HomeMy WebLinkAbout326704 06/29/18 /�o!_.E�ny� .�/ �� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359584 `l. CHECK AMOUNT: $*******942.50* 3 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BRENNTAG MID SOUTH INC s` r'. CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY CHECK NUMBER: 326704 '��IroN"�O'� CHICAGO IL 60686 CHECK DATE: 06/29/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 012750 942.50 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. 181871 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor # 359584 IN SUM of$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH INC CITY OF CARMEL 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, CHICAGO, IL 60686-0037 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee 942.50 359584 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH INC Terms Carmel Water Utility 3796'RELIABLE PARKWAY Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), CHICAGO;IL 60686-0037 PO# ACCT# or.bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 012750 01-6180-03 $942.50 and received except 6/19/2018 012750 $942.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20L— Clerk-Treasurer BRENNTAG BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH, INC. 1405 HIGHWAY 136 WEST PO BOX 20 HENDERSON KY 42419-0020 INVOICE#: BMS012750 INV DATE: 6/14/18 * PAGE 1 OF 1 DUE DATE: 7/14/18 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES PLT 1 3450 WEST 131ST STREET 4915 E 106 ST CARMEL IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 FEDERAL ID #: 610504545 DATE SHIPPED: 6/14/18 TERMS NET 30 DAYS B/L #. . . : 2163011-00 SHIP WHS: 29 SLSPRSN: 293 CUSTOMER # . : 407542 SHIP VIA: OUR TRUCK - PKG CUSTOMER PO#: WP061218 FOB . . : DELIVERED FREIGHT TERM: PREPAID TAX EX# : 356000972-001-9 PRO NUMBER . : 775139059 UNITS SHIPPED PROD # WGT/GAL TOTAL QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED ------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- 1 .0000 253418 11 .87000 2000.0000# .4050 810.00 2000.0000 # CYL CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) >A RPK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTIONS, CALL 317-898-8632 REMIT TO ADDRESS: * BRENNTAG MID-SOUTH, INC 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY MERCHANDISE 810.00 CHICAGO IL 60686-3007 FUEL SURCHARGE 97 .50 INS & SEC SURCHARGE 35.00 ----------------- PAID ON OR PRIOR TO 7/14/18 INVOICE TOTAL USD 942.50 PAID AFTER 7/14/18 INVOICE TOTAL USD 961 .35 Original Document 111 ct' Ladin3/Shipment' Receipt tRENNTAGMID-SOUTH PHONE: 317-898-8632 3111 N POST RD FAX; 1 Entire Age argent EXcepl as other vise agread m�Iling by Buye,bnd Seller,hn REG ryq�7,p��/ yt;9 i•-°a.>w.. '" t" ?r•4't hereofanda complete,fully integrated andexclusa'astatementortr,elragreemen DEA REG NO. 006 A6'V.eJ BN 7 forth herein.No provision of any purchase order or other document issued by Bu INDIANAPOLIS, IN ��P 622 � � � dates and price,and'any such provision or moCfieation wil be vo`d and of no effe, JJ f"7 f Y f'f 7 J. GY 4 C7 no modification of these Terms shall be effected by he parties'course of dealing, amend;supplement or supersede any terms 4re rdi4dns of fn;$Terms.shall he 'BO L# In the event that Buyer and Seller engage in any elscim,,,i,,,lieriens,includn Ship' CARMEL UTILITIES PLT I Sold CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES . Custo shall be subject to the terms and conditions of those Term, T / —1 yY-� q ,r nq +� ,'I1�t�p' y+yy L� pt�C 1,,8, 2. Separate Transactions,APurchase Orders Shall be subject 0 written a ON plan 1 o: 4915 E J..06 S 1 To: 3450 WEST}, ..131ST STREET A k Wn— any other.If Buyer