HomeMy WebLinkAbout327297 07/10/18 a`/ t• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372567 = �• ONE CIVIC SQUARE GT SOFT, INC. CHECK AMOUNT: $****34,600.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1 SUGAR CREEK CENTER BLVD. CHECK NUMBER: 327297 SUITE 410CHECK DATE: 07/10/18 LA SUGAR LAND TX 77478 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4341955 71854 24,600.00 INFO SYS MAINT CONTRA 1081 4341955 71855 10,000.00 INFO SYS MAINT/CONTRA . . . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO:. WARRANT NO.. An invoice of bill to be:properly:ite: iied must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# Allowed. 20 whom;.rates per day,number of hours,'rate'per hour,.number of units,price'per unit,etc. GTSoft Inc 0►' � '. Payee 1 Sugar CreekCenter,Blvd,.Suite 410, Sugar:Land,TX 77478 In Sum of$ Purchase Order#" GTSofti.nc, : . Terms: $ 34,600:00 1 Sugar Creek Center Blvd;Suite 410 Date Due Sugar Land,TX:77478 ON ACCOUNT=OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE Fund PO#or Invoice Description• . . . INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# Invoice.Date Number - (or note attached-invoice(s)or.bill(s)) PO# Amount EZChildTrack So,ftware Services 1081-99: .71854 4341955 : $" 24,600.00 Board Members 7/3/18 71"854 7/1/18:-6/30/19 . 51407 $ .24,600.00 1081-99 71855 . . 4341955' $ .10;000.00 4/3/18 71855 ESE Software Modification'EZChilclTrack 51527 $ 10,000.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct andahat the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is.made were ordered and received except $ 34,600.00 Total $ 34,600.00 July 5,2018 Thereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)is'(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC5-11-10=1.6 Cost distribution.ledger classification if claim'paid motor vehicle highway fund •: Signature.: 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator. . Clerk-Treasurer. . . Title. GTSoftInc: �C . I nvo e 1 Sugar Creek Center Blvd. . Suite 41U. ._ DATE .INVOICE#. . Su ar Land,Texas 77478 . ' :. 7/3/2018 07 854 • Phone# (281)565-1460 E-mail billingWiomaskelly.com BILL TO'. RECEIVE® Carmel Clay Parks.&Recreation . By pSchlemmer at 2:06 pm, Jul 03, 2018 Ren Johnson 1235 Central Park Drive East Carmel,IN 46032 . P:O..NO. . . :: TERMS DUEDATE • Net 30 8%2/2018 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT ' EZChildTrack EZChildTrack SaaS(software as a service)to: 1 23;500.00 23;500:00 serve 11 sites and up to 2,600.students for.the period July L 2018-June 30;.2019 Parent PIN. Parent PIN=Based Attendance rimodule to serve 11 11 100.00 1;1.00:00 sites for the.period July 1;2018--June30',2019. Please make check payable to: GTSoftInc TOt'a� $24,500.00 1 Sugar Creek l Center Bvd . - Suite 410 :. $24,600.00 Sugar Land 'T►X 7 478. .. B' alance'Due GTSoft Inc: � 1 1'1V0".Ce 1 Sugar Creek Center Blvd. Suite 410 DATE INVOICE# Sugar Land,Texas 77478. 7/3/2018 071855 Phone# . . (28 1)565-1460 . . E-mail' . billing@thomaskellycom- BILL To RECEIVED By pschlemmer at 2.08 pm, Jul 03, 2018 garrnel"Clay Parks&Recreation Bien Johnson 1235 Central Park Drive East Carmel,IN 46032 .: P.O..NO. TERMS.. DUE.DATE 51527 Net 30 :. 8/2/2018 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY- RATE AMOUNT Customization Customization-Punch Pass 1: 10;000.0.0 10,000.00 Please make check payable to: GTSoft 1 Sugar Creek Center Blued Suite 410 Su ar Land TAX 77478. $10;000.00 Balah.ce Due