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327657 07/20/2018
�%'��p'\' CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: T359567 `1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THE LIFEGUARD STORE INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*******322.45* 9: �� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2012 WEST COLLEGE AVE CHECK NUMBER: 327657 MdTON c�. NORMAL IL 61761 CHECK DATE: 07/20/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1094 4237000 INV727249 23.70 REPAIR PARTS 1094 4350000 INV729651 199.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & M 1094 4239012 INV730081 99.75 SAFETY SUPPLIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# T359567 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Lifeguard Store, Inc.,The Payee 2012 West College Normal, IL 61761 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# T359567 Lifeguard Store, Inc.,The Terms $ 322.45 2012 West College Date Due Normal, IL 61761 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#ornvoice Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1094 INV727249 4237000 $ 23.70 Board Members 7/10/18 INV727249 Rope for Lap/Activity Divider xx7180 $ 23.70 1094 INV729651 4350000 $ 199.00 7/17/18 INV729651 Outdoor Pool Lift Chair Battery 51703 $ 199.00 1094 INV730081 4239012 1 $ 99.75 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 7/18/18 INV730081 Sunscreen for Waterpark Lifeguards xx7207A $ 99.75 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 322.45 Total $ 322.45 July 19,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if 'PAA10"Livu claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title ii WAND SCORE' The Lifeguard Store Inc: E I CAILAmerican.Swim SuppiY . Invoice Swim Shops.&the Southwest JUL 1.201� 1. 012'WESLCOLLEGE • INVOICE_ ALL AMERICAN SWIM -�^^'" NORMAL,JL-.61761 - 07/10/2018 TNV727249 PFi (309)451=5858 ................ FAX(309):451-5959 -- www.thelifeguardstore.com II IIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIII Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation; Carmel Clay Parks&.Recreation Carmel Clay.Parks&Recreation 1235 Central Park Drive E 1235 Central Park Drive E - Carmel, Indiana 46032: Carmel, IN--46032 Account-Number:.51975: P.O. Order NET 30 002 07/10/2018. UPS GROUND 011D59EI • .. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 45 600075 3/4".Polyethylene:Rope : . .. :: .. $0,36 :: $16,20. . . Page 1 of.l UPS-Tracking Number: 1ZW9389X0376025355 Subtotal - $16.20 Discount Amount $0.00 Ship ping,.Packaging &.Handling ..$7.50 Tax $0.00 TOTAL $23.70 All Balances must be paid within thiity(30)days of invoice date.A 1.5%monfhly finance Ba�ancei,+DUe,, $23iAM0 charge will be applied to:all over due balances: - ,� RECEIVED The Life uard Store Inc. By pSchlemmer at 3:46 pm, Jai.17; 2018 ; 1HE lIRWAR0 STORE` . I n voice ' . AllAmerican.Swim Supply,. . .:: Q�r. : Swim Shops..of the:Southwest DATE • Z— 2012 WEST 110OLLEGE .ALL AMEWAN Swwr - - N©RMAL IL 6176}1 - U7 17 2018 INV72965�1 • • '... PH (3U9).451=5858 60UT1T�M1.�!, FAX(309).451-5959 - I www.th(Mfeguardstore.com IL II I IIi.IIII VIII IIILIII II IIIIII II III • • Cari'nel Clay Parks&Recreation : -- Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation: - Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation .- Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1235 Central Park Drive E 1235 Central Park Drive E Carmel, Indiana 46032 Carmel, IN -46032 Account NUmber: 51975: : .; P.O. • d- .- NET 3.0 002 07/14/2018. : UPS GROUND ORD599957 • •r r • AMOUNT 1 1001495 :: SR Smith Replacement-Lift Operator Battery.- - $199.00 :: :$199.00 Page 1 of.1 UPS Tracking Number: 1ZW9389X0376524146 Subtotal $199.00 Discount Amount $0.00 Ship ping,Packaging&Handling ..` - . $0.00 Tax $0.00 - . TO 199.00 TAL All"Balances must be paid within thirty(30)days of-invoice date.A_1:5%monthly finance Charge will be applied to all over due balances: Balance Due $199.00. RECEIVED ,� The Life uard Store Inc B ,psch 26 pm, Jul 18, 2018 lemmer at 1.2; 1, iNE'IIfEGURRD STORE` Supply' '. Invoice All.American.Swim - :: Swim:Shops.&the.Southwest Z— DATE INVOICE W 2012 WEST COLLEGE .ALLAMEHICANSWIM -- L - NOR'A I 6�17fs1 07 18 2018 INU730081 PH (309).451=5858' FAX{309)4ST-5959 I r ...�.._.. www.thelifeguardstorexom IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IILI'llllllllllllll.. . Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation : Carmel Clay Parks&:Recreation; - Carmel Clay_Parks Recreation:, Carmel-Clay Parks&Recreation 1235 Central Park Drive E 1235 Central Park-Drive E Carmel, Indiana 46032: Carmel, IN.46032 Account Number:.51975: : :: • • • d- .- NET3.0 002 07/17/2018. UPS�GROUND ORD601309. • •D • AMOUNT 1 10104 Rocky Mountain Gallon Pump Sunscreen SPF 30 :: :: -$99,75 : $99.75 Page l of.i :-UPS-Tracking Number: 1ZW938MV6141650 Subtotal . : . $99.75 Discount Amount $0.00 Shipping' ,:Packaging &.Handiing $0.00 Tax .: ' .- $0.00 TOTAL 99.75 All Balances must be paid within thirty(30)days of Invoice date.A,1:5%monthly finance charge will be applied to:all over due balances: Balance Due :$99.75