HomeMy WebLinkAbout326838 06/29/18 \� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367666 3) ONE CIVIC SQUARE SAGAMORE READY MIX LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,659.25* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 6457 CHECK NUMBER:- 326838 9 i�TpN� � DEPT 272 CHECK DATE: 06/29/18 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4236200 561298 1,659.25 CEMENT VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201,(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 367666 SAGAMORE READY MIX LLC IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 6457 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service DEPT 272 rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Payee $1,659.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Street Department Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 561298 42-362.00 $1,659.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/14/18 561298 $1,659.25 2201 2201 2201 2201 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday,June 26,2018 Huffman, Dave Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer SAGAMOREnl READY M 0 9170 East 131st St - Fishers, IN 4603,8 REMIT TO: PAGE 1 Phone: (317) 570-6201 Sagamore Ready Mix - Bin 141993 PO Box 1627 Indianapolis, IN 46206-1627 CUSTOMER # 1351 Invoice Date 06-14-2018 Invoice Number 561298 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT Order Code 79 3400 W 131ST STREET Project Code 2 CARMEL IN 46074 Purchase Order FAOK/CALOK Job Number 317-417-5216 DELIVERY LOCATION PAYMENT TERMS 106TH ST & CROOKED STICK DISC "10th TOTAL 15th AFTER DELIVERY MO Ticket # Usage Product Product Quantity Price Extended Code Description Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1060951 HANDCURB B6016 6 BAG STONE AIR 7.00 cy 137.50 962.50 1060951 500 EXCESS UNLOADING TIME > 60 71.00 ea 2.00 142.00 1060951 STORE 5016 1#FIBERFORCE 150 7.00 ea 7.00 49.00 . 1061057 WALK B6016 6 BAG STONE AIR 3.50 cy 137.50 481.25 1061057 MISC 5016 1#FIBERFORCE 150 3.50 ea 7.00 24.50 CONTACT MARLYS BURRIS AT {317) 570-6226 FOR ANY BILLING QUESTIONS YOU MAY DEDUCT $36.75 FROM THIS INVOICE IF PAID BY Jul-10-2018. THIS REFLECTS ANY APPLICABLE TAX ADJUSTMENT ON YOUR CUBIC YARD DISCOUNT. Total Yards Sub Total Sales Tax INVOICE TOTAL 10.50 $1, 659.25 $.00 $1,659.25 9170 East 131 st Street Fishers,IN 46038-3545 ` (317)570-6200 Dispatch SAUA (888)986-9294 (317)570-6201 Office READY M 1 (888)986-9293 (317)570-6271 Fax DELIVERY TICKET CAUTION: FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE,MORTAR OR GROUT MAY CAUSE SKIN INJURY,AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND WASH EXPOSED AREAS PROMPTLY WITH WATER.CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT,IF ANY MIXTURE OF CEMENT GET INTO EYES,RINSE IMMEDIATELY AND REPEATEDLY WITH WATER AND GET PROPER MEDICAL ATTENTION. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM WET MIXES. 1. Customer is responsible for suitable roadway into and out of place of material delivery,and proper washout location. 2. When delivery is requested off public roadways,customer assumes risk and is responsible for damages to sidewalks,driveways or other property 3. We do not assume responsibilitiy for slump,strenqth or quality of concrete when water or any other material is added by the purchaser or his representative,or at their request.Due to the fact that concrete is made from natural materials,color consistency from load to load cannot be quaranteed. 4. Purchaser understands that concrete not cured accordinq to ACI 308 may only develop 50%of its desiqn strenqth. 5. Testinq of delivered concrete must be done by ACI Level 1 Concrete Testinq Technicians. 6. Do not apply de-icinq compounds to exterior concrete durinq first winter. 