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City of C
Carmel Plan Commission
October 2, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Michael Casati
Joshua Kirsh
Susan Westermeier
Members Absent: Nick Kestner
Staff Present: Alexia Lopez,Planning Administrator
Joe Shestak,Administrative Assistant
Legal Counsel: John Molitor
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Michael Casati,Chairman
1. TABLED-Docket No. 18010004 Z: West Bridge PUD Rezone
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2-8. Docket No. 18060015 PP: The Estates at Town Meadow Subdivision.(previously the Parks at Towne Meadow)
Docket No. 18060016 V: UDO Sec.2.04: 15,000 sq.ft.Min Lot Area, 14,000 sq.ft.Requested
Docket No. 18060017 V: UDO SEC.2.04: 120 ft.Min Lot Width, 100 ft.Requested
Docket No. 18060018 V: UDO SEC.2.04: 40 ft.Min Front Yd.Setback,30 ft.Requested
Docket No. 18060019 V: UDO SEC.2.04: 10 ft.Min Side Yd. Setback,5 ft.Requested
Docket No. 18060020 V: UDO SEC.2.04: 30 ft.Min Aggregate of Side Yards,20 ft.Requested
Docket No. 18060021 V: UDO SEC.2.04: 1 Lot/Acre Max Density, 1.22 Lots/Acre Requested
The applicant seeks primary plat approval with variances for a new 44 lot subdivision. The site is located south
of 116th Street and west of Towne Road and is zoned S-1/Residential. Filed by Steve Pittman with Pittman Real
Estate Services,owner.
Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz,Land Use Professional—Nelson&Frankenberger,LLC
• Present are Paul Rio,Jim Shinaver—Attorney with Nelson&Frankenberger,and Jim Rinehart—Engineer with
Williams Creek&Consulting
• This is a follow up from the Sept.4 RES COM meeting where several items were discussed and we were asked to
respond to the comments
• A street light will be at the intersection of Towne Road and the entrance
• Lots 1-6 will have an addition of two evergreen trees in the rear yards
• Additional trees will be placed in the common area between Towne Road and Lot 44
Residential Committee Minutes 10-2-18
• Corner Lots 16, 17,and 26 will have additional architecture standards
• "No Construction Traffic"/"No Construction Entrance"signs will be placed at the neighborhood entrance on
Towne Road and at entrance to Kingsmill along 116th Street, if allowed by their HOA. We will work on the
wording of the sign with the Kingsmill HOA.
• Minimum area of 2-story home size is now 3,000 sq. ft.
• The fence along the Moretto's property will extend along their north and west property lines
• Passed out photos with what the streetscape and views are from Towne Road
• Passed out an updated primary plat
• Looking north,there will be evergreen trees blocking the view of the back of homes which was a concern of
committee member,Mr. Kestner
• The applicant has agreed the final location of the required stub street is subject to change and will generally be
platted across from Lot 5
• The pathway material of the nature trail will be changed to asphalt instead of crushed stone
• We will provide a copy of the University High School(UHS)concept plan on how their land maybe developed in
the future and this will be disclosed to potential buyers
• Subdivision identity sign will be on Towne Road
• Architecture standards on the sides of the homes will be updated with change of pattern,material,and/or color to
provide more variety in the design
• Public sidewalks are required on all lots,along the street,within the ROW and should be a min.of 5'
• UHS has dedicated the ROW along 116th in front of UHS. We do not have a set date on the construction of the
path connection between 116th and our development. We will follow up with UHS on when that will happen.
• As discussed at the last meeting, Staff would like to see a sidewalk requirement between the front door and the
sidewalk but we will have a min. 25' front yard setback and the front yards are graded/sloped in the front yard.
There will be a sidewalk to connect the front porch and driveway.
• The plat includes the location of the subdivision identity sign
• The label on the face of plat will identify the new subdivision name change—The Estates at Town Meadow
Department Report: Alexia Lopez:
• The petitioner submitted packets with all their changes
• We did meet with the UHS representative and discussed about constructing the required the multi-use path on
116th Street. They are still working out a timeline and a budget.
• Our remaining comments are addressing the plat,and requesting a sidewalk connection from the front porch to
the street
• Passed out photos of residential sidewalks that are from the front porch to the street to show the Committee and
the petitioner how this looks and could work in this development
• We recommend favorable recommendation back to the full Plan Commission
Committee Comments:
Josh Kirsh: Is the stub street to the east of the pipeline? Jon Dobosiewicz: It is east. Josh: Can we have it to the west
to make it easier and more of a direct route instead of having to cross the pipeline again? Paul Rio: Refers to map, the
stub street can be moved further east,by 200' and we can accommodate the turn to go over the pipeline. Alexia Lopez:
This is not the set location. They can shift the stub street if needed.
