HomeMy WebLinkAbout330260 09/21/18 \� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372793 i; ONE CIVIC SQUARE OLSON PAINT STUDIOS CHECK AMOUNT: $*****4,867.29* fq ,a� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5270 RALSTON AVE CHECK NUMBER: 330260 '�droN_c�. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46220 CHECK DATE: 09/21/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4341900 101958 20180917 4,867.29 MIDTOWN NORTH MURAL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 372793 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER OLSON PAINT STUDIOS IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 5270 RALSTON AVE An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220 Payee $4,867.29 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Purchase Order# Redevelopment Commission Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 101958 20180917 43-419.00 $4,867.29 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 9/17/18 20180917 Lift and paint supplies $4,867.29 902 902 902 902 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except r Thursday, September 20,2018 Henry Mestetsky I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ,20— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer HINT TLIDIOS, LLC: us nson . 5270.Ralston Ave. . Indiana olis,IN 46220. Ce ::317-213 31 .. j sttp. . September 17;2018 Invoice Midtown Carmel Mural Work Description: 1. Cost for lift 1 monthrental:.. . $3,168.51.: 2 Paiiit.sooply.cost-for project. $1,698.78.. Grand Total: $4,Q67.29..:,' Notes:.Make check payable:to justin:Olson or Olson.Paint Studios..Please:mail check:to the address: aboVe: If:there-arean . y questions,please feel free to give me a call:::317213-8315. Thanks! :.WILLIAMS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 2221A E.62ND ST INDIANAPOLIS, IN.4622Q.2313 (317)257-9947 : .- 09/1:7/2018 Quote#:4377281, O.LSON PAINT STUDIOS 5270 RALSTON'AVE INDIANAPOLIS--IN 462203422 Re} Price Quote:for Midtown Carmel.Mural. Dear:Justiri Olson::. Thank.you for-considering.Shenivin-Williams products for the Midtown Carmel Mural project: Included is the Sherwin-Williams.price quote. Should.you require assistance.or have:any.questions or concerns; please contact.me at(317) 714-5237. orae-mail me at david.cAing@sherwln.com. . .._ Sincerely,:. . - .. . .. David King Sherwin-Williams.. Sales Representative .. . . -:.- HERWIN PRICE QUOTATION WILLIAMS.- Account#:9203-6617-6 : 09/17/2018: . . Quote#::4377281:. OLSON'.PAINT STUDIOS. 5270 RALSTON AVE' INDIANAPOLIS,'IN 462203422: 317 �. )213-8315 . . : : . Pr oject: ' .� MIDTOWN.CARMEL MURAL . Purchase Type:. Annual Requirements Weare pleased to quote.you as follows: - BALES _: PRODUCT/REX::= EXT... SIZE DESCRIPTION. :QTY 'PRICE NUMBER. NUMBER 'PRICE. Oxon®Concrete&:Mason rimer;Interior/Exterior 6501-32640 ALLO A24W08300. : Masonry P. - 6: $37:43. ' : :$224.58 -atexWhite -6510-28060: 3ALLON K30WO0251 DURATION LL EXTRA 12 $52:65 $631.80 651.0-28102 ALLO : K30T00254 ' DURATION'LLULTRA' : 12: $52:65 $631.80 : . .6510-28086. 3ALLON. K30W00253 , DURATION LL DEEP. 4 $52.65 - : $210.60 TOTAL PRICE $1,698.78 We thank you for your consideration.of Sherwin-Williams,products and look forward to supplying these products to you: Note:All prices are per gallon/unit. TERMS-OF THE SALE. :'.: By: David King... Quotation.Expires:12/16/2018 : : Store Address:2221.A:E 62ND ST FOR Location:'' . City:INDIANAPOLIS State:IN Zip:46220 2313. . Freight Terms:. Store'Number:.1003 -'. Terms:As Agreed Phone:(317)257=9947. Territory#:6794 _NOTICE'..Please:take notice-that the-quotation-set forth above is not a contract and is subject:to and.conditioned upon.' approval'by SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. In the'everit-such approval is not obtained;you will be provided with a:revised quotation and the quotation set forth'above shall be null,void and of no:force or effect..The'pricing and' recommendations detailed in this proposal represent do hfidentiaHnformation.provided by SHERWIN-WILLIAMS: We. request that it sotto-be copied orsh6red:with others outside.yourfirm. SUNBELT® Page 1 of 2 RENTALS PC#: 0394 SUNBELT RENTALS, INC. 11120 ALLISONVILLE RD Salesman: 039400 FISHERS HOUSE (394) FISHERS, IN 46038-1837 Typed By: PROUSH 317-849-2119 Job Site: RESERVATION PARKING GARAGE III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 145 4TH ST S.W. CARMEL, IN 46032 Contract#.. 