HomeMy WebLinkAbout331252 10/17/18 (91 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 313000 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THE UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. CHECKAMOUNT: $*****2,199.33* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1927 NORTH CAPITOL AVE. CHECK NUMBER: 331252 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 CHECK DATE: 10/17/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4356001 2,199.33 UNIFORMS VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 313000 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER THE UNIFORM HOUSE, INC. IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 1927 NORTH CAPITOL AVE. An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 Payee $2,199.33 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT 0 43-560.01 $2,199.33 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/11/18 0 Uniforms $2,199.33 1120 101 1120 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, October 12,2018 � - David Haboush Fire Chief I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120— Cost 20Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer The Uniform House, Inc. Account Statement Page 1 1927 N. Capitol Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46202 Account No. Date Balance (317)926-4467 7908-1 10/01/18 20,912.69 Customer Carmel Fire Dept Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Date Invoice No. Reference Information Total Paid Balance 8/07/18 26948-1 Carter,Gary 390.00 0.00 X396 0 8/13/18 27793-1 Carter,Gary 5.00 0.00 15-.0 8/27/18 29589-1 Carter,Gary 45.50 0.00 8/27/18 29666-1 Carter,Gary 2,170.00 0.00 2 0 8/30/18 29988-1 Carter,Gary 112.86 0.00 �y2 86 9/06/18 30745-1 Carter,Gary 1,293.90 0.00 1,293.90 9/06/18 30838-1 Carter,Gary 70.30 0.00 70.30- 9/10/18 0.30-9/10/18 31100-1 Sutton,Sean 383.83 0.00 383.83- 9/14/18 31807-1 Schnepp,Brent 46.50 0.00 46.50- 9/14/18 31808-1 Taylor,Mark 46.50 0.00 46.50- 9/14/18 31809-1 Murphy,Johnny 46.50 0.00 46.50- 9/18/18 32158-1 Carter,Gary 91.00 0.00 91.00- 9/18/18 32183-1 Carter,Gary 220.80 0.00 220.80- 9/21/18 32805-1 Carter,Gary-P.O.#101896 15,990.00 0.00 15,990.00 The Uniform House,1927 N.Capitol Ave,Indpls IN 46202,317-926-4467. Balance due upon receipt. Returns/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment. 30 Days 60 Days 90+ Days Total Due 2A-912.69 317-92 Invoice� VOIC@ Page 6 LOH 1-800-949-�i�9-44i67 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE- ' ORM Indianapolis,IN 46202 7908-1 9/06/18 030745-1 141 S.Rangeline Rd _ HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 n� 1L Your Image is Our Business a $ �IYaLLuf� e www.uniformhouse.com , Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Cierk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Sean Cassidy 10:47AM 10 Heath-Del 24525-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01723140 D CWN-N43-GOLD-1CLRSL*Breast Badge 12 12 55.20 c 662.40 GOLD BLACK BLOCK LETTERING PIN BACK(BREAST BADGE) LIEUTENANT CARMEL F22(1 GOLD HORN)(RED BACKGROUND FIRE DEPT. IND. 01765944 D CWN-NP600-GOLD*Tie Bar W/let&App Seal 12 12 17.50 c 210.00 GOLD TIE BAR BLACK BLOCK LETTERS CARMEL(F22(1 GOLD HORN)(RED BACKGROUND)FIRE DEPT. 01838484 D CWN-F11 R*1 Vert Horn Hat Pin 8 8 21.75 c 174.00 GOLD PLATE SCREW BACK RED BACKGROUND 1 HORN (LIEUT.)RED LETTERS ON RED BACKGROUND Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 1,293.90 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 1,293.90 Received 0.00 Balance 1,293.90 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Returns/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-926-4467 Invoice Page 7 1-s00-94o0-949-3367 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 U ORM 7908-1 9/06/18 030745-1 N'� 341 S.RaneeGne Rd HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 n� (L Your Image is Our Business ��Na(Eufi e www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Sean Cassidy 10:47AM 10 Heath-Del 24525-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01838485 D CWN-F22-GLD*1 Vert Horn Collar Ins 18 18 13.75 c 247.50 Gold with red background clutch back for collar pins 9 pair Total Qty 50 50 Notes Gary took 9/6/18 sc Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 1,293.90 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 1,293.90 Received 0.00 Balance 1,293.90 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Returns/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-926-4467 II'1VOIC@ Page 8 Lotl 1-800-949-4467 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 VNORM 7908-1 9/06/184 030838-1 'F 4415.Ranneline Rd HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 r- ,` I� Your Image is Our Business a �)UaLLUV e