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327296 07/10/18
v'/ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRIS HAM,ATTORNEY AT LAW CHECK AMOUNT: $****11,162.80* ,ate; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CHECK NUMBER: 327296 M,�TON�, CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 07/10/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 103 5023990 6.18 1,450.80 OTHER EXPENSES 106 5023990 6.18 4,002.40 OTHER EXPENSES 1081 4340000 6.18 109.20 LEGAL FEES 1082 4340000 6.18 452.40 LEGAL FEES 1091 4340000 6.18 1,887.60 LEGAL FEES 1125 4340000 6.18 3,260.40 LEGAL FEES : . : . . :ACCOUNTS PAYABLE.VOUCHER. . CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly:itemiied must show;kind of service,:where performed,dates service rendered;by Vendor# 115100 Allowed. 20 whom,-rates;per day,number of hours,'rite per hour,number of un pride'per unit,etc. Grisham, Debra M. Payee. Attomey at Law LLC. 922 East Greyhound Pass In Sum of$ Purchase order:# Carmel,:IN 460321.15100: .Grisham, Debra'M. Terms Aft11,162:80 . .. . :92.2. Law,LLC. Date Due 922.East Greyhound.Pass • . ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel, IN 46032. 101 General'/103 Parks Capital'/106 Park Impact/108 ESE/109 MCC PO#or nvoice Description INVOICE NO.-. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# Invoice Date Number - (or note attached.invoice(s)or bill(s))' PO# Amount 1125 6:18. .4340000 : .$: 3,260.40 Board Members 7/2/18 6.18 . Legal Services Jun'18 $ 3,266.40 103 6.18 5023990: .$ 1;450.80. 7/2/18 6.18. Legal Services Jun'18. $ 1,450.80 106 6.18 5023990 $. 3,962.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 7/2/18 6.18 Legal Services Jun'18 $. 3,962.40 .1081;99 . 6.18, : 4340000; $. 109.20: . :bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the V 7/2/18 6:18. Legal Services Jun'18. $ 109.20 1082-99. 6.18 4340000 $ 452.40 materials or services itemized thereon for 7/2/18 6A8 Legal Services'Jun'18 $ 452.40 1091:_ _ --6.18 :4340000i $ 1;887.60 which charge is.rnade were ordered and 7/2/18 6.18 Legal Services:Jun'18 $ 1,887.60 Reimbursement for County..ecor ing: 106 Reimb 5023990. $ 40.00 received except 7/2/18. Reimb. Fees fo West Park The.G,rove's Project $ 40.00 Do Not Mail $. 11,162.80 Total .$. . . 11,162.80 July 3,2018 Ihereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)'is(are)true and correct and l have audited same in accordance With IC,5-11-10-1 6 Cost distribution,ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature.. 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator. . Clerk-Treasurer Title' a' Professional Services Invoice ga)S�„�w�ces run��'8; FOR SERVICES RENDERED e1 %x/,20>1{8;_ FROM 6/1/18 THROUGH 6/30/18 ' IQ��qq-�13�onoa 45.�o�P0 +-)1125-1-01-4340000 $ 3,260.40 COvid�r. Debra_l1lt.Grisham;Attorney-at~l=aw--LL` 103-5023990 $ 1,450.80 Attd X 922E Greyhound P96i§ 106-5023990 $ 3,962.40 armel IN 4_6_032 / 1081-99-4340000 $ 109.20 Telephone: 317-690-1597 10914340000 $ 1 887.60 Total City of Carmel $ 11,122 80 i Email: dgrishamlaw@gmail.Com 1215-41311 Central Park $ 312.00 Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services 1215-461-1 Capital Maintenance $ 452.40 _o 1215-4131 Inlow Park $ - YOICe 0:..6.1'v / Total Clay Township y 764.44 111 Hourly Rate: $156.00 $ 11,8'87.20 Approval Date Service Date Description of Service Ho rs Worked Amount Due 6/1/2018 Recorded the Operations and Maintenance 2.1 $327.60 6o Lp Manual ("O and M. Manual") in the Hamilton County Recorder's Office as required by the City of Carmel storm water permit application for West Park-The Groves Rebid Project ("WP- TGRP") and communications with SmithGroupJJR ("SGJJR")Architect J Fink and M Westermeier regarding the same. Communications regarding creation of legal description_for the City of Carmel Best Management Practices,Easement ("BMP Easement") required for the storm water permit. Multiple communications regarding the curb cut, soil stabilization, permit status and various