81574811 C#: 317-213-8315 J#: 317-213-8315 Contract dt. 8/15/18 Date out.... 9/24/18 10:00 AM Customer: IN 1220027171 Est return.. 10/22/18 10:00 AM OLSON, JUSTIN D Job Loc..... PARKING GARAGE;145 4TH ST S.W.; 5270 RALSTON AVE Job No...... INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220 P.O.#...... Ordered By.. OLSON,JUSTIN NET DUE UPON RECEIPT QTY EQUIPMENT # Min Day Week 4 Week Amount 1.00 60' ART MANLIFT W/JIB 615.00 615.00 1340.00 2255.00 2255.00 0580607 *** EQP MSG *** * Familiarization of the equipment stated on this contract has been offered to the customer. * An Operator's Manual and the Manual of Responsibilities has been provided with the equipment. stated on this contract. * OSHA 1926.453 & ANSI Regulation A92 requires All Boom Lift occu- pants of the platform to wear Personal Fall Protection. Personal Fall Protection equipment is available for purchase from Sunbelt Rentals. WARNING Overheight Hazard! ! The machine-you are loading REQUIRES that you check the height of your load. Maximum Legal Height = 1316" SALES ITEMS: Qty Item number Unit Price 1 DLPKSRCHG _EA 46.400 _ 46.40 TRANSPORTATION SURCHARGE 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ' EA { 31 ,570 Fid 31.57 ENVIRONMENTAL El­ RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN — !,' f, f_ 338.25 DELIVERY CHARGE 145.00 Rate vour rental ex erience www.sunbeitrentals.com/suaLe't IF THE EQUIPM ENT.•E.NOT WORKOR CUSTOM T IS RESPONSIBLEFOR PROPERLY, • OFFICE AT ONCE OVERTIME RATES MAY APPLY REFUELING,DAMAGES ANDREPAIRS 1. The total charges are an estimate based an the estimated rental period and other information provided by Customer. 2. Customer assumes all risks associated with the Equipment during the Rental Period,including injury and damage to persons,property and the Equipment. & Customer is responsible for and shall only permit properly trained,Authorized Individuals to use the Equipment. 0. If the Equipment does not operate property,is not suitable for Customer's intended use,does not have operating and safety instructions or Customer hes any questions regarding use of the Equipment,Customer shall not use the Equipment and shell contact Sunbelt immediately. 6. Equipment misuse or using damaged or malfunctioning Equipment may result in serious bodily injury or death and Customer agrees that Customer ni assumes all risk associated thereunder,and¢R indemnifies Sunbelt Entities for all claims or damages as a result of misuse or use of damaged or malfunctioning Equipment. S. Customer has received,read,understands and agrees to the estimated charges and all the terms an this page,plus all sections on the reverse side of this Contract('Sections),including Release and Indemnification in Section 6 and Environmental Fee in Section 16,which can also be found at wwwsunbaltrentals.conlrentalrontrecL•DeliverylPickup Surcharge fee explanation is available at www.sunbeltrentalscomisurcharge. 7. Customer must contact Sunbelt to request pickup of Equipment,retain the Pick-Up Number given by Sunbelt and will be responsible for Equipment until actually retrieved by Sunbelt _ 8. Customer waives its right to a jury trial in any dispute as set forth in Section 19. 