HomeMy WebLinkAbout331320 10/17/18 �/ ,� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354296 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HOBBY LOBBY STORES CHECK AMOUNT: $*******1 17.78* j?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 960070 CHECK NUMBER: 331320 �"�roii�. OKLAHAMA CITY OK 73196-0070 CHECK DATE: 10/17/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 9232090 77.86 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1096 4239039 9232090 39.92 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by Vendor# 354296 Allowed 20 whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. Hobby Lobby Payee P.O. Box 960070 Oklahoma City, OK 73196-0070 In Sum of$ Purchase Order# 354296 Hobby Lobby Terms $ 117.78 P.O.Box 960070 Date Due Oklahoma City,OK 73196-0070 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108-ESE/109 Monon Center PO#ornvoice Description Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Invoice Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 1081-3 9232090 4239039 $ 77.86 Board Members 9/30/18 9232090 General Program Supplies $ 77.86 1096-40 9232090 4239039 $ 39.92 9/30/18 9232090 General Program Supplies $ 39.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except $ 117.78 Total $ 117.78 October 9,2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Signature 20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Title Vj A, 11 l' l req tl�qq Ha BY LOBBY. Super Savings,Super Seiection! 2003 E, Greyhound Pass Carmel , IN 46033 Hobby Lobby Store #182 (317) 818-9217 S-182 R-5 T-1979 PEGGY A SALE 101000000 Art 5.98 N 2 ® 2.99 ea 101000000 Art 7.98 N 2 ® 3.99 ea 105500000 Fabric 15.38 N 105500000 Fabric 15.38 N 105500000 Fabric 12.58 N 105500000 Fabric 12.58 N 105000000 Crafts 5.59 N 30 % Off (7.99-2.40) 101000000 Art 2.39 N COUPON CODE: 74942 40 % Off Coupon (3.99-1.60) SUBTOTAL 77.86 TAX TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL MPT CUSTOMER 77 . 86 TAX A/R 77.86 ACCOUNT #: ************22439 PO#: 51913 AUTH#: 76105350 Signature CHANGE DUE 0.00 --Continued on Side 2-- HOBBY LOBBY Super Savings,Super Selection! 1 2003 E, Greyhound Pass Carmel , IN 46033 Hobby Lobby Store #182 (317) 818-9217 S-182 R-6 T-8528 TAMARA G) SALE 107500000 Cards&Party 8.99 N COUPON CODE: 71747 40 % Off Coupon (14.99-6.00) 107500000 Cards&Party 2.99 N 105100000 Paper Crafts 7.99 N 107500000 Cards&Party 19.95 N 5 @ 3.99 ea SUBTOTAL 39.92 TAX TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL 39 . 92 TAX EXEMPT CUSTOMER A/R 39.92 ACCOUNT #: *****w---22439 PO#: 7414 AUTH#: 76185800 Signature CHANGE DUE 0.00 Number of Items Purchased: 8 Total savings: 6.00 Thank You. Please come again. Become a fan on Facebook. Return Policy on back of receipt Visit our website at www.hobbylobby.com IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0182006085280913186 9/13/18 03:10 PM 0— 1 HOBBY, LOBBY, 7707 SOUTHWEST 44th STREET OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73179 FED. I.D. #73-1032203 FAX#(405)745-1512 Account Inquiries https://www.hobbylobby.com/arcard or(877) 303-4938 Email: acctsrec@hobbylobby.com BCARMEL CLAY PA_ L ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE L 1411 EAST 116TH STREET • 1.1 TCARMEL IN 46032, '� • •1111 • DATE DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER P.O. AMOUNT DATE DESCRIPTION CUSTOMER P.O. AMOUNT 09/08/18- 09/13/18 . 1'1• •- . :11 CURREN 1 60 DAYS 61-90 DAYS 91+DAY PREVIOUS BALANCE NEW CHARGES/RET. PAYMENT/ADJ. { NEW BALANCE 111 111 111 111 111