HomeMy WebLinkAbout328322 07/31/18 �% �,A,,f. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372649 J_ i ONE CIVIC SQUARE BRIAN &ROBIN KAVANAUGH CHECK AMOUNT: $*******422.19* r.. ,a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 15754 CAPITAL SPENDING RD CHECK NUMBER: 328322 °M,�roN�. WESTFIELD IN 46074 CHECK DATE: 07/31/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 REPAIRS 422.19 OTHER EXPENSES Voucher No. Warrant No. PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER UTILITY ACCT. NO. CARMEL, INDIANA t Favor Of '941-'N k1qtm1Vdq'0 1 575 V -19,p ff I S/JP.ucYr �S /Qct! lti,es f a't'e 0� Tti yd 1)7y Total Amount of Voucher $ Deductions 7181 3 -'57 i D Amount of Warrant Month of Yr Acct. VOUCHER RECORD No. Collection System Pumping Treatment&Disposal Customer Accounts Administrative&General Reclaimed Water Treatment Reclaimed Water Distribution Total Allowed Board Members Filed BOYOE FORMS•SYSTEMS 1-800-382-8702 325 Faucett, Joe W From: Robin Kavanaugh <rkav66@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday,July 18, 2018 7:17 AM To: Faucett,Joe W Subject: 304 Woodland Lane Sewer 06/05/18 Attachments: kavanaugh.pdf Good morning Joe, Thanks for you help and following up on this matter. Per our conversation,please find attached the 2 invoices and cancelled checks for the repairs resulting from the early June sewer cleaning in the Woodland Country Club neighborhood. Please let me know if I do in fact need to file the Tort Claim I believe it said I had 90 days. Also keep in mind that we moved on June 22nd, our new address is; Brian and Robin Kavanaugh 15754 Capital Spending Road Westfield, IN 46074 Please confirm receipt of this message. Much Appreciated! .Robin Kavanaugh 317-730-4402 Email secured by Check Point i Transaction Details Page I.. 2. Transaction Deails FORUM G k E 0 1 .7 b N 1 0 N 7/912018. . Check _$337.1.9 Hide Memo/Categorizations MEMO (No:memo text) CATEGORIES Uncategorized $337:19 ROBIN E KAVANAUGH: m-uosi�i�o 17 66 BRIAN A'KAVANAUGH. DOLLARS 'PH..317.569�0881 f' , 304 WOODLAND LANE DA. CARMEL'[N:46=. �.rnvTOTHr. ��. I,RDIA� 337, l9 n ' 6 FOR FR[QIT y.B10N mmo r. 2� ;o. tio.37i: 1.21243643u� ?66 Check Itnage,(Front) 20180706 6865328486 E9i 3W5 3 NPAL06500604;48400137 1706 0 Bank i, 42000314<,- 0920057077 3. 20M-07.-09 w a z Check Image(Back) https://www.forumcuonline.cotrt/History/PrintTransaction 7/17/2018 McNeely,OWned Inc invoice Number 20629 Plumbing, Heating,Air Conditioning Invoice Date .6/512018 1701. E. 38th Street Due Date 7/5/201& Indianapolis, IN 46218 Work Order 40786 (31 7)926-2411 Fax(317)926=6666 Customer PO Www.callmcneely.com Page 1 of.1 BE Certified Customer.Number. 1337 Kavanaugh, Brian Kavanaugh, Brian 304 Woodland Ln 304 Woodland Ln Carmel, 46032, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Requested By: Brian Setvtce Request:' Emergency service. _PVC drain pipe has come apart in.basement: . k+ Repaired 1 '%°drain line.Tested.,Found no leaks at this time. NOTE: No additional charge.for over time. A Savings of$ 157.50 UW � _----n-_ Dateff'.5', i i4 T F,a ..s {- -•---� �"".."'r'-"�7"".� e 4 f St•M �,Quanttty - r r x.r , D_escrtption.t -ts,,.�x;fir �; i:sRatelUntt " E ttPnce i 6%5/2018- 3:50 B Rhoton Overtime Rate 135.00 472.50 -3.50 Labor Discount .45.00 -157.50 1;00 11/4 PVC-DWV FIP Adapter 2.52 2.52 1:00 1 1/4 PVC DWV Pipe 1.22 1:22 1:00 Glue&Primer 4.50 . 