HomeMy WebLinkAbout327542 07/18/18 4%���'''". CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 353483
` CHECK AMOUNT: $****25,679.73*
:9� ,�" CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5225 E 225TH ST CHECK NUMBER: 327542
.y�TON�° NOBLESVILLE IN 45060 CHECK DATE: 07/18/18
1125 4350400 50958 7250 765.00 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7251 1,438.36 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7252 3,070.20 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7253 2,380.00 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7254 705.50 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7255 1,976.25 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7256 586.50 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7257 1,741.17 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7258 548.70 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7259 1,388.09 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7260 2,197.25 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7261 544.00 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7262 642.81 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7263 1,598.85 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7264 1,405.05 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7265 573.75 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
1125 4350400 50958 7266 4,118.25 2018 PARKS LAWN MOWIN
An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by
Vendor# 353483 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc.
Mr. B's Lawn Maintenance, Inc. Payee
5225 East 225th Street
Noblesville, IN 46062 In Sum of$ Purchase Order#
353483 Mr.B's Lawn Maintenance, Inc. Terms
$ 259679:73 orALL OF 5225 East 225th Street Date Due
Two'PAGEs Noblesville, IN 46062
101-General Fund
PO#or Invoice Description
Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount
50958 p 7250 4350400 $ 765.00 Board Members 6/30/18 7250 Mowing Central Park Dog Park 50958 $ 765.00
50958 p 7251 4350400 $ 1,438.36 6/30/18 7251 Mowing Carey Grove 50958 $ 1,438.36
50958 p 7252 4350400 $ 3,070.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/30/18 7252 Mowing Central Park 50958 $ 3,070.20
50958 p 7253 4350400 $ 2,380.00 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 6/30/18 7253 Mowing Cherry Tree 50958 $ 2,380.00
50958 p 7254 4350400 $ 705.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 6/30/18 7254 Mowing Flowing Well 50958 $ 705.50
50958 p 7255 4350400 $ 1,976.25 which charge is made were ordered and 6/30/18 7255 Mowing Founders Park 50958 $ 1,976.25
50958 p 7256 4350400 $ 586.50 received except 6/30/18 7256 Mowing Hazel Landing 50958 $ 586.50
50958 p 7257 4350400 $ 1,741.17 6/30/18 7257 Mowing Inlow Park 50958 $ 1,741.17
50958 p 7258 4350400 $ 548.70 6/30/18 7258 Mowing Lenape Trace 50958 $ 548.70
50958 p 7259 4350400 $ 1,388.09 6/30/18 7259 Mowing Meadowlark Park 50958 $ 1,388.09
Total from Page#2 $ 11,079.96 Total from Page#2 $ 11,079.96
$ 25,679.73 Total $ 25,679.73
July 11,2018
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_
Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer
An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by
Vendor# 353483 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc.
Mr. B's Lawn Maintenance, Inc. Payee
5225 East 225th Street
Noblesville, IN 46062 In Sum of$ Purchase order#
353483 Mr. B's Lawn Maintenance, Inc. Terms
[PAGE-2-0-F2- 5225 East 225th Street Date Due
— Noblesville, IN 46062
101-General Fund
PO#ornvolce Description
Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT - Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount
50958 p 7260 4350400 $ 2,197.25 Board Members 6/30/18 7260 Mowing Monon Greenway 50958 $ 2,197.25
50958 p 7261 4350400 $ 544.00 6/30/18 7261 Mowing Perelman West Park 50958 $ 544.00
50958 p 7262 4350400 1 $ 642.81 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/30/18 7262 Mowing Prairie Meadow 50958 $ 642.81
50958 p 7263 4350400 $ 1,598.85 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 6/30/18 7263 Mowing River Heritage 50958 $ 1,598.85
50958 p 7264 4350400 $ 1,405.05 materials or services itemized thereon for 6/30/18 7264 Mowing River Trail 50958 $ 1,405.05
50958 p 7265 4350400 $ 573.75 which charge is made were ordered and 6/30/18 7265 Mowoing Central Park West Commons 50958 $ 573.75
50958 p 7266 4350400 $ 4,118.25 received except 6/30/18 7266 Mowing West Park 50958 $ 4,118.25
$ 11,079.96 Total $ 11,079.96
July 11,2018
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-71-10-1.6
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_
Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer
r7Pr '
��, aT - -�
Mr._i&aL:awn'-1Vlairitienance Inc. J U L
[5225 iE 225th Street
! -.-' > Date Invoice
Noblesville;-IN 4.6062 -
6I3072018— -7250
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Bark Park PO 50958 180.00 720.00T
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 45.00T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Bark Park
Notal $765.00
'sr,Lawn.,Maintenarice Inc. ' Invoice
1 5225'Eas't 225th Street �) d U 1
Noblesville,,II 4606 L Date Jnvoice_#J
6/30720I'8— 725
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
5 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 270.75 1,353.75
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 84.61T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Carey Grove Park
Total "ter $1 .438.3E
1VIr-B s LawnlVlaintenance- c. �. ' r` ' �� Invoice
52 5 EEast°225th Street J U l 1 0 2 01 B -.
