HomeMy WebLinkAbout329734 09/10/18 (9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350361 ONE CIVIC SQUARE J & K COMMUNICATIONS, INC. CHECKAMOUNT: $*******574.74* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 222 S.TOWER VIEW DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 329734 COLUMBIA CITY IN 46725 CHECK DATE: 09/10/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1082 4239039 89185 97.88 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1082 4239039 89186 97.88 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1082 4239039 89187 97.68 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 89188 100.02 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 89189 82.50 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1093 4235000 89191 98.78 BUILDING MATERIAL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 00350361 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. J&K Communications, Inc. Payee 222 Tower View Drive Columbia City, IN 46725-8799 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 00350361 J&K Communications, Inc. Terms $ 574.74 222 Tower View Drive Date Due Columbia City, IN 46725-8799 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE 1109 Monon Center PO#ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount Summer Camp Radio Repair SN 1082-11 89185 4239039 $ 97.88 Board Members 8/29/18 89185 03008196 xx7378a $ 97.88 ummer amp a io Repair SN 1082-9 89186 4239039 $ 97.88 8/29/18 89186 03011304 xx7379a $ 97.88 Summer Camp Radio Repair SN 1082-9 89187 4239039 1 $ 97.68 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 8/29/18 89187 03008169 xx7379a $ 97.68 1081-3 89188 4239039 $ 100.02 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 8/29/18 89188 ESE Radio Repair SN 03019912 51896 $ 100.02 1081-3 89189 4239039 $ 82.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 8/29/18 89189 ESE Radio Repair SN 461256 51896 $ 82.50 1093 89191 4235000 $ 98.78 which charge is made were ordered and 8/29/18 89191 KiclZone Radio Repair SN 0461366 xx7379a $ 98.78 received except $ 574.74 Total $ 574.74 September 5,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title J &K Communications, Inc. ' Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. Columbia City, IN 46725 NUrrrber_- � 89185; . Phone: (260) 244-7975 ' f`Ddt�: ,. 8/29/2-0_18 Fax: (260) 244-3253 :` �-f=`-'1-29/2 Communications, Inc. Source: SO No. 217229 Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No.— A/R Cust. No._ Customer PO_ Reference Sales Rep Ship Via _- Terms 105058 Carmel,City of- 17319 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217229 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F4001 03RC ICOM UHF handheld radio Pkg, 4 watt, 16 channel w/Lithia 03008196 Work Requested: IC F4001 RECEIVED radio, ant, batt, clip AP N 0 4 2018 Volume knob snapped off, battery falling apart Woodbrook Elementary/ SSE Work Performed: BY:.......... Replaced broken volume control and knob. Radio needed a complete alignment. Corrected OK Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones levels. This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. NOTE: NEEDS NEW BATTERY.THE CASE OF THE BATTERY IS BROKEN Qty. Item ID Description • Totar', 1 7210003060 RESISTER,VARIABLE;VOL. CONT., F21 EA $12.35 $12.35 T 1 8610014180 VOLUME KNOB: F4001 EA $3.03 $3.03 7 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $97.88 Total�lmount Due -- 97 88� Please remitiallipayments to: IMXommunicatio s rtnc. 22Towerview Dr Columbia City INs46°7x25 . , j8ik in voice`service:rpf` �- Printed:8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1 R ✓� 3 & K Communications, Inc. Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. Columbia City, IN 46725 N bel': °8916 Phone: (260) 244-79758129%2918 Fax: (260) 244-3253 • = Com mumeations, 'nc• Source:SO No. 217237 Bill-To Shi -To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No. A/R Cust. No. -Customer PO Reference Sales Rep Ship Via Terms — 105058 Carmel,City of- 17351 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217237 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F4001 03RC ICOM UHF handheld radio Pkg, 4 watt, 16 channel w/Lithia 03011304 Work Requested: IC F4001 FC17TTYRD radio, ant, batt, clip Needs knob, will not turn on 5 L N 0 4 2018 Chillville/WCE Work Performed: qY: Replaced broken volume control and the knob.Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones levels.This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. NOTE: THE BATTERY THAT WAS SENT IS AT 0 VOLTS. NEEDS REPLACED Qty. Item ID Description • . . 1 8610014180 VOLUME KNOB: F4001 EA $3.03 $3.03 T 1 7210003060 RESISTER,VARIABLE;VOL. CONT., F21 EA $12.35 $12.35 T 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $97.88 Total "m t Due xy $97°88 1 PI ase remitall payments-to: J.&'Communications�Inc`� . �P2f2sTowerview�D Geo mt la C, TN 46725—' - - j&k invoice service.rpt Printed:8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1 3 & K Communications, Inc. l >, Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. umbers=8918 Columbia City, IN 46.725 Phone: (260) 244-7975 Date,:-8/29120118 (260) 244-3253 —1723communication , Inc• CS -SONo Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No._ A/R Cust. No. Custom_e_r PO _ Reference Sales Rep Ship Via -.Terms - 105058 Carmel,City of- 17351 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217238 Item ID Description Serial Number or QuantitX F4001 03RC ICOM UHF handheld radio Pkg, 4 watt, 16 channel w/Lithit 03008169 Work Requested: IC F4001 � radio, ant, batt, clip L F 0 4 2018 will not turn on Chillville/OPE Work Performed: BY: Replaced broken volume control and the knob.Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones levels. This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. NOTE: NEEDS NEW BATTERY QtY. Item ID Description • Totaim 1 7210003610 VOLUME CONTROL FOR ICOM F21/F4001 EA $15.18 $15.18 T 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $97.68 Total Amount-Due: 7-f8 ":Please re all payments to: J&KCommunications,-Inc. ��2o rview`Dr� @olumbia CityIN 46725 j&k invoice servicc . i; --' Printed:8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1 &K Communications, Inc. Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. Columbia City, IN 467256er Phone: (260) 244-7975 ~� Date 8/29% 0 ; Fax: (260) 244-3253 communicati —� ons, Inc• Source: SO No. 217239 Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No. A/R Cust. No. Customer PO Reference Sales Rep Ship Via Terms 105058 Carmel,City of- 17457 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217239 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F4001 03RC ICOM PORTABLE, UHF, 400 -470 MHZ, WITH LION BATTE 03019912 Work Requested: C 1117-7�'7. IC F4001 �t N o � 2 01 radio, ant, batt, clip TX ok, No RX College Wood BY: Work Performed: Replaced broken volume control and the knob.Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones_levels.This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. Qty. Item ID Description • . 1 7210003060 RESISTER,VARIABLE;VOL. CONT., F21 EA $12.35 $12.35 T 1 8610014180 VOLUME KNOB: F4001 EA $3.03 $3.03 T 2 8830003390 VOLUME/CHANNEL NUT EA $1.07 $2.14 T 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $100.02 Total AmountDue ,,�.m $1'0-0-.02----A P---lease-remrt all payments to: J&K Communieations;y�nc. . 2�T�o�vuennewDr rYolumbia,�City,�IN 46725'-1 j&k'm Ce-s6Nbce.rpt Printed:8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1 &K Communications, Inc. i`f. �, Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. Zi Number 89189 Columbia City, IN 46725 a f }v { Phone: (260) 244-7975 &I's; Fax: (260) 244-3253 Communications, Inc. ��+-�' �SSource:'90'No�2i7240� Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No. A/R Cust. No. Customer PO Reference Sales Rep Ship Via Terms 105058 Carmel,City of- 17457 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217240 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F21 04RC ICOM UHF, 16 CHANNEL HANDHELD W/RAPID CHARGER 0461256 Work Requested: IC F21 ,In T �ID radio; ant, batt, clip S t H o 4 2018 No TX or RX College Wood Work Performed: 08/23/2018 : Found the radios receiver was out of alignment. Corrected OK. Checked radio for transmit modulation and also transmit power output. Set levels on all transmit functions. Checked radio for receiver sensitivity. Set levels on all receiver functions. Checked and aligned PL and DQT tones levels.This radio has been checked to meet manufacture specs. NOTE: THE BATTERY HAS INTERMITTENT CONTACT NEEDS A NEW BATTERY Qty. Item ID Description • 0.75 Labor Technician Labor Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $82.50 t Amount Due $82:50 OlCase er riit 611 pa Tents to: J&K Corrimunica664,Inc. 222o-TowerView-Dr "- � . ColumbiaCity'IN 46725 F-, Ii;Y ]&k«invoiceservice:rpt Printed: 8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1 ] &K Communications, Inc. Invoice 222 Towerview Dr. Columbia City, IN 46725 -NU r j�---y89 1 Phone: (260) 244-7975 S� Via.-` Date:- x`87-29%20=1 J . Fax: (260) 244-3253 - Communications, Inc, S6Ur-':SO`No:217295 Bill-To Ship-To Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Carmel Clay Parks&Recreation 1411 East 116th Street Attn: Paula Schlemmer Carmel, IN 46032 U S A 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 U S A Acct. No. A/R Cust. No. Customer PO _ Reference Sales Rep Ship Via Terms 105058 Carmel,City of- 17476 Dan Shipley Net 30 Items Serviced on Service Order No. 217295 Item ID Description Serial Number or Quantity F21 04RC ICOM UHF, 16 CHANNEL HANDHELD W/RAPID CHARGER 0461366 Work Requested: IRr Radio w/ant, batt&clip m/f concessions S t N 420718 Radio does not receive Work Performed: BY: LZ 08/27/2018 : Bench test found radio as client suggested, disassembled radio for repairs, replaced defective narrow band filter, broken seal, replaced, bench test and aligned radio in compliance with F.C.C. specifications for narrow band analog across 450-470 Megahertz band, radio tested with and without external speaker microphone. Power output set to 36.0, audio deviation set to 2.38 kilohertz with 400 hertz data levels, receiver set to open with -120dbm with 12 db sinad set to -118dbm, radio warped to center frequency thereby meeting all of the aforementioned specifications. Qty. Item ID Description UOMTotal 1 8930054710 MAIN SEAL; F11/1`21 EA $13.70 $13.70 T 1 2020002410 IF FILTER; Fii/F14/F21/F24 EA $2.58 $2.58 T 0.75 Labor Technician Labor.Technician HR $110.00 $82.50 Item Total: $98.78 i- Total:Amount Due `F`x$98:78, Please=remltyail,gayments=to: 2J&K.Communications,In 222 Towe -F Dr ColumbiaCity,IN 46725 4 j8ilc;inv4ice:serkexpt Printed:8/29/2018 3:46:42PM Page 1