HomeMy WebLinkAbout328780 08/14/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351085 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEDIA FACTORY CHECK AMOUNT: $*****3,433.19* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 481 GRADLE DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 328780 9�,�TaN a CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 08/14/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4359003 101259 13722 764.00 SIGNAGE PRINTING 1203 4359003 101259 13808 2,079.19 SIGNAGE /PRINTING 1203 4359003 101259 13948 36.00 SIGNAGE /PRINTING 1203 4359003 101259 14213 72.00 SIGNAGE /PRINTING 1203 4359003 101259 14230 285.00 SIGNAGE /PRINTING 1401 4355100 14309 197.00 PROMOTIONAL FUNDS VOUCHER N008/09/18 WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Media Factory IN SUM OF $ 481 Gradle Dr Carmel, IN 46032 $ 197.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR COUNCIL Board Members Po#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 1401 14309 43-551-00 97.oo the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund C285:City of Carmel DOCS 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER PO,'-- INVOI(E NUMB_ER I M11 .; Carmel, IN 46032 14309 317.844.3539 866.237.4173 TOLL FREE PROJECT mediafactory 317.844.3621 FAX CREATIVE MARKETING MANUFACTURING mediafactory.us Company Picnic Postcard mailing City of Carmel DOCS INVOICE DATE PAYMENT DUE TERMS . Department of Community Service One Civic Square Aug 09,2018 Sep 08,2018 Net 30 Carmel, IN 46032 US SHIP TO USPS Postmaster 2760 Fortune Circle Dr. East Indianapolis, IN 46241 US SALESPERSON: ORDERED'BY• , SHIP DATE SHIPPING METHOD Jim Spelbring Aug 09,2018 Customer Pickup # ORDER DESCRIPTION ORDER TYPE QTY AMOUNT'` 4/4 Employee Picnic Postcard mailing PRINTED ITEM 540 197.00 11.000 x 6.000 inches , 10 PT Tango C2S White Digital Cover(SG)13(X)19(174) "ted To a LC AUG 0 9 2018 i 9 � Items $197.00 Subtotal $197.00 Tax $0.00 S&H $0.00 Total $197.00 Payments $0.00 Amount Due $197.00 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) AI_I_owED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor# '00351085 IN suns OF$ MEDIA FACTORY CITY OF. CARMEL . . 481 GRADLE DRIVE An invoice or bill to be properly kb.Mized must show:kind of service,.where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit;etc. CARMEL, IN 46032 Payee. $3,236.19 . . ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# T Community Relations erm s Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT.# INVOICE# Fund#- AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 101259 13808 43-590.03 .$2,079.19 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 7/18/18 13808 $2,079.19 1203 101 1203 101 101259 . 13722 43-590.03 $764.00 Pill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 7/18/18 13722 $764.00 1203 101 materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 101 - 101259 13948 43-590.03 $36.00 7/20118 13948 $36.00. 1203 101 which charge is made,were ordered and 1203 101 101259 14213 43-590.03 $72.00 received except . 8/2/18 14213 $72.00 1203 101 1203 101 101259 14230 43-590.03 $285.00 8/2/18 14230 . $285.00 1203 '101 1203 101 ' Tuesday,August 07,2018 Heck, Nancy Director hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true,and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer C910::City of:Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER.PO .: INVOICE NUMBER Carmel; IN 46,032: m 13722 317.844.3539' 866 237.4173 TOLL FREE PROJECT mediafacto 317.844:3621 .FAx CREATIVE MARKETING"MANUFACTURING" iTledlafactory.USArt Of dOg banners and signs City of Carmel ty . , _. . •INVOICE DATE PAYMENT DUE. : TERMS Carmel Arts and Design_District 1 Civic Square: Jul 18;209 8 Aug.17,?01 9j Net 30: Carmel;IN 46032_ - US.. SHIRTO City of Carmel. Carmel Arts and Design Distric . 