HomeMy WebLinkAbout327626 07/20/18 (9) CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359959 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN RED CROSS-HLTH &SFTY��K AMOUNT: $*****1,040.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 25688 NETWORK PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 327626 CHICAGO IL 60673-1256 CHECK DATE: 07/20/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1096 4358300 22115718 246.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES 1081 4239012 22117812 384.00 SAFETY SUPPLIES 1096 4358300 22117812 140.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES 1096 4358300 22118806 270.00 OTHER FEES & LICENSES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 359959 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. American Red Cross Payee 25688 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1256 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 359959 American Red Cross Terms $ 1,040.00 25688 Network Place Date Due Chicago, IL 60673-1256 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE 1109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#lrITLE AMOUNT Invoice Description Dept# Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1096-10 22115718 4358300 $ 246.00 Board Members 6/27/18 22115718 Certifications Multiple $ 246.00 1096-10 22117812 4358300 $ 140.00 6/30/18 22117812 Certifications xx7126 $ 140.00 1081-99 22117812 4239012 $ 384.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 6/30/18 22117812 ESE CPR/AED/FA Certifications 50810 $ 384.00 1096-10 22118806 4358300 $ 270.00 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 7/11/18 22118806 Certifications Multiple $ 270.00 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 1,040.00 Total $ 1,040.00 July 19,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with ICS-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature ,20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title Page 1 of 1 Send-Payment To• American American Red Cross Health&Safety Services _ Red Cross 25688 Network;Rlace Ino ce No: Chicago IL 60673-1256 �' ` - � Invoice-Date: �" "�`- 06=27=2018 / "Customer N'tuber:— P0002586 Org ID: 14164CCPR Invoice Total: $246.00 Payment Terms: NET 30 Due Date: 07-27-2018 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION YV1,y ATTN:PAULASCHLEMMER [JUL411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 0 2 2019 �e». Many may not realize just how important the letters A, B and O can be until they're gone. For a hospital patient who needs type A, B or O blood, those letters mean life. To make an appt, visit redcrossblood.org, or call 1-800-RED CROSS. --- — - CRS1 y :INSTRUCTORS ORDER DATE "QESCRiPf10N QUANTITY TOIAL _ - �OF,EERING IDS �. % "d:�.,r,... STUDENT NAME-- - "M 24062128 8595451 03-25-18 Lifeguarding 1 Weprich,Leah $36.00 23991754 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl, Eric R $35.00 23992406 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl,Eric R $35.00 24006116 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl,Eric R $35.00 24018668 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl,Eric R $35.00 24082043 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl,Eric R $35.00 24107461 05761112 06-28-18 Lifeguarding Instructor 1 Mehl,Eric R $35.00 Subtotal $246.00 Payment $0.00 Invoice Total: $246:00, Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!Visit us at www.redcross.org/PHSSBilling to learn how to read your invoice.For questions or to make a credit card payment,please call 888-284-0607.You may also email your questions to billing@redcross.org. Send Payment To: Page 1 of 1 American American Red Cross Health&Safety Services Irv' Red Cross 25688 Network Place Invoice No:u " �W 22117812 Chicago IL 60673-1256 -- �� nvoice Date: 06-30-2018 ` Customer Number: P0002586 Org ID: 14164CCPR Invoice Total: $524.00 Payment Terms: NET 30 Due Date: 07-30-2018 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION ATTN:PAULA SCHLEMMER { w 1411 E 116TH ST 71 CARMEL IN 46032-3455 rJ1 ,1111illr1Jiln1111111L_>�0 9 2010 Y:................. Many may not realize just how important the letters A, B and O can be until they're gone. For a hospital patient who _—needs_type._A,_B_or-O blood, those letters mean-life. To make an appt, visit_redcrossblood.org,_or call 1-800-RED CROSS. CRSIr It�CSTRUCTS71tl ? y gRDER Ql1ANT1 f1l µ T AL i, DATA AESCRlt�7lt?N& �TUpIE�NT., 1�ME i. 24154218 8614866 06-16-18 Adult and Pediatric First 5 Liston,Haley Nicole $140.00 Aid/CPR/AED 24199097 8625624 06-25-18 Adult and Child First 13 Brown,Jennifer A $364.00 Aid/CPR/AED 24199156 8625679 06-25-18 First Aid 1 Brown,Jennifer A $20.00 Subtotal $524.00 Payment $.0.00 Invoice Total: 24:00 8 Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!Visit us at www.redcross.org/PHSSBilling to learn how to read your invoice.For questions or to make a credit card payment,please call 888-284-0607.You may also email your questions to billing@redcross.org. Page 1 of 1 { Send Payment-To- American QAmencartRed Cross INUOIC� , Health&Safety ServiceS7 - - � Red Cross 25688 Ne(vuo'rk Place" ''" — Iknvolce No: _ 22118806 Chicago,!L 6067.3 X1256--------µ'ms In,— ,voice-Date-- - - --�07-11-2018 Customer Number: P0002586 Org ID: 14164CCPR Invoice Total: $270.00 Payment Terms: NET 30 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND RECREATION Due Date: 08-10-2018 ATTN:PAULA SCHLEMMER R r2i, "I = `'' ID W 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 J U L 1 6 2018 �I'III��'I'III1�11����1�1�11�1�11���11�1��11����111111�1111�����1 plc ................. Many may not realize just how important the letters A, B and O can be until they're gone. For a hospital patient who -needs-type-A_13-or O blood, those letters mean life. To make an appt, visit redcrossblood.org, or call 1-8_00-RED CROSS. CRS INSTRUCTORI URDER DATE SCRIP QUANTITY TOTAL _OFFERING_ID s.. ;.., .. . STUDENT NAME:;., 24239974 8634714 06-28-18 Lifeguarding with Bundle 1 6 Mehl,Eric R $234.00 Review-BBP,Emergency Oxygen,Asthma Inhaler and Epi. Auto Injector 24239127 8634516 07-02-18 Lifeguarding Review 1 Weprich,Leah $36.00 Subtotal $270.00 Payment $0.00 Invoice Total: 270A0 Thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!Visit us at www.redcross.org/PHSSBIIIing to learn how to read your invoice.For questions or to make a credit card payment,please call 888-284-0607.You may also email your questions to billing@redcross.org.