HomeMy WebLinkAbout326850 06/29/18 a_c�„ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363609 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SYNCB/AMAZON.COM CHECK AMOUNT: $*****4,242.23" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 '' o PO BOX 530958 CHECK NUMBER: 326850 v;�T6a��` ATLANTA GA 30353 CHECK DATE: 06/29/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 112.63 6045787810437364 1120 4237000 438455869855 26.70 REPAIR PARTS 102 4467099 449584697546 646.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT 102 4467099 453566397637 1,339.14 OTHER EQUIPMENT 102 4467099 453785969374 218.39 OTHER EQUIPMENT 102 4467099 466788538646 222.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1120 4239099 469376784784 354.21 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1120 4237000 469386835594 167.98 REPAIR PARTS 1120 4239012 497947733586 16.75 SAFETY SUPPLIES 1120 4238000 576748675784 159.93 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR E 1120 4239012 576748675784 71.41 SAFETY SUPPLIES 102 4467099 639888878956 287.00 OTHER EQUIPMENT 1120 4239099 665847475857 226.10 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 102 4467099 668899978936 393.99 OTHER EQUIPMENT VOUCHER NO. 181903 WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) ALLOWED 20 Vendor# 363609 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER SYNCB/AMAZON CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 530958 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit,etc. Payee 112.63 363609 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRA-RON FOR SYNCB/AMAZON Terms Carmel Water Utility PO BOX 530958 Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), ATLANTA,GA 30353-0958 or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 60457878104 01-6200-06 $112.63 and received except 6/20/2018 6045787810437364 $112.63 37364 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 2C Clerk-Treasurer amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 043736 4 Statement Date:06/10118 Page: 1 of 4 Create a free Amazon Business account to access: - Business-Only ,Pricing - FREE Two-Day Shipping on eligible orders - Multi-User Accounts and Business Analytics Register at www.amazonbusiness-com/loc CARMEL WATER OPERATION ATTN: KERRI LOVEALL 0306 3450 W 131ST STREET CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 Customer Service Online at amazon.com/creditline This account is already registered See your Online Admin to get a User ID. & Password Payments Received 05/17/18 0324661 (1395.80) PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU Current Invoices (Details for Current Month's Invoices E Date Invoice Original Due Date Reference Amount iiiiiiii 04/12/18 454877669593 51.00 07/05/18 KR041218 04/23/18 463475675455 139.95 07/05/18 KERRI 04/30/18 949934778335 y 95.82 07/05/18 GREG 05/07/18 459633834468 44.49 07/05/18 JERRY 05/10/18 565857596475 81.43 08/05/18 JACK 05/23/18 797439557638 5.66 08/05/18 KERRI 05/24/18 455378658663 25.54 08/05/18 KERRI Unapplikid Payments & Credits Date Reference Original Description Amount 04/24/18 0323532CM-02SFU ` (110.93)CR MEMO x N -Continue- 78Z8 0081 001 07 PAGE 1 of 4 amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 043736 4 Statement Date:06110118 Page:2 of 4 Current Invoices: $443.89 Send payments to: Previously Billed $ P.O.Box 530958 Invoices: $0.00 Atlanta GA 30353.0958 Unapplied Payments 8 o For billinglgeneral inquiries: N Credits: $(110.93) PO Box 965055 Orlando FL 32896 For Customer Service: Call 1-866634-8381 Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion noting Items paid by a with your payment.If not sending stub,note account number,invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. If you have unapplied payments and credits,please call us at 866-634-8381 with your Instructions to apply,You do not need to contact us if you are paying the total amount now due. -Continue. 