4.50 1.00 Truck Charge: 12.50 12.60 c t�. Terms: Finance charges will be assessed at t%:A per month 18% ear on accounts owing30 da s and over. St ib Total 335.74 9. ( Pa year) Y. Customer hereby agrees.lhal,on an amounts rmpaid 30 days after date work is completed,and referred to an attorney Sales Tax If applicable)liable for conrxGon,reasonabte attorney fees and.financo charge's may be added to invoice amount.Notice to property owner PP ) $ 1.45 of intent to hold lien.M,cNeety.Owned,Inc.win place a mechanic's lien against the properly serviced under this invoice unless payment is receiver;within 45 days horn date work is completed.Lanited Warranty:M materials,parts and equip- Total Due $ 337.19 mint are warranted by the manufacturer's written warranty only.McNeely Owned,Inc.makes no other warranties,expres or implied,and its agents and technicians are not authorized to make any such ivarrah6es on behalfof McNeely Owned Inc,The.seller'relains fine to equipmentimatedals furnished until final payment is made.If payment is trot made as agreed Seller can remove slid equipment/materials at Seller's expense.My damage resulting from said remo4al shall not be t responsibililcf.S611er. :Transaction Details Page 1 of 2 Transaction Details FORUTW C R E 1) .1 1 U N '1 6 N 61812018 . . Check 111759 -$85:00 Hide Memo/Categodiations MEMQ (No me*-text) CATEGORIES Uncategorize.d $85.00: ROSIN E"VANAUGH so44=40' 1TS:9 BRIAN A.KAVANAUGH PH.3i7-56916881 304WOODLMNDLANE oAie �" CARMEL.INZik 9 ' t :per.;PAY70YF]EQom/ OW]FR OF• .. L!... LL _ DOLLARs 12 ' ... UM" aN.� • 0111017 Y,MIOM ' Mato 12 12 1364 311 1 TS Check Image(Front) 0.- cc ' app p.0 itO? v RL CD Ea or ou ry a:D -n Ci. N Z p c ;_ c �! 7�oc—i rt rrr o nCm 1 O - 4 -:-a n7 Check Image(Back) https://www.forumcuonfine.tom/Hist6ry/PiintTran.saction 7117/20'19. GURNEYA BUSH,INC. .6 sox 21M INVOICE 4@ ln*polis,.W 16221 No. 19797 � - .!7 ATE"O �RDER ` DRAIN DEPARTMENT j� ,; -r C CUSTOMER-A'OADER NO. PHONE 1 HELPER �TnARTING DATE f. �I '.�A { , f-7 1 �! ORDER TAKEN BY. ADCRESS L� arY O.T. • O D T. HRS.. JOB NAME AND LOCATION 0 CONTRACT.. TERMS: NET 30 MB.emoNl!! � q9 Y , DESCRIPTION OF WORKc STOPPAGE IS DUE TO.: } i O ROOTS .0 HAIR& LINT O.PAPER PRODUCTS O: IN STOOL f O BAD SPOT'IN;LINE p.SEP.TIC TANK;FULL ii GREASE BUILD-UP O UNKNOWN ❑ . . O I COM rM�EN S, f �J I '' `C S TF i—tpr) i SERVICE.CHARQE r f EQUIPMENT CHARGE METFlOD OF.P MENT: TOTAL MATERIALS � f f ❑.BILL p C ECK - CC. El CASH TOTAL'LABOR DATE.COMPLETED; WORWORDEREO'BY TAX TOTAL AMOUNT !!f Sig Lure � 'r ? 'r hen by acknowledpetho;aetiefaotoryeompletIon of ttj do M de$crl work: BY MY SIGN RE ON THIS INY ICE I.WILL BE:AESPONSIBLE FOR a PAYING ALL:REASONABLE COST^OF COLLECTIONS;AND ATTORNEY FEES SHOULD THIS ACCOUNT BECOME OVER 60 DAYS DELINQUENT 7/18/2018 Purchase Orders Page 1 CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY Purchasing Center CARMEL PC PO No. 518684 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Release No. o USA Order Date 7/18/2018 Telephone No 317-571-2634 Request Status ORDERED/SCHUDLED Ext. Fax 317-571-2636 Revision No. 0.00 VENDOR KAVANAUGH SHIP TO CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT BRIAN&ROBIN KAVANAUGH(RESIDENTS) 15754 Capital Spending Rd ATTN:DUANE JARVIS 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY Westfield IN 46074 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 USA USA Contact Brian or Robin Telephone No. (317)730-4402 Telephone No. 317.571.2634 ext 1640 Ext. Fax INVOICE TO CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITIES CONFIRM TO CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ATTN:PAUL ARNONE ATTN:RECEIVING 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY 9609 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U.S.A. USA Freight Terms Payment Terns Ship Via Freight Carrier Shipping Terms Qty Item NoJService Code Vendor's Item No. Receive To ID Item Unit Cost Center Description Due Date Account Code Specifications Unit Cost $ Total Cost $ 1.00 NS18684 McNeely REPAIRS 1 PACKAGE REPAIRS McNeeley Plumbing;pipe repair of drain line 337.19 337.19 7/18/2018 01.7360.02 1.00 NS18684 Bush REPAIRS 2 PACKAGE REPAIRS Gurney Bush Plumbing;service call for drain line 85.00 85.00 7/18/2018 01.7360.02 Subtotal $ 422.19 Tax Charge $ 0.00 Shipping $ 0.00 Misc. $ 0.00 Approval Date Order Total $ 422.19 F Reimburse to customer for plumbing services accrued due to issue in the City Sewer while cleaning. Sewer work on 6/5/18 304 Woodland Ln.