HomeMy WebLinkAbout325331 05/23/18 Y CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353332 ® 3i ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICAH BECK CHECK AMOUNT: $*******"40.50' :• ?Q CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/0 CARMEL UTILITIES CHECK NUMBER: 325331 9�;,/TON�` C/0 CARMEL UTILITIES CHECK DATE: 05/23/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 40.50 OTHER EXPENSES Voucher No. Warrant No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER UTILITY ACCT. CARMEL, INDIANA rl(c h �e 1,k . L Favor Of (� pp C'f+POAel (� �c �l Tip 5 Total Amount of Voucher $ Deductions 5 G � �2 0 1. 70 LO,(),2 Amount of Warrant $ Month of Yr Acct. VOUCHER RECORD No. Collection System Pumping Treatment&Disposal Customer Accounts Administrative&General Reclaimed Water Treatment Reclaimed Water Distribution Total Allowed V Board Members Filed BOYCE FORMS•SYSTEMS 1-800-382-8702 325 Verify CEU-Registration-Approved Environment, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Approved.Environment; Inc. Approved Environment, Inc.is an approved trai"ping provider in wastewater: 1.121142 Verify Continuing Education Curse I'�egistration You have selected to take one of our Continuing Education Courses Courses are approved by the Department of Environmental Management for Continuing.Education Units(CEUs) This is your registration information. Micah Beck 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,1N 46074 317-908-9092 mbeck@.,carrt�el.in.gov Operator Certification License Information Liceme Numbers WWO19724 Class Level:2 Expiration Date:06/30/2018 Understanding:Wastewater Mathematics $20.25 Total Cost: $20.25 TAKE COURSE NOW (Please wait for payment button to load:if you have a slow connection) PAY F01 CFU C[11' SVV for group registration please call 1-877-241-9858 To order multiple courses and make one payment please check our Packages option Privacy Statement Home Online Courses.f Test YourselfI Classes .Bookstore I Contact Us C.opyt ight 2002-2018,Approved Environment.Inc.,.Indianapolis,Indiana https://www.approvedee.com/onlineCEUs/verifyCEURegistration.asp 5/16/2018 Certificate of Completion- Approved Environment, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Approved Environment, Inc. 6538 Redland Way Indianapolis,IN 46217 1-877-241-9858 Email: Support(&approwdce.c6ni Certificate of Completion Courses are-approved iri the following states: Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, California.-Delaware, South Carolina,North Carolina; Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Name: Micah Beck Address: 1817 Woodstream Ct, Westfield , IN 46074 Course Title: Understanding Wastewater Mathematics Course Value: 1 Contact Hour(s) Approval Number: IN - WWT15-5927 TO1-G00, , OH- OEPA-S396252-OM, STS ODHAEO23, LA.-'5:4455, NC -.CEO 1030504,5 MD - 3486-05-06, MO - 17089425 IL - 7460, ID WWP160372145 KY- 167215 TN-R140945 VA& WV-WW2013-291, WI - 6dp3-5m53 Date: 5/16/2018 9:50:32 AM Time Spent Taking the Course: 1 hour(s) Operator Certification License Number: WWO19724 Operator Class Level: 2 License Expiration Date:06/3Q1,2 Operator Signature: 77 t C� Training Provider Signature:. Ann Bersbach, Approved Environment, Inc. https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 5/16/20.18 Certificate of Completion-Approved Environment, Inc. Page 2 of 2 4 Copyright 2002-2047,Approved Environment,Inc., Indianapolis,Indiana https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 5/16/2018 Beck, Micah W From,, Micah Beck <fatblacklab@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2018 9:59 AM To: Beck;Micah W Subject: Fwd:Transaction Receipt from Approved_Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Auta7Receipt" <noreply@inail.authorize.net> Date:_May 16, 2018 at 8:41:51 AM EDT To::"Micah Beck-." <fatblacklab @ gmail.coiiv Subject: Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Reply-To: "Approved Environment" <support@approvedce.com> Description: Understanding Wastewater Mathematics Invoice.Number 21142C Billing Information Shipping Information Micah Beck Micah Beck City of.Carmel City of Carmel 1817 Woodstream Ct 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,IN 46074 Westfield,IN 