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331376 10/19/18
(9, CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 367662 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CORE PLANNING STRATEGIES CHECKAMOUNT: $*****4,609.09* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 200 S MERIDIAN ST,SUITE 301 CHECK NUMBER: 331376 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46225 CHECK DATE: 10/19/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 R4341999 33142 201500250 4,609.09 PROJ MGR MIDTOWN & PA State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) .VOUCHER NO. WARRANT:NO. Prescribed bysta ALLOWED - 20 ACCOUNTS .PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor,# 367662 INSUMof$ CITY.OF_CARMEL CORE.PLANNING STRATEGIES 200 S MERIDIAN ST,:SUITE 301 : . An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered:.by Whom,rates perday,number.of•hours,rate per hour,,.numb'erof.units,.price per.unit,etc.., INDIANAPOLIS; IN 46225 . .: . Payee: : $4;609:09; Purchase Order.# ON ACCOUNT OF:APPROPRIATION FOR. . ' Redevelopment Commission Terms Date.Due . PO# ACCT.#. . DATE; INVOICE# DESCRIPTION: DEPT.# INVOICE# Fund#. AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# . FUND# (or note attached fnvoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT. 33142 2015-002=50'- 43=419.99 :.:$4,609.09,:. I:hereby certify that,the attached in or •.10/9/18• :20.1.5-002.-50... : Project management for Midtown,Monon and 902 E„cui„bered. 902 902 902 Main;office space bill(s;)is(are)true and correct and.that the,• . ' �( materials or services itemiied;ihereon for r II111 : which charge is,made,were ordered and received except Thu rsday;.October:l.8,201:8 Mestetsky, Henry- .l hereby certify that.the'attached invoice(s),orbill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited.same.in accordance WithIC 5-11-1071.6 ,.20. Cost distribution ledger classification if claim.paid motor vehicle highway fund. C erk.Treasurer r CORE Planning Strategies LLC 111VOic, 200 S..Meridlan Street Date Invoice#. :Suite.301 Indianapolis, IN-46225 :: - 10/9/2018 2015.002 50 C 0_ R E PlARtl196 STRATEGIES ' : - - www.coreplanningstrategies.com Terms Due.Date Net 30 11/8/2018 Bill To Rachel Finn.. - . . Carmel Redevelopment Commission 30 W.;Main St. Suite 220.' Carmel,:IN 46032 . `Project Number 2015-004. A.tiw.ty : Hours. Rate Amount Sept 2-7 Monon.Micro-Offices Project:SpecialisE .2.75.- - .100:00 275:00 . :_Sept 2-7-Midtown Specialist 2.25. 100.00 225.00: Sept 27 New Office Space Project Specialisi 8.5 100.00 : 850.00 Sept 10-14 Monon&Main-Project Specialist 1 100.00 . 100 00: Sept 10=14--Midtown Project Specialist 3.5 160.00'L 350:00 .- Sept 1014- Midtown.West Project Specialist.. 3 106.`00.' : 300.00 .Sept.10-14- New Office Space.Project Specialist -7:25 : :100.00:,,,- .725.00 Sept 17-21 Midtown Project Specialist. . ; 2 25 100.00 `:... 225.00 Sept 17-21 Monon Micro=Offices Project Specialist: . 3._25 10000 325.00 •Sept-17-21 New Office Space Project Specialist': . • 5; 100.00,_ :500.00- 1 lSept 24-28 Midtown Project.5pecialist 3:5 100.00 350.00. Sept 2428 New Office Space Project.Specialist 2.75: 100.00. 275.00: Mileage expense .. 109.09., 109.09 Summary for the month.by project: Midtown -$1150-.Hours 11.5:Hours:. . ; :Monon.Micro Offices$600.Hours.6.0.; Midtown-West$300.Hours:3.0. New.Office Space$2350 Hours 23 5 .Monon'&_Main.$100 Hours 1.0. -Total .:$4,6. 0. 9.09- .. Phone# E mail Payments/Creditso.00 317.447.5b31 - deb@coreplanningstrategies.com Balance Due $4,609.0.9