HomeMy WebLinkAbout327069 07/03/18 9`/ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 093000 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FEDEX CHECK AMOUNT: $*******128.72* �� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 94515 CHECK NUMBER: 327069 °.y,�rAN�_ PALATINE IL 60009-4514 CHECK DATE: 07/03/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4342100 170502575 128.72 POSTAGE . . . . . ACCOUNTSPAYABLE VOUCHER . CITY.OF CARMEL . VOUCHER NO.• WARRANT NO.. An invoice of bill to be properly1temized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# ' 093000 Allowed. 20 whom,rates per day,number'of h'our's,rate per hour;.number of units,price per unit,etc. FedEx Payee P.O.Box 94515 . . . -Palatine; IL 60094-4515 In Su'm of$ Purchase order# 093000 FedEx: Terms $. 128.72 P.O.Box 945' Date Due Palatine;IL ;60094-4515- ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101=General Fund.. . PO#or nvoice' Description . INVOICE NO. ACCT#(TITLE AMOUNT Dept# Invoice.Date Number (or note'attached.invoice(S)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1125 170502575 4342100 $ 128.72 Board Members 6%21/18 170502575: Shipping Charge;to Return Counters ' xx7043 $ 128.72 I hereby certify that the attached inJoice(s),or bills)is(are)true and correct and that the. materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and'- received except. $. . . 128.7.2. . Total .$: '128.72 June 27,2018: . . . . . . . . . . . I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)'is'(are)true and correct and l have audited same in'accordance' /p with IC-5-11-10=1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if: r . claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature, 20 Accounts Payable.Coordinator. . Clerk-Treasurer, Title' .. A Qnvoice N�im'ber I un Dice Date Account Numtier 7 Page 1-705-02575 Jun 2j1 20118 . . 1 of Billing Address: Shipping Address:.. CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION SCHWANNER,PAULA - Invoice Questions? ces 1.411 E 116TH ST CARMELCLAY PARKS&RECREATION. ' 'Phone,. ',(800) FedEx.'18U0)622-1147eN1 . CARMEL IN 46032-761.1 1411:E 116TH:ST - CARMEL IN 46032-7611. Sal M to6PMCST: Fax: : (800)54&3020. . :Invoice SummarVAin-21,2018 Internet: _ www fedex,com FedEx Express Services Transportation Charges: 122.05 Base.Discount -18.31 RCCEIVED . Bonus Discounts. -6:10 c :Special Handling Charges. .35.53 By pschlemmer of 12;58 pm, Jun 25, 2018 Total Charges. USD. $133.17, TOTAL THIS INIIOIC USD $1 1 "� n M - You saved$29Al in discounts this period! VA r-61416, Irr Shipment§included:in th.is.invoice received 6n earned discount:If you .. would like to:know hoinrit was calculated,please go to.thd following URL:. https://Wv&w.f6dex.com/Eg'nedOis'counts/.: .- :Other discounts.may apply..: - j . - FRI Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 1=705-02575. Jun 2L 2018 . 2of3 Adjustmelnt Request Fax to(800)548-3020 Use this form to fax.requests for adjustments due to the 'reason's indicated below.. .Requests for.adjustments due to other reasons,including servicefi. ure-,should.be.submi, ed by going to www:fedex.'om or.calling: . 800.622:1147; Please use multiple.forms for additional requests. C Please complete all fields in black ink. t Requestor Name.l .I . I I 1. 