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 2 of 4 amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 043736 4Statement Date:06/10/18 Page:3 of 4 Current Invoice Details AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 LAccount: 87810437364 RATION Date of Salb: 04124118 Invoice: 0323532CM-02SFU P.O... i S.K.U. DESCRIPTIONQUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE CASH_TO_CREDIT UNAPP CASH ; 1.000 (110.9300) (110.93) i Subtotal: (110.93) Tax: 0.00 ; Balance Due: (110.93) i AM N PO BO 0958 ATLANTA, 30353-0958 CARMEL WATER OPERATION Date of Sale: 05107/18 Account: 8781 043736 4 Invoice: 459633834468 a t C Location: 0003 P.O.: JERRY S.K.U. DESCRIPTION NTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B001W9Y4PK Tenergy Propel 3V CR123A Lithi 44.4900 44.49 Subtotal: 44.49 Tax: 0.00 �Balana Due: 44.49 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL WATER OPERATION Date of Sale: ,05110118 Account: 8781043736 4 Invoice: 565857596475 6 Location: 0001 P.O.: JACK i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOMHKIFG2 Sotera FR1118P10 Inline Flowme 1.000 EA - 81.4300 81.43 Subtotal: 81.43 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 81.43 y AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL WATER OPERATION Date of Sal$: 05123/18 Account: 8781 043736 4 Invoice: 797439557638 Location: 0003 P.O.: KERRI S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QU4NTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOH3E9TM6 ADVANTUS 40307Super Stacker 3" ; 1.000 EA 5.6600 5.66 Subtotal: 5.66 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 5.66 i i -Continue- 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 3 of 4 6OLRO813 20829 amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 043736 4 Statement Date:06/10/18 Page:4 of 4 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL WATER OPERATION Date of Saler 05/24/18 Account: 8781043736 4 Invoice: 455378658663 Location: W03 P.O.: ; KERRI i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOQG83YVC Tera Grand Premium USB 2.0 to 1.000 EA 13.5000 13.50 B004YEN37K Super Glue 15185 Gel,12-Pack, 1,000 EA 7.0500 7,05 B001IY82FM Gorilla Super Glue,15 g,Clea 1.000 EA 4.9900 4.99 Subtotal: 25.54 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 25.54 i i i i i i i � I � I � , I p I I I I I I I I I I I � I x I N I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 4 of 4 CQLRO813 20829 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) Vendor# 363609 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER SYNCB/AMAZON.COM IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 530958 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. ATLANTA, GA 30353 Payee $4,129.60 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 576748675784 42-380.00 $159.93 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/20/18 576748675784 $159.93 1120 101 1120 101 576748675784 42-390.12 $71.41 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 6/20/18 576748675784 $71.41 1120 1 101 1 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 101 438455869855 42-370.00 $26.70 6/20/18 438455869855 $26.70 1120 101 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 101 469386835594 42-370.00 $167.98 received except 6/20/18 469386835594 $167.98 1120 101 1120 101 469376784784 42-390.99 $354.21 6/20/18 469376784784 $354.21 1120 101 1120 101 665847475857 42-390.99 $226.10 6/20/18 665847475857 $226.10 1120 101 1120 101 466788538646 44-670.99 $222.00 6/20/18 466788538646 $222.00 1120 102 Wednesday,June 20,2018 1120 102 668899978936 44-670.99 $393.99 V6/20/18 668899978936 $393.99 1120 102 1120 102 453785969374 44-670.99 $218.39 6/20/18 453785969374 $218.39 1120 102 David Haboush 1120 102 453566397637 44-670.99 $1,339.14 Fire Chief 6/20/18 453566397637 $1,339.14 1120 102 1120 102 639888878956 44-670.99 $287.00 6/20/18 639888878956 $287.00 1120 102 1120 102 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120- Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# 363609 SYNCB/AMAZON.COM IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL PO BOX 530958 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. ATLANTA, GA 30353 Payee $4,129.60 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 449584697546 44-670.99 $646.00 6/20/18 449584697546 $646.00 1120 102 1120 102 497947733586 42-390.12 $16.75 6/20/18 497947733586 $16.75 1120 101 1 1120 1 101 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer amazon.com Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06/10/18 Page: 1 of 6 Create a free Amazon Business account to access: - Business-Only Pricing - FREE Two-Day Shipping on eligible orders - Multi-User Accounts and Business Analytics Register at www.amazonbusiness.com/loc .1111III1'1"I1i'110111 11 111111.11'1'I1I11IIIIII 9420 