HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOM 10-02-18 Qoar '" Cityof C rrrninN� Carmel Plan Commission COMMERCIAL COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 2, 2018 Meeting Minutes Location: Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms,2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square,Cannel,IN 46032 Members Present: Tom Kegley,Laura Campbell,Alan Potasnik,John Adams Staff Present: Rachel Keesling,Nathan Chavez,John Molitor,Mike Hollibaugh Time of Meeting: 6:00 PM The Commercial Committee met to consider the following items: 1. Docket No. 18070001 Z: 201 W. 106th Street Rezone,S-2 to B-1. The applicant seeks approval to rezone approximately 5.73 acres from S-2/Residential to the B-1/Business zoning district classification. The site is currently zoned S-2/Single Family Residential, low density and is not located within any overlay zone.It is located at the southwest corner of 106th Street and Illinois Street. Filed by Joseph D. Calderon of Barnes&Thornburg LLP on behalf of the owner,PL Properties LLC. Petitioners: Steve Pittman(PL Properties)&Joe Calderon(Barnes&Thornburg LLP) Steve Pittman • Because a few of the Commercial Committee(Committee)members were not present at the last meeting on September 4th I will review what has occurred since last meeting. • Steve passed out Project Updates and read it to the Committee. • I will go through the commitments in the submitted packet and highlight any changes made or notable commitments. • Item 1: The Department of Community Services(Staff)is supportive of all the proposed uses for the site. • Item 2: ATM now includes,"provided it is attached to or wholly located within the building.","cafeteria, coffee or sandwich ship,bistro"has been added,and"open space"takes the place of"park". • Item 3: Hours of operation is 7:00 am to 7:00 pm,Monday through Friday and 8:00 am to 1:00 am on Saturday. If there is any school use permitted they may have evening class up to 10:00 pm and Saturday classes until 4:00 pm. • Item 4: "The placement of a wall is subject to the approval of the City of Carmel Urban Forester."was added,as well as,"In addition,the developer shall plant a staggered line of Arbor Vitae,Norway Spruce or similar planting material approved by the Urban Forester in the cutout area shown on the Site Plan." The cutout area came about through meetings with the neighboring property owner to the west.The width of his house was measured and then widened by 20-ft.on each side.There is additional language at the end of item 4 further buffering his property. • Steve read item 5. • Steve read item 6. • I will come back to items 7, 8,9, 19,and 18 because changes have been made. • Item 10: Staff is in support. • Item 11: Staff is in support. • Item 12: Trash will be removed from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.Additionally,all non-emergency maintenance of the exterior of the Subject property that creates noise at levels which exceed 900 decibels at the property line,such as lawn mowing and leaf blowing shall occur between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday through Friday, and 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday. For purposes of this Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 1 restriction, snow/ice plowing or treatment shall not be included as a restricted activity. This is supported by Staff as well. • Items 13 and 14 are the same. • Steve read item 15 and 16. • Staff has made comments for item 16 and we will review those. • Item 17: Brad Grabow asked that the address for this project have an Illinois St.address. • Item 18: Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)bicycle parking is addressed. • Steve passed around updated copies of the commitments labeled `Commitments e Redline'. The listed commitment items in the Department Report correspond with the listed commitment items in `Commitments e Redline'. • Item 18: Staff recommends altering the word"requirements"in this commitment to instead say the"long term parking goals"of the UDO. This is reflected in the updated commitments. • Item 16: Steve read the Staff's recommendation in the Department Report.Added text to item 16 reads, "as well as the Carmel City Code,whichever is more stringent." • Item 9: Steve read the Staff's recommendation in the Department Report. Steve then read item 9 in the `Commitments e Redline'. • Alan Potasnik-Regardless of the doors location,the petitioner will follow a more stringent buffer yard? • Rachel Keesling-Yes. I wanted the Plan Commission(Commission)to know these options exist within the current UDO. • Item 8: Steve read the Staffs recommendation in the Department Report.Added text to item 8 reads,"a garage façade that is either below grade,or that any portion of said garage façade featuring concrete block which is above grade shall be suitably screened by landscaping." • Item 7: Staff has commented on the quality of the building and would like this to be