HomeMy WebLinkAbout330877 10/09/18 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365844 CHECKAMOUNT: $*******125.87* (9, ) ONE CIVIC SQUARE FUN EXPRESSCARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 14463 CHECK NUMBER: 330877 DES MOINES IA 50306-3463 CHECK DATE: 10/09/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 69210017401 102.60 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 69212119601 23.27 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 365844 Allowed 20_ whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Fun Express, LLC Payee P.O. Box 14463 Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 365844 Fun Express, LLC Terms $ 125.87 P.O. Box 14463 Date Due Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE Fund PO#ornvolce Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#IrITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1081-5 69210017401 4239039 $ 102.60 Board Members 9124/18 69210017401 Supplies&Site Celebration SP3 2018 xx7459 $ 102.60 1081-10 69212119601 4239039 $ 23.27 9/25/18 69212119601 Halloween Program Supplies 2018 xx7460 $ 23.27 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 125,87 Total $ 125.87 October 3,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance 'P*/Yl/„�r,,, with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if t claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20 Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title 180 �� I�nvolcet#`'� 6921001y4=01-•- r--Date:-09124/2018 ® Page#: 1 SOLD SHIP TO: G8YDR200300042 -236096 MOHAWK,TRAILS/PARKS&REC g CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC DAWN KOEPPER CYNDI CANADA 1411 E.116TH STREET, 4242 E 126TH STREET, .. CARMEL,IN 46032-3455 CARMEL, IN 46033 < 'I11�11�II'll���l'III��'II..II.I'll'�I"I'��'llllll"I'I'I�II���I O Date Ordered Date Shi ed Back`Orders Terms �� , Purchase Order Num6e � pP N gig... XX I!�#59 09/24/20.[8 .s 09/24f2018 tV0 __ .NET30,DAXS 0r, Rel9resentatly Number of Cartons We19ht 1 pp Sht ed V1a i AM, 1 x:18 _ to er¢ fl���r,'„+� Shfp Qty IN lJr1i1 F+} oci k F 600 1 D-511187 1UN 1 MEGA MINI WATER BALL YO YO ASST(50PC) 13.59 13.59 1 D-25/4936 9UN 9 MAKE-A-PUMPKIN STICKERS 2.39 21.51 ID-13696586 1UN 1 25PC MINI ZOO ANIMAL ASSORTMENT 15.99 15.99 113-13805061 1DZ 1 FLIPPING SEQUIN STAR KEYCHAINS 13.59 13.59 113-13794401 1UN 1 DUCKEYS KEYCHAIN BLIND BAGS 19.99 19.99 1D-13775304 2UN 2 HALLOWEEN EMOJI TATTOOS 3.99 7.98 AO.99/ENVL 113C 1 ATTACH PACKING LIST ENVELOPE aC 0 1. 2010 BY: Call to speak to a customer service representative 1-800-228-0122 Chandlse 1�ppmg& 11ng Sales1` athh Tata[A g +nun 3 �Ce 1fcate}O;h � ayments 11an J 2 �J, Qv 1,02Q3 - . . ..�° � .:.. a See Important Sales Tax Information Regarding the Tax You May Owe Directly to Your State on theLReve a Her 0- V V PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE V V 180 _692121196-01 OCT 032018 bate: :09/25/2018 y: Page#: 1 r SOLD SHIP TO: G8YKTG00300050 -237432 WEST CLAY/PARKS&REC .� CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC DAWN KOEPPER JENNIFER:HAMMONS 1411 E.116TH STREET, 3495 W 126TH STREET, r CARMEL,IN 46032-3455 CARMEL, IN 46032 p �� II�II�I��I,Illl��lllllllllllllr�llll��ll��llll�rll�ll�lll�lllll I Purchase Order Number` Date Ordered Date Shipped Back Orders Terms n_ I er r ,)OC-7460 09/25/201$ 09/25/2018 NO- NET 30 DAYS - ,Servlce=Representative- .'Tllsllurfiber of Cartons. Weight ff.,' ShippedVia 1 8_LBS' _ Item Number Order Qty Shlp Qty Descrlpfion Umt Price Ext Amount _ 1D-2514856 6UN 6 EYEBALL ERASERS-2 DZ 2.22 13.32'( AO-99/ENVL 1PC 1 ATTACH PACKING LIST ENVELOPE I i I I � Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122 MerchandiseShlpping&Handhng ` Sales Tax Total,,' 0*ntCertificate Other Payments Bata ' 13 32� "w _�. _ ati-_•.9 95._,_,��.��00.� •a�_..� 3 27 .,�_ ���a .. '' �_ ' __._g 7 See Important Sales Tax Information Regarding the Tax You May Owe Directly to Your State on the averse.Here-o_f_- V V PI FARF nFTA(_H AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE V V