HomeMy WebLinkAbout329424 08/27/18 R %' "y�� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 371610 ONE CIVIC SQUARE LIFE FITNESS CHECK AMOUNT: $********21.34* �. �� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2716 NETWORK PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 329424 9•`y��TON,.�.` CHICAGO IL 60673-1271 CHECK DATE: 08/27/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1096 4237000 5803544 21.34 REPAIR PARTS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. . . An invoice of bill to be properly:itemiied must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 371610 Allowed '20' whom;rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour;.number of units,pride per unit,etc. Life Fitness Payee. 2716.Network Place Chicago;IL 606737-1271 In Sum of$ .'Purchase order.# 371610 : Cife•Fitness• Terms 21.34 2716.Network Place. Date Due . . Chicago;IL 60673-1271 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Morton Center PO#or _ - Invoice ' " •Description - - Oept# INVOICE NO.... ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT - Invoice Date Number (or note attached.ihv6ice(s)or bill(s))- PO# Amount 1096-21 5803544 .4237000 . $ 21.34 Board Members 8/15/18 5803544 Arm.Extension Bumper Handles zx7330 $ 21.34 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and.that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is,made were ordered and received except. $. :21.34. Total. $. .21.34 August 21,2018 : . I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)is'(are)true and correct and l have audited same in accordance' with _10_ "hIC511 1.6 Cost distribution,ledgerclassification if. claim paid motor vehicle highway fundSignature.' 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator. . Clerk-Treasurer. Title' r , HHAMINER + .��➢�EX' T 0 inmovement � STRENTH' A Division of Brunswick Corporation INVOICE 9525 Bryn Mawr Avenue,Rosemont,IL 60018 Main(800)735-3867 Fax(847)288-3795 I INVOICE# 580354.4 US TAX ID#36-084-8180 ORDER# 36149763 RIZ CtTNTIRD CUST.OMER_P_0-# ��INVOICE DATE 15-AUG-18 AUG .2 1 2018 DUE DATE 14-SEP-18 BILL TO# 230562 SHIP TO# 230562 Y: BILL TO: SHIP TO: .CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 PLEASE DISREGARD IF PAYMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN REMITTED. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Due Date: Sales Rep i Terms ofirSales Shrppmg Tsrms Ship Date 3,c;'s, � 14-SEP-18 :NET 30- _15-AUG-18 TC QTY BI0 PART NOS ���DESCRIPTIONISERIAL#"� �y� � UNIT PRICE XTENSION =ORDERED 2 2 0 4540-321 BUMPER HANDLE 3.86 7.72 FREIGHT ALL FREIGHT CHARGES 13.62 Order Comments: SUB-TOTAL 21.34 TAX: 0.00 DEPOSIT -----�0_00 LQ8$TOTAL DUE`. — -- 2434$