project matters and met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding the same. Worked on file organization. Multiple communications with M Krosschell of 1 $156.00 I o j The Schneider Corporation ("TSC"), M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding the draft of the certificate of substantial completion ("CSC") and status of the Monon Trail Rehabilitation - Phase l Project ("MTRPIP") and related project matters. Updated the file. 1 V Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Communications with M Klitzing regarding 0.4 $62.40 1 of matters related to Tort Claim CPWCGPFBX4728 and otherwise worked on the same. Communications with A Kostrzewa and other 1.7 $265.20 + o5t CCPR staff regarding matters related to Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and otherwise worked on the same. 6/4/2018 Communications with M Krosschell regarding 0.3 $46.80 I c3 substantial completion status of the MTRPIP. Updated the file. Communications with S Young regarding Park 0.9 $140.40 1,01 Board meeting matters and prepared for and attended the agenda and project status meeting in preparation for the June 12, 2018 Regular Park Board Meeting. Multiple communications from J Fink and M 0.6 $93.60 I o(o Westermeier regarding soil stabilization, permit status and other WP-TGRP matters and met with M Westermeier regarding the same. Communications with CCPR staff regarding 1 $156.00 10� matters related to Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and otherwise worked on the same. Reviewed appellate court docket for status of 0.5 $78.00 the Webb lawsuit and communications with litigation counsel, CCPR management and the Park Board regarding the same. Updated the file. Receive and briefly considered communications 0.2 $31.20 I ag1-Sg from M Klitzing regarding EZChildTrack Software Agreement commitments. 6/5/2018 Considered and worked on response to M 0.5 $78.00 Klitzing regarding EZChildTrack Software Agreement commitments and communications with M Klitzing and B Johnson regarding the same. [.5 Hour NC.) 2 r Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Met with M Klitzing regarding Gibraltar contract 3 $468.00 (D(e requirements for temporary facilities for the WP- TGRP; reviewed the Project Manual and provided response to the inquiry. Multiple communications regarding various Project matters including soil stabilization change order and related matters. Started draft of coversheet for matters related to the BMP Easement and other regulatory requirements. [.5 Hour NC.] Communications with CCPR staff and insurance 2 $312.00 1011 representative regarding matters related to Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and otherwise worked on the same. Communications with M Krosschell regarding 0.2 $31.20 1Z.15--`104 the status of the Central Park West Commons Phase II Project ("CPWCPIIP"). Received, reviewed, revised and multiple 1 $156.00 1,3S communications with M Krosschell and CCPR management regarding, MTRPIP Change Order #3 and related matters. 6/6/2018 Met.with M Westermeier and M Klitzing 2.6 $405.60 I a regarding Gibraltar contract requirements for the WP-TGRP and progress meeting matters. Finished draft of coversheet for the June 12, 2018 Regular Park Board Meeting. Communications with M Krosschell regarding BMP Easement legal descriptions and the deeds of the burdened property and discussed the same with M Westermeier and M Klitzing. Pulled the original deeds and considered options to correct the name of the Park Board. Communications regarding outstanding inquiries. [.5 Hour NC.] Drafted coversheet for the MTRPIP Change 0.8 $124.80 103 Orders#1, #2 . Communications with M Krosschell regarding the same. Drafted coversheet for the Monon Community 0.8 $124.80 1245'-%j64 Center Entrance and Fitness Expansion Project ("MCCEFEP") Change Order#3. Met with A Kostrzewa regarding the same. �t 3 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due 6/7/2018 Communications with K Boren and J Wallander 