46074 US US fatblacklab@gmail.com 3179089092 Total: $20.25(USD) Date/Time: 16-May-2018 8:41:43 EDT Transaction ID: 61097525482 Payment Method: Visa.xxxx9220 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 04311D Approved Environment Inc INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 Us supportCEJ approvedce.com. Email secured by Check Point 1 Certificate of Completion- Approved Environment, Inc. Page 1 of 2 J� :Approved Environment, Inc. 6538 Redland Way Indianapolis,IN.46217 1-877-241-9858 Email: SupportAapprowdce.com. Certificate of Completion Courses are approved in the following states: Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, California,Delaware, South Carolina,North Carolina, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia; West Virginia and-Wisconsin. Name: Micah Beck Address: 1817 Woodstream Ct, Westfield , IN 46074 pq Course Title: Parasites and Pathogens Course Value: 1 Contact Hour(s) Approval Number: IN - WWT15-5933 T01-G00, PWSG17-6126, OH- OEPA- B428175-OM, STS ODHAE0,14, LA -54455, NC - CEO 1040705,142942,-MD - 3821- 06-07, MO - 1708951,IL - 7436, ID -WWP16037191, KY - 16753; TN-R140825 VA & WV- CEH2O13-177,WW2013-297,WI - 7nmw-knz9 Date: 5/18/201811:46:34 AM Time Spent Taking the Course: 1 hour(s) Operator.Certification License Number: WWO19724 Operator Class Level: 2 License Expiration Date: 06/30/2018), j Operator Signature: Training Provider Signature:. Ann Bersbach, Approved Environment, Inc. https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 5/18/201-8 a Certificate of Completion-Approved Environment, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Copyright 200272017,Approved Environment,Inc., Indianapolis; Indiana https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 5/18/2018 Beck, Micah W { From Micah Beck <fatblacklab@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 10:59 AM To: Beck,Micah W Subject: Fwd:Transaction Receipt from Approved. Environment Inc for;$20.25 (USD) Sent from my iPhone . Begin forwarded message: From: '.'Auto:Receipt" <noreply@ mail.authorize.net> Date:May 18, 2018 at 10:48:42 AM EDT To: "Micah Beck" <fatblacklab@ gmaii.coiiv Subject: Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) . Reply-To: "Approved Environment': <support@approvedce.com> Description: Parasites.and Pathogens Invoice Number 21162C Billing Information Shipping Information Micah Beck Micah Beck City of Carmel City of Carmel 1817 Woodstrearri Ct 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,IN 46074 Westfield_,IN 460.74 Us us fatbiacklab@gmail.com 3179089092 Total: $20.25(USD) Date/Time: 18-May-2018 10:48:41 EDT Transaction ID: 61100745449 Payment Method: Visa xxxx9220 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 05258D Approved Environment Inc' INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 US. sugtiort@approvedce.com Email secured by Check Point i Verify CEU Registration-Approved_Environment, Inc. Page 1 of 2 stili Inc ■ Approved Enutromm �#, Inc. Approved Environment,Inc. is an approved training provider in wastewater. 1121162 Verify Continuing Education Course -. .Registration You have selected to take one of our Continuing Education Courses Courses are approved by the Department of Environmental Management for•Continuing Education Units(CEUs) This is your registration information. Micah Beck City of.Carmel 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,IN US 46074 317-908-9092 fatblacklab@gmail.com Operator Certification License Information License Number'WWO19724 Class Level: 2 Expiration Date: 0.6/30/2018 Parasites and Pathogens $20.25 Total Cost: $20.25 TAKE COURSE NOW (Please wait for payment button to load if you have a slow Connection) For group registration please call 1-877-241-9858. To order multiple:courses and make one payment please check our Packages option https://www.approvedee.com/onlineCEUs/verifyCEURegistration.asp 5/18/201:8 Verify CEU Registration- Approved Environment, Inc. Page 2 of 2 _ Privacy Statement Home Online Coueses Test Yourself Classes Bookstore J Contact Us Copyright 2002-2018,Approved Environment,Inc., Indianapolis,.Indiana https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/verifyCEURegistration.asp 5/18/2018