www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Michele C 3:04PM 28 Heath-Del 29711-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 00950703 D UH-OWNDRESSBLOUSE*Customerowned 1- 1- 0.00 0.00 Dressblouse West Point remove CFD emblems and sew on CFD RETIRED emblems Remove cloth service bars add 7 gold metal service bars 00948894 D UH-ALT-EMB REM*Remove Embl 3- 3- 1.25 3.75 00948895 D UH-ALT-EMB SEW*Embl Sewing 2- 2- 1.95 c 3.90 00948922 D UH-ALT-SERV BAR-GD*Metal Sery Bar&App Each 7- 7- 8.95 62.65 (-not inc) Total Qty 0 0 Notes COMPLETE ON HEATH'S DEL. RACK 9/6 MC Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 70.30 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 70.30 Received 0.00 Balance 70.30 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By AI 317-926-4467 Invoice Page 9 1-800-949-4467 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 V ORM 7908-1 9/10/18 031100-1 N 141 S.Rangetine Rd House {� Carmel t� 'L Your Image is Our Business a $1 �vww.u niformh ouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 16054-1 Carmel Fire Dept Sean Sutton Fire Station#1 (317)339-0938 2 Carmel Civic Square ssutton@carmel.in.gov Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Heath Chamberlain 11:07AM 8 Heath-Del 29576-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01706757 D ELB-13750-01878-48T*NV 5BUT 2CF FD LWR PKT FL 1 1 227.85 c 227.85 *Dress Coats Double Breast Silver FD Buttons ********** right sleeve emblem Carmel Fire Emblem ********** left sleeve emblem Carmel Fire Emblem Buttons: silver fd ********** Service bars 3 silver metal service bars Additional info: DONE GZ 9\7\18 01698345 D ELB-El360R-N/A-37*N/A*55 Poly/45 Wool M Nav Lux 1 1 85.00 c 85.00 hem to 32 00707710 D FEC-35W54-00-18.5-36/37*White*Duro Poplin 65% 1 1 38.28 c 38.28 Poly/35% LS:sew on carmel fire emblem 00948923 D UH-ALT-SERV BAR-SL*Metal Sery Bar&App Each 3- 3- 8.95 26.85 00948895 D UH-ALT-EMB SEW*Embl Sewing 3- 3- 1.95 c 5.85 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 383.83 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 383.83 Received 0.00 Balance 383.83 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By L317-926-4467 Invoice Page 10 1-800-9400-949-1{67 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 U ORM 7908-1 9/10/18 031100-1 House N 141 S.Ran�aeline Rd Carmel IN 46032 Your Image is Our-Business e i aLLu e www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 16054-1 Carmel Fire Dept Sean Sutton Fire Station#1 (317)339-0938 2 Carmel Civic Square ssutton@carmel.in.gov Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Heath Chamberlain 11:07AM 8 Heath-Del 29576-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 00949055 D UH-EMB-CARMEL FD`Carmel Fd Dpt.Navy Bkgd 3-• 3- 0.00 0.00 (-not inc) Total Qty 3 3 Notes Gary took 9.10.18hc Store Charge/Credit Freight .0.00 Sub Total 383.83 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 383.83 Received 0.00 Balance 383.83 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By L317-926-4467 Invoice Page 11 1-800-949-4-L67 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 U ORM 7908-1 9/14/18 031807-1 N _4 441 S.Rangeline Rd HOUSE Carmel Your Image is Our Business yr.)�aLLUJ c www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4590-1 Carmel Fire Dept Brent Schnepp Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Mary Beth Swinney 11:31AM 27 Heath-Del 21262-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01013964 D MID-IFD-NAVY-7 1/4*NAVY*Round Style Cap 1 1 46.50 m 46.50 Notes ORDER COMPLETE IN HEATH'S BOX MBS 09/14/18 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 46.50 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 46.50 Received 0.00 Balance 46.50 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Returns/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-9264367 Invoice Page 12 LEI 1-800.949-4467 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 U ORM 7908-1 9/14/18 031808-1 N'F 441 S.Ranneline Rd HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 Your Image is Our Business ���aLLuo e www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4594-1 Carmel Fire Dept Mark Taylor Fire Station# 1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Mary Beth Swinney 11:32AM 27 Heath-Del 21263-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01013964 D MID-IFD-NAVY-7 1/4*NAVY*Round Style Cap 1 1 46.50 m 46.50 .Notes ORDER COMPLETE IN HEATH'S BOX MBS 09/14/18 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 46.50 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 46.50 Received 0.00 Balance 46.50 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317_926-4467 IIIVOIC@ Page 13 1-800.949-4467 1927N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THEIndianapolis,IN 46202 U 7908-1 9/14/184 031809-1 N' O�� 441 S.Ran8e4ne Rd HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 Your Image is Our Business a ��aLLuu e waw.uniformh ou se.