similar to what is actually built. We have seen other buildings where the petitioners provide no specificity. This commitment provides specificity. • Steve read the Staff's recommendation in the Department Report for item 7 and then read the updated commitments. • Item 7 allows another public hearing. When a McDonalds sought ADLS approval they received significant pushback from Staff and the Commission.I worked extensively with McDonalds to help them through the process. We do not know who the tenant will be for this proposal or what types of changes will need to occur when a tenant is found,but what can be committed to is that the building will have this architectural style and materials. • Joe Calderon-If you read items 7 and 8 together one will find all the materials used and their percentage of each used.The final product will be high quality. • After speaking with Ron Houck(neighbor of the subject property)this week a few changes have occurred. Sanner Ct. is a private street serving ten lots.The owner of 340 Sanner Ct. requested the cul-de- sac extend northward into the subject property and developed as residential. 340 Sanner Ct. is a part of a recorded platted subdivision and it would be difficult to extend a road through the subdivision. I have also met with Mike Hollibaugh,the City Department of Community Services Director,and he informed me that Staff would not be in support of this type of development. Department Report: Rachel Keesling • I did want to use this time to review outstanding commitment comments for items 7, 8,9, 16,and 18.The changes made are sufficient. • Item 7: Staff wants the renderings shown to be similar to what is actually built. Staff will closely examine this when the petitioner comes through the ADLS process. • Item 8: The use of concrete block was the biggest concern. Staff wanted to ensure that the materials used were only for a subgrade garage and not an above level garage. • Item 9: The type C bufferyard has two different options and Staff is comfortable with the presented changes.The petitioner will have more landscaping,regardless. • Item 16: The previous commitment only covered trash and mowing. The City Code requirements are now referenced in the commitments. Staff wants to reassure the neighbors that tenants will not create a nuisance at late hours. Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 2 • Item 18: The UDO has long term recommendations for bicycle parking and requirements for short term parking.By including"long term parking goals"the petitioner will follow the recommendation for the long term bicycle parking. • Steve Pittman-I am assuming this is more strenuous? • The wording provided is as a commitment to the long term bicycle parking. • Staff is supportive of the rezone and recommends that the Committee forward this back to the Commission with favorable recommendation onto City Council. Committee Comments: Alan Potasnik • Is Staff satisfied with the changes made in the commitments, specifically that the items with red markings in the Department Report have been properly addressed? • Rachel Keesling-Yes. John Adams • A lot of effort has been put into this petition.It is important for all of us to understand that this is a rezone request and not a request to approve a three-story office building. Rezones are a big deal and need to be taken seriously.A compelling reason needs to be presented,especially in a residential area. Every aspect of a rezone proposal needs to be examined,not just potential economic benefits. • I do not support changing this residential zoning to a commercial zoning district because there is no compelling reason to. Tom Kegley • I understand John Adam's view regarding this request. We need to move forward with what is appropriate at this point in time in Carmel. There has been a fair amount of commercialization around Illinois St.This area is viewed as a prime location for commercial uses.The proposal is a good and reasonable one for the use of this land. Laura Campbell • I have seen the City grow and believe it has been conscientious.The petitioner has made the changes that both the Commission and Staff have asked for.It is a good fit for Illinois St. Alan Potasnik • At the public hearing on August 21'Tom Kegley asked if the public could provide additional comments. I agreed to it,but was unable to attend the previous Committee meeting on September 4t due to a medical issue. I will,at this time,allow the public to add any new technical concerns that have not been submitted via letter,email,or through the public hearing. Tom Kegley • What prompted me to open the public hearing process again was I felt there was productive discussion occurring at the Commission on August 21s`.New ideas and questions were raised,but a lot of the issues have been addressed since.Any public comments needs to be new material. Public Comment: Ron Houck-Spring Mill Place resident • Three arguments were used to justify the proposed rezone; lack of access points to the property,visual sight line from the subject property to the St.Vincent Heart Center(St.Vincent)across the street,and commercial uses to the south. • The commercial uses to the south only had option to develop commercially because there were no protections in place for residential development and there was only access from Illinois St. • The visual site line from the subject parcel to St.Vincent is not an impediment for a residential development. Landscaping could be added to buffer that view. Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 3 • The commercial development to the south is a single-story which mainly resembles a large ranch style home. It is reduced and compatible with the sounding neighborhoods. It is perplexing that the subject proposal is three-stories. • The neighbors at the Reserve at Sprigmill subdivision would much prefer a residential development.A variance could be sought to allow higher density. • It would be interesting to hear the rationale of why Staff would not support connecting Sanner Ct.to the subject parcel. Tom Perkins-Paganelli Law Group • I am here on behalf of Mark Pittman and Anne Kelton. • A commitment was made to the City by the Pittman family stating that there would be no access to the property from Illinois St. This commitment is being undone. • There is still opportunity, in the development community,to keep the property as a residential estate. • There is no compelling reason to rezone. Roger Klinger-Kingsmill resident • I am representing DK Dwellings LLC(DK)the property owner south of the proposed development. • DK never signed off in support of the petition.My wife is the owner of DK. • Sanner Ct. is no longer a private drive.The residents of Sanner Ct.turned over the street back to the City. DK is willing to sell the land to the City and have a street connection to the subject property which should develop as a residential. • There have been specific discussions with the residents of Rosado Hill and the owner of 301 Millridge Dr.,but none with DK. Steve gave me a quick overview of the petition and has not made specific commitments given to others. • It is the intent to revitalize the existing building or construct two separate dwellings.A three-story office building is a detriment to the property value. • This rezone would be a financial boom for the City,financial windfall for the developer,and a punishment for the adjacent home-owners. Bill McGinnis-Williams Mill resident • There is a lot of vacant office space in the City. Will this project also end up vacant? Petitioner's Rebuttal- Steve Pittman • With regards to John Adam's comments;when the Comprehensive Plan(C3)was created St.Vincent was not yet built. Illinois St. divides residential and commercial uses and is the reason we have been sensitive to our neighbor's requests. • Illinois St. has been moved west closer to this property. C3 does not address all the changes to the area. • With regards to Ron Houck's comments; he admitted he was against the Bridges development,but admits today that it is a positive for the area. It is in the eye of the beholder. • Ron Houck-I was concerned about the details. • The one and two-story building just south on Illinois St. is 25 steps from the houses to the west and 50 steps to the houses to the north. Our proposal is on average a football field away(330 feet)from the western property line. • Roger Klinger did retract the letter. He is the CEO of the company and received orders to retract the letter. • Roger Klinger-I am the COO. • Sanner Ct. is a private street and I am willing to have in-depth discussions with DK. • There have been comments made regarding the Reserve at Springmill subdivision HOA president, Carol Weiss. Her property is abuts the proposal.Remonstrators have claimed she has been cut a special deal. This is an untrue statement.All property owners on the southern property line are being treated equally. Tom motions to send Docket No. 18070001 to Plan Commission with Favorable Recommendation,Laura seconds,motion passes 3-1,Adams. Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 4 2. Docket No. 18030016 Z: Franciscan Health Rezone,S-2 to MC. The applicant seeks approval to rezone approximately 6.16 acres to the MC/Meridian Corridor zoning district classification.The site is currently zoned S-2/Single Family Residential. It is located at the southeast corner of 111th Street and Illinois Street. Filed by Robert Hicks of Hall,Render,Killian,Heath,&Lyman,P.C.on behalf of Franciscan Health. Petitioner: Robert Hicks(Hall Render) • The petition was seen last by the Commission on September 18th. Common comments included where the buildings will be located and what they will look like.The Development Plan(DP)/ADLS process is where the building details are further worked out. • There is a pipeline easement on the southern property dictating development. We are showing a four-story building and is what will be built. The building is pushed