1.2 $187.20 of Hamilton Title regarding West Park deeds that required correction, discussed possible correction options and provided scans of the original deeds and title commitment. Reported the same to M Westermeier. Met with M Westermeier regarding'WP-TGRP Change Order#001A and other Project matters and subsequent communications regarding the same. Received and filed IDEM ROI notice and E-Verify documents. Communications with CCPR staff and insurance 0.5 $78.00 01 1 representative regarding matters related to Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and otherwise worked on the same. Received, reviewed and responded with 0.7 $109.20 P ZIP-LJI3y. suggested revisions to Architect F Parisi, M Westermeier, M Klitzing and K Baumgartner regarding the CSC for the MCCEFEP. Other communications followed. Communications with M Klitzing regarding 1.3 $202.80 101 matters related to Tort Claim CPWCGPFBX4728 and otherwise worked on the same. 6/8/2018 Worked on matters regarding WP-TGRP 1.6 $249.60 1 o Le including the deed correction for the BMP Easement. Multiple communications regarding Project matters. Worked on matters related to Tort Claim 1.2 $187.20 MCCSKFCU5374. Worked on MCCEFEP CSC and 1 $156.00 1,L -i0 4 communications with M Westermeier and K Baumgartner regarding the same. Communications from M Krosschell regarding a 0.3 $46.80 124 5- yP3,10� draft of a CSC for the CPWCPIIP. 6/11/2018 Multiple communications with Hamilton title 0.5 $78.00 104 regarding deed correction for the BMP Easement for the WP-TGRP. Communications to M Krosschell regarding the 0.7 $109.20 JZ15 -yBL} status of the punch list and other items affecting the CPWCPIIP. 4 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Worked on matters related to Tort Claim 1.3 $202.80 MCCSKFCU5374. - Worked on matters related to Tort Claim 1.2 $187.20 )0 t CPWCGPFBX4728. 6/12/2018 Multiple communications with M Krosschell and 1 $156.00 Jocp J Fink regarding the draft legal descriptions for the WP-TCRP. Communications with Hamilton Title regarding the deeds. [.5 Hour NC.] Communications with Insurance representative 1.5 $234.00 lot regarding Tort Claim CPWCGPFBX4728 and otherwise worked on the same. Updated the file. Reviewed and discussed the Park Board 3 $468.00 lot Meeting Packet with M Klitzing and otherwise prepared for and attended the Regular Park Board meeting. Communications with Insurance representative 0.2 $31.20 )a$2 9°I regarding CER 2302. Worked on matters related to Tort Claim 1.5 $234.00 MCCSKFCU5374. Updated the file. 6/13/2018 Multiple communications with M Krosschell 2.5 $390.00 regarding the draft legal descriptions for the WP- TGRP. Communications with Hamilton Title regarding the deeds and prepared documents for execution. Received, reviewed and multiple communications from M Westermeier and J Fink regarding Change Order#001 A and Change Order#002. Updated the file. [.5 Hour NC.] Communications with M Klitzing regarding the 1 $156.00 draft of the Park Board authorized Professional �3 Services Agreement ("PSA") for TSC for the Central'Park Trailhead and West Receiving Project ("CPTWRP"). Started the draft. Received revised MTR-PIP Project Change 1.3 $202.80 I Orders for M Westermeier signature. I�� Discussed with and provided the same to S Young to obtain M Westermeier signature. 5 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due 6/14/2018 Communications regarding draft of Change 2.2 $343.20 1 , Order#003 regarding the WP-TCRP. Multiple communications with TSC regarding the lal� labeling of the BMP Easement exhibits; received and assembled the BMP Easement and the deeds, obtained Park Board President's notarized signature on all and delivered the executed deeds to Hamilton Title for recording and delivered a scanned copy of the same to J Fink. Multiple communications with J Fink and M Westermeier regarding various Project matters. Communications from Insurance representative 0.2 $31.20 1 o$Z-9`1- regarding CER 2302. 