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4583-1 Carmel Fire Dept Johnny Murphy Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Mary Beth Swinney 11:33AM 27 Heath-Del 21268-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01013963 D MID-IFD-NAVY-7 1/8*NAVY*Round Style Cap 1 1 46.50 m 46.50 silver fd buttons Notes ORDER COMPLETE IN HEATH'S BOX MBS 09/14/18 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 46.50 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 46.50 Received 0.00 Balance 46.50 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Returns/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-926-1467 IIIVOIC@ Page 14 L"t 1-800.949-1167 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE Indianapolis,IN 46202 V NORM 7908-1 9/18/18_4 032158-1 '� 141 S.RanBeGne Rd HOUSE CarmelIN46032 L� �1, Your Image is Our Business a .yULaLLuN @ wvvvv.uniformh ouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station# 1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Mary Beth Swinney 10:13AM 27 Heath-Del 27139-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 00263368 D HS-HS2734-DN-46R 29*Dark Navy*Pant 2 2 45.50 c 91.00 For Chris Ellison Notes ORDER COMPLETE IN HEATH'S BOX MBS 09/18/18 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 91.00 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 91.00 Received 0.00 Balance 91.00 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-92 Invoice� VOIC@ Page 15 1-800.9.49-9-4467 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THEORM Indianapolis,IN 46202 7908-1 9/18/184 032183-1 ' 441 S.Rangeline Rd UN HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 Your Image is Our Business € UtaLLu§ e w s`w.uniformh ouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station# 1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Cory Farmer 11:55AM 29 Heath-Del 29624-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01723142 D CWN-N43-RHOD-PLNSL*Breast Badge 1 1 55.20 c 55.20 RHODIUM BLACK BLOCK LETTERING PIN BACK(BREAST BADGE) J.Murphy CARMEL F23 PLAIN CENTER FIRE SCRAMBLE FIRE DEPT. IND. 01723142 D CWN-N43-RHOD-PLNSL*Breast Badge 1 1 55.20 c 55.20 RHODIUM BLACK BLOCK LETTERING PIN BACK(BREAST BADGE) B.Robinson CARMEL F23 PLAIN CENTER FIRE SCRAMBLE FIRE DEPT. IND. Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 220.80 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 220.80 Received 0.00 Balance 220.80 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-926-4467 IIIVOICe Page 16 1-800-949-4167 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THE_ �O RM Indianapolis,IN 46202 7908-1 9/18/18_4 032183-1 441 S.Rangeline Rd HOUSE Carmel IN 46032 LL,� 1�LL Your Image is Our-Business a �UtaLLu� e www.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Cory Farmer 11:55AM 29 Heath-Del 29624-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended 01723142 D CWN-N43-RHOD-PLNSL*Breast Badge 1 1 55.20 c 55.20 RHODIUM BLACK BLOCK LETTERING PIN BACK(BREAST BADGE) B.Schnepp CARMEL F23 PLAIN CENTER FIRE SCRAMBLE FIRE DEPT. IND. 01723142 D CWN-N43-RHOD-PLNSL*Breast Badge 1 1 55.20 c 55.20 RHODIUM BLACK BLOCK LETTERING PIN BACK(BREAST BADGE) M.Taylor CARMEL F23 PLAIN CENTER FIRE SCRAMBLE FIRE DEPT. IND. Total Qty 4 4 Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 220.80 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 220.80 Received 0.00 Balance 220.80 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No retums on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By 317-926-4467 Invoice Page 17 1-800-949-4467 1927 N.Capitol Ave Account No. Date Invoice No. THEIndianapolis,IN 46202 7908-1 9/18/18 032183-1 ' O RM 441 S.Rangeline Rd ON HOUSE Carmel]IN 46032 $15taLL1` Your Image is Our Business Uu� e wwsv.uniformhouse.com Bill To Sold To Account No. 4479-1 Carmel Fire Dept Gary Carter Fire Station#1 2 Carmel Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Clerk Time Station PO Number Ship Via Est Delivery Order Ref No. Cory Farmer 11:55AM 29 Heath-Del 29624-1 Item Description Qty Ship Price Extended Notes COMPLETE IN HEATH'S DELIVERY BOX 9/18/18 CLF Store Charge/Credit Freight 0.00 Sub Total 220.80 Tax 7.00% 0.00 Total 220.80 Received 0.00 Balance 220.80 Thank you for your business! Special Orders must be picked up in 30 days. Retums/cancellations are subject to a restock fee. No returns on altered/customized items for any reason including the fit or size of a garment.We are not responsible,for any reason,to damage of any garments that are brought in by customer for customization. Received By