HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Department Review Status Report Project Name: PZ18060015 PP - The Estates at Towne Meadow Workflow Started: 06/22/2018 3:32 PM Report Generated: 03/27/2019 03:16 PM CycleDepartmentReviewerEmailStatusReviewer CommentsApplicant Comments Please refer to https://www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/180/GIS-Addressing for information on street names. At the appropriate time I will submit the potential street names to Hamilton Co 911 for approval. Towne Meadow Dr would be an acceptable AddressingDave McCoyDMcCoy@carmel.in.govApprovedUnderstood. name but not Towne Meadow Ct (no duplicate names, even with different suffixes). Also, because of the connection with the Kings Mill Subdivision, use of Jasmine Dr for the north-south street would be preferrable. Carmel Information Theresa Krueskamptkrueskamp@carmel.in.govNo Comments Systems Please send a set of paper plans for water review. Thank Please confirm you received documents. Carmel UtilitiesLisa Kempalkempa@carmel.in.govPending you.Thank you. Clay Township Regional Comments will be made upon a full construction plan Ryan HartmanRyan.hartman@ctrwd.orgNo CommentsUnderstood. Waste Districtsubmittal. Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments CrossRoad EngineersWillie Hallwhall@crossroadengineers.comRevisions RequestedReview letter #1 issued via e-mail on 7/13/2018. Compressed document. Along with the requested changemarks, please provide Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments EngineeringAlex Jordanajordan@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested all drainage items required in Section 102.05 of the Storm Compressed document. 1 Water Technical Standards Manual. FireCarmel Firecfdinspections@carmel.in.govNo Comments Revisions Requested but Please review and respond to my comments listed under Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments Planning & ZoningAlexia Lopezalopez@carmel.in.gov Released for Public HearingChangemark Items and Checklist Items above.Compressed document. PoliceTeresa Andersontanderson@carmel.in.govApproved Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments Urban ForestryDaren Mindhamdmindham@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested Compressed document. Vectren approves the Primary Plat Plans. Vectren has a 6" plastic gas main on the east side of Towne Road if gas is wanted to this new addition. Vectren EnergyJoanie Clarkjlclark@vectren.comApproved Thank you, Joanie Clark Vectren Energy Delivery 317-776-5532 see sheet c5 Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments Carmel Water OperationsSteve Cookscook@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested water Compressed document. water b Completed. Please see updated plans and Comments Transportation SystemsDavid Littlejohndlittlejohn@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested Compressed document. We still haven't received two sets of paper plans and fees Plans were delivered on 9/20/18. Fees will be paid by Carmel UtilitiesLisa Kempalkempa@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested haven't been paidPittman Partners. Comment Letter #1 was issued via e-mail on 7/13/2018. First response letter was delivered to Crossroads 8/17/18. CrossRoad EngineersWillie Hallwhall@crossroadengineers.comRevisions RequestedOur office has not received any follow up submittals to Second comment letter received 8/30/18. Response letter date.is in progress. V3 is working with Crossroads on the Drainage Report. Many of the changes will be addressed in the final Please provide a drainage report and the wetland EngineeringAlex Jordanajordan@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested construction plans. Both the drainage report and the NRA delineation report with the next submittal. were hand delivered to Carmel Engineering on 9/20//2018. Please see the new and remaining comments under Changemark Items and Checklist Items. Please also respond to each comment in ProjectDox. Click on the “View Changemark Items” and “View/Edit Checklist Items” to review the different comments. To respond to a comment, open the “View Changemark Items” or 2 “View/Edit Checklist Items” and scroll to the right. You will see a column labeled “Applicant Response”. You Planning & ZoningAlexia Lopezalopez@carmel.in.govRevisions Requestedcan double click in that column for each comment you Understood. need to respond to. Please note that you must save before scrolling to another page of comments, so I recommend (1.) saving often and (2.) showing all the comments on one screen by selecting the amount of “records” to show in the upper right hand corner. You can also hide some of the columns if there are too many to see everything you need. Urban ForestryDaren Mindhamdmindham@carmel.in.govRevisions RequestedComments have been addressed. 2 CycleDepartmentReviewerEmailStatusReviewer CommentsApplicant Comments Carmel Water OperationsSteve Cookscook@carmel.in.govRevisions Requestedsee change marksComments have been addressed. I reviewed the trail plan that was provided at the Transportation SystemsDavid Littlejohndlittlejohn@carmel.in.govRevisions RequestedPath is now shown as asphalt on the plans. Residential Committee. Please consider providing an asphalt or concrete path instead of crushed gravel. Fees will be paid by developer during the secondary plat Carmel UtilitiesLisa Kempalkempa@carmel.in.govPendingFees have not been paid. and construction document phase of the project. We conditionally approve the latest revised primary plat documents dated 10/3/2018 with the understanding that Approved with CrossRoad EngineersWillie Hallwhall@crossroadengineers.comUnderstood. comment #3 and 7 from our review letter dated 8/30/2018 Conditions/Commitments will be resolved during the detailed construction plan and secondary plat review. We have no further comment on the primary plat. We will EngineeringAlex Jordanajordan@carmel.in.govApprovedNoted. review the construction documents once they are submitted. Please respond to the few remaining comments and Responses have been added. See secondary plat phase Planning & ZoningAlexia Lopezalopez@carmel.in.govRevisions Requested upload the most recent set of plans and commitments for plan updates. per the Plan Commission meeting. stamped approved landscape plans Urban ForestryDaren Mindhamdmindham@carmel.in.govApprovedNoted. 