07 July 18 MinutesCRC Meeting, June 20, 2018 1 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting Wednesday, July 18, 2018 ATTENDANCE: President Bill Hammer Present Vice President Dave Bowers Present Secretary Bill Brooks Not Present Treasurer Christine Pauley Present Member Adam Campagna Present Member Jeff Worrell Present Member Michael Kerschner Present Executive Director Henry Mestetsky Present Deputy Director Michael Frischkorn Present Finance Manager Michael Lee Present Office Manager Rachel Finn Present City Attorney Ashley Ulbricht Present Legal Consultant Ryan Wilmering Present Bond Counsel Brad Bingham Present President Hammer called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Public Hearing – Legacy Economic Development Plan Mr. Hammer opened the Public Hearing at 6:40 p.m. With no members of the public wishing to speak, Mr. Hammer closed the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m. Approval of Minutes The June 20, 2018 minutes were presented. Mr. Bowers moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Campagna seconded. Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X Financial Matters Mr. Lee stated the Commission’s end of the month June balance totaled $3,259,718 and, including the restricted funds, the balance totaled $7,657,212. Update on Outstanding Receivables Mr. Lee stated there are two outstanding receivables: 1) Project Blue invoices of $15,643. 2) Initial Energy Consumption Fee for The Mezz of $346,411. Approval of Claims Mr. Lee requested the Commission to approve the non-operating invoices in the amount of $165,869.91. CRC Meeting, June 20, 2018 2 Mr. Lee stated that there is a disbursement to be paid out of the Midtown South Bond in the amount of $654.50.00. Mr. Lee stated that there is a disbursement to be paid out of the 2016 TIF Bond in the amount of $148,787.33. Mr. Lee stated that there is a disbursement to be paid out of the 2016 COIT Bond in the amount of $198,492.87. Mr. Worrell moved approve. Mr. Bowers seconds. Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X Executive Director Reports with Update on Properties Mr. Mestetsky highlighted the ongoing CRC projects. The Sunking Distillery opened. The Midtown West project has started foundations and is proceeding. The Midtown Plaza project has started with the Monon Boulevard project proceeding. The Proscenium project has received the necessary approvals and will be starting within a week or two. The Midtown South Garage is complete. Committee Reports Finance Committee – A meeting was held at which the committee discussed the budget. Architectural Review Committee – None Old Business None. New Business a. Action Item #2 – Resolution 2018-05 re: Amendment to Economic Development Plan for Legacy Economic Development Area Mr. Bingham asked that the Commission approve the resolution that will allow all Legacy TIF, in excess of Legacy attributed debt payments, to flow into the Integrated TIF District. Mr. Bowers moved to approve, seconded by Worrell. Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X b. Action Item #3 – Resolution 2018-06 re: Amendment to Revenue Deposit Agreement Mr. Bingham stated that this amendment to the Revenue Deposit Agreement contemplates recent project financings and new TIF allocation areas. Mr. Bowers moves to approve, Mr. Campagna seconds. CRC Meeting, June 20, 2018 3 Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X c. Action Item #4 – Approval of Mural contract Mr. Lee asked that the Commission table this item. Mr. Worrell moves to table the item, Mr. Campagna seconds. Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X d. Action Item #5 – Approval of Revised 2018 Budget Mr. Lee stated that the 2018 budget needs to be revised to reflect current and forecasted revenues and expenditures. Mr. Bowers stated that a transfer from reserves was discussed to balance out the budget for the remainder of 2018. Mr. Worrell asked about the reimbursements to miscellaneous receipts. Mr. Mestetsky answered that the CRC had received reimbursements from various projects which impacted that number. Mr. Bowers moves to approve, Mr. Worrell seconds. Vote: Yes No Abstain/Recuse Bill Hammer X Dave Bowers X Bill Brooks Adam Campagna X Jeff Worrell X Other Business None. Adjournment Mr. Campagna moves to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Worrell. The Commission adjourned the meeting at 7:03 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, August 15, 2018 at 6:30 p.m.