HomeMy WebLinkAbout330385 09/25/18 4�r_CAq�A( CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372371 ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE GIBRALTAR CONSTRUCTION CORP CHECK AMOUNT: $***651,162.01* 9� �a�; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2932 N.WEBSTER AVE CHECK NUMBER: 330385 MUTON�. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46219 CHECK DATE: 09/25/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 106 5023990 51168 PAYAPP#4 651,162.01 GIBRALTAR CONSTRUCTIO .. . . . . . .. . . ACCOUNTS PAYABLE.VOUCHER' CITY OF-CARMEL: : : '- VOUCHER FCARMELVOUCHER NO.. . . - WARRANT NO.. An invoice of bill to be properly:itemiied must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# " 972371 Allowed. 20 whom;rates per day,number'of hours,rate'per hoiur;.number of units,price"per unit,etc. Gibraltar.Construction Corp" .. " . . Payee 2932,N Webster Ave. Indianapolis,IN-46219:6219: ' IrrSum of$ :" Purchase Order# 37237:1: •Gibraltar Construction:Corp•. Terms: $. 651,162:01' : 2932N.Wetistet Ave . . . . Date Due Indianapolis, IN 46219' ON ACCOUNT-OF APPROPRIATION FOR 106-Park Impact Fees PO#or 'Invoice Description- INVOICE NO.., ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# Invoice-Date Number - (or note attached.invoice(s)or.bill(s)) PO# Amount 511680 Pay App4 4. :5023990 : $651;162.01- Board Members 8/31/18 : Pay App#4: West Park-The Groves Rebid Project_ 51168. $ 651;162.01; I'hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),-or bill(s)is(are)true and correct.and:that the. materials or services itemized thereon for - which charge:is.made were ordered and . . . received except . . . . . . . . $651,162.01 q Total. $. 651,162.01 September:20:.20.18. Thereby certify that the attached invoice(s),'or bill(s)'is'(are)true and Correct and.I have audited same in accordance with It 5-11-16-1.6'- Cost -11-16-1.6"Cost distribution ledger classification if claim'paidmotor vehicle highway fund Signature.; ,20 Accounts Payable Coordinator, — Clerk-.Treasurer. . Title •`�,'. . . . . . . . ®� � � $ � 0� SEP 1 201 . Application and Certificate for-faylnelif l . TO OWAIER:C rmel/Cla ":Board.of Parks and PROJECT:West Park-:The Groves . PPLt_CAQN Nfl:4 Distribution to:. a Y Recreation 3030 W: 1.16th Street . 00 T7372 OWNER. .❑. 1411 E. 1.16th:Street Carmel, IN 46032 pp f. # CONTRACT FOR: ARCHITECT ❑ Carmel;]N 46032 . FROM CONTRACTORI Gi6editar"Constluctlon Corp�VI ARCH, SmitliGroupJJR, Iric. CONTRACT'DATE: 3/30/201.8 CONTRACTOR . ❑ ae..9 ,r,i 2932�1V`'V1Lebsfer Ave. P.ROJEC.T:NO3 i 7: ndla, N 621"9 FIELD ❑ ❑ - . . OTHER. i . r tractor-cer ,fi t t to.the best'of the Contractor`s Icnowle4ge..information :.CONTRACTOR S:APPLICATION FOR:PAYMENT . rhe undersigned Cbn A lication is mads For; a menta as shown below;in connection'wifh the Contracf. andaielief tits;Work covered b thi. .A plication far Paytne nt"has,been tratcompleted in.acc ark's r pp p.Y �ti ith:the Contract Documents;, hat ll. mounts have.been paid b'y,the'Contractor for \York for AIA Document G7t13rM,Continuation Sheet,is attacHi d." which previous.Cer iftcates ftir ayriti n ;a ere issued and payments received from.the:Owner,and. 5,5581500-00 _ ti t nlent shown he in is do "due:: : 1.ORIGINALCONTRACTSUM •.... _....... ...-......, ..._......:.:. ...:.:.:. 5 . that.c rren pay V 2:NET CHANGE ORDERS:. ;.:,.;.:.........:....:.: S : • :330,645.21 ` .CONTRACTOR::Glbraltar'Con on' . rp Date: 3.CONTRACT suM To,DATE(kine 1•r?) .,.. .............. . . y 5,889;145;21 . BS:: . 4:TOTAL COMPLETED BSTOREDTO DATE:(C olttnrn.G on G703) ...-:. R 3,050;524.84 Statc:of t/Li til 5.RETAINAGE County of— ' 13ftiAN R+ MCBRIDE. . i a. .:10 °:u ofCompleted Work.: Subscribe and sworn o or ,.,.QQ §gAk 99,.Of Hancock County (Cohanis D:' E on G703) S 305,052.48 tne,this./�.