center 10.0 S W Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 https-//www.cvent.coin/eveiiis/Registrations/MyRegistration.aspx?i=35deb1 c7=d1 d7-4.059-... 1/26/201::8:. Cityworks-Conference - Confirmation Online Registrati6n.by Cvent Page 2 of 2 . USA Date: 05/09/2018 Time: 8:00 AM Current Registration Details' ..-. Micah Beck Registration For Registration Item Full Conference . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Order-Summaries Order Date Type Invoice # Ar 01/26/2018 6:49 AM MT offline order CC18-012018-0089 Total: Cancellation .Policy Cancellations for conference fees received prior to May: 1 , 2018 will. receive ; issued after May -1 , 2018. Substitutions may be made at any time. Contact u cancellation/substitution. https://www.event.com/events/Registrations/MyRegistration.aspx?i=3 5deb 1 c7-d 1 d7-4059-... 1/26/201:8 Beck, Micah W. From: Southwest Airlines <SouthwestAirlines@luv.southwest.corn> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 8:44 AM To: Beck, Micah W Subject: : Southwest Airlines Passenger Itinerary Check In Check Flight Special Hotel Car Online Status Offers Deals I Deals Upcoming Travel Plans for Patrick Rigdon You are receiving this e-mail at the request of the Passenger or individual responsible for making the travel arrangements below.This is a non-revenue listing only and is not a guarantee of seat availability. AIR Itinerary ❑X. AIR Confirmation: MXNYDD Passenger(s) RIGDON/PATRICK BECK/MICAH Date Flight Departure/Arrival Tue May 8 1096 DepartINDIANAPOLIS,IN(IND) on Southwest Airlines at 08:00 AM Slip:-:-Knasas cill'Alo Arrive in DENVER, CO(DEN)at:09:50 AM 798 Change planes to Southwest Airlines.in.DENVER,CO(DEN) at 01:10 PM Arrive in SALT LAKE CITY,UT(SLC)at 02:35 PM Travel Time 8 hrs 35 mins Sat May 12 1423 Depart SALT LAKE CITY,UT(SLC)on Southwest Airlines at 09:45 AM Arrive in PHOENIX,AZ(PHX)at 10:25 AM 31.91 Change planes to Southwest Airlines in.PHOENIX,AZ(PHX) at 11:25 AM Arrive in INDIANAPOLIS,IN(IND) at 05:40 PM Travel Time 5 hrs 55 mins 1 Flight Status.Alerts Stay on.your way with flight departure or arrival'status via text message or email. Subscribe NowE�_ Useful Tools Know-Before You Go Specific Travel Needs : Check-In Online In the Airport Traveling with-Children Early Bird Check-In Baggage.Policies Traveling with Pets View/Share Itinerary Suggested Airport Arrival Times Unaccompanied Minors Change Air Reservation . Security Procedures Baby on Board Cancel Air Reservation Customers of Size Customers with Disabilities Check Flight Status In the Air Flight Status Notification Purchasing and Refunds Book.a Car, Book a Hotel Legal Policies& Helpful Information. Privacy Policy Customer Service Commitment Contact Us Notice of Incorporated Terms -FAQs Book Air I Book Hotel I Book Car I Book Vacation Packages I See Special Offers I Manage My Account This is a post-only mailing from Southwest Airlines.Please do not attempt to respond to this message.Your privacy is important to us,Please read our PrivacyPolicy. All travel involving funds from this Confirmation Number must be completed by the expiration date. z Security Fee is the government-imposed September 11th Security Fee. See Southwest Airlines Co.Notice of Incorporation See Southwest Airlines Limit of Liability Southwest Airlines P.O.Box 36647-1CR Dallas,TX 75235 Contact Us Copyright 2018 Southwest Airlines Co.All Rights Reserved. 2