HomeMy WebLinkAbout329622 09/05/18 y u'�,q� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 093000 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FEDEX CHECK AMOUNT: $********74.35* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 94515 CHECK NUMBER: 329622 �,�roN PALATINE IL 60009-4514 CHECK DATE: 09/05/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4239099 629075954 74.35 OTHER MISCELLANOUS J ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 093000 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. FedEx Payee P.O. Box 94515 Palatine, IL 60094-4515 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 093000 FedEx Terms $ 74.35 P.O.Box 94515 Date Due Palatine, IL 60094-4515 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109-Monon Center PO#ornvoice Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1093 629075954 4239099 $ 74.35 Board Members 8/29/18 629075954 Shipping Charges xx7339 $ 74.35 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 74.35 Total $ 74.35 August 29,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title Inuo�_ce Number Iln�►oice Date Account Number Page 6-290- 954 Au 29,2018 : . of 2 j5— BillingAddress. Shi ing Address:.. . . P� - Invoice Questions? . CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATION- ` : CARMEL CLAY`PARKS&RECREATION. Contact FedEx Revenue.Services. 1411 E 116TH ST 1411 E 116TH ST Phone: .800.622.1147. ZARMEL-IN 46032-761.1 CARMEL IN 46032-761.1 M-F 7 AM to.8 PM CST . S a 7AMto6PMCST' Internet; fedex.com.. -. .Invoice Summary.. FedEx Ground Seivices: Total Charges':. USD $74.35: TOTAL THIS INUOIOE USD You saved$8.07 in discounts this period! _RECEIVED Other.discounfs:may apply. By pschlemmer at 8:55 am,Aug 29, 2018 10 FedEx News!` Your.FedEkinvoide has been enhanced to provide Yo additional details and make.it easier to.read. For more information regarding the changes,please go:to . . - - - - fedex.com/invoice' updates. If you have any questions; please contact the Fe:dExRevenue.Services Department-: at.1.800.622.1147.Thank you for using FedEx..-FedEx­'. .. Revenue Services Department..IfYou.rieed to requesta. billing.adjustment f or any.reason,.please go to fedex.tom/billingadjustment:,, e ,r Exe. Invoice Number - Invoice Date Account Number �P.aye .6.290-75954.':' Au 20,2018 . _ 2 of z FedEx Ground ShipmentSummary By Payor Type FedEx Ground Shipments(Original). Rated Weight Transportation Other Handling Ret Chg/Tax Date Shi ments lbs Ghat es Char es Credits/Other Discounts Total Ghae es _Ground Bill Third Party . 08/17: : 2. 90 78:05 4.37 8.07 . ": :74.35 Ground -Bill Third Party Subtotal.. $7435 -Total FedEx Ground 2 90 $78.05 $4.37 -$8.07 $74,35 : _.. . TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD = $74.35: FedEx;Ground Bill Third Pail y:Detail (Original) hip Date:Aug 17,2018 Gust.Ref.:NO REFERENCE UNFORMATtON P.U.#: a or.Third Pa De t.#: We calculated your charges based on a dimensional weight of 66:01bs,31".x.21°x'14",using'a dimensional factor of 139.1 " 782347315831 Sender Reci ient .. Trans ortation Char e . 45.66. Tracking ID, p p g Service:Type : Bill 3rd Party,Dom_' Carmel Clay Parks ._ -Royal Pacific LTD : Performance.Pricing. =5.48 Zone I16. Carmel Clay Parks. 4931 Paseo Deo NE Fuel Surcharge_ 2.51 Packages 1; 1411E 116TH.ST-,: : Albuquerque NM 87113=152831 .. Total Charge USD $42.69 • Actual Weight .46.8 lbs. CARMEL IN 46032 Rated Weight 66lbs Delivered, Aug.22,2018,. hip Date:Aug 17,2018 Gust.Ref.:NO REFERENCE UNFORMATION a or:Third Pa De t.#: 'Tracking ID 782347252145. . :: Sender- :: eci ient : Transportation Charge_ 32.39 Service Type Bill 3M:Party,Dom Carmel Clay Parks 'DIGILOCK Performance.Pricing, 2.59 Zone. 08 - Carmel Clay Parks 9 WILLOWBROOK CT 'Fuel Surcharge - 1.86.: :'Packages 1 1411 E.116TH.ST: PETALUMA CA 94954-650709 Total Charge USD' $31.66 '.. -Actual Weight .23.5-lbs CARMEL IN 46032 - Rated Weight 24 lbs - Delivered Aug-22;2018. . -.Bill Thi' Slubtotal USD.. � :. .. . � ..$74:35 -. .. T - otal FedEx round 74:35: FedEx® Billing Online.: FedEx,Billing Online:allows you to efficiently manage and pay-your FedEx invoices online. :It's free,easy and secure,.,FedEx Billing Online-helps you streamline=your.billi.ng process.. With all your FedEx shipping information available in one secure online location,you.never have to worry ab-odt.misplacing a paper invoice or sifting through reams.of'paperto find:. information for past"shipments. Godo fedex.com to sign up today! =