� �� f v � Y�Oft1Pl1.Fxp. i.i-29:202�J a' b., % of Stoied Material d0frifY113SiOn#106505 (Coltonn f•-nn 0.70.3). . . $ : Notary P i My commtssion cxplres Total Retainage(Linen Su 1 Sb;or Toral to Cnhrinn l t�/0703):.. S 305,052:48 6.TOTALEARNED LESSRETAINAGE:.:....:.......:.....:....:... S 2,745,472 36.✓ARCHITECT.1S,CERTIFICATE FOR:PAYMENT .. l: (l.rne.4 murua Lrne S:Tota!)," n accordance with the Contract Documents,based-on on-site observations and,ttic data comprising 7:LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT::..................... s, 2,094,310.$5'✓ ProAresscdrasaindicited. the'quallivcof tlie�Woiklas-tn this application,the:Architcctcertifies ro information'and belief:the Work.has (Gme 6,Jroni prior Ce?-(rfrcate).'. : : accordance with the Contract'Documents; and :the. Contractor is, entitled :to payment-ot'the. `162:01 ✓AMOUNT CERTIFIED. 8?CURRENT PAYMENT DUE .. S `651; '. 9.BALANCE TO'FINISH,INCLUDING RETAINAGE AMOUNT CERTIFIED................... 51,162'.01 5 6 (lane 3 mi,lus Lane 6) 3,143,672.85 (.ittach erplanatton ij amount cent/ted dij/ere�•i,m the uniuunt nf,plied. /ntuol aJl fgtrrLs on this p Application Lind on the.G'ontinuertron Sheet that are chanZLcI to conform w,th the aniount cerhfted) 14_A- IGF ORDER SUVlN1ARY ADDITIONS. DEDUCTIONS: ARCHITECT: oral chan'cs:approyed:in previous months:by Oweer S 315,477:50: S -2,234:00: :By 'Date: 9/17/2018 �. rotal approved this month. S '17,401.71- 'S This Certifiedt not ncbotlable.'The AM- OUti I'CERTIF IED is payable only to the Contractor -TOTAL $ :332;879.21 S. -2 234.00 named herein` �uancc,'payment and acccptanca of payment ate witliout prejudicc'ti�any rights at the Owner.or Contractor under'this.Contract: ,tiE'f C'H:\v(JES by C'hangc 6rdei. S 330,64y5.21 . t: .;CAUTION:Yo-u•shouId"slgn,an ociginnl AIA'Contract Dol:ument;on, which this text appears in REM.An original assures that'changes will not he'obscured. ..,, .Copyright.Q 1953. 1963 :1965 197.1;1978,1983 and 1992 by,The American.Institute of Architects:All.rights reserved WARNING'This AlA"Document is protected by U S.Copyright Law,'. AIA.DocumentG702 1992 and International Treaties.•llnautnorzed reproduc!fon or.tiistributiort,df this•.AIA,`':Docume�it,or.any.pd.rtion'of;f,may,result Inaevere civil and crimmal.penallies:and;wlq tie prosecuted to the m3xiinum extent possible under the law:Purchasers are permitted to reproduce le'n(10)copies of this document when.completed'To.report copyright violehons of AIA Contract Documents'.e-madThe American Institute of Architects legal rounsef.0pynghtCaia org ?' CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO. : 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO. : A B . C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH (IF VARIABLE NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE(D+E+F) (GIC) (C-G) RATE) (D+E) IN D OR E) 1 Division 04-General Requirements 2 Bonds 51;500 51,500 51,500 100% 0 5,150 3 Allowance#1., Superior Time Management 60,000 0 0% 60,000 0 4 Insurance 8,500 8,500 8,500 100% 0 850 5 Permits and fees 1,000 1,000 1,000. 100% 0 100 6 Submittals 5,000 4,650 4,650 93% 350 465 7 Mobilization 14,000 14,000 14,000 100% 0 1,400 I 8 Quality Requirements(Testing) 18,000 5,060 1,100 6,160 34% 11,840 616 IILII 9 Temporary.Toilets 3,000 845 175 1,020 34% 1,980 102 10 Project Sign Labor 400 - 0 0% 400 0 11 Project Sign Material 900 900 900 100% 0 90 12 Daily Cleaning 3,500 995 200 1,195 34% 2;305 120 I 13 Final Cleaning 2,800 0 0% 2,800 0 14 Dumpsters 4,900 1,393 275 1,668 34% 3,232 167 15 Field Engineering and Layout 15,000 11,250 750 12,000 80% 3,000 1,200 I 16 Temporary Power to Trailer 2;50.0 2,500 2,500 100% 0 250 17 Temporary Power to Building 5,500 5,500 5,500 100% 0 550 18 Erosion Control 29,500 29,500 29;500 100% 0 2,950 19 Construction Entrance 11,500 11,500 11,500 100% 0 1,150 20 Temporary Construction Fence 17,500 17,500 17,500 100% 0 1,750 21 22 Division 31-Earthwork 23 Site Clearing 96,500 72,450 72,450 75% 24,050 7,245 24 Earth Moving (mass earth) 176,500 141,850 8,850 150,700 85% 25,800 15,070 25 Earth Moving (footing excavation) 35,000 35,000 35,000 100% 0 3,500 26 Earth Moving (foundation backfill) 11;500 11,500 11,500 100% 0 1,150 27 28 Division 32-Exterior Improvements 29 Slab Drainage Fill Labor 13,500 13,500 13;500 100% 0 1,350 30 Slab Drainage Fill Material 16,700 16,700 16,700 100% 0, 1,670 31 Sidewalk Drainage Fill Labor 15,000 0 0%1 15,000 0 32 Sidewalk Drainage Fill Material 27,000 0 0% 27;000 10 CONTINUATION SHEET- APPLICATION NO. : 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO. A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED ITEM FROM PREVIOUS MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE PRESENTLY ( N0. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT AND STORED TO 90(G/C) FINISH (IF VARIABLE (D+E) IN DORE) DATED+E+F) (C-G) RATE) 33 Playground Drainage Stone.Labor 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 34 Playground Drainage Stone Material 7;000 0 0% 7,000 0 35 Aggregate Trail Labor 4,500 0 0% 4,500 0 36 Aggregate Trail Material 5,500 0 0% 5,500 0 37 Asphalt Paving Submittals 1,500 0. 0% 1,500 0 38 Asphalt Paving Aggregate Base 82,500 33,000 33,000 40% 49,500 3,300 39 Asphalt Paving Binder 48,000 19,400 19,400 40% 28,600 1,940 40 Asphalt Paving Surface 41,800 0 0% 41,800 0 41 Pavement Markings 1,400 0 0% 1,400 0 42 Parking Bumpers 1,200 0 0% 1,200 .0 43 ADA Parking Signs 1,100 0 0% 1,100 0 44 Precast Concrete Boardwalk Submittals 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 0 250. 45 Precast Concrete Boardwalk Labor 6,000 0 0% 6,000 0 46 Precast Concrete Boardwalk Material 30,000 0 0% 30,000 0 47 Playground Protective Surfacing Labor 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 48 Playground Protective Surfacing Material 4;000 0 0% 4,000 0 49 Playground Equipment Installation 8,000: 0 0% 8,000 0 50 Manual Retractable Bollards Submittals 500 500 500 100% 0 50 i 51 Manual Retractable Bollards Labor 600 0 0% 600 0 52 Manual Retractable Bollards Material 3;500 3,500 3,500 100% 0 350 53 Irrigation Submittals 1,000 1,000 1,000 100% 0 100 54 Irrigation Labor 3,000 300 300 10% 2,700 30 55 Irrigation Material 4,000 400 400 10% 3,600 40 56 Wet Pond Aeration System Labor 3,500 0 0% 3,500 0 57 Wet Pond Aeration.System Material 2,000 0 0% 2,000 0 58 Well Labor_ 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 59 Well Material 5,000 0 0% 5,000, 0 60 Lawns Labor 3,000 0' 0% 3,000 0 61 Lawns Material 4,000 0 0% 4,000 0 62 Exterior Plantings Labor 21,200 0 0% 21,200 0 63 Exterior Plantings Material 42,000 1 01 0%1 42,000 0 64 24"Planting Mixture Labor 4,100 01 0%1 4,100 1 0 4 CONTINUATION SHEET _ APPLICATION NO. : 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO. : A B C D E F G H - 1 WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS FROM PREVIOUS TOTAL COMPLETED o BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE PRESENTLY AND STORED TO �0 FINISH (IF VARIABLE NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE(D+E+F) (GIC) (C-G) RATE) (D+E) IN DORE) S 65 24"Planting Mixture Material 17,600 0 0% 17,600 0 66 Limestone Bollards/Seats/Benches Submittals 1,500 1,500 1,500 100% 0 150 67 Limestone Bollards/Seats/Benches Labor 4,000 0 00/0 4,000 0 68 Limestone Bollards/Seats/Benches Material 55,000 0 0% 55,000 0 69 Dumpster Gate Labor 800 0 0% 800 0 t 70 Dumpster Gate Material 4,000 400 400 10% 3,600 40 71 Guardrail Labor 8,000 0 0% 8,000 0 72 Guardrail Material 15,000 0 0% 15,000 0 73 Concrete Sidewalks and Pavements Labor 56,000 0 0% 56,000 0 > 74 Concrete Sidewalks and Pavement Material 100,000 0 0% 100,000 0 75 Concrete Curbs and Gutters Labor 50,000 15,000 10,000 25,000 50% 25,000 2,500 y 76 Concrete Curbs and Gutters Material 60,000 18,000 12,000 30,000 50% 30,000 3,000 77 Stone Bollard Foundations 4,000 0 0% 4,000 0 78 Site Concrete Trench Drains 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 79 Concrete Abutments for Metal Grates 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 80 Concrete