Josh Kirsh: Will you have street sidewalks? Jon Dobosiewicz: Yes
Josh Kirsh: I have concerns about the nature trail around the pond. It's interfering with people's quality of life.
Paul Rio: Would you like us to move it to the other side of the pond or along the pipeline?We can eliminate that section
of the path that's close to the neighbors that you're concerned about. Michael Casati: Can you put in more
landscaping? Paul: We can't plant trees on the pipeline but there is an existing tree preservation area here(refers to
map). Jim Rinehart,Engineer: Can you show me what you are referring to so I can share this with UHS?
Susan Westermeier: Can we come up with a compromise on the sidewalks to the front porch? After seeing the example
Residential Committee Minutes 10-2-18
photos,I can go either way. Paul Rio: How do you all feel about it? Josh Kirsh: I don't feel strong about it as the
Department does. Refers to the photo example, I don't want to see a bunch of concrete in the front yard. Paul: My
Ireason I don't like it is because of the look and aesthetics. Alexia Lopez: Aesthetically,I don't see it as a negative. If
people park in the street,then they aren't forced to go to the driveway. They can use the sidewalk to the front porch. It
creates a more traditional neighborhood design. Paul Rio: If Staff wants it,we will include it. Alexia: We could
eliminate the sidewalk along the home if we include the porch to curb sidewalk. Josh: This would encourage people to
park in the street and use the sidewalk connection to the front porch. Let's move forward for curb to porch sidewalks.
Paul: Ok. Josh: We don't have a requirement for driveway to porch sidewalks? Paul: No. Someone might opt to
put one in than the other,depending on the architecture of the house. Josh: They can decide to put in both if they want
but I do not want to make a requirement of both.
Susan Westermeier: What about the lighting plan and location? Alexia Lopez: We want to see the location of the
light at the intersection at Towne Road in the plans. Jon Dobosiewicz: It will be part of the secondary plat. Jim
Rinehart: There will be a light on the entrance sign.
Josh Kirsh: The future barricade between Kingsmill and this development can be removed by the City Engineer,Board
of Public Works,DOCS,or Kingsmill HOA.
A motion made by Susan Westermeier and seconded by Josh Kirsh to move to Full Plan Commission with
favorable recommendation.
Approved 3-0, 1 Absent-Kestner
9. Docket No. 18070015 Z: 2724 E 136' St.PUD Rezone
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 59 acres to PUD/Planned Unit Development in order to develop
approximately 100 single-family dwellings and 100 condominiums/townhomes. The site is located at the NE
corner of Keystone Parkway and 136th Street. It is zoned R-1/Residential within the Keystone Parkway Overlay
Zone. Filed by Justin Moffett of Old Town Design Companies LLC.
Petitioner: Justin Moffett
• Steve Fehribach with A&F Engineering is here to discuss the traffic report
• Passed out exhibits of the site plans
• An easel map exhibit was presented to show the current site plan
• One of the main concerns from the adjacent neighbors is the buffering between us and them
• We were asked to eliminate the unit that is east of the creek(referring to the map)
• We were asked to make a commitment to not have any building construction within 100' of the historic home
• We were asked to make a road connection to Mill Gate Dr.
• The 20' property line buffer has been changed to a 40' buffer,which will be a tree preservation area
• Density was decreased to 100 units of single family and 100 units for multi-family.Our initial request was a total
of 238 units.
• We were asked to not have any 3 story multi-family structures
• Most of the negative comments were about density and traffic and not about the architecture
• Passed out the traffic report summary
• We committed to include a 2 story max height,and no condo buildings east of the Main Blvd
Steve Fehribach,A&F Engineering
• The traffic report showed the amount of trips that will be made entering and exiting the site(Did he mention if
this project would have a significant negative effect on 136th St?)
• The numbers we factored in are for 103 single family residence units and 134 townhomes,which is larger than
the new commitment of 100 units of single family and 100 units of townhomes.
• The volume of traffic that would be generated would be small enough where it would not affect the through
traffic on 136th Street
• If we can elongate the roundabout at 136th and Keystone,it will help move traffic through 136th Street
Residential Committee Minutes 10-2-18
• This new roundabout design creates a driveway that has a right in and right out. There would not be a left turn in
• We had conversations with Jeremy Kashman about the meter light signals coming on and off at this roundabout
• Passed out exhibits on the new roundabout design proposal
• The development will have three connections,from the east,north,and west. The connections do not go directly
to 146th Street or Carey Road.
• Carey Road will probably see a decrease of traffic because the County is building a ramp connection from Lowes
Way to Keystone,and will tie into south bound Rangeline
• With all the road additions and changes,the intersection at 136th and Keystone will get better
• Our goal would be to lose the traffic light signals at the roundabout
Department Report: Alexia Lopez:
• There have been changes from the original submittal and we reviewed them as positive
• They show a stub-street connection to Yorktown Woods
• They show the multi-use path along Keystone that is required but they need to connect this path to the Hagan
Burke Trail.