Noblesville;IN 46062 Date -}-y Invoice#
BY: ................ 6/30/2018 7252
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 722.40 2,889.60
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 180.60T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.000/0 0.00
Central Park $3,070.20:
Total�M _
JUL_ 102018 Invoice
,5225 East 225th Street �Date Invoice
. . ....................
L Noblesville,'I1V fi R Y - -�--
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 560.00 2,240.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 140.00T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Cherry Tree
--otal- r - _......,–S L $2,38. 0 00 '.
Mr" B s-L--awn;Maintenance Inc. ` ` Invoice
52251 ast 225th'Stree
JUL 1 U 2018 u ,
Inuoice- �Noblesville�IN460624
Bill To
CarmeVClay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 166.00 664.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 41.50T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Flowing Well __---•�—_�
CT--ta.l - -- -- $70550,
Mr.�'s Lawn Maintenalice Inc. Invoice
522 rEast 225th Street ,I U L 0 2018
-- Invoice
�Date' - J Invoic
NoblesvilfeJ 4.6062 _
6/30/20.18--- '7255
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 465.00 .1,860.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 116.25T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Founders Park
it o%
' r Y ry
�N1�r,B's Lawnr'1Vlairitenancic. Invoice
/5225'East-225th Street.,
/ _.� — D'ate �Invoice#1
Noblesville,_IN 4.6.662,--I
6%30720I8— 7256
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 138.00 552.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 34.50T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Hazel Landing TT _ --; ,�� „• .,, s-�..
- � Invoice
1VIr=B's Lawn 1Vlairitenance Ina q J U L 1 0 2 0 18
522 ast 225tfi Street - .._
N� lesville;IN 46 2 6/3 _018
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
5 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 327.75 1,638.75
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 102.42T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Inlow Park .
Total __ _ $1,741.17
-� - � Invoice
.B's I;awn 1Vlamtenance Inc. [.sw
5225 East;225th Stree
J U L 1 0 201 B
14 lesville,- 062/
4{06? Invoice
6/30N18- 7258
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
3 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 172.14 516.42
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 32.28T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Lanape Trace
r•(QCl�. $548.70
U v� C..��' '3yF F7�W
Mr.-WS-L-'awn IVIauatenance c. - S Invoice
JUL 1 0 2U18
25225"East 225th S�et �
Noble 1 e, IN4 d6 62 s� `--�Date� - ��Invoice#
"" r-6/30/2418 --7259
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 326.61 1,306.44
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 81.65T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Meadowlark Park/Annex
P,p ■
Z-Mr.B.. Lawn 1Glainten"�ance Inc.
Imo- �1-�R Invoice
�-�- J U L 1 0 2010
25225 East 225th Street
N'obyille,IN;46t}62� � �..-Date,� `�'Invoi#J
/7-6/30/2018-- �`"7260
? fie
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 517.00 2,068.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 129.25T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Mr B's Lawn Maintenance Inc. Invoice
JUL � 0 201
5 25`East�'225th Street
+ e-' Date- 71nVoi0e#-71
Noblesville;ID.Y:N4G062 u"
6/301201.8 726.1
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Atm: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 128.00 512.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 32.00T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Perman Property
Total $544.00
g Invoice
Mr. B's wn Maintenance Inc.. J U L 1 0 i
5225 East —5tree't By: °Date-�'--Anvoice#
Noblesville_IN:46062 �_ �„ -- -
6/30/2618 '"-72 2
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
5 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 121.00 605.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 37.81T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
Prairie Meadow Park,
Dal----- .,---- --`-$642;81.:
-�-_-._.-.•_b_ -.�,_.�r.�:y,.� �..� FJU
0 2818
5225 asE �`t 225tR.h�Stree
Noblesville,INr 460b2 �— ._. �� -Date 'Inv e
_ ..
-6%0 20'18a� 07263
Bill To
CarmeVClay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 _Lawn Mowing PO 50958 376.20 1,504.80
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 94.05T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
River Heritage -- --
,: r JUL 1 0 201E Invoice
Aft B's-Lawn Wdintenance Inc.
5225 EAA:225thTS eet BY:.............. ...... ��
�----- --� � - Date `"`� Invoice`#
' N'oblesville,IN 46062 L6!101201-8---- X 726
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
5 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 264.48 1,322.40
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 82.65T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
W.R.Greenway �.
01 &I ----- x$1,405 05
�Mr_B's Lawn`M'anten c Ie nc. �
_ JUL 0 2010 _
X225 East_225th Street G Date invoice#I
Nciblesville,_IK460bi DY: . ��
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 . 135.00 540.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 33.75T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
West Commons
s�L='awnuMaintenanee Inc. Invoice
~ - 1 0 2013
52~25 East 225th Streefr _ r
Noblesvill^� e,_Ibi-4 062 w — -
� .;_
Bill To
Carmel/Clay Parks and Recreation
Administrative Office
Attn: Paula Schlemmer
1411 E 116th Street
Carmel,IN 46032
P.O. No. Terms Project
Quantity Description Rate - Amount
4 Lawn Mowing PO 50958 969.00 3,876.00
6.25%gasoline surcharge 6.25% 242.25T
Out-of-state sale,exempt from sales tax 0.00% 0.00
West Park
Jotal $44;1-18.25