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330901 10/09/18
'tiy�tSr�N,MF q./ �� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351085 ® j ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEDIA FACTORY CHECK AMOUNT: $*******698.36* �� _� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 481 CRADLE DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 330901 °MUTON�.` CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 10/09/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4345000 15548 481.61 PRINTING (NOT OFFICE 1091 4345000 15574 88.00 PRINTING (NOT OFFICE 1081 4345000 15617 128.75 PRINTING (NOT OFFICE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 00351085 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Media Factory Payee 481 Gradle Drive Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 00351085 Media Factory Terms $ 698.36 481 Gradle Drive Date Due -Carmel, IN 46032 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE/109 Monon Center POO ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#lrITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1091 15574 4345000 $ 88.00 Board Members 9/24118 15574 Fitness Floor Upgrade Signage xx7442 $ 88.00 1091 15548 4345000 $ 481.61 9/28118 15548 MCC Printed Promotional Items 51948 $ 481.61 1081-99 15617 4345000 $ 128.75 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/2/18 15617 ESE Print Materials xx7451 $ 128.75 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 698.36 Total $ 698.36 October 2,2018 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title C110:Carmel,Clay Parks&Recreation 481 FER radle Driue CUSTOMER PO INUO)CE NUMBS C«armel, IN 4603y2 - 317.844.3539 XX=7442 15574:: 866.237.4173 TOLL FREE " '. PROJECT •'. em, "' a�r . 317.844.3621 FAX CREATIVE MARKETING MANLFACTURING medlafaCtory.us Fitness/Floor Upgrade Signage Carmel Clay Parks:.&Recreation iNW010E Oql E PAYMENT DUE TERMS 1.411 E.11 6th Street Carrnel,]N 46033 ISe• 24,2018 : Oct 24,:2018. Net 30 u$ SHIP.TO Carmel.Clay Parks&Recreation RECEIVES 1.411 E.116th St By:pschlemmer at 8:35 am, Sep 24,2018 armel, IN 46032-3455 _ . . us .10 (3.17)'573-4026 . :, . D,BY SALESPERSON, ;SHIP DATE;. `:: SHIPPING METHOD:: , ORDERS.,. (Quote 1953.1.) :Dawn Koepper Sep 20,2018 Customer.Pickup : V ORDER`DESCRIPTION ORDER TYPE QTY, -AMOUNT.:,. 4/0.Waterbase Signs(Paper) PRINTED.ITEM 4 40.00 23.250x 33.000 inches 1 Paper,Matte-54(547) MEMO:Additionai:Cardio(1'each of 2)/.Locker Rooms (2 each of 1) 4/0.Look What's Coming board PRINTED ITEM 2 48.00 2 24.000 x 36.000 inches Foam Board;3/16(121)' Items $88.00 Subtotal $88.00 Tax $0.00 S'&H. $0:00 Total . $88:00 " Payments $0.00. mount Due $88.00 C110:-Carmel-Clay Parks&Recreation . 481 Cradle ©rice . CUSTOMER PO INVOICE NUMBh C«armeI I IN 46032 61948 15548: 317.844.3539 t -�� _ 856.237.4173 TOLL FREE meclafaCt PROJECT 317.844.3621 FAX Q '- CREATIVE.MAR KETING MANUFACTURING -mediafactory:Us MCCTOUCGuide;Swim Lesson Bulletin Bo ard,Vinyl Water -ark-banner Carmel Clay Parks::&Recreation 1411 f:1 16t Streef I N WY9 10 El DATE PAYMENT DUE TERMS Carmel,:IN 46033 US Se 28 2018 Oct'28;2018 Net 30 RECEIVED.. SHIP-Tb . By pschlemmer at 8:41'am,J:Oct 01; 20,18 Carmel Central Park Lindsay Labas. . 920 Central Park Dr W Carmel,-IN-46033 US (317)573-4026' - SALESPERSON ORDERED BY SHIP.DATE ., SHIPPING METHOD (Quote 1923:1) Dawn Koepper Sep 28;2018 _ Delivery:. # . . ORDER:DESCRIPTION . ORDER TYPE :off. AMOUNT 4/4 MCC Tour Guide Brochure uy PRINTED.ITEM. 500 23814 5.500 x 8.500 inches 100#Blaier Gloss Digital.Text 12(X)18.(521) 4/0 swim lesson bulletin board PRINTED ITEM . .3 9340 22.000 z 34:000 inches 2 Paper,Matte 54(547) " MEMOd:1 ea of 3 110 Vinyl waterpark vinyl banner: PRINTED.ITEM. 2 150.00 . .97.000 x 37.000 inches 130z Banner;Matte-54"(294)' Items $481:61 Subtotal $481:61 :. Tax $0.00 S&H $0:00 Total $481:61- Payments -$0.00 Amount Due $481.61 C110:Carmel C1 Parks&Recreation- CUSTOMER PO 11NU©10E NUMBER C«armel, IN 4603Y2 x_7451 15617 317.844.3539 86&237.4173 TOLL FREE -PROJECT m� lafa I)M-3.7.844.3621 FAX. CREArWELM-CRKETING—MANUFACTURING-- mediafactory.us ESE Daily.Sch,ddule.poster, ESE RICHER Principles poster Carmel Clay.Parks::&Recreation 14.11�E.11 6th Street' INA0,10 QATE�;: PAYMENT DUE:' TERMS.: Carrnel,.:IN 46033 ug Oct 02 2018 Nov 01;2018 � Net 30 -.. .SHIR:TO. .. RECEIVED nnonon.Community Center East By pschlermner at 8:45 am, Oct 02i 2018' Lindsay Labas 1235 Central Park Drive East Carmel,.IN.46032-345.5. . US (317)573-4026 SALESPERSON ORDERED BY SHIP.DATE SHIPPING'tV1ETHOD (Quote 1924:1) Dawn Koepper. Oct 01,'2018 Delivery: # ORDER"DESCRIPTION - ORDER TYPE -QTY: AMOUNT 4/0 ESE Daily Schedule poster = PRINTED ITEM 1 21:.50 �: ' 6UQttlIFDOIF 1 22.000 x 28.000 inches Paper,Matte-5.4(547): 4/0 ESE.Richer Principles•poster "F PRINTED ITEM 11 71.50 rc� 11.000 x 17.000 inches 2 Paper,Matte-54(5 47) =B 4/0 ESE Richer Flyer poster #—^;' PRINTED ITEM 11. 35.75. 3 8.500 x 11.000 inches Paper,Matfe-54(547) Items. $128:75 Subtotal . :$128:75 :. Tax $0.00 S&H : . $0:00 - Total. $128:75 Payments .. :$0.00 :. . Amount Due :$138.75