• There's a natural buffer of the pond along Keystone
• The elongated roundabout will be a key aspect of this development. Jeremy Kashman will have the final review.
• They need to show more architecture design details in the PUD wording and present those to us
• They need to show more detail on the internal signage. Show us how the signs will look like in the neighborhood
and where the signs will be located at.
• We are still working through our original comments in the PUD
• We recommend this to go forward to the next(Nov. 8)Residential Committee meeting
Committee Comments:
Josh Kirsh: Would the proposed second connection to the east impact your traffic study? The Plan Commission could
ask the petitioner to build it. Steve Fehribach: I haven't run the exact travel times. People will make this neighborhood
more of the cut through,than cut through the existing neighborhoods.
Josh Kirsh: We can reduce the traffic at 136th and Keystone if we can we make this a 55 years and older community?
Steve Fehribach: This would reduce the amount of vehicle trips. Josh: I believe this is one of the busiest intersections
in the morning hours. Steve: With this being close to the high school,I could see that.
Josh Kirsh: Add more architecture standards to the language of the PUD. Add the details. Increase architecture on
street facing facades.
Josh Kirsh: Why are we not making a connection to Smokey Ridge Trail(to Smokey Ridge Subdivision)?
Justin Moffett: The plans have changed and that area is dedicated as park space. There's a commitment that we have
no less than a 3 acre park. We envision this as a park,and the adjacent neighbors did not want a connection.
Josh Kirsh: Why are some of the trees outlined(in the site plan)? Justin Moffett: These are the trees that are worthy
saving for preservation.
Michael Casati: Did we ever have a plan to work out a connection with the path(with the previous project?)? Susan
Westermeier: There was a lot of discussion,but nothing was resolved. Justin Moffett: We support to provide the
space and cost as long as the path connects to somewhere. We want to make sure there's the ability by the neighboring
HOA to allow a path through their property and it doesn't stop at the property line. Josh Kirsh: Referring to map. We
can propose to build your part of the path and connect it to here. Alexia Lopez: Referring to map. We walked this
route. The grades start to change and it drops,but there does seem to be a feasible route.Josh: We can explore our
options with the Parks Department and Hamilton County. Justin: I want to make sure a path is possible. In a past
experience,we agreed to a path,but then it was physically impossible to do a path. Alexia: What kind of study would it
take to see if it's physically possible to construct a path? Justin: We can ask HWC Engineering to do topography of the
area and research what groups we need to go through.
Residential Committee Minutes 10-2-18
Susan Westermeier: Did you ever think of having this as a 55 and older development? Justin Moffett: People don't
want to be stereotyped into their housing type. They like the ability for inter-generational living. Based on our floor
Iplans,the majority appeals to the 55 and older group but some younger families may move in this development.
Alexia Lopez: Can you describe the floor plans,and why you see more of the buyers at 55 years and older?
Justin Moffett: All main levels have master floor plans. We offer smaller lots. We also limit outdoor play equipment.
Susan Westermeier: Can you explain what you meant by not doing anything near the historic home area?
Justin Moffett: We are not proposing any homes or structures east of the creek. We will draw a 100' line off the
historic home and not build within that. This was mainly driven by the Indiana Landmark Foundation. We will not add
additional structures to the historic home. We can add parking and improvements to the historic home. Susan: You will
need to add commitments what can and can't be allowed around the historic home. Justin: Correct. Alexia Lopez: The
uses will need to be added to the PUD. Some uses will be excluded. Justin: We would be required to go through the
Historic Preservation Commission to do anything. They have their own ADLS. They would be very restricted.
Susan Westermeier: Can we add commitments about construction traffic? Alexia Lopez: We can add it to the PUD.
Josh Kirsh: I want to limit the amount of construction traffic entering. Justin Moffett: There's an existing gravel path
accessible on Keystone that was used for farm equipment. We would want to keep this open for construction traffic if
allowed by City Engineering.
Michael Casati: Would you build all the roads at once? Justin: We would likely phase it out. First,we would have to
build the main Blvd. The goal is to limit the construction on traffic on Matt Street till the very end.
Susan Westermeier: What's the time frame you have on the extended roundabout being developed?
Josh Kirsh: Jeremy Kashman would have final say. Justin Moffett: The roundabout buildout would be a package deal
Iwith this development. Josh: We could have Justin ask Jeremy Kashman for a letter to explain when the roundabout
would need to be constructed. Justin: We would want the new roundabout constructed before the first model home is
Susan Westermeier: Is there anything in the commitments addressing rentals? Justin Moffett: We are comfortable to
committing to a max percentage of rentals. These units are really hard to rent. There's usually a limited amount that are
This item will be continued to the next Residential Committee on Thursday,November 8,2018.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
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(Shestak—Secretary Michael Casati—Chairman
Residential Committee Minutes 10-2-18