HomeMy WebLinkAbout331431 10/25/18 ® CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 372099 • ONE CIVIC SQUARE HENRY MESTETSKY CHECK AMOUNT: $*******405.08* *� ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3035 CHECK NUMBER: 331431 99jt iox�°.` MAQUA COURT CHECK DATE: 10/25/18 CARMEL IN 46033 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1801 4343002 REIMB 405.08 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Vendor# 372099 ALLOWED 20 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER HENRY MESTETSKY IN SUM OF$ CITY OF CARMEL 3035 An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,dates service MAQUA COURT rendered,by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. CARMEL, IN 46033 Payee $405.08 Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Redevelopment Department Terms Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE INVOICE# DESCRIPTION. DEPT# INVOICE# Fund# AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND# (or•note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) AMOUNT' 20181023 43-430.02 $405.08 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/23/18 20181023 Travel Reimbursement for Intl Municipal $405.08 1801 101 1801 101 Lawyers conference bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday,October 23,2018 iv-Pn g lei e.� ('n I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. Clerk-Treasurer a of CITY.OF'CARMEL Expelnse Report(regtaired for:all travel`expenses} . .. V . EXHIBIT A EMPLOYEE NAME: Henry.Mestetsky DEPARTURE DATE: .��`/�f18 TIME:. DEPARTMENT: Carmel Redevelopment Commission RETURN DATE:,! : TIME: PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: .: Intl Municipal Lawyers'Conference' ,; DESTINATION CITY:_ .: Houston; TX EXPENSES.ARE'FOR(check all that apply)::TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL;REIMBURSEMENT. x TRAVEL PER DIEM x_ 7. Transportation Gaiisffollsf Weals KDate Lodging Misc. . Total Air-fare ,. :Car.Rental Other .. Parking Breakfast. .. Lunch.: : Dinner Snacks.: Per.Diem ' $68.37 . . $65.00 $133.37 165.00 $65.00 $40.45 . $65.00 . $105:,4.5 $68.76 $32.50 $101.26 .$.0.;00 .: $0.40 .: $0.00 $0.0;0 • .: . : . $0.00 $0.00 $0:00 . . .. 0:00 0.00 $0:•00 • $0:00 ` $0:00 $0'; For advance payments, claim.form must be submitted.ten (10) business days.in advance,of travel: Claim will not be.processed without the following documentation: . 1') Conference or course registratiori.form, if-applicable 2) Travel.itinerary or car rental agreement,-if applicable. 3) Original:itemized receipts for all expenses(or affidavits:if appropriate),except.for meal:pet,diems (which require.hotel.receipt) Prorated meal allowance: For travel that commences before 1:00 p.m. (flight:departure time,;if traveling by air);$50 for Jn7statetraVel and $65 for out-of-state travel: For travel that commences after 1:00 P:m (flightdeparture tim.e;.if traveling by air); $25 for in=state travel and.$32:50:for out-of-state . . : . P ( g. g , . For travel that ends before.1:00 .m. fli ht arrival time; if traveling by air), $25,for in=state.travel and:$32,.50 forout=of=state travel. For travel-that ends after 1::Q0 p;m. (flight-arrival time; if:fraVeling byair), $50 for in=state travel and$65 for out-of-statearavel EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF.MEAL ADVANCE AND OBLIGATION.TO DOCUMENT EXPENDITURES hereby acknowledge,receipt of$ ,.such funds being advanced to me by the City of.Carrnel.solely.for tfie purpose.of purchasing meals while traveling to participate in official business forthe'City. I accept responsibility for these funds,and agree to:repay them if lost or stolen: understand that within ten(10) business days of m.y.return:(as stated on opposite side), Lam responsible to: 1) Submit original itemized receipts to the.office of the Clerk-Treasurer documenting all.meal:expenditures;.and 2). Return;all unused funds to the office of the.Clerk=Treasurer furtherunderstand:that failure to provide the required documentation shall:result in the•total amount of the advance being:deductedfrom-the first: paycheck issued more than 30 days after the.date of-m.y return. Failure to return unused funds will result in the amount of the.unused.funds.(total advance minus documented expenditures) being deducted fromthe first paycheck issued more'than.30 days:after the date of my return, Employee-Signature: Date: City of.Carmel Form 0•ER06 Revision Date 10%23/2018 :'Page 2.: A Finn, Rachel" From: trine@imla:org Sent: Monday,.July 23,.2018 4:00 PM To. Mestetsky,-Henry: Cc:. Finn;Rachel: Subject:. Confirmation.of Registration _ Follow Up Flag:: Follow-up , Flag Status: Completed,: . International Municipal Lawyers-Association :. Henry Mestetsky, This is your invoice/receipt and a confirmation.of your registration for.the 20:18,Annual Conference: All outstanding balances are due upon receipt: the Discounted.Registration Fees EXPIRE 15 DAYS after rate : ends date, if payment is NOT received, the next.rate will aunlv.:There is a.