6/15/2018 Multiple communications regarding the WP- 0.4 $62.40 10� TGRP. 6/18/2018 Worked on draft of TSC PSA and delivered the 2.2 $343.20 same to CCPR management for review and L v3 - comment regarding the CPTWRP. Met briefly,with K Baumgartner regarding Tort 2 $312.00 1,2 Claim CPWCGPFBX4728 and otherwise worked on the same. [.5 Hour NC.] Communications to M Westermeier, M Klitzing 0.2 $31.20 1o?q--)I and K Baumgartner regarding CER 2302. Met with M Westermeier regarding various park 0.4 $62.40 I zip-y8j_J_ matters including the status of the Central Park Drive West Enhancement Project ("CPDWEP"), purchasing processes and personnel matters. 6/19/2018 Communications to Hamilton Title for status on 1 $156.00 Iq c.o deed recordings. Worked on file organization for the WP-TGRP. Set up a file for the CPTWRP. 0.2 $31.20 10.3 Communications with CCPR staff and organized 0.4 $62.40 10,11 the file for Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374. Communications with M Klitzing, CCPR's 0.4 $62.40 iow_ -19 insurance representative and litigation counsel regarding CER 2302. Updated the file. Met briefly with CCPR staff regarding Tort Claim 1 $156.00 1 CPWCGPFBX4728 and otherwise worked on the same. 6 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Met with A Kostrzewa and communications with 0.6 $93.60 Iv --i 8A- M Krosschell regarding; the CPWPIIP. 6/20/2018 Communications to Hamilton Title regarding 0.5 $78.00 10(,r status of recorded deeds and worked on file organization for the WP-TGRP. Multiple communications regarding Project status, value engineering suggestions and Change Order #002R1. Communications with A Kostrzewa regarding reset of West Park Tax E-Billing by Hamilton County Treasurer. Communications with CCPR staff regarding Tort 1.2 $187.20 109 1 Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and otherwise worked on the same. Started review of the law regarding public work 1 $156.00 Jo l contractor qualification and criteria by which to make a determination that a contractor is "not responsible". 6/21/2018 Communications regarding the WP-TGRP. 0.2 $31.20 10(0 Communications with litigation counsel and City 0.1 $15.60 of Carmel Attorney regarding CER 2302. 6/22/2018 Multiple communications with Hamilton Title 1.2 $187.20 regarding West Park Deed status; received the recorded deeds, completed the cross reference information on, and forwarded the final BMP Easement to the City of Carmel Engineering Department for the WP-TGRP Storm water easement requirements and communications to J Fink and City of Carmel Engineering Department regarding the'same: Met with M Westermeier regarding the Project status. Met with M Westermeier and K Baumgartner 0.6 $93.60 I 'g 1 regarding Tort Claim MCCSKFCU5374 and communications to insurance representative regarding the same. Met with M Westermeier regarding purchasing 0.5 $78.00 JOI processes, new legislation and criteria to consider for a finding of"not responsible" as regards public works contractors. Communications to and with City of Carmel 0.2 $31.20 I�1?2-.15 Attorney regarding CER 2302. 7 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Communications to M Westermeier and D 0.2 $31.20 [v Looney of US Communities to confirm June 26, 2018 meeting. 6/25/2018 Prepared for and participated in call with City of 0.3 $46.80 I.752-y Carmel City Attorney regarding CER 2302 and met with M Westermeier regarding the same. Met with M Klitzing regarding status of CER 0.3 $46.80 a o 2302, status of the Police Security Agreement for the outdoor waterpark and status of ESE discount for City of Carmel employees. Worked on matters related to the West Park- 1.8 $280.80 10 4 The Groves Rebid Project ("WP-THRP"). Communications with the Hamilton County Treasurer's Office regarding tax e-billing changes and met briefly with A Kostrzewa regarding the same. Communications with A Kostrzewa reviewed the contract documents regarding, the payment of utility services for Gibraltar's temporary facilities during