HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-15-18 CC MeetingCOMMON COUNCIL
MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2018 - 6:00 P.M.
Council President Kevin D. Rider; Council Members: Laura Campbell, Ronald E. Carter, Jeff Worrell,
Anthony Green, Sue Finkam, H. Bruce Kimball and Deputy Clerk Jacob Quinn were present.
Council President Rider called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Pastor Luke Edgerton, Mercy Road Church, delivered the Invocation.
Councilor Carter led the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were none.
Councilor Campbell moved to approve minutes from the October 1, 2018 Regular Meeting. Councilor
Kimball seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Minutes
were approved 7-0.
Tom Kapostasy spoke in favor of his submitted redistricting plans. He encouraged Council not to make
the entire Westside one district.
Mayor Brainard spoke in memory of Jack Badger who passed away.
Councilor Carter announced the opening of the Carmel Winter Farmer's Market on October 20`h.
There were none.
Councilor Finkam moved to approve Payroll in the amount of $2,685,414.08. Councilor Campbell
seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Payroll was
approved 7-0.
Councilor Finkam moved to approve General Claims in the amount of $2,370,200.37. Councilor Green
seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Claims were
approved 7-0
Councilor Finkam moved to approve Retirement in the amount of $99,214.33. Councilor Campbell
seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Retirement was
approved 7-0.
Councilor Finkam moved to acknowledge Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,782,645.34. Councilor
Campbell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Wire
Transfers were acknowledged 7-0.
Councilor Finkam reported that the Finance, Utilities and Rules Committee had me and that reports would
be given when the items appear on the agenda.
Councilor Campbell reported that the Land Use and Special Studies Committee had not met.
OTHER REPORTS — (at the first meeting of the month specified below):
Brian Patterson, Carmel Public Art Advisory Committee, addressed Council about the vision and mission
of the committee.
Winston Long, Carmel Cable and Telecommunications Commission, gave the bi-annual report.
Councilor President Rider announced Resolution CC -03-19-18-03: A Resolution of the Common
Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Granting a Waiver that Certain Private Streets be Improved to
City Standards Before Being Dedicated to the City. Councilor Green moved to remove the item from
committee. Councilor Finkam seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called
for the vote. The motion was approved 7-0. Councilor Green moved to remove the item from the agenda.
Councilor Finkam seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the
vote. The motion was approved 7-0. Item is removed from the agenda.
Councilor President Rider announced the Second Readine of Ordinance D-2438-18; An Ordinance of
the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Establishing the Appropriations for the 2019
Budget. This item was introduced and held over. Councilor Green addressed Council about putting more
money in the Rainy Day Fund. He stated that he is comfortable supporting the budget with the promise
that Council will look into ways to move more money into this fund in the future. Councilor Finkam
moved to approve Ordinance D-2438-18. Councilor Worrell seconded. There was no Council discussion.
Council President Rider called for the vote. Ordinance D-2438-18 was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced the Second Readine of Ordinance D-2434-18; An Ordinance of
the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Fixing Salaries of Appointed Officers and
Employees of the Clerk -Treasurer, City of Carmel, Indiana, for the year 2019. Councilor Finkam
announced that this item was returning from the Finance, Utilities and Rules committee with a positive 3-
0 recommendation. Councilor Finkam moved to approve Ordinance D-2434-18. Councilor Carter
seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Ordinance D-
2434-18 was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced the Second Reading of Ordinance D-2435-18; An Ordinance of
the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Fixing Salaries of Appointed Officers and
Employees of the Carmel City Court for the year 2019. Councilor Finkam announced that this item was
returning from the Finance, Utilities and Rules committee with a positive 3-0 recommendation. Councilor
Finkam moved to approve Ordinance D-2435-18. Councilor Carter seconded. There was no Council
discussion. Council President Rider called for the vote. Ordinance D-2435-18 was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced the Second Readine of Ordinance D-2436-18; An Ordinance of
the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Fixing Salaries of Appointed Officers and
Employees of the City of Carmel, Indiana, for the year 2019. Councilor Finkam announced that this item
was returning from the Finance, Utilities and Rules committee with a positive 3-0 recommendation and
proposed amendments. Councilor Finkam moved to amend Ordinance D-2346-18 by inserting Version A
in whole. Councilor Worrell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider called
for the vote. The motion was approved 7-0. Councilor Finkam moved to approve Ordinance D-2436-18
As Amended. Councilor Campbell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President Rider
called for the vote. Ordinance D-2436-18 As Amended was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced the Second Reading of Ordinance D-2437-18; An Ordinance of
the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Fixing Salaries of Elected Officials of the City of
Carmel, Indiana, for the Year 2019. Councilor Finkam announced that this item was returning from the
Finance, Utilities and Rules committee with a positive 2-1 recommendation (Green Opposed). Councilor
Finkam stated that there were motions to amend the ordinance in committee by Councilor Green to keep
the Mayor's salary at a 3% increase and to limit the personal use of the vehicle by the Mayor. Both of
those motions failed in committee due to a lack of a "second". Councilor Finkam moved to approve
Ordinance D-2437-18. Councilor Carter seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President
Rider called for the vote. Ordinance D-2437-18 was approved 6-1 (Green opposed).