1 Civic Square" Carmel, IN.46032 . . US SALESPERSON. :: ORDERED:BY ;:. SHIP DATE SHIPPING METHOD . Megan.M cVicker: Jul 18,2018 Customer Pickup. " :# ._ .ORDER DESCRIPTION ORDER-TYPE:-. QTY AMOUNT: 4/0 Art of the Dog A-Frame signs" .. PRINTED ITEM 1 36.00 24.000 x 36.000 inches" CLEAN Ur Coroplast,4mm1 ( 15). AFTER. .. 2 sheets per set YOUR PET MEMO:Right arrow-"Clean up after your pet" 4/0 Art of the Dog A-Frame signs PRINTED ITEM . 1 36.00. -. . k000 x 36.000 inches 2 Coroplast,4mm(1.15) DR INEINc: 2.sheets.per set .. . .. STATION MEMO:Rig it arroui-Doggy;Drinking.Station �► 4/0 Art of the'Dog A-Frame signs RRINTED:ITEM 2 72.00." 24.000 x 36:00.0 inches - 3 . Coroplast,4mm(115) 2 sheets per set,.. " MEMO:Schedule of events South end [ 4/O Arf of the Dog A-Frame signs: PRINTED:ITEM 2 72.00:.. 24.000 x 36:000 inches - 4 - Coroplast,4rnm(115) : 2 sheets per set MEMO:Schedule of events North End 4/0 Art of the:Dog.A=Frame signs; PRINTED.ITEM 2" .. 72.00 24.000 x36.000 inches FAINT 5 Cdroplast,4mm(115) roue 2 sheets per set... 'PET PARTY .. - . MEMO:Paint Your Pet:Party, . :-Page'1 of 2,: C910:.City of..Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CU$TOMER.PO.. INVOICE NjJMBER Carmel, IN 46032 -13722--- 317.844.3539' 13722=317.844.3539. - . : : '.: . . 866.237 4173 TOLL FREE . • INVOICE DAT�E. PAYMENT DUE � TERMS 317844 3621 media CREATIVE FAX . . . _ . 1'8;2018' Aug7,2018 CREATIVE MARKETING- MANUFACTURING. medlafaCtOry.US Jul 9 Net 30 'SALESPERSON . . ORDERED BY SHIP DATE SHIPPING:IVIETHOD Megan Mcvckee Jul 18;2018 Customer Pickup 4/0 Art of the Dog A-Frame signs T"""K'° PRINTED ITEM 2. 72.00, 24.000x36.000 inches. - 6 Coroplast,4mm(1.15). 2 sheets per set,,. - M _ EMO:Thank you signs b 4/0 Art of the Dog A-Frame.signs.. ':_ ooaar PRINTED ITEM 2 . 72.00 24.000 x 36.000 inches - 7 :. - Coroplast;4mrh(115), 2 sheets per set . MEMO:Doggy Manners . 4/0 Art'of the.Dog A=Frame signs: PRINTED ITEM 2 72.00 PUP 24.000 x 36.000 inches 8 Cproplast,4inmo 15) ART 2 sheets per set MEMO:Pup.Art 4/0.Art of the dog Banners PRINTED ITEM: 2 260.00 9. 72.000 x 36.000 inches.. 1362 Banner,Matte-38"(293) �iin Ias�1 Items $764.00 Subtotal $764.00 Tax. $0:00 S&H $0.00 Total $764.00 Payments $0.00 Amount Due $764.00 Page 2 of 2" C910.:.City of..Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER-PO INVOICE NUMBER Carmel, IN 46032 13808 317.844.3539 FREE 866.237.4173 TOLL 'PROJECT media faCtory 317.844.3621 FAx CREATIVE MARKETING MANUFACTURING mediafactory.us Art of Wine Items . City of Carmel INVOICE DATE PAYMENT DUE. TERMS-: Carmel Arts and Design District 1 Civic Square Jul 18,2018 Aug:17,2018. Net 30: Carmel;IN 46032 us SHIP:TO City of Carmel Carmel Arts and Design Distdc 1 :Civic.Sq Carmel, IN.46032 584 US' .. . SALESPERSON : ORDERED BY: SHIP DATE X: METHOD Megan McVicker Jul 18;2018 Customer Pickup # .-ORDER.DESCRIPTION - ORDER TYPE QTY AMOUNT 4/0 Art of Wine EVent,Banners: PRINTED ITEM 4' . 520.00 1 72;000 x 36.600 inches, o •- 18oz Banner,Double Sided-38"(539) 4/0 Art of Wine Main Stage Banner PRINTED ITEM 1 130.00 2 72.000 x 36.000 inches 18oz Banner,Double Sided-38"(539) 4/0.A'-Frame Signs:for Art d wine-2 ea of 8 PRINTED ITEM :16 576.00 24.000 z 36.000 inches 3 Coroplast;4mm(115) Ute. Vines 4/0 A-Frame sign-Hopwood Cellars PRINTED ITEM 1 36.00 24.000 x 36.000 inches 4 Coroplasf,4mm(115) HopW� Winery 4/0 A-Frame sign-Vip Prime Hour PRINTED ITEM 2 M00 24.000 x 36.000 inches 5 Coroplast,;4mm(115) Vjp Prirca Hour MEMO;NO GROMMETS ON THIS ONE Check Tn 4/0 A-Frame sign.-Whyte Horse PRINTED ITEM 1 36.00 24.000 x 36.600 inches 6 Coroplast,4mm(115) ,yie Horse 4V�ry Page1 of 2 C910i City of-Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive GUSTOMER.PO.. INVOICE NUMBER Carmel; IN 46032, . 