HomeMy WebLinkAboutProof of Publication"Ila ovel- —'Appel-, 'n CDnau/i�
State of Indiana,
Couny of Ha ton, SS:
Beforee a otar u m
appeared.. .. th
E. 11 Sun St. In Carmel. Indiana..............................................................................................................
The application is wentilled as
Docket No. 31-98 DP Amendr3i.98
The real estate effaced by said
application is described as follows:
Exhibit A- Legal Description And that all of said pu ions were m e in full compliance with
Parcel the laws. �
Pan a t he Southeast Ouatter of
Southwest Ouanar of et...................................................................
Township 18 North, Rangng3 e 3 East.
Hamilton County, Indiana, band
being more Particularly described
M follovrs: Sub 'bed and sworn to b me this .S day
Beginning at a PK nail (set) on pf_. _ ._1 ��,..,.....,..19
the South line of said Southwest
Quarter Seamon being North 89
degrees 39 minutes 19 sacelltls 7..
West (assumed bearing) 277.48 .. .•• ........ .•.••. ....•.•.
feet from the Southeast corner of Not ry Publi
Ouarter Section; thence North
89 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds
West along said South line 386.47 (Seal)
feet to the Southwest comer of the
Sect Half of said Quartergree"
Section; thence s North rdsgreaM My commission eXp 1'�r S. /............... ...
minutes 00 seconds East along the Publisher's Fee..SkY.:.2�
West line a a ....
the East hall said """"""""
feet; thence
Solar healon degre75
/ /�
rein, es 19 soon 89 East
paa 39 Resident of H� , ✓�- Count
minutes 19 seconds 15.0 parallel Y
with said South line 515.00 feet to
an Iron Pin (set); thence South 3
degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds
East 560.84 feet to an iron pin (set)
on a non -tangent curve, the radius
Point of which bears South 0
degree 42 minutes 40 seconds
East 1&rx00 feet from said Iron pin;
thence Southwesterly along said
Cu" 253.65 fast to an Iron pin set
M the point of tangency of said
curve being North 88 degrees 47
minutes 22 Seconds West 165.00
IBM from said radius Pant; thence
South t degree 12 minutes 38 sec
onds West 523.42 feet to the Point
of Beginning and containing 13.114
acres. more or less.
All Interested persons desiring
to present their views on the above
application, either In writing or ver-
ballY. will be given an opportunity to
be heard at the above mentioned
time and place.
and for the County of Hamilton and State of Indiana, personally
..........who being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says,that he is
e Publisher of the Daily Ledger, a Topics Newspaper, Inc, a newspaper
of general circulation in Hamilton County, State Indiana, printed in
the English language and rented and y
gP published Lail week( in the town
Fishers, Hamilton County, State of Indiana, and that said Topics
31-DD.P Amend/
Newspapers, Inc. have been published continuously for more. than three
31-98 ADLS Amend
years last past, in said county and state; that the Notice of publication,
Notice is hereby given that the
Cartmel Plan Commission meeting
a true copy of wAich is hereto an axed was dui ublished in said
on May 19, 1998at 7:00 p.m. In the
newspaper,... for.....week (insertion suZCe55tveiy) which publications
City Nall Council Chambers, 1 CNic
were made as follows:
Square, Carrel, Indiana 46032 will
hold aPublic "inHearing upon aADLS
Develop Plan applination fora
n _
/ �
do Telamon
.................. .. . L........ a;7
ies corporation
Technologies Co0wmilon at 1000
E. 11 Sun St. In Carmel. Indiana..............................................................................................................
The application is wentilled as
Docket No. 31-98 DP Amendr3i.98
The real estate effaced by said
application is described as follows:
Exhibit A- Legal Description And that all of said pu ions were m e in full compliance with
Parcel the laws. �
Pan a t he Southeast Ouatter of
Southwest Ouanar of et...................................................................
Township 18 North, Rangng3 e 3 East.
Hamilton County, Indiana, band
being more Particularly described
M follovrs: Sub 'bed and sworn to b me this .S day
Beginning at a PK nail (set) on pf_. _ ._1 ��,..,.....,..19
the South line of said Southwest
Quarter Seamon being North 89
degrees 39 minutes 19 sacelltls 7..
West (assumed bearing) 277.48 .. .•• ........ .•.••. ....•.•.
feet from the Southeast corner of Not ry Publi
Ouarter Section; thence North
89 degrees 39 minutes 19 seconds
West along said South line 386.47 (Seal)
feet to the Southwest comer of the
Sect Half of said Quartergree"
Section; thence s North rdsgreaM My commission eXp 1'�r S. /............... ...
minutes 00 seconds East along the Publisher's Fee..SkY.:.2�
West line a a ....
the East hall said """"""""
feet; thence
Solar healon degre75
/ /�
rein, es 19 soon 89 East
paa 39 Resident of H� , ✓�- Count
minutes 19 seconds 15.0 parallel Y
with said South line 515.00 feet to
an Iron Pin (set); thence South 3
degrees 00 minutes 54 seconds
East 560.84 feet to an iron pin (set)
on a non -tangent curve, the radius
Point of which bears South 0
degree 42 minutes 40 seconds
East 1&rx00 feet from said Iron pin;
thence Southwesterly along said
Cu" 253.65 fast to an Iron pin set
M the point of tangency of said
curve being North 88 degrees 47
minutes 22 Seconds West 165.00
IBM from said radius Pant; thence
South t degree 12 minutes 38 sec
onds West 523.42 feet to the Point
of Beginning and containing 13.114
acres. more or less.
All Interested persons desiring
to present their views on the above
application, either In writing or ver-
ballY. will be given an opportunity to
be heard at the above mentioned
time and place.