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT ATTN: DENISE SNYDER 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 Customer Service Online at amazon.com/creditline This account is already registered See your Online Admin to get a User ID & Password Payments Received 05/17/18 0324578 (3775.88) PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANK YOU Current Invoices (Details for Current Month's Invoices Et Date Invoice Original Due Date Reference Amount Fm 04/10/18 455763778463 118.27 07/05/18 AWARDS BANQUET 04/17/18 673539637865 20.15 07/05/18 L341 04/19/18 467653456594 155.00 07/05/18 KEATON(TOOLS) 04/19/18 839579637574 159.99 07/05/18 KEATON(TOOLS) 04/19/18 553557697569 129.00 07/05/18 A340 04/19/18 864365686897 90.23 07/05/18 BRAD LOVE/CHIE 04/20/18 765377733999 747.06 07/05/18 KEATON(TOOLS) 04/24/18 448898334539 164.00 07/05/18 CTC 04/30/18 966767546398 51.85 07/05/18 STOCK 05/01/18 449584697546 646.00 08/05/18 CTC 05/02/18 549595749489 84.07 07/05/18 FRONT DESK 05/03/18 957453678666 151.48 07/05/18 FRONT DESK 05/14/18 639888878956 287.00 08/05/18 PIO 05/15118 665847475857 226.10 08/05/18 ALL FRONT LINE 05/15/18 497947733586 16.75 08/05/18 RSU-KURT 05/16/18 576748675764 231.34 08/05/18 RSU-KURT x 05/17/18 453785969374 218.39 08/05/18 EMS WEEK 05/17/18 453566397637 1339.14 08/05/18 EMS WEEK 05/18/18 668899978936 393.99 08/05/18 EMS WEEK 05/24/18 469386835594 167.98 08/05/18 STA 41 05/30/18 469376784784 354.21 08/05/18 KEATON 06/05/18 438455869855 26.70 08/05/18 ADAM 06/05/18 466786538646 222.00 08/05/18 PLUMER -Continue- 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 1 of 6 amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06/10/18 Page:2 of 6 Previously Billed Invoices Date Invoice Original Due Date Reference Amount 03/05/18 448646355996 120.00 05/05/18 LARA MULPAGANO 03/13/18 996895463434 299.99 06/05/18 JEFF FUCHS-STA e Current Invoices: $6000.70 Send payments to: Previously Billed P.O.Box 530958 Invoices: $419.99 Atlanta GA 30353-0958 Unapplied Payments R For billing/general inquiries: N Credits: $0.00 PO Box 965055 Orlando FL 32896 For Customer Service: Call 1.866-634-8381 Retain left hand portion for your records,send right hand portion'noting Items paid by a with your payment.If not sending stub,note account number,Invoice number and amounts being paid on your check. -Continue- 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 2 of 6 amazon.con I I I I Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06/10/18 'Page:3 of 6 Current Invoice Details I AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale:; 05101118 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: 449584697546 Location: 0001 P.O.; i CTC S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOOR893FI Tri-Arc KDSR1 12246-D2 12-Step 1.000 EA 646.0000 646.00 Subtotal: 646.00 Tax: 0.00 i Balance Due: 646.00' I AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Saler 05/14118 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: 639888878956 Location: 0003 P.O.; PIO � I S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOONIYJF6U GoPro HER04 Silver 1.000 EA 287.0000 287.00 I Subtotal: 287.00 Tax: 0.00 ; Balance Due: 287.0+ I I AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Saler 05115118 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: i 497947733586 Location: 0001 P.O.: RSU-KURT I S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B0018QZ70W Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars,St 1.000 EA 4.7800 4.78 BOORGVOUIO Ritz Peanut Butter Cracker San 2.000 EA 2.9900 5.98 MISC SHIPPING AND TAX 1.000 EA 5.9900 5.99 I Subtotal: 16.75 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 16.75 N I I I I I I I I -Continue- I I 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 3 of 6 COLR0813 9420 amazon.com* Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06/10/18 Page: 5 of 6 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Saler 05118/18 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: ; 668899978936 Location: 0003 P.O.: EMS WEEK S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B01 EMWIXL4 Keurig 2.0 My K-Cup Reusable G 1.000 EA 9.7000 9.70 B01 H6DJJJQ Reusable K Cups and Carafe for 1.000 EA 19.9500 19.95 B0116TR3GK 40"Heavy-Duty,Masterbuilt an 3.000 EA 34.9900 104.97 B0009NOOMO Camp Chef NGKIT Natural Gas Co 1.000 EA 49.0000 49.00 B001MZPRWI Camp Chef