Abutments for Boardwalks 6,000 0 0% 6,000 0 81 Concrete Entry Headwall Labor 8,000 0 0% 8,000 0 82 Concrete Entry Headwall Material 10,000 0 0% 102000 0 83 Precast Arch Culvert Footing Submittal 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 0 250 84 Precast Arch Culvert Footing Labor 17,600 17,600 17,600 100% 0 1,760 85 Precast Arch Culvert Footing Material 9,700 9,700 9,700 100% 0 970 I 86 Trash Enclosure Concrete Labor 5,000 4,750 4,750 95% 250 475 87 Trash Enclosure Concrete Material 4,000 3,800 3,800 95% 200 380 88 89 Division 33-Utilities 90 Water Distibution Piping Submittals 1,500 1,500 1,500 100% 0 150 9 91 Water Jack and Bore 15,000 0 0% 15,000 0 92 Water Distibution Piping Labor 45,000 42,750 42,750 95% 2,250 4,275 93 Water Distribution Piping Material 95,000 95,000 95,000 100% 09'500 94 Sanitary Sewer Submittals 1,000 1 1,000 1,000 100% 0 100 95 Sanitary Sewers Labor 4,000 0 1 0%1 4,000 0 1 96 Sanitary Sewers Material 4,900 01 0%1 4,900 0 A c CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION NO.: 4APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD.TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: C A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS t TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY AND STORED TO % FINISH (IF VARIABLE NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE D+E+F) (G/C) (C-G) RATE) (D+E) IN DORE) 6 97 Sanitary Force Main Submittals 1,000 0 0% 1,000 0 98 Sanitary Force Main Labor 25,000 23,750 23,750 95% 1,250 2,375 99 Sanitary Force Main Material 20,000 20,000 20,000 100% 0 2,000 f, loo Sanitary Grinder Pump Labor 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 101 Sanitary Grinder Pump Material 9,000 0 0% 9,000 0 102 Storm Drainage Submittals 1,000 1,000 1,000 100% 0 100 ttt 103 Storm Drainage Labor 55,000 49,500 49,500 90% 5,500 4,950 104 Storm Drainage Material 95,000 95,000 95,000 100% 0 9,500 105 Arch Culvert Submittals 3,500 3,500 3,500 100% 0 350 106 Arch Culvert Labor 25,000 0 0% 25,000 0 107 Arch Culvert Material 85,000 85,000 85,000 100% 0 8,500 108 Trench Drain Castings Submittals 2,000 2,000 2,000 100% 0 200 109 Trench Drain Castings Labor 2,000 0 0% 2,000 0 110 Trench Drain Castings Material 25,000 0 0% 25,000 0 119 Subdrainage Labor 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 112 Subdrainage Material 5,000 0 o% 5,000 0 113 114 Division 03-Concrete 115 Concrete Footing Labor 30,000 30,000 30,000 100% 0 3,000 k 116 Concrete Footing Material 65,000 65,000 65,000 100% 0 6,500 117 lConcrete Foundation Labor 40,000 40,000 40,000 100% 0 4,000 118 Concrete Foundation Material 35,000 35,000 35,000 100% 0 3,500 119 Foundation Insulation 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 0 250 120 Slab-on-Grade Labor 22,000 11,000 11,000 22,000 100% 0 2,200 121 Slab-on-Grade Material 45,600 22,800 22,800 45,600 100% 0 4,560 122 Under-Slab Insulation 5,500 5,500 5,500 100% 0 550 123 Slab-on-Deck Labor 4,000 4,000 4,000 100% 0 400 124 Slab-on-Deck Material 4,500 4,500 4,500 100% 0 450 f 125 Foundation Reinforcing Submittals 1,500 1,500 1,500 100% 0 150 126 Foundation Reinforcing Labor 201000 20,000 20,000 1100%1 0 1 2,000 127 Foundation Reinforcing Material 22,700 22,700 22,700 1100%1 0 1 2,270 128 0 i 4 P t CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION NO. : 4APPLICATION DATE: 9/5!2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31!2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO.: 2 A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE N ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY % (IF VARIABLE l DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE(D+E+F) (G/C) (C-G) RATE) j (D+E) IN DOR E) 'I 129 Division 04 Masonry 0 130 Masonry Submittals 1,500 1,500 1,500 100% 0 150 131 Concrete Unit Masonry Labor 126,500 63,500 63,500 50% 63,000 6,350 132 Concrete Unit Masonry Material 75,000 37,500 37,500 50% 37,500 3,750 133 Anchored Stone