HomeMy WebLinkAbout331715 10/30/18 '4�u^c'�p�yF v® ti CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357199 ONE CIVIC SQUARE INNOVATIVE INTEGRATION, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,620.00* i+` CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3905 VINCENNES ROAD SUITE 110 CHECK NUMBER: 331715 y,�TON�. INDIANAPOLIS IN 46268 CHECK DATE: 10/30/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1115 4350900 101824 28339 1,620.00 WIFI REPLA @ CENTER G VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. • Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No:201 (Rev.1995) ALLOWED 20 . -ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Vendor#. .357199 IN SUM OF,$ Y INNOVATIVE.INTEGRATION, ING :CIT OF CARMEL .3905 VI NCENNES ROAD SUITE 110 -An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show:kind of service,where performed,:dates service . rendered;by whom,rates per day,number of hours,rate per hour,number of units,price per unit,etc. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 Payee $1,620.00 . Purchase Order# ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Terms ICS. Date Due PO# ACCT# DATE. INVOICE# DESCRIPTION. DEPT# INVOICE#: :. Fund#. :AMOUNT Board Members DEPT# FUND#. (or note attached:invoice(s)or.bill(s)) AMOUNT: .. 101824 28339 43-509.00 $1-,620.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or 10/5/18 28339: $1,620.00 1115 101 J 1115" 101 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which'charge is'made were ordered and received except s. Thursday,.October 25,2018 Renick,Timothy Director I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s),is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Cost distribution ledger classification.if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund. _ Clerk Treasurer Innovative Integration,Inc. 3905 Vincennes Road Suite 110 Innovative Indianapolis,IN 46268 Integration,Inc. (317)664-7600 Bill,To:• Date Invoice City of Carmel 10/05/2018 128339 Attn:Timothy Renick Attn:Accts.Payable Account Three Civic Square City of Carmel Carmel,IN 46032 United States Due.Date 100 Num6er I Reference 11/04/2018 1101824 SO#2428/P-005044.2/P#306 –IInnova-tiv—e Integration,Inc.Professional Services:ChristKindl WiFi Replacement with Fixed Fee Labor at$3,240.00 per Statement of Work dated July 31,2018.This invoice represents 50%of the Fixed Fee Labor due at Project Completion. Project Name S0#2428/15#306 ChristKindl Xirrus Re lacement-Work Billing Type Standard Billing Method Fixed Fee Amount $3,240.00 Company Name City of Carmel Contact Name TimothV Renick Total Other Charges: $3,240.00 Ad'ustments uanti 'Amount Covered by Downpayment ($1,620.00) Remaining Balance:$0.00 Total Adjustments: ($1,620.00) Invoice Subtotal: $1,620.00 Sales Tax: $0.00 Make checks payable to Innovative Integration,Inc. Invoice Total: $1,620.00 Payments: $0.00 Credits: $0.00 - Balance Due: $1,620.00 Optimize Your IT with Innovative