construction of the WP-TGRP. Reviewed the West Park Quit Claim Deeds and communications to J Wallander of Hamilton Title regarding Sales Disclosure exemption charge on the Hamilton Title invoice. Met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding Gibraltar's progress schedule. Multiple communications with D Looney, M 0.5 $78.00 lot Westermeier, M Klitzing, K Baumgartner and S Young regarding a meeting with D Looney with US Communities. Placed call to AIM and multiple municipal entities regarding the use of purchasing organizations like US Communities. Obtained and reviewed legislative changes to 0.6 $93.60 101 the solicitation of public works costing less that $50,000. Started review of the public purchasing law, the 2.8 $436.80 io Park Board Purchasing Rules Manual and the CCPR Purchasing Handbook and the public works law for projects costing less than $150,000 for the routine operation, maintenance and repair of existing facilities and real property. [.5 Hour NC.] 8 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due 6/26/2018 Communications with J Fink, M Klitzing and A 3 $468.00 ICP Kostrzewa regarding the payment of utility services for Gibraltar's temporary facilities during construction of the WP-TGRP. Also discussed with J Fink, Gibraltar's progress schedules. Received and filed e-verify documents. Started work on review of the Contract Documents and started draft of memorandum regarding Owner Rights in the event of Contractor Default. [.5 Hour NC.] Worked on preparation for the Agenda and 0.2 $31.20 I-, c Project Status meeting for the July 10, 2018 regular Park Board meeting Communications with insurance claims 0.2 $31.20 representative regarding the Webb lawsuit. 6/27/2018 Receipt of J Wallander's explanation of the 0.2 $31.20 1 o sales disclosure exemption regarding the quit claim deeds and communications to A Kostrzewa regarding the same. Completed draft of memorandum regarding 1.3 $202.80 J I Owner Rights in the event of Contractor Default and delivered the same to M Westermeier for review and comment. [.5 Hour NC.] Multiple communications with City of Carmel 0.4 $62.40 Attorney regarding CER 2302. Received M Klitzing's comments and requested 1.5 $234.00 P_ftu, t o3 documentation regarding the TSC PSA draft for the CPTWRP and after.review of the same, met with M Klitzing regarding the Contract Terms. Revised the,PSA accordingly, affixed exhibits and delivered the same to M Krosschell for review. 6/28/2018 Continued work on review of purchasing 2 $312.00 ➢ i matters. [.5 Hour NC.] Multiple communications with City of Carmel 0.6 $93.60 JA2--1.i Attorney regarding CER 2302 and communications with M Westermeier, M Klitzing and litigation counsel regarding the same. 6/29/2018 Communications from M Krosschell regarding 0.2 $31.20 ➢�5•y3A the status of completion of the WCPIIP. 9 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Multiple communications regarding CER 2302. 0.3 $46.80 �g1 FEE Totals 76.2 _� $11,887.20 ✓ . Signature: De�rra,N(. Gvi�;•Itianv 10 Carmel a Clay Parks&Recreation CHECK REQUEST Date: Fif. ,r .: JUL 022018 Check Payable to: Name: � )G b !`Gc G/`1 �6/Ic' Y �3Y. Address: 9a-2- �- City,State,Zip l—a'-M-L-,/, /N Mail check to payee .Z Return check to requestor Check Amount:$ Date Required: Purpose of Check:PP2 ���"yr, �vvc P. r- 1,z,7h� �L'CpY�ij••u c r ©,ori-. bs ,1- n AjIn-t /'Y)ate, Tyr CJcaf Supporting documentation or invoice(s)MUST be attached. To be.paid from: PO#(if applicable) Budget account-GL# e_to -- 16 0.2 3 9 9 v Budget Line Description IL,-7L ACI— ty:, Requested by(print): Requested by(signature/date): 9/a/l/dr Approved by(print): Approved by(signature/date) Form recreated 3/10/15(Business Services) 14 Xe� Hamilton County Recorder Jennifer Hayden 06/01/2018 08:25:26A Trans #: 000871608 Business Date: 06/01/2018 Rec By: TKB 2018023680 MISC 08:25:26A Subtotal: $40.00 Receipt Total: $40.00 Paid By Amount Ref # CHECK; $40.00 0000001074 DEBRA GRISHAM Rcvd From: DEBRA GRISHAM Thank You