7. We do not quarantee the finished surface results obtained from this load of concrete.Too many factors not under our control can affect the ultimate results. Gallons Added Meter Reading Slump Ticket Numb, Ticket Number 1060951 I IIIIII VIII VIII VIII IIII I I I IIII Date IDate 06/14118 1 Plant Order q Customer Number Project P.O.Number Job Name•Number 5 79 1351 2 FAOKICALOK 317417.5216 Sold To 106TH ST&CROOKED STICK CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 2ND TRUCK MAIN ST 8 PINEAGLE 3400 W 131 ST STREET As representative of the customer, I authorize and assume responsibility for the addition of water to this concrete. Received Bv: I WASHOUT SYSTEM Time Due YES NO 11:26 AM Load No. Slump(+1-1' Air Content(+1-1.5%) Meter Reading at Plant Meter Reading Upon Arrival Used For Ordered By 1 3.00 6.00 L O HANDCURB CARMEL S Quantity Quanitity Quanitity Product Product Descripition Units Unit Price Amount This Load Ordered Delivered Code 7.00 yd 7.00 yd 7.00 yd 86016 6 BAG STONE AIR yd 7.00 ea 7.00 ea 7,00 ea 5016 1#FIBERFORCE 150 ea SUBTOTAL SALES TAX TICKET TOTAL Truck No. Delivered By Left Plant Time Arrive Time Start Finish our Left Job 0629 Aaron West ORDERTOTAL 9170 East 131 st Street Fishers,IN 46038-3545 Dispatch(317)570-6200 Dispatch (888)986-9294 SA(SAA MORE (317)570-6201 Office BENDY M10 (888)986-9293 (317)570-6271 Fax DELIVERY TICKET CAUTION: FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE,MORTAR OR GROUT MAY CAUSE SKIN INJURY,AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN AND WASH EXPOSED AREAS PROMPTLY WITH WATER.CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT,IF ANY MIXTURE OF CEMENT GET INTO EYES,RINSE IMMEDIATELY AND REPEATEDLY WITH WATER AND GET PROPER MEDICAL ATTENTION. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY FROM WET MIXES. 1. Customer is responsible for suitable roadwav into and out of place of material delivery,and proper washout location. 2. When delivery is requested off public roadways,customer assumes risk and is responsible for damages to sidewalks,driveways or other property 3. We do not assume responsibilitiy for slump,strength or quality of concrete when water or any other material is added by the purchaser or his representative,or at their request.Due to the fact that concrete is made from natural materials,color consistency from load to load cannot be guaranteed. 4. Purchaser understands that concrete not cured according to ACI 308 may only develop 50%of its design strength. 5. Testing of delivered concrete must be done by ACI Level 1 Concrete Testing Technicians. 6. Do not apply de-icing compounds to exterior concrete during first winter. 7. We do not guarantee the finished surface results obtained from this load of concrete.Too many factors not under our control can affect the ultimate results. Gallons Added Meter Reading Slump Ticket Numb, Ticket Number 1061057 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Date 06114118 Plant Order# Customer Number Project P.O.Number Job Name-Number 5 79 1351 2 FAOKICALOK 317.417.5216 Sold To 106TH ST&CROOKED STICK CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 2ND TRUCK MAIN ST&PINEAGLE 3400 W 131 ST STREET As representativeof • authorize and assume responsibilityfor addition of . to this concrete. Received Bv: I WASHOUTSYSTEM Time Due YES NO 2:55 PM Load No. Slump(+/-1°: Air Content(+/-1.5%) Meter Reading at Plant Meter Reading Upon Arrival Used For Ordered By- 1 4.00 6.00 WALK CARMEL S Quantity Quanitity Quanitity Product Product Descripition Units Unit Price Amount This Load Ordered Delivered Code 3.50 yd 3.50 yd 3.50 yd 86016 6 BAG STONE AIR yd 3.50 ea 3.50 ea 3.50 ea 5016 1#FIBERFORCE 150 ea MINIMUM LOAD CHARGE SUB-TOTAL SALES TAX TICKET TOTAL Truck No. Delivered By Left Plant Time Arrive Time Start Finish Pour Left Job 0605 Alex T. Peel ORDERTOTAL