11 .I .I I I I I I - I I I I 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 I. 1.'.1 1 Date.LLJ:/ LU/ LLQ a .Phone I . I I .I LI 1-- =.LL1.1 Fax-.# II I - I I - I 1 -1 c . t E-mail Address. DYes;I Want to•update account contactwith the above information: g Tracking_Number Bill to Account _ � $.Amount- . LLJ I:.I' 1 I I I .T I _ .I ::I I :I I: .1 -I ::1 1. I ..1 1 :1. .1 ' 1:.1 ::I. 1. IV .1. .I :: 1 IJ ADR-Address.Correction INW-lncorrect'Weight OVS= Oversize surcharge, For all_Service.failures orother e INS- Incorrect_Service RSU-Residential Delivery surcharges please.use ourvueb u DVC—Declared Value ® IAN- Invalid Acct#_ OC. G. Pick-up Fee PND-Pvurshp Not Delivered site wwvuJedex.dom or call OCS-Exp Pick=up Fee SDR- Saturday Delivery. .. (800)622-1147. " Rerate information only (round to nearest inch) C Tracking Number Code $Amount LBS. L 1N: : H r 1LL.1_�. I I J. I f f L� IL L_l_1 L 1-1 x I LJ x I f 1. I I` I' F .1 :1 ( I I I I: :I I LLLJ x.L_LLJ x I_l_Ll t 1 1 :1 I l 1 Is I : I 1 1. 1 I 1 I I LLLJ": :I ( I I I I. :I I I ILl-1J LLU X LLLJ x L_L_LJ . L-I I: V.: x LLIJ X 1 I : 'I L_LL�LLLL�x LL_L_I x l: 1. Check all that apply. Effective Date LJ J./ I-. I I:/ I I I . A D:Shi m "Address:IPhysical Rddress) El giving Address Only El Billing Same As Shipping Address d . PP 9 d Company I. I I. I :I. I .I 1 Company 'I. I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 .1 e Address J .I I . I I I I .( I . I I I -I _ I Address I I I .I. I I. I .I I .L 1 1: 1 A.. S . s Address I I 'I: F I' „I i I .I I I I I i .I I I Address I I I `( I I. I ( I I I I: I I I I T .I C Dept " I I I I .L I I I -1 I :I I I I :.I I Dept ( I I I L. .I. :I I :I 1 1 1' ::1 1 :1 -1 I : � h Floor I " I- :I I .I I Apt(Suite;� I" I : I I I I Floor I I I I 'I I_ . ApUsuite#. I a ncity . I : I I `I I " f l. l " L I I. I :I. I .I I _LJ city I . I' I. V L. I I I I . I I. f I. I "I 1J g state. LJ zip code I. i .I I J-- I -;I I .1 1 . I state LU zip Code L -L I I: -1 .I s Phone . LLLJ:-LL1 -1 1 A I l. Phone I L L -1 1 1 Fax# . LLL -WJ -LJ-LLJ Fax# Invoice:Number - - Invoice Date Account . 3of3 FedEx Express:Shipment-Detail.By Payor.Type(Original) - hip Date:Jun 11,2018 GustRef.: Ref.#2 ayor.Third Party 111603M: 'Fuel Surcharge c FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 7.25%to this.shipment -Discount applied is:be'greater.of volume discount or dropoff discount:No additional discount applies. We calculated your charges based on a dimensional.weight of 6.0lbs,17 z 9'x 7',using a dimensional factor of 139. Automation SSFO.. Sender e ' ent Tracking ID. 781367090797 :CARMEL CLAY PARKS TRAFX RESEARCH Service Type FedEx Intl Economy 1411 E.116TH ST 6A RIVERSTONE RD Package Type Customer Packaging CARMEL IN 46032 US CANMORE AB TIVIFIJ5 CA OrigJDest MZZIYNC Zone B Packages 1. Transportation Charge 122.05 Actual Weight 3.5.lbs Discount -18.31 Rated Weight 6.01bs Automation Bonus Discount -6:10 Declared Value USD 2,475.00 Fuel Surcharge 7.36 Delivered : Jun 13;201813:59 Residential Delivery 4.15 Signed by T.HAGGER Declared Value Charge 24.00 FedEx Use: JUS0010/ Total Transportation Charges USD. $133.17: Third:Party Subtotal, USD USD Total FedEx Express $133.17.