is in default ofany,terrnor condibon of til Terms,Seller ma I"A LLMC'{ IN J/,r 33 � CARMELIN 46074Y FOB. way elect ems. eller Termorermore dela5nns(orafuse to lmeroductto Buyhe eriif 4.t"I ril"IIG I._a �,l.iN �YC�t/J.3 y ,i. W .L} of these Terms.Seller rvrthermore delay or effuse to sNp Product to Buyer if Shipi p health or safety danger or'hazard.Seller may,but shall riot be'obi gated to,grant.t J t J t shall at anytime become:impaired,Seller may,without notice to Buyer,suspend t Ree v satisfactory security for'puchpayment.Buyer agrees,upon request,to provide S: ;t.l x ;v .y)/+y 317-571-2443 �y'7 y�y y q )�j Ext: to evaluate Buyer's credltwodhiness. Phone: 3� —5 P 1'"'24.43 Ext: Phone: :J.L —5 f 1-2443 Ex 4. Terms 3, Pro duct Returns.No Product sold hereunder shah be returned to Seller vhtlout: warehouse as Indicated in the Product return approv J L with return freight charges QUANTITY and cost,estimates.If Seller orders.Products based on an estimate provided by B SHIPPED PACKAGING HM DESCRIPTION resell the Products at the same price and onsubstanbaHythe same terms and cor `4: Wairianthis. IF LEAK OR +SPILL OCCURS DURING TRANSPORTATION• 4.1§object to sections 4:2,4.3 and 4.4,Seller will replace,if necessary',any Prod specifications.Seller may,at its sole option,elect to credit Buyer for the purchase ' �+ p� © 4.2 Replacement of,or credit for,defective Products is subject to and conditional 1 CCN3170 EMERGENCY CONTACT: CALL CHEMTR fa)Buyer'sotcefromount the Seller nen seven rrent and aysof d0veryo .�}/ �+ �+ {bj written notice from the Buyer within seven(7)days of delivery of any Pr } 6"t HOURS 7 DAYS (c)provision of independent evidence satisfactory to Seller that the Produc R D (d)the provision of sample of the Product to Seller for teshrg; (e)proper storage of the Product in accordance w th Seller's or manufactw �9 �+ r •� q� INVOICE y' �a VIA g� (f)decontamination of storage receptacles in accordance with statutory reg FREIGHT CARRIER: INVOICE TMJ IA EDI OR CARRIER (g)use of Products for their intended purpose. t 4.3 This wararityexcludes damage to or alteration of Products arising from crour 4.4 The Buyer agrees to use the Products in accordance with: (a)aay instructions provided to it by Seller from time fortune; - (b)all federal,state and local taws and regulations governing the storage,i RCy'�.U N 0 l..y7 (c)best industry practices. ` irk 7 4.5Sectio(i 4.1 constitutes:Buyer's sole remedy and Seller's sole obligation With r CHLORINE, EXCEPTAS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN SELLER MAKES NO WARRAN • °CH L ORI N"INE"y - INFRINGEMENT,OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.WITHOUT Lim THE RESULTS OBTAINED OR OBTAINABLE FROM THE USE OFANY PRODU r`� `�y^(t,' i I' k� 48 Determination ofthe:suitability or the Product(s)supplied hereunder for the us RQ,MARINE POLLUTANT �} 5. Claims.No claim shall be allowable after any such Product has been repackage, I POISON—INHALATION HAZARD, .ZONE rJ gorexyo(the Product,reiglbeess off lobeisingo ouby t Bale or dessrydei nonexclushre.No action,re ardless ofform,arising aut of thesaleor dative of ErL all„ y / 6. Limitationof Liability;Limitation of Damages;Remedies,BUYERASSUMES M. 1 W - +. OR RESALE OF THE PRODUCTS;WHETHER USED SINGLY OR IN A COMBip CHLORINE N e REFERENCE TO THE USE OF THE PRODUCTS OR RESULTS WHICH MAY BI �y g•� ry l ry �y RI �} :AGAINST SELLER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,LOSS OF OR DAMAGE i.000V 2000.0000~1B f YL :CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) - SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL,MULTIPLE,PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES,E' �t�y��±±.. t n AGREES TO DEFEND,INDEMNIFYAND HOLD SELLER,ITS SUBSIDIARIES,! 