$75 cancelatioh%.administrative. processing fee($25:for.Guest),:after:September:l;2018..event materials will be provided in full"consideration of :. fees.paid.All refunds will be remitted 90 days after-event.Please call 202-466.=5424 with questions. .The financial purchase:confirmation number for thisregistration is::18360390:Itwas sent to.you under separate cover..The Event Registration Confirmation below.confirrns the details of your registration. Event Information: -.- :Event:. . 0 �B Annual Canferenee : : Start Date/Time: : OO cW'01i88QOain End Date/Time: :. ct 2 ;' ,fl81=45am� -Main Registrant.Information: Registration Date:; : Jul 2-3 2018 Registrant: .: ienr.i !!Iestefsky Badge First.Name: - Henry Badge.Last Name: Mestetsky Badge Name: Henry BAR Nuinber: Badge Organization: Carmel,Indiana : 1 Mobility Impairment;. Badge,City::._ :'Carmel NOT Attending Luncheon?: : No' Guest Name-(If Applicable):: Badge Title: Carmel Redevelopment Director First Time Attendee: -:Yes Vegetanan Meal dNo Special Instructions:. Additional Attendee(s):: . Badge State: IN Re 'strant-T a First Time Attendee Badge Country: United States #of IMLA Events Attended: 2 Uber Thu, Oct 18, 2018 Thanks for riding, Henry we hope you enjoyed your ride this morning. Total $33.13 Trip fare $33.13 Subtotal $33.13 Amount Charged M .... 8515 $33.13 You rode with Joseph UberX 21.47 miles 132 min 09:29am I Terminal B, Houston,TX 10:02am 11660 Dallas St, Houston,TX Uber Thu, Oct 18,2018 Thanks for riding, Henry We hope you enjoyed your ride this morning. Total $35.24 Trip Fare $32.69 Subtotal $32.69 Tolls, Surcharges, and Fees $2.55 Amount Charged ... 8515 $35.24 You rode with Said UberX 31.14 miles 135 min 04:43am 13035 Maqua Ct, Carmel, IN 05:19am I Indianapolis International Airport, Indianapolis, IN Uber Sat, Oct 20, 2018 Thanks for tipping, Henry Here's your updated Saturday afternoon ride receipt. Total $10.45 Trip fare $5.45 Subtotal $5.45 Tip $5.00 Amount Charged •••• 8515 $5.45 •••• 8515 $5.00 You rode with Eric UberX 1.10 miles 14 min 01:36pm 801 Congress Ave, Houston,TX 01:40pm 1600 Dallas St, Houston,TX Finn, Rachel. From: Mestetsky, Henry. :.. Sent:. ,: Saturday, October 20,'2018.11:45 AM: : To: . Finn,Rachel Subject: Fwd`. Purchase Confirmation No; 18373050.(Henry IVlestets.ky) Follow.Up Flag: . Follow up. : Flag Status:: .. Flagged Henry Mestetsky: City of'Carmel (317) 443-4679 Begin forwarded message: From: <trinanimla:org> Date: hmestetsky@carmel:in:gov etskX@cann .in:goov hmest el agmen . Items in Cart. Sho iri Cart Items Amount uantit Y Total . Total: $30.00 Pp� g . , .. Q..• Payment:. :$30.00 2018 WoodlandsWorkshop'-20l.8C_ Balance: $0.00 Main-Registration= Badge Name: Henry Payment Method: Credit Card Fee Type: Woodlands -$30.00. L : $30:00 Card Type: :Visa Card-Number: total Session :Cardholder- Henry Naxne: eses y Current Purchases.Amount$30.00 Takes. Shipping $0.00 Current.Purchases Total $30,00 2 10/15/2018 Expedia travel confirmation-Oct 18-Itin#7383738535964 Henry Mestetsky, Expedia travel confirmation - Oct 18 -Itin# 7383738535964 Expedia.com<Expedia@expediamail.com> Tue,Oct 2,2018 at 11:10 PM Reply-To:Expedia@expediamail.com To: GOD. Expedia- Thank you for booking with Expedia! Ticketing is in progress. All of your trip Information Is In your online itinerary: • Get live status information • Easy access to your latest trip information • Upgrade,.change or cance!xWr booking Go To My Itinerary t Access your itinerary anywhere. GET THE FREE APP Holston Oct 18,2018-Oct 21,2018 Itinerary#7383738535964 Because you booked a flight, you qualify for up to 54% off Houston hotels. Expires Sat, October 13 See hotels Important Information Price Summary Roundtrip Flight • Remember to bring your itinerary and government-issued photo ID for airport / Hotel check-in and security Total ;1,392.48 Subtotal $1,214.21 Taxes&Fees $178.27 Indianapolis (IND) Houston (1f-H) TICKETING IN PROGRESS Oct 18,2018-Oct 21,2018, 1 round trip ticket ! Additional Flight Services Ticketing in progress.The airline will confirm most tickets within 5 minutes,but some ticket types take up to 24 hours.You do not need to call us to reconfirm 1 • The airline may charge additional fees your booking.Check back to ensure your ticket has been issued. { 1/3 10/15/2018 Gmail-Expedia travel confirmation-Oct 18-Itin#7383738535964 for checked baggage