Councilor President Rider announced the First Readine of Ordinance D-2442-18; An Ordinance of the
Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, for the Purpose of Establishing the Councilmanic
Districts of 2019. Councilor Finkam moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Campbell
seconded. Councilor Finkam presented the item to Council and gave a PowerPoint presentation that is
included in the minutes. Council President Rider opened the public hearing at 7:12:15 p.m.
Christine Lowery addressed Council with concerns over the proposal as it relates to district 239. She feels
the community cohesiveness is being broken up by putting it in the central district.
Babette Miller addressed Council with concerns over the proposal as it relates to district 239 and feels that
the district should remain in the northeast district
Eric Morris expressed that he was confused why the instructions called for a mathematical number in the
.deviation on the form submitted when there was a percentage number in the body of the public packet. He
also encouraged Council to send the item to committee.
Jill Meisenheimer expressed concern that Councillor Green is losing considerably more precincts than the
other councillors and gaining more new precincts with the Council plan for redistricting.
Dee Fox expressed concern with the process and suggested that a neutral outside party should have been
hired for the redistricting plan instead of individuals with close political connections. She also expressed
concern with the Council submitted plan as it relates to Councillor Green and the districts he will have
taken away.
Seeing no one else who wished to address Council, Council President Rider closed the public hearing at
7:26:15 p.m. Councilor Finkam noted that new Council boundaries would not come into effect until 2020.
Councilor Finkam also addressed the concern about the imbalance of certain districts losing or gaining
more precincts explaining that this was not a stated goal. Compactness and contiguity were two of the
main goals for drawing the new lines. Council President Rider referred the item to the Finance, Utilities
and Rules Committee.
Councilor President Rider announced Resolution CC -10-15-18-02: A Resolution of the Common
Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, to Petition the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance
to Adjust the Levy Limit of the City for Budget Year 2019. Councilor Finkam moved to introduce the
item into business. Councilor Campbell seconded. Curt Coonrod, C.L. Coonrod & Company, presented
the item to Council. There was extensive Council discussion. Councilor Finkam moved to approve
Resolution CC -10-15-18-02. Councilor Campbell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council
President Rider called for the vote. Resolution CC -10-15-18-02 was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced the First Reading of Ordinance D-2441-18; An Ordinance of the
Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Amending Chapter 2, Article 4, Section 2-140 of the
Carmel City Code. Councilor Carter moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Campbell
seconded. Councilor Carter presented the item to Council. Councilor Carter moved to suspend the rules
and act on this tonight. Councilor Worrell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council President
Rider called for the vote. The motion was approved 6-0 (Finkam absent). Councilor Carter moved to
approve Ordinance D-2441-18. Councilor Campbell seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council
President Rider called for the vote. Ordinance D-2441-18 was approved 6-0 (Finkam absent).
Councilor President Rider announced Resolution CC -10-15-18-01: A Resolution of the Common
Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the 2018 Mayor's Office
Budget Line Items. Councilor Worrell moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Campbell
seconded. Councilor Worrell presented the item to Council. Councilor Worrell moved to approve
Resolution CC -10-15-18-01. Councilor Carter seconded. There was no Council discussion. Council
President Rider called for the vote. Resolution CC -10-15-18-01 was approved 7-0.
Councilor President Rider announced Resolution CC -10-15-18-03: A Resolution of the Common
Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, Approving a Transfer of Funds Between the Grant Fund
(Community Relations) (#900) and the Community Relations Gift Fund (#854). Councilor Finkam moved
to introduce the item into business. Councilor Worrell seconded. Nancy Heck, Director of Community
Relations and Economic Development, presented the item to Council. Councilor Worrell moved to
approve Resolution CC -10-15-18-03. Councilor Carter seconded. There was no Council discussion.
Council President Rider called for the vote. Resolution CC -10-15-18-03 was approved 7-0.
Pursuant to Ordinance D-2370-17 with regard to a total cost that exceeds $49,999, a request to
review the Carmel Redevelopment Commission's approval for the purchase of land located at 620
S. Rangeline Road. Councilor Finkam moved to introduce the item into business. Councilor Worrell
seconded. Henry Mestetsky, Executive Director of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, presented
details to the Council. Ashley Ulbricht, City Attorney, addressed Council and there was extensive
discussion on whether the item could be sent to committee. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that
the original ordinance mandated that Council must vote on the item before them at this meeting and it
could not be sent to committee. The purchase order for this project was in the amount of $15 Million.
Mayor Brainard addressed Council on the importantance of the purchase in continuing the vision for the
city. Councilor Carter moved to approve the purchase of property by the Carmel Redevelopment
Commission located at 620 S. Rangeline Road. Councilor Finkam seconded. There was brief Council
discussion. Councilor President Rider called for the vote. The motion was approved 4-3 (Rider, Campbell
and Green opposed).
There were none.
Council President Rider adjourned the meeting at 8:34 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
lerk-Treasurer Cjx4stine S. Pauley
ine S. Paul , Clerk -Treasurer