HomeMy WebLinkAbout327479 07/17/18 �• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 279500 ONE CIVIC SQUARE JAMES SEMESTER CHECK AMOUNT: $*******505.00* s. =a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 646 JOHNSON DR CHECK NUMBER: 327479 'M�Toa�` CARMEL IN 46033 CHECK DATE: 07/17/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 4357000 505.00 TRAINING SEMINARS VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 279500 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER JAMES SEMESTER IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 646 JOHNSON DR An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46033 Payee $505.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Carmel Police Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-570.00 $505.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 7/3/18 0 NASRO expenses $505.00 1110 210 1110 210 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday,July 11,2018 &..' e"V,,, Jim Barlow Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer 'I CITY:OF .CARMEL'Ezpense Report l;required: for.all,travel expenses) �NOiANB EMPLOYEE'NAME: James Semester. DEPARTURE DATE: 6/24/2018' . TIME: 9:00 /PM DEPARTMENT: Police RETURN DATE:'.6/30/2018 TIME: 11'3.0 AIM REASON.FOR TRAVEL: .:' Training conference .:' 'DESTINATION CITYc:Reno, NV: 'EXPENSES ARE FOR check all that a I • TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMEN' TRAVEL PER DIEM PP Y) Transportation Gas/Tolls/ .Meals Date Lodging. Misc. . Total Air re',.- Car.Rental. Other. Parking Breakfast. .. Lunch•_ '. Dinner . Snacks.. Per Diem. . 6/24/18 $65:00 . . . . $65.00 6/24/18 $25.00 .:. $25.00 6/25/18 . $65:00 $65.00 6/26/18 $65.00 $65.00. . :6/27/18 . $65.00 $65.00 . 6/28/18-. : $65:00 6/29/18. :$65.00 $65:00 6/30/18. $65:00. � $65.00 6/30/18. $25:00 $25:00 . : . $'0:00 $0:00 ' $0::00 . 0.00 •. . °. ., . $0':00 . . $0.00 _. . , . . .. - . 0:00 '.._ . . . $0.00 , - 0.00 $0.00 : . . 0!! Total $0.001', $0.00 $50.00 $0.,001 $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 Woo $0.00 $455.00 $0.00 1 11 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT:. I hereby affirm:that-all expenses,listed-conform.to the City's t�ayel policy and are, thin' departriment's appropriated budget. Director.Signature: Date: . Cityof.Carmel F.ormW ER06 Revision Date 7/3/2018: Page 1.: I U N F ' E D PASSENGER RECEIPT 1 OF 1 EXCESS BAGGAGE 24JUN18 US ; TICKET " EG/DB592E / SEMESTER/BETHB 'THIS IS YOUR RECEIPT ##NOT VALID FOR## ##TRANSPORTATION# PSGR TICKET 01670820908013 FOR CONDITIONS OF d CWC MSN UA DEN UA RNO DDWS88 CONTRACT - SEE Lu_ . PASSENGER TICKET AND 2 FIRST CHECKED BAG 25.00 'BAGGAGE CHECK y F y v i NOT VALID FOR TRAVEL m USD 50.00 VIXXXXXXXXXXXX3582/XXXX/024888 1 d 1 016 2602688172 1 USD 50.00 A STAR ALLIANCE MEMBER vee' I U N I T E Baggage Receipt I A STAR ALLIANCE MEMBER Issue Date: 30 JUN 2018 RNO ATO I Baggage Document Description Qty Fees Methch of Payment 0162603181952 First. Bag Fee 2 $50.00 Visa l(XXXXXXXXXXX3582 I Ticket Number jJ �v Cardll)lder Name 0167082090801 —y` _ — 3AME11; SEMESTERJR Confirmation: Carril!r Routing DDWS88 UA I RNO - DEN UA i DEN - MSN I Total Baggage Fees : USD $50.00 Excess Baggage Terms and Conditions: All excess baggage is subject to space availability. J p Y• 1.1r.•. Receipt for payment must be presented at bag check. For refunds or adjustments. see a United r•enresentative, AGENT REFERENCE: GG ESC BAG MMINNN M NEW ENE NM " NASRO National Association of School Resource Officers world's leader in school-basedpo Wn pManagementational SRO Su ervisors eT' Cour m CERTIFICATE is awarded to James Semester For successfully completing 24 hours of the SRO Supervisors and Management Training Course. Date ,June 28th In the year 2018 In Reno, NV President a . Reservation Details Confirmation mation 63 � Gu ,- est. Name: JAMES SEMESTER Arrival Date: . :_Jun.:'24th,_2018: i D 0th, 2018 Departure' Date: ' - Jun, 3 Re uested Room.Type: .e: . Deluxe Kin Non=:Smokin - l " q . . Yp 9 9" 6 ` r � �. s;. �� � #1 _ �.`_="�"•sr•-i. sp=a � ;I �� f 'lam `'+ � �`4r, J I�I �' ..,,�. 4,.�• �,I• 9 f ' S Whether you are staying,with us.for business or leasure,.we look forward to :. i Yp � , : • providing.. ' u.with'th'e.Four=Diamond amenities and,hospitality you'deserve. 'Our'Concierge-staff is"available to assist-you personally.with-dining reservations- j andapecial arrangements. . and ask for the Concierge.Desk._. Tha nk you for choosing Peppermill Resort Spa Casino. We look fotiivard to your visit.. .' PEPPE1 TILL J4 RENO' t _ — — 1-866 821 9996 : . 2707.S. Virginia St., Reno.NV 89502 . , f i 2, .