HomeMy WebLinkAbout328964 08/17/18 `�,._CAgy\�� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350361 l CHECKAMOUNT: $*******146.41* .�; ® ,• ONE CIVIC SQUARE J& K COMMUNICATIONS, INC. s. i'; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 222 S.TOWER VIEW DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 328964 9dj���ON�'q'.� COLUMBIA CITY IN 46725 CHECK DATE: 08/17/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4235000 88645 91.41 BUILDING MATERIAL 1093 4235000 88646 55.00 BUILDING MATERIAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL - VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 00350361 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. J&K Communications, Inc. Payee 222 Tower View Drive Columbia City, IN 46725-8799 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 00350361 J&K Communications, Inc. Terms $ 146.41 222 Tower View Drive Date Due Columbia City, IN 46725-8799 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#ffITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1093 88645 4235000 $ 91.41 Board Members 8/6/18 88645 Radio Repair SN 0471419 xx7324 $ 91.41 1093 88646 4235000 $ 55.00 8/6/18 88646 Radio Repair SN 0461438 Deemed BER xx7324 $ 55.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 146.41 Total $ 146.41 August 14,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title 4 3 & K Communications, Inc. `-� Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. " Nufn Columbia City, IN 46725 " �-- — — Phone: (260) 244-7975 Date: 8/6/20 Fax: (260) 244-3253 • -�- communscations; lnc• Source:SO No. 216702 Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer � � D Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation AUG 1 3 2010 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street .... Carmel, IN 46032 USA "" ......... r� g _.Acct. No.----A/R Cust 'No. Customer-_PO_! - Reference Sales Rep -- Ship Via- Terms 105058 Carmelf`City of- 17170 / Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 216702 Item ID Description Serial Number or OuantitX F21 04RC ICOM UHF, 16 CHANNEL HANDHELD W/RAPID CHARGER 0471419 Work Requested: Radio w/ant, batt&belt clip Will not receive, lot of static m/f West Desk Work Performed: Found bad receiver. Replaced the IF filter and the discriminator. Also this radio needs anew battery.Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones levels. This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. Qty., Item ID Description u0m 1 2020002410 IF FILTER; F11/F14/F21/F24 EA $2.58 $2.58 T 1 6070000191 DISCRIMINATOR, F21 EA $6.33 $6.33 T 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $91.41 Please remit all:paymen'ts to: r J&K Communications;Inc. 222 Toweview_Dr7,'` �Columb,ia.City,�IN�467�2 � j8ikinvoice r'v'ice.rpt Printed: 8/6/2018 4:06:39PM Page 1 J &K Communications, Inc. Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. — -9, Columbia City, IN 46725 `: Number: 8�646 Phone: (260) 244-7975 `•, Date: L6�ZQ - Fax: (260) 244-3253 • • COtt11t1UMC2110RS lM Source:SO No. 216703 Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer RECEIVES Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreatic n AUG 1 32018 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 USA I 2y:.............................. Acct.-No. -A/R Cust.-No...-,, O --Reference Sales Rep - Ship Via - - Terms- - 105058 Carmel,City 4f ,`17170 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 216703 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F21 04RC ICOM UHF, 16 CHANNEL HANDHELD W/RAPID CHARGER 0461438 Work Requested: Radio w/ant, batt&clip m/f West Desk does not transmit or receive. Radio cuts out when using, also when charging radio gets very hot. Work Performed: After extensive trouble shooting, it was found to have a defective power amplifier{Board Component. LABOR 2 HOURS PARTS $21.37 Radio beyond economical repair. Qty. Item ID Description UOM 0.50 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $55.00 Item Total: $55.00 Qtali:Amount Dt�e �55'Q0 ;-Pleaserernit all paymen,ts;to: `J&K'Cmnmun,ications,Inc 222 T�ovuer�newaDr " Colu ity 'IfV-467251--? j&k invoice service.rpt Printed:8/6/2018 4:06:39PM Page 1