HomeMy WebLinkAbout327009 07/03/18 +yt_CAgy CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353332 it ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICAH BECK CHECK AMOUNT: $********60.75* i? ,i°; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/0 CARMEL UTILITIES CHECK NUMBER: 327009 9���jp'N'G�, C/0 CARMEL UTILITIES CHECK DATE: 07/03/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 062518 60.75 OTHER EXPENSES VOUCHER NO. 185915 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev 1995) Vendor # 00353332 IN SUM OF$ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER BECK, MICAH CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL WASTEWATER An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, numbers of units, price per unit, etc. Payee G ?5 00353332 Purchase Order No. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRATION FOR BECK, MICAH Terms Carmel Wasterwater Utility CARMEL WASTEWATER Due Date BOARD MEMBERS I hereby certify that that attached invoice(s), ' or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that PO# ACCT# the materials or services itemized thereon for DATE INVOICE# Description DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT which charge is made were ordered and DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 062518 01-7040-02 $20,25 and received except 6/29/2018 062518 $20.25 oba4l� 0(_-?04o.o 20-,25 a�2�i o (.-WO-c'" 2(9,25 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Certificate of Completion-Approved Environment, Inc: Page 1 of 2 Approved"Environment, Inc. 653.8 Redland Way Indianapolis,IN,46217 1-877=241-9858 Email: Support(a,approwdce..com' Certificate of Completion Courses are-approved in the following states: Indiana, Illinois, Ohio,Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, California,Delaware, South Carolina,North Carolina, Maryland,Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia; West Virginia and Wisconsin. Name: Micah Beck Address: 1817:Woodstream Ct, Westfield , IN 46074 Course Title: Activated Sludge II Course Value: 1 Contact Hour(s) Approval Number: IN - WWT15-5908 TO1-G00, , OH OEPA-S296730-OM, ODHAE028, LA-:54455, NC -_CEO 113 0404,, MD - 3467=05-06,.MO 1708928, IL- 7440, ID - WWP16037:167, KY- 16730, TN- R14059, VA & WV:- WW2013-286, WI - 7nmw-knx3 Date: 6/25/2018 11:55:07 AM Time Spent Taking the Course: 1 hour(s) Operator Certification License Number: 2 Operator Class Level: WW019724- License Expiration Date: 06/30/2018 , Operator Signature: Training Provider Signature:. Ann Bersbach, Approved Environment, Inc. https://www.approvedce.com/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 6/25/2018 Certificate of Completion-Approved Environment, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2002=2017,Approved Environment,Inc.,Indianapolis,Indiana https://www.approvedce.coin/onlineCEUs/ceuCertificateOfCompletion.asp 6/25/201.8 Approved Environment; Inc® 6538 Redland Way: Indianapolis;IN 46217 I-877-241-985S Email.Support akaabrovedee.com Certificate of Cornple' don Courses are approved in the following states: Indiana,Ill'iiiois,Ohio, Alabama, Arizona;Idaho, California, Delaware; South Carolina,North Carolina, Maryland, MissoLu-i,:Kentucky, Tennessee,:Virginia, West- Virginia and Wisconsin. Name: Micah Beck Address: 1817 Woodstream Ct, Westfield , IN 46074: . Course Title: Ground Water and Wells Course Value: 1 Contact Hour(s) Approval Number: IN - PWST17-6121, OH- OEPA-B581687-OM,_LA- 54455, NC CE03251501,153873, MD - 5644-15-02 -NP, MO 1708958, IL - 9665, ID WWP16037206, KY 16774,TN- , VA & WV CEH2016-036%WW2016-035, WI - 53r9-gkax Date: 6/27/2018 1-0:38:57 AM Time Spent Taking the Course: 1 hour(s) Operator Certification License Number: WWO19724 Operator Class Level: 2 License Expiration Date: 06/30/20,1 '/ Operator Signature: CC � v . Training Provider Signature: Ann Bersbach,.Approved Environment, Inc. Copyright 2002-2017,Approved Environment,Inc... Indianapolis,Indiana, Approved Environment, Inc. 6538 Redland Way Indianapolis,IN 46217 1-8.77-24:1-9858 