13808 :317.844.3538. 866.237.4173 "root FREE INVOICE DATE. PAYMENT DUE.. TERMS m adiafactory 317.844:3621 FAx CREATIVE MARKETING'MANUFACTURING - mediafactClry.us JUI"18,2018" Aug 17,2018 Net 30 SALESPERSON : . 'ORDERED BY SHIP DATE " SHIPPING:METHOD Megan McVicker- Jul 18;2018- Customer Pickup Id 7 4/0 Detour signage horizontal . PRINTED ITEM 2 72.00. 36.000k 24.000 inche;.. Coroplast,4mm(115) a e. 4/4 Event Brochures PRINTED:ITEM 1,000 556.19 "17.000 x 11:000 inches_ 8 100#-White Gloss Text 19(X)25(505).. 4/0 IU HealthStickers PRINTED:ITEM . : 50 4&00- 11.000 x 50011.000x 17:000 inches.." 9 60#High Gloss Crack and Peel(L2026) 4/0 A-Frame sign)..Free Wate0" PRINTED_ITEM" 1 36.00 24.000 x-36:000 inches . . 10. Coroplast;4mrn(115) . FReewerert "FbROUR au>sra • Items $2,079.19 . Subtotal: . $2,079.19 Taz" $0.00 S&H $0.00 Total $2,079.19 Paymenfs $0.00 Amount Due $2,079:19 Page'2 of 2.: : C910:.bty of barmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER.PO-.:= -INVOICE NUMBER - Carmel, IN 46032 13948. 317.844.3539 866.237.4173 TOLL FREE PROJECT. :.. mediaiddorY 317.844.3621 FAx CREATIVE MARKETING MANUFACTURING mediafactory.uS Art Of dog sign City.of Carmel INVOICE DATE PAYMENT DUE ='TERMS: ' Carmel Arts And Design District. 1 Civic Square _ Jul 20;2018 Aug.19' 2018 Net:30 Carmel, IN 46032 US SHIP:TO City of Carmel .. Carmel Arts and Design Distric 1 :Civic Square Carmel, IN.46032 US SALESPERSON: :. : ORDERED BY: SHIP DATE.' :SHIPPING METHOD - Megan McVicker Jul 20,2018 Customer Pickup, # ORDER DESCRIPTION ORDERTYPE QTY- = AMOUNT- . 4%0 Art of the Dog A-Frame signs PRINTED ITEM 1 36.00 .24.000 x 36.000 inches 1 CoroplasL 4mrri(115) 2 sheets per set ; MEMO:Right arrow. Doggy-Drinking Station DIL }� � w 1al 2SI Items $36.00 �°y Subtotal $36.60 Tax $0:00 S&H . . $0.0.0. . Total $36.00 Payments $0,00 Amount Due $36.00 .10910::City of-Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER.PO INVOICE NUMBER Carmel, IN 46032 14213 317.844.3539 866.237.4173 TOLL FREE ; PROJECT. . . mediafacto . 317.844.3621 FAX CREATIVE MARKETING MANUFACTURING mediafactory.us No Carryout alcohol.signs . City of Carmel INVOICE DATE PAYMENT DUE TERMS Carmel Arts and Design District 1 Civic Square Aug:02,2018. .Sep:01,2018 Net 30. Carmel,IN 46032 us SHIP'TO City of Carmel Carmel Arts and Design Distric 1 Civic Square. Carmel, IN 46032 US SALESPERSON.' :. ORDERED BY SHIP DATE" :SHIPPING METHOD Megan McVicker Aug 02,2018. Customer Pickup - # .'w..-ORDER DESCRIPTION'- ; ORDER TYPE - QTY AMOUNT 4%0 No CarryoutAlcoholA-Frame signs XCIIA PRINTED ITEM 2 72.00 24.000 x 36 000 inches 1 Coropint,4mm(115) r 2 sheets per set J CL . -+mac YV1 O V 1 bh Po .t o],)TI Items $72:00 . Subtotal $72.00 . Tax $0.00 S&H $0.00 Total $72.00 . Payments $0:00 Amount Due $72:00 C910:City of_Carmel Arts&Design 481 Gradle Drive CUSTOMER-PO'.: INVOICE NUMBER Carmel, IN 46032 14230 317.844.3539 866.237.4173 TOLL FREE PROJECT mediafadt 317.844.3621 Fax CREATIVE MARKETING MANUFACTURING mediafactory.us Carmel 6n Canvas Panels City of Carmel -INVOICE. ' E PAYMENT DUE TERMS Carmel Arts and Design District 1 Civic.Square - Aug 02;2018 .Sep.01;2018 Net:30 Carmel,IN 46032 US SHIP:TO City of Carmel Carmel Arts and Design Distric 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN.46032 US .. . SALESPERSON.`:. ORDERED. SHIP DATE SHIPPING METHOD Megan McVicker Aug 02,2018 Customer Pickup. #. ORDER.DESCRIPTION' ORDER-TYPE - : QTY: AMOUNT' 4%0 Carmel.on Canvas Panels PRINTED ITEM 3 285.00 24.000 x 96.000 inches Coroplast,4miti(115) FAIMi RSMARKU1 UPI 16, ART FAIR Items $285.00 Subtotal $285.00 Tax $0:00�_7 . S&H $0':00 J140A Total $285.00 Payments $0A0 Amount Due $285.00