as far as possible to the south to diminish the impact on the neighbors to the north. • The three or four-story parking garage north of the pipeline easement would require a variance. • Since the September 18th Commission meeting we have met with Staff and neighbors in order to address comments made. We are willing to make commitments regarding the proposal. • We are committing to having no emergency attributes associated with the development.It does not need any emergency facilities. • The building heights on the subject parcel will be limited to two-stories.As long as the Meridian Suburban subdivision(Meridian Suburban)is zoned S-2 we will commit to no more than a two-story height on the property. • Several comments from neighbors' concern light pollution. We will work with the Urban Forester to increase the amount of landscaping on the eastern bufferyard and design the parking lot in order to minimize light spillage. • There are 25 in-patient beds for overnight stays. 70 is an over-stated number given at Commission.The actual number of employees needed for overnight patients is closer to 30 or 40.The cars entering the site for the overnight shift will occur around 6:15 pm to 6:30 pm. The shift would not end until 7:00 am. • The corner of the parking garage on the southern parcel abuts the required 30-ft.buffer. Staff has indicated they would like us to push the buffer at this specific location to 40-ft.or 50-ft.We are not prepared to make that commitment tonight,but will look into what can be done. • Tree preservation in the 30-ft.bufferyard was also mentioned at Commission. We are committed to this and will work with the Urban Forester to preserve as many mature trees as possible. Department Report: Rachel Keesling • Staff met with the petitioner earlier today in order to start working on commitments to mitigate any adverse impacts on the Meridian Suburban. Staff would like to see the petitioner go above and beyond, especially with regards to buffering adjacent to the parking garage. • The petitioner has done well at creating a list to mitigate adverse impacts on the neighbors. Staff would like to see this list become commitments. • What would a master plan look like if the Meridian Suburban was not present? Staff would like a larger plan for the area. Limiting the subject parcel to drainage and parking is not the best use of the land. The petitioner is still working on proving their thoughts on a larger plan. • Staff recommends this petition is continued to the November 8th Commercial Committee. Committee Comments: Laura Campbell • Is November 8th enough time for the petitioner to research the additional buffer near the parking garage? • Robert Hicks-Yes. Alan Potasnik • How much land is actually owned for this project? • Robert Hicks-Under contract is the six acre subject parcel and the 12 acre parcel to the south. • The central pond is within your control? Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 5 • Robert Hicks-Correct. • Would all the trees near the central pond be removed?When will the petitioner know what trees will be able to be preserved? • Robert Hicks-We will try our best to preserve all the trees,but are uncertain at this point what can be preserved. We are attempting to inventory all the existing trees before winter. • What has changed since the September 18th Commission meeting? 111 • Robert Hicks-Dialogue with Staff has occurred and a list of commitments has been created. We have not explored design at this point in time. • Is the list of commitments available at this time? • Robert Hicks-Not at this time. • No new packet has been made available.The graphics have not been updated?I am not sure how to proceed from here.Not much has changed. • Robert Hicks-If a rezone is granted we will procure architects and engineers for design.This project will be back in front of the Plan Commission for the DP/ADLS process. • Staff has included the site schematic analysis in the Department Report. Has this been provided? • Robert Hicks-We have provided the conceptual renderings.No additional supplemental material has been provided. John Adams • How will be proposed facilities be accessed?There is no access to US 31. • Robert Hicks-There is no access to this site except for Illinois St. • Alan Potasnik-There will be no access to pedestrians? • Rachel Keesling-There is pedestrian access across the 111th St. bridge.There is no ramp or exit from US 31 to 111th Street. • The proposal is to have access from Illinois St.? • Robert Hicks-Correct. It is not adjacent to any other right-of-ways. • The southern hospital parcel. What is it zoned? • Robert Hicks-Meridian Corridor. Tom Kegley • Some consideration needs to be taken into a possible third phase of the Franciscan campus? • Rachel Keesling-Correct.This needs to include drainage,access, and tree preservation. • When I drove by the subject parcel the blue public hearing sign was not present. • Meridian Suburban is a nice neighborhood,but has been slowly enveloped by commercial uses and US 31.A lot has changed and the US 31 corridor has been fully built out. Alan Potasnik • Can the petitioner please work on providing some ideas regarding maintaining the serenity for neighbors? What is the intention for tree preservation?This Committee has spent a large amount of time on lighting for both cars and parking lot poles.These types of quality of life issues are important and need to be considered seriously.Please work with Staff to create a presentation,taking into account all that has been discussed tonight,for next meeting. Alan motions to continue Docket No. 18030016 to Residential Committee on November 8,2018,John seconds, motion passes 4-0. Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 6 3. Docket No. 18070013 ADLS Amend:Pennwood Professional Park. 4. Docket No. 18070014 V:UDO SECTION 3.06.B.3.f.: "All buildings shall be designed with respect to the general character of the US 31 Corridor and,particularly,with due consideration to buildings located on lots that abut the subject property." The applicant seeks site plan and design approval with a variance for a new building to be constructed on 3.76 acres.The site is located at approximately 11505 N.Pennsylvania Street. It is zoned B-5/Business and is located within the West Homeplace Commercial Corridor, High Intensity Overlay Zone. Filed by Kevin Buchheit of Krieg Devault on behalf of the owner, SCB Home Office, LLC. Petitioners: Paul Reis(Krieg Devault)&Michelle Cannon(Architects Forum) • Paul Reis- Since the September 18th Commission we have worked on the architecture,bicycle parking, and the site plan. • Michelle Cannon-The most significant changes are the corner adjustments, specifically,the side facing Pennsylvania St.,and creation of a more inviting entrance. • Michelle showed building materials to the Committee. • Alan Potasnik-This would be facing 116th St?The building on the southeast corner will be demolished? • Paul Reis-No,that building will remain.The proposed building is located on an empty lot. • Michelle Cannon-The materials proposed are a darker brick and classic limestone. The samples I brought are of a rough texture. Smooth face will be used on the building. Indiana limestone would be used,as well as,clear and painted aluminum or steel.The limestone,brick,metal, and glass are a simple mixture of materials. • Paul Reis-Bicycle parking will be present on the north side of the building. It is covered parking.There have been a few other variances granted. One of them required bicycle parking. • Paul Reis-A sign package is still being worked on.To the east is residential uses and signage will not be present. • Michelle Cannon-We expected signage to be simple. • Paul Reis-The spandrel will be worked on with Staff. Department Report: Rachel Keesling • The two outstanding issues were bicycle parking and signage plan.There was a commitment on a previous approval that the petitioner would have covered bicycle parking. That is located in covered space on the north side of the building next to the front door. • At the last meeting the revised building footprint was not on the site plan.It is now. The building has decreased in size,the central core lobby was widened,balcony size was reduced,and more windows were included.The proposed building is a blend of modern and traditional architecture. • The Home Place Overlay stipulates that any proposed building complement existing buildings and requires that entrances must face Pennsylvania St.The overhang included on the most recent renderings accentuates the entrance to comply with this requirement. • The signage can come back at a later date as an ADLS Amendment. • Staff has worked with Tom Jolly,Architect,regarding appropriate locations for future signage. Details can be nailed down later. • The Urban Forester has approved the landscape plan. • Requirements for the lighting plan have been met. There will be 15-ft. parking lot light poles. • The bicycle parking has been finalized. • Staff recommends the petition is sent to the Plan Commission with favorable recommendation. • The variance requested is for the building architecture.A DP Amend is not necessary because the previous DP(Docket No. 16080012 DP/ADLS)is almost identical to what is being proposed.This is more of a modern design and an appropriate mixture of traditional architecture. Staff is in support of the variance request. Committee Comments: John Adams • Why isn't the centerline of the west sidewalk perpendicular to the center of the western steps? Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 7 • Michelle Cannon-The sidewalk should maintain the same angle as the steps. We will correct that. John motions to send Docket Nos. 18070013-14 to Plan Commission with Favorable Recommendation,Tom seconds,motion passes 4-0 Meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM. Nathan Chavez Plan Commission Secretary Alan"o .sn' " Chairman Commercial Committee Minutes 10-02-18 8