Masonry Veneer.Labor 50,000 0 0% 50,000 0 134 Anchored Stone Masonry Veneer Material 65,000 0 0% 65,000 0 135 Adhered Stone Masonry Veneer Labor 55,000 0 0% 55,000 0 136 Adhered Stone Masonry Veneer Material 75,000 0 0% 75,000 0 137 138 Division 05-Metals 139 Structural Steel Submittals 20,000 20,000 20,000 100% 0 2,000 R 140 Structural Steel Framing Labor 138,800 138,800 138,800 100% 0 13,880 141 Structural Steel Framing Material 218,500 218,500 218,500 100% 0 21,850 N 142 Steel Decking Labor 15,000 15,000 15,000 100% 0 1,500 143 Steel Decking Material 20,000 20,000 .20,000 100% 0 2,000 144 Metal Fabrications Labor 8,000 8,000 8,000 100% 0 800 145 Metal Fabrications Material 15,000 15,000 15,000 100% 0 1,500 146 Decorative Formed Metal Labor 9,300 0 0% 9,300 0 147 Decorative Formed Metal Material 9,700 0 0% 9,700 0 148 Cold-Formed Metal Framing Submittals 2,000 2;000 2,000 100% 0 200 149 Cold-Formed Metal Framing Labor 75,000 7,500 39,000 46,500 62% 28,500 4,650 'I 150 Cold-Formed Metal Framing Material 85,000 85,000 85,000 100% 0 8,500 151 s 152 Division 06-Wood,Plastics, &Composites 153 Misc. Rough Carpentry Labor 10,000 5,500 5,500 55% 4,500 550 154 Misc. Rough Carpentry Material 15,000 8,250 8,250 55% 61750 825 155 Sheathing Labor 10,000 4,500 4,500 45% 5,500 450 156 Sheathing Material 25,000 25,000 25,000 100% 0 2,500 i{ 157 PLam Faced Arch. Cabinets Submittals 1,500 1,500 1,500 100% 0 150 i 158 PLam Faced Arch. Cabinets Labor 2,000 0 0% 2,000 10 159 PLam Faced Arch. Cabinets Material 7,000 01 0% 7,000 1 0 G 160 Foamed-in-Place Insulation Submittals 500 500 5001100% 01 50 f 1 i CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO.: 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 915/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO. A B C D E F G H I N WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY % (IF VARIABLE � NO. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT AND STORED� (G C) FINISH G) RATE) (D+E) IN DOR E) DATED+E+ 161 Foamed-in-Place Insulation Labor 6,000 0 0% 6,000 0 162 Foamed-in-Place Insulation Material 8,000 0 0% 8,000 0 y 163 q 164 Division 07- Thermal&Moisture Protection 165 Thermal Insulation Labor 5,000 0 0% . 5,000 0 166 IThermal Insulation Material 4,500 0 0% 4,500 0 k 167 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers Submittals 500 500 500 100% 0 50 h 168 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers Labor 4,000 0 0% 4,000 0 e 169 Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers Material 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 G 170 Roofing Submittals 2,000 2,000 2,000 100% 0 200 171 Roofing and Sheet Metal Submittals 5,000 5,000 5,000 100% 0 500 172 Polyvinyl-Chloride(PVC) Roofing Labor 85,000 0 0% 85,000 0 173 Polyvinyl-Chloride(PVC) Roofing Material 100,000 100,000 100,000 100% 0 10,000 bI 174 Roof Specialties Labor 33,000 0 0% 33,000 0 175 Roof Specialties Material 30,000 0 0% 30,000 0 176 Metal Composite Wall Panels Labor 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 177 Metal Composite Wall Panels Material 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 178 IMetal Soffit Panels Labor 48,000 0 0% 48,000 0 y 179 Metal Soffit Panels Material 70,000 0 0% 70,000 0 180 Fiber Cement Siding Submittals 1,000 0 0% 1,000 0 181 Fiber Cement Siding Labor 10,000 0 0% 10,000 0 s 182 Fiber Cement Siding Material 30,000 0 0% 30,000 0 183 Penetration Fire Stopping 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 G, 184 Joint Sealants Labor 2,500 0 0% 2,500 0 C; 185 Joint Sealants Material 4,000 0 0% 4,000 0 186 187 Division 08-Openings 188 Doors and Hardware Submittals 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 0 250 I, 189 Hollow Metal Frames Labor 5,200 0 0% 5,200 0 190 Hollow Metal Frames Material 17,700 17,700 17,700 100% 0 1,770 191 Flush Wood Doors Labor 2,200 01 0%1 2,2001 0 192 Flush Wood Doors Material 8,600 01 0%1 8,600 0 e f{!y 4 CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO.: 4 , APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO. 4 1 e A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY % DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH (IF VARIABLE u N0. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATED+E+F) (GSC) (C-G) RATE) { (D-E) IN DORE) 4 193 Door Hardware Material 16,100 16,100 16,100 100% 0 1,610 194 Access Doors and Frames Labor 300 0 0% 300 0 195 Access Doors and Frames Material 500 0 0% 500 0 196 Alum Ent and Storefronts Submittals 3,500 3,500 3,500 100% 0 350 197 Alum Ent and Storefronts Fabrication Labor 25,000 8,500 8,500 34% 16,500 850 198 jAlum Ent and Storefronts Field Labor 40,000 0 0% 40,000 0 199 Alum Ent and Storefronts Material 60,000 48,000 48,000 eo% 12,000 4,800 200 Glazing Labor 10,000 0 0% 10,000 0- 201 Glazing Material 45,000 0 0% 45,000 0 202 FRP Doors Submittals 11,000 11,000 11,000 100% 0 1,100 203 FRP Doors Fabrication Labor 6,500 1 0 0% 6,500 0 l 204 FRP Doors Field Labor 8,100 0 0% 8,100 0 205 FRP Doors Material 8,300 0 0% 8,300 0 R 206 207 Division 09-Finishes 208 Non-Structural Metal Framing Labor 25,000 0 0% 25,000 0 g 209 Non-Structural Metal Framing Material 15,000 13,500 1 13,500 90% 1,500 1,350 210 Gypsum Board Labor 35,000 0 0% 35,000 0 l 211 Gypsum Board Material 20,000 12,000 12,000 60% 8,000 1,200 212 Glass Mat Board Labor 35,000 0 0% 35,000 0 ' 213 Glass Mat Board Material 40,000 32,000 32,000 80%1 8,000 3,200 1 214 Stone Backing Panel Labor 25,000 0 0% 25,000 0 N 215 Stone Backing Panel Material 20,000 0 0% 20,000 0 h, .216 Acoustical Panel Ceilings Labor 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 R 217 Acoustical Panel Ceilings Material 8,000 0 0% 8,000 0 ti 218 Linear Wood-Plank Ceiling System Labor 15,000 0 0% 15,000 0 219 Linear Wood Plank Ceiling System Material 50,000 1 0 0% 50,000 0 220 Insul., Metal Framing, Ceiling Submittals 17,500 17,500 17,500 100% 0 1,750 221 Flooring Submittals 2,000 2,000 2,000 100% 0 200 { 222 Tiling Labor 4,000 0 0% 4,000 0 W 223 Tiling Material 6,000 0 0% 6,000 0. 224 Resilient Tile Flooring Labor 2,000 0 0%1 2,000 0 , 4 f CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO.: 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated,to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE N ITEM %FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH {IF VARIABLE NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE D+E+F) (G/C) (C-G) RATE) (D+17 IN D.ORE) 225 Resilient Tile Flooring Material 3,500 0 0% 3,500 0 226 Tile Carpeting Labor 1,000 0 0% 1,000 0 227 Tile Carpeting Material 2,000 0 0% 2,000 0 228 Resilient Athletic Flooring Labor 9,500 0 0% 9,500 0 229 Resilient Athletic Flooring Material 19,500 1 0 0% 19,500 0 230 Interior Painting Labor 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 231 Interior Painting Material 7,000 0 0% 7,000 0 232 233 Division 10-Specialties 234 Toilet Compartments Submittals 500 500 500 100% 0 50 235 Toilet Compartments Labor 2,000 0 0%° 2,000 0 236 Toilet Compartments Material 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 4 237 Toilet Accessories Labor 800 0 0% 800 0 238 Toilet Accessories Material 3,000 0 0% 3,000 0 239 Operable Panel Partitions Submittals 2,500 1,250 1,250 50% 1,250 125 24o Operable Panel Partitions Labor 9,500 1 0 0% 9,500 0 241 Operable Panel Partitions Material 28,500 0 0% 28,500 0 242 Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets Labor 400 0 0% 400 0 243 Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets Material 800 0 0% 800 0 244 Signage 2,500 0 0% 2,500 0 245 246 IDivision 11-Equipment 247 Projection Screens Labor 800 0 0% 800 0 248 Projection Screens Material 4,500 0 0% 4,500 0 249 250 Division 12-Furnishings 251 Roller Window Shades Labor 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 252 Roller Window Shades Material 20,000 0 0% 20,000 0 p 253 h, 254 Division 21-Fire Suppression 255 Fire Sprinklers