9. At the election of Sunbelt or Customer,Customer agrees to submit every dispute to arbitration and waives any right to bring a class action as set forth in Section 20. on inued on the next page... --www.sunbeltrentals.com-- axrocr6(a.v osramte) I SUNBELT® Page 2 of 2 FIENTAL6 PC#: 0394 SUNBELT RENTALS, INC. 11120 ALLISONVI LLE RD Salesman: 039400 FISHERS HOUSE (394) FISHERS, IN 46038-1837 Typed By: PROUSH 317-849-2119 Job Site: RESERVATION PARKING GARAGE III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 145 4TH ST S.W. CARMEL, IN 46032 Contract#.. - 81574811 C#: 3177213-8315 J#: 317-213-8315 Contract dt. 8/15/18 Date out.... 9/24/18 10:00 AM Customer: IN 1220027171 Est return.. 10/22/18 10:00 AM OLSON, JUSTIN D Job Loc..... PARKING GARAGE;145 4TH ST S.W.; 5270 RALSTON AVE Job No...... INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46220 P.O.#...... Ordered By.. OLSON,JUSTIN NET DUE UPON RECEIPT n QTY EQUIPMENT # Min Day Week 4 Week Amount SALES ITEMS: Qty Item number Unit Price PICKUP CHARGE 145.00 PAYMENT HISTORY DATE TYPE REF # AUTH # TRANS TYPE AMOUNT APPLIED 8/15/18 Pay On Return JUSTIN OLSON 317 213 8315 Sub-total: 2961.22 Tax: 207.29 Total: 3168.51 Pay On Return Alli amounts are in USD I *ence************www.sunbeltrentals.com/surve*********:***** *****************************IF THE EDUIPM ENT DOES NOT WORK MULTIPLE SHIF`TS OR CUSTOMER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR * Rate our rental ex eli * PROPERLY,NOTIFY THE OFFICE AT ONCE OVERTIME RATES MAY APPLY REFUELING,DAMAGES AND REPAIRS 1. The total charges are an estimate based on the estimated rental period and other information provided by Customer. 2. Customer assumes all risks associated with the Equipment during the Rental Period,including injury and damage to persons,property and the Equipment 3. Customer is responsible for and shall only permit properly trained,Authorized Individuals touse the Equipment. 0. If the Equipment does not operate properly,is not suitable for Customer's intended use,does not have operating and safety instructions or Customer has any questions regarding use of the Equipment,Customer shell not use the Equipment and shall contact Sunbelt immediately. 5. Equipment misuse or using damaged or malfunctioning Equipment may result in serious bodily injury or death and Customer agrees that Customer(n assumes all risk associated thereunder,and fill indemnities Sunbelt Entities for all claims or damages as a result of misuse or use of damaged or malfunctioning Equipment B. Customer has received,read,understands and agrees to the estimated charges and all the terms on this page,plus all sections on the reverse side of this Contract("Sections),including Release and Indemnification in Section 6 and Environmental Fee in Section 16,which can also be found at www.sunbeltrentals.comlrenteleantract•DaliverylPiekup Surcharge fee explanation is available at vwvw.sunbeltrentals.comisurcharga 7. Customer must contact Sunbelt to request pickup of Equipment,retain the Fick-Up Number given by Sunbelt and will he responsible for Equipment until actually retrieved by Sunbelt It. Customer waives its right to a jury trial in any dispute as sat forth in Section 19. 9. At the election of Sunhall or Customer,Customer agrees to submit every dispute to arbitration and waives any right to bring a class action as set forth in Section 20. Customer is declining Rental Protection Plan(see reverse side for details) (Customer Initials) —-------------------- — r--------------- ---------------- Customer Signature Oete Neme Printed Delivered By Oate ..www.sunbeltrentals.com•- a xrarrr;pt.vwrsmte) Date: 9/13/18 SUNBELT® Time: 14:23 RENTALS Fin ail SUNBELT RENTALS, INC. Contract #.. 81574811 To: OLSON, JUSTIN D JUSTIN@OLSONPAINT.COM Company: OLSON, JUSTIN D Message: From: PATTY ROUSH Location: FISHERS PC394 Phone: 317-849-2119 Fax #: 317-576-0799 ••WWW.SUNBELTRENTALS.COM•• MGM.(RW 07/30/10)