Email:.Supportkapurovedcexom Certificate of Completion Courses are approved in the following states: Indiana,Illinois, Ohio, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, California, Delaware; South Carolina,North Carolina, Maryland, Missouri;.Kentucky, Tennessee,Virginia, West . Virginia and Wisconsin-. Name; Micah Beck Address: 1817 Woodstream Ct, Westfield, IN 4607-4 . Course Title: Removing Metals from Wastewater Course Value: 1 Contact Hour(s) Approval Number: IN - WWT15-5926 T01-G00, ,.OH- OEPA-S39624.9' 0M, LA- 54455; NC - CE01030503„ MD - 3485-05-06, MO - 1708952; IL - 7435, ID -W"16037213, KY- 16713, TN- R14086, VA& WV- WW2013-294, WI - 7nmw-knyz Date: 6/29/2018 9:04:14 AM Time Spent Taking the Course: 1 hour(s) Operator Certification License Number: WW019724 Operator Class Level: 2 P License Expiration Date: 06/30/2018 Operator Signature: Training.Provider Signature: Ann Bersbach, Approved Environment, Inc. Copyright 2002-2017,Approved,Envn-omnent,Inc., Indianapolis,Indiana Google recommends using Chrome Try a fast,secure browser with updates built in Gmail Move to Inbox More COMPOSE Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Inbox Auto-Receipt<noreply@mail.authorize.net> Starred to me Important Sent Mail Drafts Order Information Description: Activated Sludge II Categories Invoice Number 21715C Notes Billing Information Shipping Information Personal Micah Beck Micah Beck City of Carmel City of Carmel Travel 1817 Woodstream Ct 1817 Woodstream Ct Less Westfield,IN 46074 Westfield,IN 46074 US US fatblacklabCo7g mail.com Chats 3179089082 (� }Micah + Total: $20.25(USD) Payment Information Date/Time: 25-Jun-2018 10:57:36 EDT Transaction ID: 61155856994 Payment Method: MasterCard xxxx0674 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 125712 Merchant Contact Information Approved Environment Inc INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46217 US support(@approvedce.com No recent chats Start a new one Click here to Reply or Forward 0.27 GB(1%)of 15 GB used Manage https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm 6/25/2018 Beck, Micah W From: Micah Beck <fatblacklab@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday,June 27, 2018 9:43 AM To: Beck, Micah W Subject: Fwd:Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Auto-Receipt" <noreplly@mail.authorize.net> Date: June 27, 2018 at 9:40:32 AM EDT To: "Micah Beck" <fatblacklab @ gmail.com> Subject: Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Reply-To: "Approved Environment" <support @ approvedce.com> Description: Ground Water and Wells Invoice Number 21803C Billing Information Shipping Information Micah Beck Micah Beck City of Carmel City of Carmel 1817 Woodstream Ct 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,IN 46074 Westfield,IN 46074 Us us fatblacklab@gmaii.com Total: $20.25(USD) Date/Time: 27-Jun-2018 9:40:31 EDT Transaction ID: 61158743608 Payment Method: MasterCard xxxx0674 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 301998 Approved Environment Inc INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46217 US support@ai)provedce.com Email secured by Check Point i Beck, Micah W From: Micah Beck <fatblacklab@gmail.com> Sent: Friday,June 29, 2018 8:28 AM To: Beck, Micah W Subject: Fwd:Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Auto-Receipt" <noreplly@mail.authorize.net> Date: June 29, 2018 at 7:13:47 AM EDT To: "Micah Beck" <fatblacklab @ gmail.com> Subject: Transaction Receipt from Approved Environment Inc for$20.25 (USD) Reply-To: "Approved Environment" <support@approvedce.com> Description: Removing Metals from Wastewater Invoice Number 21899C Billing Information _ Shipping Information Micah Beck City of Carmel 1817 Woodstream Ct Westfield,IN 46074 us fatblacklab@jamail.com Total: $20.25(USD) Date/Time: 29-Jun-2018 7:13:46 EDT Transaction ID: 61161862845 Payment Method: MasterCard xxxx0674 Transaction Type: Purchase Auth Code: 550248 - `c-r Approved Environment Inc .__.. INDIANAPOLIS,,IN 46217 US support@approvedce.com Email secured by Check Point 1