Submittals 6,000 6,000 6,000 1100%1 01 600 II 256 Fire Sprinklers Labor 6,000 1,500 1,500 1 25%1 4,500 1 150 �{ t fi f } 1 CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO.: 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO.: A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY % (IF VARIABLE NO APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT (G I C) (D+E) IN DDR E) DATE(D+E+F) (C-G) RATE) 257 Fire Sprinklers Material 30,000 30,000 30,000 100% 0 3,000 258 N 259 Division 22-Plumbing 260 Mech/Plumbing Submittals 4,500 4,500 4,500 100% 0 450 261 Mech/Plumbing Permits 2,500 2,500 21500 100% 0 250 262 Mech/Plumbing Mobilization 4,000 4,000 4,000 100% 0 400 263 Mech/Plumbing Project Management 12,400 9,400 1,240 10,640 86% 1,760 1,064 264 Underslab Piping Labor 29,000 26,200 2,800 29,000 100% 0 2,900 265 Underslab Piping Materials 32,200 32,200 .32,200' 100% 0 3,220 t 266 Plumbing Excavating and Backfilling 24,500 24,500 24,500. 100% 0 2,450 267 Sanitary and Storm Piping Labor 12,400 3,100 3,100 25% 9,300 310 268 Sanitary and Storm Piping Materials 5,000 4,500 4,500 90% 500 450 269 Domestic Water Piping Labor 28,000 7,000 1,200 8,200 29% 19,800 820 N 270 Domestic Water Piping Materials 17,000 11,100 5,050 16,150 95% 850 1,615 271 Plumbing Equipment Labor 2,000 0 0% 2,000 0 272 Plumbing Equipment Materials 8,500 0 0% 8,500 0 273 Plumbing Fixtures Labor 4,000 0 0%° 4,000 0 274 Plumbing Fixtures Material 12,000 0 0% 12,000 0 275 276 Division 23-HVAC a 277 HVAC Equipment Labor 10,000 0 0% 10;000 0 278 HVAC Equipment Materials 150,000 15,000 1.5,000 10% 135,000 1,500 279 HVAC Piping Labor 65,000 3,250 7,200 10,450 16% 54,550 1,045 280 HVAC Piping Materials 38,000 5,700 5,700 11,400 30% 26,600 1,140 281 Ductwork Labor 18,000 1,300 2,300 3,600 20% 14,400 360 282 Ductwork Materials 46,000 12,300 15,300 27,600 60% 18,400 2,760 P 283 Mechanical Insulation Labor 11,000 0 0% 11,000 0 284 Mechanical Insulation Materials 11,000 0 0% 11,000 0 285 Controls Engineering and Programming 21,800 13,600 13,600 62% 8,200 1,360 286 Controls Labor 25,000 0 0% 25,000 0 { 287 Controls Material 30,000 0 0% 30,000 0 N 288 Test and Balancing 4,000 0 0%u 4,000 0 n fi CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO.: 4 a APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification,is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO. A B C D E F G H I WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL COMPLETED BALANCE TO RETAINAGE ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE AND STORED TO FINISH OF VARIABLE NO. APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED(NOT DATE(D+E+F) IG/C) (C-G) RATE) (D+E) IN D ORE) 289 Water Treatment Labor 1,200 0 0% 1,200 0- 290 Water Treatment Materials 7,500 0 0% 7,500 0 j 291 292 Division 26-Electrical 293 Electrical Submittals 6;000 5,700 300 6,000 100% 0 600 r 294 Electrical Mobilization 4,000 4,000 4,000 100% 0 400 295 Low Voltage Power Conductors Labor 12,000 0 0% 12,000 0 4 296 Low Voltage Power Conductors Material 10,000 0 0% 10,000 0 297 Grounding and Bonding Labor 500 0 0% 500 0 298 Grounding and Bonding Material 300 0 0% 300 0 299 Elect Systems Hangers and Supports Labor 12,000 4,200 4,200 35% 7,800 420 4 300 Elec Systems Hangers and Supports Material 7,000 2,450 2,450 35% 4,550 245 s' 301 Elec Systems Raceways and Boxes Labor 17,700 6,250 3,000 9,250 52% 8,450 925 302 Elec Systems Raceways and Boxes Material 12,500 6,275 6,225 12,500 100% 0 1,250 ' C 303 LIG Ducts and Raceways-Elect. Labor 28;000 21,100 2,800 23,900 85%1 4,100 2,390 304 LIG Ducts and Raceways-Elect. Material 22,500 22,500 22,500 100% 0 2,250 305 Exterior Light Pole Bases 4,500 200 200 4% 4,300 20 306 Lighting Labor 28,200 300 3,100 3,400 12% 24,800 340 307 Lighting Material 50,000 3,500 3,500 7% 46,500 350 308 Panelboards Labor 17,500 2,100 2,300 4,400 25% 13,100 440 309 Panelboards Material 22,500 13,500 3,400 16,900 75% 5,600 1,690 310 Wiring