HomeMy WebLinkAbout328617 08/09/18 `i cep''" CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 369149 j ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE WHITE RIVER ALLIANCE CHECK AMOUNT: $*******118.74* ,i CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1052 WOODLAWN AVENUE CHECK NUMBER: 328617 °j��Pori"�°' INDIANAPOLIS IN 46203 CHECK DATE: 08/09/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 211 4462838 118.74 STORM WATER PHASE II VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 369149 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER WHITE RIVER ALLIANCE IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 1052 W OODLAW N AVENUE An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 Payee $118.74 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Engineering Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 44-628.38 $118.74 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 8/6/18 0 White River Alliance Water Summit $118.74 2200 211 2200 211 Registration bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday,August 07,2018 Jeremy Kashman Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer 21 �— Thomas, John G yyLo223$ From: The White River Alliance <lisa@thewhiteriveralliance.org> Sent: Monday,August 06, 2018 12:02 PM To: Thomas,John G Subject: Thank you for your registration to The Whiter River Alliance Water Summit 2018 Thank you for your generous gift to the White River Alliance. Each dollar truly makes a difference! We greatly appreciate your donation of received on 06/08/2018. Supporters like you provide much needed financial support to create positive change through projects and educational initiatives that improve the White River, its tributaries, and Central Indiana for all users. Thank you again for your support and for working with us to improve and protect water resources throughout Central Indiana. Qu have opted to pay for your registration by check. easemakeyour_�__ eheck�payable to the White River:`' 52 VVoodlawn Ave:, Indianapolis, lN'46203 Thank you! If you opted to pay via credit card you will be receiving a separate email from Authorize.net as the official receipt of this transaction. Please check your spam/junk email folder if you do not receive this email in the next several hours. Thank you again for your support in working to improve and protect water resources throughout Central Indiana. If you have any questions or would like to learn how you can be more involved, please call us at 317- 672-7577 or email info(a-),,thewhiteriveralliance.org. Sincerely, The White River Alliance The White River Alliance is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Thank you for your donation to The White River Alliance. Each dollar is important to us. You will be receiving a separate email from Authorize.net as the official receipt of this transaction. i 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration The White River Alliance, Indianapolis IN INDIANA WATER SUMMIT REGISTRATION Thank you for your interest in the 2018 Indiana Water Summit! The Summit is a great opportunity to increase our collective understanding of statewide water resources, learn from national experts and other communities, and find the best ways to protect our water assets. Registration is open until close of business 8/10/2018. NAME * John Thomas ADDRESS https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summittindiana-water-summit-registration/ 1/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration I The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN STREET ADDRESS (2) J Carmel IN 46032 jthomas@carmel.in.gov (317) 571-2314 City of Carmel DO YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING THE PUBLIC KICK-OFF EVENT AT THE INDIANA STATE MUSEUM ON AUGUST 12 FROM 5-8 PM? (� YES, I PLAN ON ATTENDING THIS EVENT C? NO, I CANNOT MAKE ITTHAT DAY Cost$5 DO YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING THE DAY-LONG ACTION FORUM AT THE JW MARRIOTT ON AUGUST 13 FROM 8:30 AM-5:00 PM? O YES, I PLAN ON ATTENDING THIS EVENT U NO, I CANNOT MAKE ITTO THIS EVENT Costvaries-select appropriate option when registering Great! We need to get some more information about you so that we can maximize your time with us. There is a registration fee for this event. The total amount will be due with the submission of this registration form. https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summittindiana-water-summit-registration/ 2/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration I The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN REGULAR GOVERNMENT AND NON-PROFIT REGISTRATION ($115) • PROFESSION ENGINEER V DO YOU PLAN ON STAYING FOR THE NETWORKING HAPPY HOUR FROM 5-6 PM? D YES DO YOU HAVE ANY FOOD RESTRICTIONS WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF? PLEASE TELLS US YOUR GREATEST CONCERN ABOUT INDIANA WATER RESOURCES PLEASE TELLS US YOUR GREATEST HOPE FOR WATER RESOURCE PLANNING OR MANAGEMENT IN INDIANA WE'D LOVE TO SEE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE PICTURES OF INDIANA WATERS IN USE! DROP FILES HERE OR https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summit/indiana-water-summit-registration/ 3/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration I The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN ----—------------------------------------------—--------------------------—-------------------------------------------------- WOULD YOU ALSO LIKE TO BECOME AN 'INDIANA WATER INVESTOR' BY GIVINGA DONATION TO SUPPORT FUTURE INDIANA WATER SUMMITS? Cl YES DO YOU WANT TO COVER THE PAYMENT TRANSACTION FEES? * (�) YES, I WOULD LIKE TO COVER THE PAYMENT TRANSACTION FEES Q NO,THE WHITE RIVER ALLIANCE CAN COVER THE PAYMENT TRANSACTION FEES Per transaction 2.9%f 30¢ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (INCLUDING TRANSACTION FEES) DO YOU WANT TO PAY VIA CREDIT CARD OR CHECK? O CREDITCARD CQ CHECK SUBMIT RECENT CONTRIBUTORS FOR THE WATER SUMMIT 2018! Who Date Family: Carr 08/06/2018 Individual' Julie Rhodes 07/31/2018 Anonymous 07/30/2018 https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summittindiana-water-summit-registration/ 4/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration l The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN Individual: John Marquis 07/30/2018 Business: Vermillion Rise Mega Park 07/27/2018 Business: Biomonitor, Inc. 07/24/2018 Business: Biomonitor, Inc. 07/24/2018 Business:Taylor University 07/23%2018 Individual: John Goss 07/23/2018 Business: D2 Land & Water Resource, Inc. 07/20/2018 Business:Two Forks Guide Service 06/25/2018 Individual: Ed McKinley 06/24/2018 Business: HWC Engineering 06/21/2018 Individual: Chuck Brinkman 06/21/2018 Indvidual: Janice Black 06/21/2018 Anonymous 06/20/2018 Anonymous 06/20%2018 Individual: Lorraine Wright 06/19/2018 Family: Gorman/Kimmel) Family 06/12/2018 Individual: Jeff Martin 06/04/2018 Family: Bill & Liza Bl.omquist 06/01/2018 Individual: Marylou Renshaw 05/31/2018 Individual: Julia Eynon 05/31/2018 Individual: Jon Eynon 05/31/2018 I- NDIANA W' A',`:,TE' R 'SUMM11­T https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summittindiana-water-summit-registration/ 5/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN PROGRAMS INDIANA WATER SUMMIT-AUG. 12-13 - Indiana Water Summit Registration - Agenda - Speakers CLEAR CHOICES CLEAN WATER WHITE RIVER FESTIVAL DRAGON BOAT RACE STORIVIWATER ACTION TEAMS (SWAT) TRAINED INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION STORMWATER LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE TRAINING STATE OF THE WATERS REGIONAL STORMWATER MS4 PROGRAM DONATE SIGN UP FOR OUR CURRENTS NEWSLETTER FIRST NAME https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summitlindiana-water-summit-registration/ 6/7 8/6/2018 Indiana Water Summit Registration The White River Alliance,Indianapolis IN EMAIL SIGN UP DID YOU KNOW? The average DAILY demand from Indianapolis Water customers is 140 MGD,more than the water in 212 Olympic sized swimming pools CONTACT US f � O 1052 Woodlawn Ave Phone:317.672.7577 Indianapolis,IN 46203 info@thewhiteriveralliance.org https://thewhiteriveralliance.org/programs/water-summit/indiana-water-summit-registration/ 7/7