PC24 Smoke Vault Pat 1.000 EA 29.2700 29.27 B018UQ5VEK Keurig K575 Single Serve K-Cup 1.000 EA 159.9900 159.99 B01 EY9TSSW Keudg 2.0 Thermal Carafe,320 1.000 EA 21.1100 21.11 Subtotal: 393.99 Tax: 0,00 Balance Due: 393.99 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale:1 05124/18 Account: 87810193942 Invoice: 469386835594 Location: 0003 P.O.: STA 41 S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B01 GJ7NUYA ReelWorks L815153A Steel Retra 2.000 EA 83.9900 167.98 Subtotal: 167.98 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 167.98 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale:; 05130/18 Account: 8781 019394 2 Invoice: 469376784784 Location: 0003 P.O.: KEATON i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE , B074PW8D82 Cafe 20-ounce Break-Resistant 2.000 EA 17.9900 35.98 N B0794RXWHS Cafe 32-ounce Plastic Restaura 4.000 EA 17.9900 71.96 BOOXVGP6PO Stainless Steel Measuring Cups ; 2.000 EA 22.0000 44.00 BOOSCOQNJC Livingware 10.25"City Block D ; 2.000 EA 22.9100 45.82 B000040CLX 0X0 Good Grips 8-Inch Fine Mes ; 1.000 EA 19.9500 19.95 B00939FV8K Ninja Professional Blender wit ; 1.000 EA 113.3200 113.32 B000079XWB 0X0 Good Grips 4-Cup Angled Me ; 2.000 EA 9.9900 19.98 MISC SHIPPING AND TAX 1.000 EA 3.2000 3.20 Subtotal: 354.21 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 354.21 -Continue- 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 5 of 6 CdLR0813 9420 amazon.com• Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06110118 Page:4 of 6 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA,-GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sal : 05/15/18 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: 665847475857 Location: 0003 P.O.: ALL FRONT LINE APP i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QU4NTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B00601VRY2 Original Fire Sprinkler Stoppe ; 14.000 EA 16,1500 226.10 Subtotal: 226.10 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 226.10 i AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale: 05/16/18 Account: 8781 019394 2 Invoice: 576748675784 Location: 0003 P.O.: ; RSU-KURT S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B008749N8Q Clif Bar 12 Bar Variety Pack, 1.000 EA 20.9500 20.95 B01 M6B9001 Healthy Bar Snack Mix-Sweet 1.000 EA 48.9900 48.99 B01 MRBDXB9 EcoPure Water Purifier Under S 1.000 EA 159.9300 159.93 MISC SHIPPING AND TAX 1.000 EA 1.4700 1.4741 Subtotal: 231.34 Tax: 0.00 ; Balance Due: 231.34 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale: 05/17/18 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: 453566397637 Location: 0003 P.O.: EMS WEEK S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B016Y313QQ 40-Inch Electric Smoker with B 3.000 EA 446.3800 1339.14 i Subtotal: 1339.14 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 1339.14/ S � N AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sal : 05117/18 Account: 8781 019394 2 Invoice: 453785969374 Location: 0003 P.O.: EMS WEEK i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QU4NTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOOURBBVK Camp Chef Smoker 24" Smoke Va 1.000 EA 218.3900 218.39 Subtotal: 218.39 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 218.39 -Continue- 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 4 of 6 6OLR0813 9420 amazon.com• �I� I I I I Account:60457 8781 019394 2 Statement Date:06110/18 Page:6 of 6 AMAZON PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of Sale: 06/05118 Account: 87810`19394 2 Invoice: 438455869855 Location: 0003 P.O.: ADAM i S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE B07B3WXJXH OtterBox Defender Series Case 1.000 EA 24.9500 24.95 MISC SHIPPING AND TAX 1.000 EA 1.7500 1.75 Subtotal: 26.70 Tax: 0,00 Balance Due: 26.70 - -AMAZON- -- - - PO BOX 530958 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0958 s CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT Date of SaI6: 06/05118 Account: 8781019394 2 Invoice: 466788538646 Location: 0003 P.O.: PLUMER S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE BOOBLR10GY Pelican Storm Case iM2620-w/ 1.000 EA 222.0000 222.00 = I Subtotal: 222.00 Tax: 0.00 Balance Due: 222.00 = I _ I � I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I i rn I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 7828 0001 001 07 PAGE 6 of 6 COLR0813 9420