Devices Labor 2,000 0 0% 2,000 0 311 Wiring Devices Material 2,500 0 0% 2,500 0 312 313 Division 27-Communications 314 Communications Labor 4,200 600 925 1,525 36% 2,675 153 315 Communications Material 3,000 500 575 1,075 36% 1,925 108 316 C-Cat 5,000 0 0% 5,000 0 317 Y 318 Division 28-Electronic Safety&Security 319 Fire Alarm Labor 6,000 1,200 600 1;800 1 30% 4,200 1 180 320 Fire Alar Material 3,000 750 750 1,500 50%1 1,500 150 4 CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO. : 4 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification, is attached. In APPLICATION DATE: 9/5/2018 tabulations below,amounts are.stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for PERIOD TO: 8/31/2018 line items may apply. ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO.: f A B C D E F G H I F i WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS ' ITEM FROM PREVIOUS PRESENTLY TOTAL COMPLETED % BALANCE TO RETAINAGE N0. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE APPLICATION THIS PERIOD STORED NOT AND STORED TO (G�C) (C-G) {IF VARIABLER4 IN DOR DATE D+E+ ) I (D+E) � 321 Simplex 5,000 3,800 0 3,800 76% 1,200 380 322 323 Change Orders 324 Change Order#001-A 286,688.50 286,688.50 286,689 100% 0 28,668.85 325 Change Order#002R1 1,047.00 0 0% 1,047 - 326 Change Order#003 (2,234.00) 0 0% (21234) - li 327 Change Order#004 4,465.00 2,255.00 2,255 51% 2,210 225.50 328 Change Order#005 19,687.00 14,800.00 3,000.00 17,800 90% 1,887 1,780.00 329 Change Order#006 3,590.00 0 0% 3,590 - 330 Change Order#007 8,248.34 8,248.34 8,248 100% 0 824.83 331 Change Order#008 7,125.42 1,000.00 1,000 14% 6,125 100.00 332 Change Order#009 2,027.95 0 0% 2,028 - 5,889,145.21 2,327,011.50 574,413.34 149,100 3,050,524.84 0.52 2,838,620.37 305,052.48 i I k ISA Form#1402 AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER-OF LIEN 0..FINAL 0 PARTIAL.. Q- PAYMENT TO FOLLOW. State of Indiana : County of Marion SS' Michael A.Smith being,duly sworn state that he is the-President: : .of GibraltarConstruction Corp having contracted with _CarmeUClay Board Of Parks&Rec:. to furnish certain materials and%or labor.for a:project.known. as West Park-The Groves located.in Carmel,Indiana. and does hereby further- state on behalf of the aforementioned contractor:' (PARTIAL-WAIVER)that there,is,due from.the Owner-the' sura of 651:;162:01:. Six.Hundred Fifty One,Thousand One Hundred Sixty Two and=-�-- 011.100; :Dollars ($_ j Qreceipt;of Which is hereby ackriowledged;or . 0_the.payment of which has been-promised as the sole consideraigon:of this Affidavit and Partial:Waiver of Lien whichis given.solelywith respect to saidamount;.and which waiver shall be.effective only upon receipt of payment thereof by.the undersigned; (FINAL WAIVER) that:the.final•balance.due from thee.Owner is the sum:of . ." Dollars 0. receipt of which is hereby.acknowledged;.or Q the.payment of.which has been.promised.as the Soler consideration for this Affidavit and.Final Waiver. of Lien:which shall become-effective upon receipt.of such-payment: THERFORE;the.undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of laid emises any and all lien or olaim whatsoever on the above-described property and-improvements thereon,account OTLA R or.material or,both,.furnished by the undersigned thereto;subject to limitations of conditions oxpressed'he in;if- ny; and further certifies that no,other party has any claim or right to a lien on.account of any work performed or terial rnished to the undersigned or said project, and within the scope.of this affidavit and waiver.. .: - Gibraltar.Construction•Corp. " gy Title President.' Con tractor WITNESS MY HAND ANO NOTORIAL SEAL,this 17th d y e ber. 2018 . (Notary Public). ,. ed.Brian McBride .• .. Print � Ypoe BRIAN R. MCBRIDE ' ,o 4979 mow*A SURCONTRACtoRS ASS0C(ATi0N MCORPO'w, O Uniutnor,tia a.woe�a�on Ptnh,piutl 2 Res:of Hancock County Pei 1*92 ' My C mm.:.F. p: 11-292025 Co m m'iss[on#.706505