or other optional Traveler Information services. i henry Mestetsky No frequent flyer details Ticketing in progress Adult provided Seat assignments,special meals,frequent flyer point awards and special assistance requests should be confirmed directly with the airline. JW811018il)eparturwNorrsto Total travel time:2 h 30 m j Special Fare Indianapolis Houston 2 h 30 in AWL M6°• IND 7:05ilm IAH t335am 4 United 3563 Operated by/REPUBLIC AIRLINES DBA UNITED EXPRESS i ff Economy/Coach(W)I Confirm seats with the airline• t 0&!,20$ $Ret—Rl estop Total travel time:2 h 20 m Special Fare I Houston Indianapolis 2 h 20 in A NLIN•311'1 lAF'I 7:313ain IND 1A 5ft United 6045 Operated by/MESA AIRLINES DBA UNITED EXPRESS Economy/Coach(E)1 Confirm seats with the airline 1 i Airline Rules&Regulations I I • Fares are not guaranteed until ticketed. • We understand that sometimes plans change.We do not charge a cancel or change fee.When the airline charges such fees in accordance with its own j policies,the cost will be passed on to you. r !• Tickets are nonrefundable,nontransferable and name changes are not allowed. • Please read important information regarding airline liability limitations. t °°'` A ffl s -Houston CONFIRMED et 2'0 r(Y�t 2 i,2•fl1g,1 r€sora� z r�, Confirmation# 3486940688 i.. We have confirmed your hotel reservation with the property. Additional Hotel Services I View hotel details j The below fees and deposits only apply If j i they are not Included in your selected room 1600 Lamar Street,Houston,TX,77010 United States of America t 1 rate. i I Tel:1 (713)739-8000,Fax:1 (713)739-8007 The price shown above DOES NOT include any applicable hotel service fees,charges for optional incidentals(such as minibar snacks or telephone calls),or regulatory surcharges. j Check-in i The hotel will assess these fees,charges, and surcharges upon check-out. • Check-in time starts at 3 PM • Check-in time ends at midnight ;• Minimum check-in age Is 18 f Is Your roomiunit will be guaranteed for late arrival. Important Hotel Information Although Expedia does not charge a fee to change or cancel your booking,Hilton Americas-Houston may still charge a fee in accordance with Its own rules& regulations. i E j • Cancellations or changes made after 11:59pm(Central Daylight Time(US& Canada))on Oct 16,2018 or no-shows are subject to a property fee equal to the ; first nights rate plus taxes and fees. • Prices and hotel availability are not guaranteed until full payment is received.if you would like to book multiple rooms,you must use a different name for each kroom.Otherwise,the duplicate reservation will be canceled by the hotel. 2/3 10/15/2018 Gmail-Expedia travel confirmation-Oct 18-Itin#7383738535964 !a View your online itinerary for additional rules and restrictions. i 1 I i Room Room,2 Queen Beds,Park View jf 1 Confirmation#: 3486940688 ' Reserved for henry Mestetsky 1 adult Requests 2 Queen Beds,non-smoking room i ; Need help with your reservation? I Manage Your Booking i Want to call use Please click here. 1 Complete Your Trip Get out and explore Get Add an activity rested Get around Add a , Add a Car Find deals on rides to your Hotel Hotel Get a Ride Please do not reply to this message.This email was sent from a notification-only email address that cannot accept incoming email. You are receiving this transactional email based on a recent booking or account-related update on Expedia.com. Data Protection Notice:Your personal data will be processed'n accordance with the ap licable carrier's privacy policy and,if your booking is made via a rese anon system provider,GDS with its p ivacy p licy. hese are available at http:/6www.iatatravelcenter.comirivac�►or from the carri�r or DS directrly.You s MId read this documentation which applies to Your ookmg and s ecifies,for examp e,how your personal data is collected,stored,used,disclosed and trans#erred(applicable or interline carriage). E M LC ID=US.PT.EVENTTRIGGEREDMAI LIN G.ENSPU RC HAS ECON FIRMATION.EPAC KAGE&EM LDTL=DATE20181003- ISSUX.S IDX.KEY93637683431.PAIDX.LANG EN_US.M C IDX.TESTX.VERSX.M IDSX 3/3 Uber Sun, Oct 21,2018 Thanks for riding, Henry We hope you enjoyed your ride this morning. Tota l $28.98 Trip fare $28.98 Subtotal $28.98 Amount Charged ••• 8515 $28.98 You rode with Lazaro UberX 20.37 miles 26 min 04:47am 1600 Lamar St, Houston,TX 05:13am Terminal B, Houston,TX Uber Sun, Oct 21, 2018 Thanks for riding, Henry We hope you enjoyed your ride this morning. Tota L $39.78 Trip Fare $34.73 Subtotal $34.73 Tolls, Surcharges, and Fees $5.05 Amount Charged •••• 8515 $39.78 You rode with Scott UberX 31.44 miles 138 min 11:19am I Indianapolis, IN 11:57am 3065 Maqua Ct, Carmel, IN