HomeMy WebLinkAbout332050 11/13/18 +ur Cqq� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM,ATTORNEY AT LAW CHECK AMOUNT: $****14,383.20* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CHECK NUMBER: 332050 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 11/13/18 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 106 5023990 1018 124.80 OTHER EXPENSES 1081 4340000 1018 140.40 LEGAL FEES 1091 4340000 1018 8,065.98 LEGAL FEES 1125 4340000 1018 6;052.02 LEGAL FEES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER b . CITY OF CARMEL VOUCHER NO. wARRANT NO. An invoice of bill to be properly itemized:must show;kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered,by, Vendor# 115100. . Allowed 20 whom,rates.per day,number-of hours,rate per.hour;number of units;price per unit,etc. .'Grisham, Debra.M. .: Payee Attorney atl.aw LLC 922 East Greyhound Pass : . : do 5um.of$: : Purchase:order# Carmel,'IN 46032 b115100 Grisham, Debra M. Terms Attorney $ , 14,383.20 . ttoey at Law LLC Date t Due 922 East Greyhound:,Pass ON ACCOUNT.OF.APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel, IN .46032 101 General/103.Parks Capital/106 Park Impact./108. ' ESE.I 109 MCC. . . . . PO#oF, Invoice Description. INVOICE NO.. ACCT#rrITLE AMOUNT Dept#' - . ' ' ' ' ' Invoice Date Number (of note atta�ched�invoice(s)or bill(s)) O'#. - Amount 1125. 1018Bard Mebers 11/5/18; 1018. Leal Seices:Oct'18 $ 6,052.02 106 1018 5023990 '.$. 124.80 11/5/18 1018. Legal Services Oct'18 $ .124.80 '. 1081-99 1018 . 4340000 $ -140.40 I hereby certify that the attached.invoice(s),or ' :11/5/18 1018 Legal Services Oct'18 $ 1'40.40 1091 1018 : : 4340000 $ 8,065.98: bill(p)is(are).true and correct and that,the 1:1/5/18 -1018 Legal Services Oct'18 . $ 8,065.98 materials or services itemized thereon for ' which charge is;made were ordered and received except '. -. Do Not Mail $ 14,383.20 Total $ :14,383.20 November 7;2018 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true,and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehiclehighway.fund Signature '20_ Accounts Payable Coordinator Clerk-Treasurer Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Professional Services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDEREDto a'�seri►ce octti s t : yl 83 FROM.10/1/18 THROUGH 10/31/18 P�rovitler: Debra Ml. Grisham.,Attorney at-Law 1125-1-01-4340000 $ -6;254.B2 ca,cst.e; k ,�� 106-5023990 $ 124.80 Address 922 E Gre hound Pass 1081 99 4340000 $ 140.40 Carmel,IWW46,032`� - 1091-4340000. Telephone: 317-690-1597 T;ot lcltotc�rmgt 14,466.20 Email: derishamlaw(@gmail.com" - 1215-4BH Capital Maintenance $ 436.80 ,Total"Clay Tovrnship "" $, ;, 436 80,' Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services $ 14,820.00 ' Inv®ice No: 10.18 Hourly Rate: $156.00 Approval Date I)1(.1205 Service Date Description of Service ours Worked Amount Due 1.0/1/18 Continued work on matters related to the Natural 1.8 $280.80 t a� Gas proposal, including reference'check -� communications and contract review and draft of proposed amended terms for negotiation purposes. Communications to insurance adjuster'regarding 0.3 $46.80 Tort Claim CPWCTRWFDT5614. Communications to insurance adjuster regarding 0.2 $31.20 t v Tort Claim MGRRFDT4342., Prepared for and attended the Agenda and Project 1.3 $202.80 I v meeting.for the 10-9-2018 Regular Park Board. meeting. Met with M,Westermeier and M Klitzing.regarding 0.5 $78.00 lo I various park matters including park project funding. Communications with-A Kostrzewa and from M 0.2 -- $31.20 iv Allen regarding a claim involving a vehicular accident. 10/2/18 Communications with.insurance adjuster, Park .0.6 $93.60 I Officials and Hylant insurance agent regarding Tort Claim CPWCTRWFDT5614. Updated the file. Continued work on proposed amended.terms,for 3.4 $530.40 1,091 negotiation of Natural Gas.Purchas6Agreement- [.5 Hour NC.] Communications regarding Tort Claim 0.4 $62.40 Io 1 CRWCTRWFDT5614. Reviewed law article on immunity and noted 0.2, $31.20 r�l information for Leyndyke lawsuit. 1 Service Date Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due. Communications with A Kostrzewa regarding.Tort. 0.3 $46.80 lot Claim CRWCTRWFDT5614. Communications with outside counsel and M Allen0..7. $109.20 101 regarding deposition scheduling for the Leyndyke lawsuit. Updated the file. Worked on Tort Claim MCCJBFDT8225 and 1 $156.00 10011 multiple communications with CCPR management and staff regarding the same. Worked on review of Park Board Purchasing Rules, 2.4 $374.40 101 in preparation of CAPRA visit. [.5 Hour NC.] .14 . 10/9/18 Multiple communications with D Murphy, K Lyles,. 2.5 :$390.00 1 oq t and J'Isbell regarding the transition to purchase natural gas from a thirdparty supplier and otherwise worked on matters regarding the,natural gas supply contract. [:5 Hour'NC]. Worked on matters-regarding Tort Claim 0.3 . $46.80 10-11 MCCJBFDT8225. Prepared for and participated in,conference call 1.5 $234.00 1 o with M Klitzing and outside counsel regarding the Leyndyke lawsuit depositions scheduled for 10/10/18. Prepared to attend depositions. Prepared for and attended Regular Park Board 11.4 $218.40 i o meeting. 