3 FIELD VERIFY CORRECTION AT JASMINE DR INSTALL AN INLINE VALVE AT THE TEE ON JASMINE DR, UNIVERSITY DR, (ALL 3 SIDES) VERITY CORRECTION ON JASMINE DR These comments will be addressed in the secondary plat Carmel Water OperationsMichelle Breedlovembreedlove@carmel.in.govPending INSTALL AN INLINE VALVE AT FIRE HYDRANT and construction documents located in PZ 18120011 SP. LOCATION NORTH AND EAST ON UNIVERSITY, LOT 11 DEADEND HYDRANT IS TO BE MOVED OFF OF PROPERTY LINE ON UNIVERSITY CT ADA ramps and crosswalks are not indicated on the This has been addressed in the secondary plat and Revisions Requested but Transportation SystemsDavid Littlejohndlittlejohn@carmel.in.gov plans. Please revise the plans to show ADA ramps and construction document phase located in PZ 18120011 Released for Public Hearing crosswalks. SP. Approved with Carmel UtilitiesLisa Kempalkempa@carmel.in.govApproval of first plat only and fees have not been paidUnderstood. Will be paid at time of Secondary Plat. Conditions/Commitments Clay Township Regional TriCo has no issue with the Primary Plat but the review of Ryan Hartmanryan.hartman@trico.ecoApprovedUnderstood Waste Districtthe Sanitary Sewer Construction plans are still ongoing. As indicated in our previous review - "We conditionally approve the latest revised primary plat documents dated Approved with 10/3/2018 with the understanding that comment #3 and 7 CrossRoad EngineersWillie Hallwhall@crossroadengineers.comUnderstood Conditions/Commitmentsfrom our review letter dated 8/30/2018 will be resolved 4 during the detailed construction plan and secondary plat review." Thank you for providing the last few planning/zoning Planning & ZoningAngie Connaconn@carmel.in.govApprovedresponses for this primary plat petition. We look forward Understood. to finalizing the secondary plat comments with you, too. Carmel Water OperationsSteve Cookscook@carmel.in.govNo Commentsfor primary plat only...…..Understood. Transportation SystemsDavid Littlejohndlittlejohn@carmel.in.govApproved review and comments for secondary plans to be Approved with Carmel Water OperationsSteve Cookscook@carmel.in.gov completed...… 5 Conditions/Commitments Checklist Items Project Name: PZ18060015 PP - The Estates at Towne Meadow Workflow Started: 06/22/2018 3:32 PM Report Generated: 03/27/2019 03:14 PM Permit TypeDate Completed CycleComment TypeReviewer CommentApplicant ResponseStatusUpdated ByLast UpdatedCompleted? 08/27/2018 4:28 Submit a copy of the Adjoining Property Owners List from Planning Project 1Public NoticeCompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM Hamilton County. 08/27/2018 4:28 Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing page of the Planning Project 1Public NoticeCompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM application. 08/27/2018 4:28 Planning Project 1Public NoticeSubmit Proof of Publication from the newspaper.CompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM 08/27/2018 4:28 Planning Project 1Public NoticeSubmit Certificate of Mailing for proof of mailing.CompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM 08/27/2018 4:28 Please submit a traffic memo and/or traffic impact analysis Planning Project 1Site PlanCompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM study. 08/27/2018 4:28 Planning Project 1Site PlanPlease submit a typical Plot Plan layout.CompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM 08/27/2018 4:28 Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC Planning Project 1Secondary PlatCompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM members and their correspondence with you. Please list what ‘green’ or sustainable site or building design aspects will implemented, similar to the LEED checklist: 08/27/2018 4:28 Planning Project 1Generalwww.usgbc.org/leed/rating-systems from the US Green Completed. See Green and Sustainable Site ElementsMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM Building Council. (This is not a requirement, but the Commission looks favorably upon this.) Please provide conceptual elevations of the proposed 08/27/2018 4:28 homes. Please also refer to the City's Residential Design Planning Project 1Architectural DesignCompletedMETAlexia Lopez08/27/2018 4:28 PMTrue PM Guidelines. I have uploaded a copy to the correspondence folder. Please note that UDO Sec. 7.04 has regulations related to 09/25/2018 4:50 Architectural Diversity. Please review these so that you can There is no builder at this time selected. We anticipate multiple Planning Project 1Architectural DesignMETAlexia Lopez09/25/2018 4:50 PMTrue PM plan ahead for the home designs. Do you have at least 6 custom home builders. unique floor plans? 02/28/2019 12:03 Provide the filled out and notarized affidavit of notice of Planning Project 1Public NoticeUnderstood. Will Email once amended.METAngie Conn02/28/2019 12:03 PMTrue PM public hearing page of the application. 02/28/2019 12:03 Planning Project 1Public NoticeSubmit a copy of the Sign Affidavit.Understood. Will Email once amended.METAngie Conn02/28/2019 12:03 PMTrue PM 02/28/2019 12:03 Please submit a draft copy of the neighborhood Covenants, Planning Project 1GeneralA Draft has been uploaded.METAngie Conn02/28/2019 12:03 PMTrue PM Conditions and Restrictions (if there will be any). 09/25/2018 4:56 Please upload the proposed Architectural Commitments to Planning Project 2Architectural DesignA Draft has been uploaded with the commitments. METAlexia Lopez09/25/2018 4:56 PMTrue PM ProjectDox.