'Loc.• O$EO4 OSE05 HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINSTANY AND ALL CLAIMS,LOSSES,DAMAGE: ! µ2 C PRODUCTS.BUYER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDYAND SELLER GROUP'STOTALI Qty: 12,.000 0 5.0000 EVENT(A)IN THE CASE OF PRODUCT RELATED CLAIMS,EXCEED THE PUI OTHER CLAIMS,EXCEED THE DAMAGES DIRECTLYAND PROXIMATELY CA Product picked from: p� PART OF BUYER TO MITIGATE ITS DAMAGES,IN THE CASE OF BULKDELP PRODUCT IPRCEDING TE DATE OF SUCH CLAIM, LO t,a LOC+ 0�+JGOjil WAIVESALLM THERTRI ELY HTSEF ANY,TO INDEMNIIFCATION By SELLERJWH HAVE NO LIABILITY TO BUYER HEREUNDER IF THE PRODUCT IS:NOT USE[ ;Freigh,y,b Class...-. : Xry.00 FOOD,DRUG AND COSMETIC ACTOR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. 7. Safety.iWeighW Per Gallon: 11.87000 Net Wel y. 200 7.1 Buyer acknowledges that,here maybe hau-rd�,'associated with the possessio, .,---_•,,,,,,,,—,,,----- ,^,—•,,,,,,,,,,,,...—.,....,.,......-- �.... a.... —_W �„�•„�— --------M,�,�—���------------------------µ—mµ— handling,resale or use or its or their suitability for any particular use.Buyer ackp .�. �`- hazards.Buyeralso acknowledges that Seller has provided itv:,th appropriate Saf I_ ! �s or used without first consulting the SDS.Buyer will ensure diet all of its employee! 7.21n the event that Seller elects to respond to an emergency Involving Product s, such emergency.Buyer furthermore agrees to defend indemnify ani save Seller indirectly in connection with such emergency,whether ornot,based on Seher Grot 1 'r ° 6, Returnable Containers.Buyer acknowledges that all returnable containers shag 4 undertakes to return suchcontainers to Seller promptly when empty,but in.no eve - and shall remit the amounts of such charges when making payment for the Produ, ' \ reusable condition(normal wear and tear excepted)With a hir ty,(90)days of the a'� -j 4 (90)'days of delivery,thedeposil shall be forfeited and retalped by Seller.In addith This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified,described,packaged,marked,and labeled,and are in proper \ any returnable container that is not returned to the Sell r,Buyer accepts sole,resp condition for transportation accords to o the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. �t Group harmless from and against and all,aims ens'ngrfrom Bayer's nandlinf Load a d e d Delivery, Unless otherwise a reed inwntih ti Seller a all nws ire net,FOB carrier, Signature of Shi ile�,,'f'`,� r°iF-c._ _ _.,___ h CIg e v ed p i ”b .pp that may occur aver Productsh va bean accepted forshlcmaptbythecarrier:Ctai PURCHASER'SJ(CCEP�PANCE OF'THE•GOODS COVERED BY THIS DOCUMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE " \1,1 rateaeBectatthetimeOftranseroftitletoBuyer M�1 tS Com,rM�, 9.2 Buyer shall cooperate fully withseller's eQnns to dei v, induct,and shail'be BY THE PURCHASER,OF ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE STATED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HER }F. 313uyer is responsible forchecking all Produc s to ens.,re t fhe correct volume MOREOVER,PURCHASER,HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF ALL REQUIRED SDS(S). r / Wood Pall ',' �pin seg n(7)days of receipt ool Product by Buyer.S i shall not be respons l� ,p. antmanifest error. i ,,.� Date: ! plastic Pa iuyer shall provide adequate access.to on-sr tanks oaPor suitable:recenta Received by. ( D ate: ,Q ®�+ �1 Ito delivery or failure to sup�Iyshall in no even)entitle. yer to very u•cant / UST®,YI�eB�6�rYge sna{I thereupon be assurped by,Buyer.