10/10/18 Multiple communications with'CCPR staff and 1 $156.00 r insurance adjuster regarding1dit Claim MCCJBFDT8225. Updated the file. Retrieved and distributed-to...CCPR,management, 1.3 $202.80 109 t response to provided tax exemption document and additional terms for•the gas supply,,contract. Reviewed the same. Met with M Westermeier, K , Baumgartner and M Klitzing regarding contract terms and worked on'response to the same. [:5 Hour NC.] Attended Leyndyke depositions and met with M 3 $468.00 0 01 Westermeier regarding the same. Communications to FCCI insurance.representative 1.5. $234.00 109 1 regarding BCMI and Tort Claim:MCCSKFCU5374. 1.0/11/18 Met with M Westermeier;and M Klitzing regarding Q.5 - $78.00 1 G 1 AS,, various park matters including the.Leyndyke ; 1 oe71 101$0 lawsuit, park funding matters, the Natural Gas RFP and succession planning process.., . Communications with insurance'adjuster and 1.2' $187.20 1v5 CCPR staff regarding Tort Claim MCCJBFDT8225. , Organized file. Communications to M:Westermeier regarding 0.2 $311.20 i v purchasing rules manual. Communications to M Westermeier regarding 0.2 $31.20 .1 v questions related to the Leyndyke lawsuit: 3 Service Date Description of Service -Hours Worked Amount Due Received and reviewed;contract revisions and .0.9 $140.40 o� communications with D Murphy and,CCPR officials regarding, Natural Gas contract terms. Communications with M Allen regarding Leyndyke 0.2 $31.20 I o l lawsuit. Updated the file.. 10/19/18 Continued work on Natural Gas contract terms and 0.5 $78.00 lo 1 communications to D Murphy-'and CCPR management regarding the same. 10/22/18 Received, reviewed<and communications-to D 3 $468.00 I0c71 Murphy regarding Natural_Gas contract terms. [1 Hour NC.] Received city of Carmel email prompting research : 0:4 $62.40 10 and communication to M Klitzing and M Westermeier regarding volunteer hours allowed as exception to Indiana's Ghost employment prohibition. Communications from insurance adjuster, 0.3 $46.80 I,, 1 regarding revised Tort Claim CPWCGPFBS4728. Communications to Park officials regarding the ' same:. Updated the-file.. Received and filed a-verify reports from-Gibraltar 0.3 $46.80 I v(o regarding West Park-The Groves Rebid Project ('WP-TGRP"). Communications with-.CCPR management team.. . 0:8.. . $124.80 ra t regarding CCPR property status for Impact fee _ review. Continued review.for updated information. 10/23/18 Worked on update of tax document review. '0.5,...: $78.00 9 v t Received, reviewed and communications to D 1' $156.00 Murphy regarding gas supply contract terms. Met.. with M Westermeier and communications with R Taylor, D Murphy and K Baumgartner regarding the same. [.5 Hour NC.] Attended special Paris Board meeting and 2.6 $405.60 1 v 1 workshop regarding Master.Plan presentation. 10/24/18 Met with M Westermeier regarding various park 0.5 $78.00 lot matters,.including management succession.issues, park governance, park funding and master planning process. Multiple communications fo D Murphy regarding 2' $312.00 to I d natural gas contract matters. Received and reviewed final contracts and communications to Park officials regarding the same. Prepared and attached Exhibits, obtained M Westermeier's signature, scanned andprovided`the same to D Murphy. [.5 Hour NC:] Worked on draft of 10-23-2018 Special Park Board 1 $156.00 1-1 1 meeting minutes. [1 Hour NC.] 5 Service Date t Description of Service Hours Worked Amount Due Multiple communications with outside litigation 0.7 $109.20 j J( counsel and M Allen regarding Leyndyke deposition notices and scheduling for pre deposition meetings. Communications from E Mehl regarding Tort Claim 0.2 $31.20 1 is MCCJBFDT8225. Received, filed and distributed updated Schneider 0.3 $46.80 lot Corporation insurance certificates on multiple projects. Met with M Westermeier regarding personnel 0.8 $124.80 Iv ► matters and updated the file. 10/30/18 Worked on review and revision of purchasing rules 2.8 $436.80 I o and distribution of draft to Executive management. [1 Hour NC.] Reviewed Central Park.survey and met with M 0.5 $78.00 I d i Westermeier regarding tree limb liability issues in Guilford Park. Received, reviewed, researched and responded to 0.5 $78.00 1 v(.p communications from J Fink of SmithGroup JJR regarding Gibraltar Change Order issues for WP- TGRP. Multiple communications with B Bosma and Park 0.6 $93.60 I o Officials regarding park funding matters. Met with M Westermeier, M Klitzing, and K 0.6 $93.60 I Dgt_9ci Baumgartner regarding ESE personnel matters. 10/31/18 Communications with K Baumgartner regarding 0.3 $46.80 ESE personnel matters. FEE Totals 95 $14,820.00 d Signature: E)e1woL/M. Gr0,;www 7